987 resultados para palealess mutant


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Activating mutations of the FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 gene (FLT3) occur in approximately one-third of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and predict for a poor outcome. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone that is frequently used by cancer cells to stabilise mutant oncoproteins. Mutant FLT3 is chaperoned by Hsp90 in primary AML blasts whereas unmutated FLT3 is not, making Hsp90 inhibitors potentially useful therapeutically. The present study showed that inhibition of Hsp90 by 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG) was cytotoxic to primary AML cells expressing mutant FLT3. Inhibition of Hsp90 results in altered downstream signalling effects in primary AML cells with disruption of Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT), mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3/AKT signalling pathways. Co-treatment of blasts with 17-AAG and cytarabine resulted in a synergistic or additive effect in approximately 50% of AML cases tested. Our results confirm that Hsp90 is a valid molecular target in the therapy of AML. Inhibition of Hsp90 in parallel with conventional AML therapies may have particular benefit in those patients with the poor prognostic FLT3 mutant disease.


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The topoisomerase I inhibitor irinotecan is used to treat advanced colorectal cancer and has been shown to have p53-independent anticancer activity. The aim of this study was to identify the p53-independent signaling mechanisms activated by irinotecan. Transcriptional profiling of isogenic HCT116 p53 wild-type and p53 null cells was carried out following treatment with the active metabolite of irinotecan, SN38. Unsupervised analysis methods showed that p53 status had a highly significant impact on gene expression changes in response to SN38. Pathway analysis indicated that pathways involved in cell motility [adherens junction, focal adhesion, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton] were significantly activated in p53 null cells, but not p53 wild-type cells, following SN38 treatment. In functional assays, SN38 treatment increased the migratory potential of p53 null and p53-mutant colorectal cancer cell lines, but not p53 wild-type lines. Moreover, p53 null SN38-resistant cells were found to migrate at a faster rate than parental drug-sensitive p53 null cells, whereas p53 wild-type SN38-resistant cells failed to migrate. Notably, cotreatment with inhibitors of the MAPK pathway inhibited the increased migration observed following SN38 treatment in p53 null and p53-mutant cells. Thus, in the absence of wild-type p53, SN38 promotes migration of colorectal cancer cells, and inhibiting MAPK blocks this potentially prometastatic adaptive response to this anticancer drug.


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BRCA1 encodes a tumour suppressor protein that plays pivotal roles in homologous recombination (HR) DNA repair, cell-cycle checkpoints, and transcriptional regulation. BRCA1 germline mutations confer a high risk of early-onset breast and ovarian cancer. In more than 80% of cases, tumours arising in BRCA1 germline mutation carriers are oestrogen receptor (ER)-negative; however, up to 15% are ER-positive. It has been suggested that BRCA1 ER-positive breast cancers constitute sporadic cancers arising in the context of a BRCA1 germline mutation rather than being causally related to BRCA1 loss-of-function. Whole-genome massively parallel sequencing of ER-positive and ER-negative BRCA1 breast cancers, and their respective germline DNAs, was used to characterize the genetic landscape of BRCA1 cancers at base-pair resolution. Only BRCA1 germline mutations, somatic loss of the wild-type allele, and TP53 somatic mutations were recurrently found in the index cases. BRCA1 breast cancers displayed a mutational signature consistent with that caused by lack of HR DNA repair in both ER-positive and ER-negative cases. Sequencing analysis of independent cohorts of hereditary BRCA1 and sporadic non-BRCA1 breast cancers for the presence of recurrent pathogenic mutations and/or homozygous deletions found in the index cases revealed that DAPK3, TMEM135, KIAA1797, PDE4D, and GATA4 are potential additional drivers of breast cancers. This study demonstrates that BRCA1 pathogenic germline mutations coupled with somatic loss of the wild-type allele are not sufficient for hereditary breast cancers to display an ER-negative phenotype, and has led to the identification of three potential novel breast cancer genes (ie DAPK3, TMEM135, and GATA4).


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A genetic screen was performed to isolate mutants showing increased arsenic tolerance using an Arabidopsis thaliana population of activation tagged lines. The most arsenic-resistant mutant shows increased arsenate and arsenite tolerance. Genetic analyses of the mutant indicate that the mutant contains two loci that contribute to arsenic tolerance, designated ars4 and ars5. The ars4ars5 double mutant contains a single T-DNA insertion, ars4, which co-segregates with arsenic tolerance and is inserted in the Phytochrome A (PHYA) gene, strongly reducing the expression of PHYA. When grown under far-red light conditions ars4ars5 shows the same elongated hypocotyl phenotype as the previously described strong phyA-211 allele. Three independent phyA alleles, ars4, phyA-211 and a new T-DNA insertion allele (phyA-t) show increased tolerance to arsenate, although to a lesser degree than the ars4ars5 double mutant. Analyses of the ars5 single mutant show that ars5 exhibits stronger arsenic tolerance than ars4, and that ars5 is not linked to ars4. Arsenic tolerance assays with phyB-9 and phot1/phot2 mutants show that these photoreceptor mutants do not exhibit phyA-like arsenic tolerance. Fluorescence HPLC analyses show that elevated levels of phytochelatins were not detected in ars4, ars5 or ars4ars5, however increases in the thiols cysteine, gamma-glutamylcysteine and glutathione were observed. Compared with wild type, the total thiol levels in ars4, ars5 and ars4ars5 mutants were increased up to 80% with combined buthionine sulfoximine and arsenic treatments, suggesting the enhancement of mechanisms that mediate thiol synthesis in the mutants. The presented findings show that PHYA negatively regulates a pathway conferring arsenic tolerance, and that an enhanced thiol synthesis mechanism contributes to the arsenic tolerance of ars4ars5.


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An experimental oral pig model was used to assess the pathogenic and immunogenic potential of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8 wild-type strain 8081-L2 and its lipopolysaccharide (LPS) mutant derivatives: a spontaneous rough mutant 8081-R2, strain 8081-DeltawzzGB expressing O-antigen with uncontrolled chain lengths, and strain 8081-wbcEGB expressing semirough LPS with only one O-unit. Microbiological and immunological parameters of the infected pigs were followed from day 7 to 60 postinfection. The wild-type and all LPS mutant strains persisted in the lymphoid tissue of tonsils and small intestines, causing asymptomatic infection without any pathological changes. Although the pig is known as a reservoir of Yersiniae, a precise analysis of pathogenic and immunogenic parameters based on different in vitro tests (hematological response, killing ability of leukocytes and blood sera, antibody response, hydrogen peroxide production by macrophages, classical and alternative pathways of complement activation), revealed significant attenuation in the pathogenicity of the LPS mutant strains but not the loss of immunogenic potential. In comparison with the other strains, strain 8081-DeltawzzGB demonstrated more continuous leucocytosis with monocytosis, higher invasive potential, significant activation of hydrogen peroxide production by macrophages and an effective immunoglobulin G immune response accompanied by relevant histological immunomorphological rearrangements.


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The means by which airway epithelial cells sense a bacterial infection and which intracellular signalling pathways are activated upon infection are poorly understood. A549 cells and human primary airway cells (NHBE) were used to investigate the response to infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection of A549 and NHBE with K. pneumoniae 52K10, a capsule polysaccharide (CPS) mutant, increased the surface levels of ICAM-1 and caused the release of IL-8. By contrast, the wild-type strain did not elicit these responses. Consistent with a functional role for these responses, there was a correlation between ICAM-1 levels and the number of adherent leukocytes on the epithelial cell surface. In addition, treatment of neutrophils with IL-8 enhanced their ability to kill K. pneumoniae. Strain 52K10 was internalized by A549 cells more efficiently than the wild-type, and when infections with 52K10 were performed in the presence of cytochalasin D the inflammatory response was abrogated. These findings suggest that cellular activation is mediated by bacterial internalization and that CPS prevents the activation through the blockage of bacterial adhesion and uptake. Collectively, the results indicate that bacterial internalization by airway epithelial cells could be the triggering signal for the activation of the innate immune system of the airway. Infection of A549 cells by 52K10 was shown to trigger the nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB. Evidence is presented showing that 52K10 activated IL-8 production through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 pathways and that A549 cells could use soluble CD14 as TLR co-receptor.


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The permeability of the outer membrane (OM) to hydrophobic probes and its susceptibility to bactericidal cationic peptides were investigated for natural rough Brucella ovis and for mutant rough Brucella abortus strains. The OM of B. ovis displayed an abrupt and faster kinetic profile than rough B. abortus during the uptake of the hydrophobic probe N-phenyl-naphthylamine. B. ovis was more sensitive than rough B. abortus to the action of cationic peptides. Bactenecins 5 and 7 induced morphological alterations on the OMs of both rough Brucella strains. B. ovis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) captured considerably more polymyxin B than LPSs from both rough and smooth B. abortus strains. Polymyxin B, poly-L-lysine, and poly-L-ornithine produced a thick coating on the surfaces of both strains, which was more evident in B. ovis than in rough B. abortus. The distinct functional properties of the OMs of these two rough strains correlate with some structural differences of their OMs and with their different biological behaviors in animals and culture cells.


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Transfer of resistance to the phosphorothioamidate herbicide, amiprophosmethyl (APM), from the P-tubulin mutant of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia to the interspecific N, plumbaginifolia (+) N, sylvestris is and to the intertribal N, plumbaginifolia (+) Atropa belladonna somatic hybrids has been demonstrated. Transfer to the recipient species was accomplished by: (1) symmetric hybridisation and (2) asymmetric hybridisation using gamma-irradiation of donor protoplasts. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid origin of the hybrids obtained. It was established that most of them typically inherited no more than three donor chromosomes, although it was possible to obtain symmetric hybrids in the case of symmetric fusion. Immunofluorescent microscopy analysis has shown that protoplasts of the mutant, and of the N. plumbagini-folia (+) N. sylvestris and N. plumbaginifolia (+) A. belladonna hybrids, retained the normal structure of interphase microtubule (MT) arrays and mitotic figures after treatment with 5 mu M APM, whereas MTs of protoplasts of the recipients were destroyed under these conditions. It was also shown that hybrid clones contained an altered beta-tubulin isoform originating from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant. The selected hybrid clones were characterised by cross-resistance to trifluralin, a dinitroaniline herbicide with the same mode of anti-MT action. Some of the somatic hybrids which could flower were fertile. It was established that seeds of some fertile hybrids were able to germinate in the presence of 5 mu M APM. The results obtained thus support the conclusion that the technique of somatic hybridisation, especially asymmetric fusion, can be used to transfer APM resistance from the N. plumbaginifolia mutant to different (related and remote) plant species of the Solanaceae, including important crops.


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Interspecific and intertribal somatic hybrids were obtained to study the composition and function of microtubules in hybrid plants. The amiprophosmethyl-resistant mutant Nicotiana plumbaginifolia L. was used as donor; canamycin-resistant mutants N. sylvestris L. and Atropa belladonna served as recipients. Cytogenetic analysis confirmed the hybrid nature of the clones selected. Immunoflourescent analysis showed that constitutions of mitotic spindles in regenerating protoplast, isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and the mutant N. plunbaginifolia, show no change after a 2-hour treatment with 5 mu M of amiprophosmethyl; in A. belladonna, the division spindle is completely destroyed under these conditions. Tubulin was isolated from the hybrid NpAb-107 and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. The results showed that NpAb-107 has the beta-tubulin isoform specific for N. plumbaginifolia in addition to all isoforms of A. belladonna.


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Jasmonates (JA) act as a regulator in plant growth as well as a signal in plant defense. The Arabidopsis vegetative storage protein (AtVSP) and plant defense-related proteins thionin (Thi2.1) and defensin (PDF1.2) have previously been shown to accumulate in response to JA induction. In this report, we isolated and characterized a novel recessive mutant, cex1, conferring constitutive JA-responsive phenotypes including JA-inhibitory growth and constitutive expression of JA-regulated AtVSP, Thi2.1 and PDF1.2. The plant morphology and the gene expression pattern of the cex1 mutant could be phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with exogenous JA, indicating that CEX1 might be a negative regulator of the JA response pathway.