997 resultados para painel MDF
This work was developed to evalute the physical and mechanical properties of a panel of three particle layers from the test specification of NBR 14810-3 (2006), using wood of Eucalyptus sp. and Eucalyptus saligna and Eucalyptus urograndis bark. The mechanical properties were evaluated to obtain the bending modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Internal bond. The physical properties were obtained thickness sweeling, water absorption, moisture content and board density. Were evaluated four different compositions of panels containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% in the inner layer of bark. The results were compared with the Brazilian standard NBR 14810-2 (2006) and also with studies in the literature. The panels produced were adequate to all the optimal values suggested by the standard only in the composition with 5% skin in the inner layer. The other treatments showed satisfactory results in all tests except for moisture content
Increasingly, the furniture market is competitive. The construction industry presents itself in growth, mainly due to the lines of existing incentives and tax credits established by the government, assisting the impulse to purchase real estate, building materials and furniture. Factors that promote and strengthen the sector's growth. With high demand from the furniture market, demand for higher quality and increasing technological advances, research is often undertaken in search of solutions for process improvement and product features, focusing on the production of materials less harmful to the environment, provision of raw press to lower cost, improve the production process and product development of cost-effective. This research focuses on the comparative study between two materials widely used in furniture manufacturing. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) and MDP (Medium Density Particleboard). The subject provides the focus in furniture production, presenting and comparing data collected from three companies producing panels between physical and mechanical characteristics of the materials, also presenting some of the main factors of influence on the quality of the panels, their features and applications on mobile. The study shows the high potential of using the MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) in furniture designs, as well as MDF (Medium Density Particleboard), favoring the final terms of the project , resulting in better utilization of each material , avoiding waste and increase unnecessary cost . Currently, several projects are developed in MDP and MDF furniture, where there is no relevance to their characteristics regarding their limitations. Many of these furnishings are designed without a specific study of the best use and positioning of each material, with better utilization , favoring collateral design , especially furniture designed exclusively for each environment . The lack of technical ...
This work is the production of particleboard of particles reconstituted from MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) adding particles in the inner layer of Mimosa Scarelli, popularly known as bracatinga, the ratios of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The panel produced is composed of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending strength, shear strength and residual moisture, and testing of particle size not existing in the standard cited. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests were close to the normative specifications indicating positively the production of MDP with wood decay.
Studies on new adhesives and resins for bonding wood and wood products are being conducted with the intention of improving their properties, taking into account a lower environmental impact. For this reason new formulations of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives have been developed, because they have no chemicals in its composition extremely polluting and harmful to health, as is the case of formaldehyde-based resins, which in turn are the most commonly used today for wood panels production. This study tested three different formulations of PVA adhesives, with different times and temperatures of pressing for the production of Eucalyptus sp. Plywood, coming up in satisfactory results with respect to shear strength at the bondline, which was higher for the PVA adhesives compared with urea-formaldehyde and phenol. The results of MOE and MOR were lower than those values of the panels produced with urea and phenol-formaldehyde, and the results of physical tests showed to be close to the panels produced with these same adhesives
The research aimed to produce sheets of particles with waste processing of Eucalyptus sp bonded with urea-formaldehyde and evaluate the effect of pressure variation in the quality of the boards produced. To do so, the Boards made were divided into two treatments depending on the pressing pressure of 30 to 40 kgf / cm². Once pressings, climatized, the particleboards have been sectioned in test samples, and underwent physical-mechanical tests for determining density, swelling and water absorption, modulus of rupture and elasticity in static bending and internal linking. The particleboards pressed at 40 kgf / cm ² showed the best results
Thermosetting resins are very important in the production of MDF panels. They act as an adhesive in the process of compacting and consolidating the fiberboard. Thermoset resins commonly used in this process are based resin urea formaldehyde (UF) and melamine formaldehyde (MF). The first has a higher demand due to its low cost and good performance in meeting the specifications and standards. The second has a high cost compared to MF resin, but adds greater value to the MDF panel, because it gives greater moisture resistance. The process of manufacture of MDF boards was briefly presented in this study to facilitate the understanding of the work. Samples of thermosetting resins (UF and MF) were subjected to physical-chemical seeking to relate these results to the technological performance presented by their respective samples of MDF boards. Two other samples of MDF panels were subjected to physical and mechanical tests. Results were analyzed and related to the award of their respective thermoset resin. Instruments like Dahmos Trend Manager ® and Grecon Dax 5000 and TG - DSC analysis were used in this study to assist in the analysis of the results. It was observed that the results of the analysis of thermosetting resins were within the specified. Such resins do not directly influence the technological tests provided by the MDF panels, but it has been found that the process variables such as humidity and fiber production rate interfere with the performance of the resin accelerating the reaction and therefore their influence on the physical-mechanical properties of the panels MDF. Samples of MDF panels with UF and MF met all the specifications required by the Brazilian standard with regard to the technological quality. The increased demand for UF resin market is justified by the service specifications...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia de construção de um Painel de Monitoramento e Avaliação da Gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). O processo participativo utilizado e a sistematização realizada permitiram identificar uma estratégia efetiva para a construção de instrumentos de gestão em parceria entre pesquisadores, instituições acadêmicas e gestores do SUS. A sistematização final do Painel selecionou indicadores da gestão do SUS em termos de Demandas, Insumos, Processos, Produtos e Resultados de forma a disponibilizar um instrumento simples, ágil e útil para a avaliação em qualquer instância de gestão e mais transparente e de mais fácil comunicação com todos os interessados na tomada de decisão. Tomar a gestão do SUS como objeto destes processos e práticas em seus aspectos normativos possibilitou o diálogo entre teorias sistêmicas e aquelas que consideram a centralidade do ator social no processo de tomada de decisão.
O objetivo no estudo aqui apresentado foi identificar os fatores que determinam a divulgação voluntária ambiental pelas empresas brasileiras potencialmente poluidoras. Para tanto, foram analisa- das as Demonstrações Financeiras Padronizadas (DFPs) e os Relató- rios de Sustentabilidade (RS) do período de 2005 a 2007 das empresas abertas com ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa) e pertencentes a setores de alto impacto ambiental, que compreendem extração e tratamento de minerais; metalúrgico; químico; papel e celulose; indústria de couros e peles; transporte, terminais, depósitos e comércio (de combustíveis, derivados de petróleo e produtos químicos). Com o intuito de explicar a evidenciação ambiental divulgada pelas empresas investigadas, foram formuladas sete hipóteses testadas a partir de instrumentos de análise estatística. Essas hipóteses referem-se a fatores individuais das empresas, que englobam tamanho, rentabilidade, endividamento, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade, internacionalização e publicação do RS. Os resultados mostram que, nos três anos analisados, as 57 empresas que compõem a amostra do estudo evidenciaram um total de 6.182 sentenças ambientais, 73% delas divulgadas nos RS e 27% nas DFPs. A análise de regressão em painel demonstrou que as variáveis tamanho da empresa, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade e publicação do RS são relevantes a um nível de significância de 5% para a explicação do disclosure voluntário de informações ambientais. Concluiu-se que os achados da pesquisa corroboram a teoria positiva da contabilidade, e parcialmente a teoria da legitimidade.
Modelos de apreçamento de ativos têm sido um tema sob constante investigação em finanças. Desde o capital asset pricing model (CAPM) proposto por Sharpe (1964), tais modelos relacionam, geralmente de maneira linear, a taxa de retorno esperada de um ativo ou carteira de ativos com fatores de risco sistêmico. Esta pesquisa apresenta um teste de um modelo de apreçamento, com dados brasileiros, introduzindo em sua formulação fatores de risco baseados em comomentos estatísticos. O modelo proposto é uma extensão do CAPM original acrescido da coassimetria e da cocurtose entre as taxas de retorno das ações das empresas que compõem a amostra e as taxas de retorno da carteira de mercado. Os efeitos de outras variáveis, como o valor de mercado sobre valor contábil, a alavancagem financeira e um índice de negociabilidade em bolsa, serviram de variáveis de controle. A amostra foi composta de 179 empresas brasileiras não financeiras negociadas na BM&FBovespa e com dados disponíveis entre os anos de 2003 a 2007. A metodologia consistiu em calcular os momentos sistêmicos anuais a partir de taxas de retornos semanais e em seguida testá-los em um modelo de apreçamento, a fim de verificar se há um prêmio pelo risco associado a cada uma dessas medidas de risco. Foi empregada a técnica de análise de dados em painel, estimada pelo método dos momentos generalizado (GMM). O emprego do GMM visa lidar com potenciais problemas de determinação simultânea e endogeneidade nos dados, evitando a ocorrência de viés nas estimações. Os resultados das estimações mostram que a relação das taxas de retorno dos ativos com a covariância e a cocurtose são estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados se mostraram robustos a especificações alternativas do modelo. O artigo contribui para a literatura por apresentar evidências empíricas brasileiras de que há um prêmio pelo risco associado aos momentos sistêmicos.