969 resultados para overworked muscles


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We aimed to analyze the changes in isokinetic internal (IR) and external (ER) rotator muscles fatigue (a) in patients with non-operated recurrent anterior instability, and (b) before and after shoulder surgical stabilization with the Bristow-Latarjet procedure. Thirty-seven patients with non-operated unilateral recurrent anterior post-traumatic instability (NG) were compared with 12 healthy subjects [control group (CG)]. Twenty patients with operated recurrent anterior instability group (OG) underwent isokinetic evaluation before and 3, 6, and 21 months after Bristow-Latarjet surgery. IR and ER muscles strength was evaluated with Con-Trex® dynamometer, with subjects seated and at a 45° shoulder abduction angle in scapular plane. IR and ER muscle fatigue was determined after 10 concentric repetitions at 180° · s(-1) through the fatigue index, the percent decrease in performance (DP), and the slope of peak torque decrease. There were no differences in rotator muscles fatigue between NG and CG. In OG, 3 months post-surgery, IR DP of operated shoulder was significantly (P < 0.001) higher than presurgery and 6 and 21 months post-surgery. Rotator muscles fatigability was not associated with recurrent anterior instability. After surgical stabilization, there was a significantly higher IR fatigability in the operated shoulder 3 months post-surgery, followed by recovery evidenced 6 months post-surgery and long-term maintenance over 21 months.


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La faiblesse des muscles respiratoires peut entraîner une dyspnée, un encombrement bronchique et une insuffisance respiratoire potentiellement fatale. L'évaluation de la force musculaire respiratoire s'impose donc dans les affections neuro-musculaires, mais également dans les situations de dyspnée inexpliquée par une première évaluation cardiaque et pulmonaire. À la spirométrie, une faiblesse musculaire est suspectée sur la base de la boucle débit-volume montrant un débit de pointe émoussé et une fin prématurée de l'expiration. Une diminution importante de la capacité vitale en position couchée suggère une paralysie diaphragmatique. La force inspiratoire est mesurée par la pression inspiratoire maximale (PImax) contre une quasi-occlusion des voies aériennes. Ce test relativement difficile est d'interprétation délicate en cas de collaboration insuffisante. La mesure de la pression nasale sniff (SNIP) est une alternative utile, car elle élimine le problème des fuites autour de l'embout buccal et la réalisation du reniflement est facile. De même, la pression trans-diaphragmatique sniff mesure la force du diaphragme au moyen de sondes oesophagienne et gastrique. En cas de collaboration insuffisante, on peut recourir à la stimulation magnétique des nerfs phréniques qui induit une contraction non-volontaire du diaphragme. La force expiratoire est mesurée par la pression expiratoire maximale (PEmax) contre une quasi-occlusion. La force disponible pour tousser est mesurée par la pression gastrique à la toux, ou plus simplement par le débit de pointe à la toux. Chez les patients à risque, la mesure de la force des muscles respiratoires permet d'instaurer à temps une assistance ventilatoire ou à la toux.


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Objectives: Existing VADs are single-ventricle pumps needing anticoagulation. We developed a bi-ventricular external assist device that partially reproduces the physiological muscle function of the heart. This artificial muscle could wrap the heart and improve its contractile force.Methods: The device has a carbon fiber skeleton fitting a 30-40kg patient's heart, to which a Nitinol based artificial muscle is connected. The artificial muscle wraps both ventricles. The Nitinol fibers are woven on a Kevlar mesh surrounding each ventricle. The fibers are electrically driven with a dedicated control unit developed for this purpose. We assessed hemodynamic performances of this device using a previously described dedicated bench test. Volume ejected and pressure gradient have been measured with afterload ranging from 10 to 50mmHg.Results: With an afterload of 50mmHg the system has an ejection fraction of 4% on the right side and 5% on the left side. The system is able to generate a systolic ejection of 2.2mL on the right side and 3.25mL on the left side. With an afterload of 25mmHg the results are reduced of about 20%. The activation frequency can reach 80/minute resulting in a total volume displacement of 176mL/minute on the right side and 260mL/minute on the left side.Conclusions: These preliminary studies confirmed the possibility of improving the ejection fraction of a failing heart using artificial muscle for external cardiac compression avoiding anticoagulation therapy. This device could be helpful in weaning cardio-pulmonary bypass and/or for short-term cardio-circulatory support in pediatric population with cardiac failure.


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BACKGROUND: When and how to operate an early-onset esotropia (onset before 6 months of age) is still controversial. We conducted a retrospective study of such patients operated before the age of 24 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 82 patients were operated by one surgeon (GK) and followed by the same team. At 5 years post-operation, evaluation criteria included the residual angle of deviation, visual acuity (Birkhäuser Nr 505, 5 m) and binocularity (Lang stereotest I, Bagolini glasses). RESULTS: At 5 years, the residual angle was excellent (0 degrees to + 5 degrees ) in 67 % good, (>+5 degrees to +10 degrees or 0 to -5 degrees ) in 23 %, and poor (>+10 degrees or <-5 degrees ) in 10 %. During the 5 years of follow-up the rate of reoperation was 9.7 %. Isoacuity was obtained in 62 %, slight amblyopia (2 lines of interocular difference) was present in 32 %, and average amblyopia (> 3 lines of interocular difference) was noted in 6 %. Simultaneous perception was present in 53 %, whereas one eye was suppressed or results were undetermined in 47 %. No patient demonstrated stereoscopy using the Lang's stereotest I. CONCLUSION: The results from our study demonstrate that early surgery of early-onset esotropia has a favourable outcome on both visual acuity and the residual angle of strabismus. Simultaneous perception was achieved in 53 %. These figures are comparable to the results of the ELISSS multicentric study.


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Objectives: The AMS 800 is the current artifi cial urinary sphincter (AUS) forincontinence due to intrinsic sphincter defi ciency. Despite good clinical results,technical failures inherent to the hydraulic mechanism or urethral ischemicinjury contribute to revisions up to 60%. We are developing an electronic AUS,called ARTUS to overcome the rigors of AMS. The objective of this study wasto evaluate the technical effi cacy and tissue tolerance of the ARTUS systemin an animal model.Methods: The ARTUS is composed by three parts: thecontractile unit, a series of rings and an integrated microprocessor. The contractileunit is made of Nitinol fi bers. The rings are placed around the urethrato control the fl ow of urine by squeezing the urethra. They work in a sequentialalternative mode and are controlled by a microprocessor. In the fi rst phase athree-rings device was used while in the second phase a two-rings ARTUS wasused. The device was implanted in 14 sheep divided in two groups of six andeight animals for study purpose. The fi rst group aimed at bladder leak pointpressure (BLPP) measurement and validation of the animal model; the secondgroup aimed at verifying midterm tissue tolerance by explants at twelve weeks.General animal tolerance was also evaluated.Results: The ARTUS systemimplantation was uneventful. When the system was activated, the BLPP wasmeasured at 1.038 ± 0.044 bar (mean ± SD). Urethral tissue analysis did notshow signifi cant morphological changes. No infection and no sign of discomfortwere noted in animals at 12 weeks.Conclusions: The ARTUS proved to beeffective in continence achievement in this study. Histological results supportour idea that a sequential alternative mode can avoid urethral atrophy andischemia. Further technical developments are needed to verify long-termoutcome and permit human use.


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Single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) is useful in the evaluation of disorders of neuromuscular transmission and the assessment of motor unit morphology. Standard EMG techniques are used routinely in the evaluation of laryngeal dysfunction, but the feasibility of laryngeal SFEMG has not been established. We, therefore, performed laryngeal SFEMG in 10 normal individuals to demonstrate the feasibility of the technique and generate preliminary normative data. We also studied 2 patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and 1 patient previously treated with botulinum toxin for comparative purposes.


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Rat hindlimb muscles constitutively express the inducible heat shock protein 72 (Hsp70), apparently in proportion to the slow myosin content. Since it remains controversial whether chronic Hsp70 expression reflects the overimposed stress, we investigated Hsp70 cellular distribution in fast muscles of the posterior rat hindlimb after (1) mild exercise training (up to 30 m/min treadmill run for 1 h/day), which induces a remodeling in fast fiber composition, or (2) prolonged exposure to normobaric hypoxia (10%O(2)), which does not affect fiber-type composition. Both conditions increased significantly protein Hsp70 levels in the skeletal muscle. Immunohistochemistry showed the labeling for Hsp70 in subsets of both slow/type 1 and fast/type 2A myofibers of control, sedentary, and normoxic rats. Endurance training increased about threefold the percentage of Hsp70-positive myofibers (P < 0.001), and changed the distribution of Hsp70 immunoreactivity, which involved a larger subset of both type 2A and intermediate type 2A/2X myofibers (P < 0.001) and vascular smooth muscle cells. Hypoxia induced Hsp70 immunoreactivity in smooth muscle cells of veins and did not increase the percentage of Hsp70-positive myofibers; however, sustained exposure to hypoxia affected the distribution of Hsp70 immunoreactivity, which appeared detectable in a very small subset of type 2A fibers, whereas it concentrated in type 1 myofibers (P < 0.05) together with the labeling for heme-oxygenase isoform 1, a marker of oxidative stress. Therefore, the chronic induction of Hsp70 expression in rat skeletal muscles is not obligatory related to the slow fiber phenotype but reveals the occurrence of a stress response.


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Dystrophin mediates a physical link between the cytoskeleton of muscle fibers and the extracellular matrix, and its absence leads to muscle degeneration and dystrophy. In this article, we show that the lack of dystrophin affects the elasticity of individual fibers within muscle tissue explants, as probed using atomic force microscopy (AFM), providing a sensitive and quantitative description of the properties of normal and dystrophic myofibers. The rescue of dystrophin expression by exon skipping or by the ectopic expression of the utrophin analogue normalized the elasticity of dystrophic muscles, and these effects were commensurate to the functional recovery of whole muscle strength. However, a more homogeneous and widespread restoration of normal elasticity was obtained by the exon-skipping approach when comparing individual myofibers. AFM may thus provide a quantification of the functional benefit of gene therapies from live tissues coupled to single-cell resolution.


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Objective: Existing VADs are single-ventricle pumps needing anticoagulation. We developed a bi ventricular external assist device that reproduces the physiological heart muscle movement completely avoiding anticoagulants. Methods: The device has a carbon fibre skeleton fitting a 30-40 kg patient's heart, to which a Nitinol based artificial muscle is connected. The artificial muscle wraps both ventricles. The strength of the Nitinol fibres is amplified by a pivot articulation in contact with the ventricle wall. The fibres are electrically driven and a dedicated control unit has been developed. We assessed hemodynamic performances of this device using a previously described dedicated bench test. Volume ejected and pressure gradient has been measured with afterload ranging from 25 to 50mmHg. Results: With anafterload of 50mmHg the system has an ejection fraction (EF) of 10% on the right side and 8% on the left side. The system is able to generate a systolic ejection of 5,5 ml on the right side and 4,4 ml on the left side. With anafterload of 25mmHg the results are reduced of about 20%. The activation frequency is 80/minute resulting in a total volume displacement of 440 ml/minute on the right side and 352 ml/minute on the left side. Conclusions: The artificial muscle follows Starling's law as the ejected volume increases when afterload increases. These preliminary studies confirmed the possibility of improving the EF of a failing heart using artificial muscle for external cardiac compression. This device could be helpful in weaning CPB and/or for short-term cardio-circulatory support in paediatric population with cardiac failure.


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Introduction: La survenue d'une hémorragie dans les muscles iliopsoasconstitue une pathologie grave, dont le diagnostic est souventtardif et grevé d'une morbidité importante. Sa présentation cliniquedoit être reconnue précocement, en particulier par les médecins depremier recours.Cas clinique: Un patient de 65 ans est admis aux urgences en raisonde douleurs invalidantes de la jambe droite, prédominant sur la faceantérieure de la cuisse. Les douleurs irradient dans le pli inguinal, leflanc, la région lombaire, ainsi que la hanche droite. Elles sont associéesà une parésie du quadriceps droit. Le patient a bénéficié en2006 d'un remplacement de valve aortique, avec implantation d'unevalve mécanique motivant une anticoagulation par acenocoumarol.Il présente par ailleurs une parésie sur le territoire du nerf sciatiquedroit, après fracture du bassin en 1970. Le diagnostic est évoqué auvu d'une antioagulation supra-thérapeutique (INR 5).Un CT-scan de l'abdomen confirmera un important hématome(11 x 7 cm) du muscle iliaque droit (fig. 1) qui sera drainé chirurgicalement,après réversion partielle de la crase, permettant une évolutionfavorable.Discussion: Les hématomes des muscles ilio-psoas surviennentclassiquement de manière spontanée. Les symptômes sont peu spécifiques,à type de douleurs diffuses abdominales, lombaires ou crurales,de paresthésies, de limitation fonctionnelle ou de chute isoléede l'hémoglobine (Hb). Les patients sous anticoagulants (héparine,acenocoumarol) ou présentant des troubles de la coagulation (hémophilie,thrombopathie, maladie de von Willebrand) sont particulièrementà risque. Les complications sont fréquentes: compressions dunerf fémoral (avec hypoesthésie, parésie du quadriceps ou abolitiondu réflexe rotulien), anémie, état de choc. Le traitement implique lacorrection des troubles de la coagulation, ainsi qu'un suivi clinique,radiologique et biologique (Hb) régulier. Le traitement conservateurest proposé lors d'hématome de petite taille, si le patient est stable etpeu symptomatique. Dans les autres cas, un drainage chirurgical parvoie ouverte ou par voie percutanée est recommandé. L'embolisationartérielle s'affiche comme une future option thérapeutique.Conclusions: Ce cas illustre les différents éléments cliniques etbiologiques qui orientent précocement vers le diagnostic d'hématomedes muscles ilio-psoas. Il devrait favoriser l'évocation d'une pathologierare, permettant de garantir un diagnostic précoce.


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The effect of caponisation on fat composition by parts (wing, breast, thigh, and drumstick) and tissues (skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue, intermuscular adipose tissue and muscle) was examined in the present study and fatty acid profiles of abdominal fat and edible meat by parts and tissue components were determined. The sample was made up of twenty-eight castrated and twenty male Penedesenca Negra chicks reared under free-range conditions and slaughtered at 28 wk of age; the birds were castrated at four or eight weeks. Caponisation significantly increased (P < 0.01) the chemical fat content in all parts (16.31% to 37.98% in breast; 21.98% to 34.13% in wing; 21.09% to 49.57% in thigh; 14.33% to 24.82% in drumstick) and led to minor modifications in fat haracteristics, particularly in the thigh and the drumstick, where the unsaturated vs. saturated fatty acid ratio increased from 1.31 to 1.76 ( P < 0.01) and from 1.48 to 2.07 (P < 0.01), respectively. Delaying the age of castration from 4 to 8 weeks increased this ratio by 0.35 in the edible meat. Even though the profile of the abdominal fat is less saturated in capons, all changes occurring on fat quality after caponisation indicate that increased fatness after castration does not imply worse fat nutritional properties.