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The aim of this study was the evaluation of the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy on the decontamination of artificially induced carious bovine dentin, using Photoge(R) as the photosensitizer agent and an LED device as a light source. Dentin samples obtained from bovine incisors were immersed in sterile broth supplemented by Lactobacillus acidophillus 10(8) colony formation units (CFU) and Streptococcus mutans 10 8 CFU. Different concentrations of photosensitizer, PA = 1 mg/ml, PB = 2 mg/ml, and PC = 3 mg/ml, and two fluences, D = 24 J/cm(2) and D = 48 J/cm(2), were investigated. After CFU counting per milligram of carious dentin and statistical analysis, we observed that the photodynamic therapy (PDT) parameters used were effective for bacterial reduction in the in vitro model under study. The best result was achieved with the application of Photoge(R) at 2 mg/ml and photoactivated under 24 J/cm(2) showing a survival factor of 0.14. At higher photosensitizer concentrations, a higher dark toxicity was observed. We propose a simple mathematical expression for the determination of PDT parameters of photosensitizer concentration and light fluence for different survival factor values. Since LED devices are simpler and cheaper compared to laser systems, it would be interesting to verify their efficacy as a light source in photodynamic therapy for the decontamination of carious dentin.


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The isotherms of adsorption of CuX2 (X = Cl-, Br, ClO4-,) by silica gel chemically modified with thiazolidine-2-thione were studied in acetone (ac) and ethanol (eth) solutions at 25 degrees C. The following equilibrium constants (in 1 mol(-1)) were determined: a) CuCl2, 1.9 x 10(3) (ac), 1.6 x 10(3) (eth); b) CuBr2, 1.7 x 10(3) (ac), 1.2 x 10(3) (eth); c) Cu(ClO4)(2), 1.1 x 10(3) (ac), 1.0 x 10(3) (eth). The electron spin resonance spectra of the surface complexes indicate a tetragonal distorted structure in the case of lower degrees of metal loading on the chemically modified surface. The d-d electronic transition spectra show that for the ClO4- complex, the peak of absorption did not change for any degree of metal loading, and for Cl- and Br complexes, the peak maxima shift to higher energy with lower metal loading.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the thermal effects caused by 810 nm 1.2 W diode laser irradiation of periodontal tissues. Despite all data available concerning the laser application for periodontal treatment, one of the most relevant challenges is to prevent the harmful tissue heating induced by different clinical protocols. Periodontal pockets were induced at molars in 96 rats. Several irradiation powers under CW mode were investigated: 0, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 mW. The pockets were irradiated using a 300 A mu m frontal illumination fiber. The animals were killed at 4 or 10 days after irradiation. The mandible was surgically removed and histologically processed. The histological sections stained with H/E demonstrated that irradiation parameters up to 1000 mW were thermally safe for the periodontal tissues. The sections stained with Brown & Brenn technique evidenced bacteria in the periodontal tissues. Consequently, the diode laser irradiation as a unique treatment was not capable to eliminate bacteria of the biofilm present in the pockets. According to the methodology used here, it was concluded that the thermal variation promoted by a diode laser can cause damage to periodontal tissues depending on the energy density used. The 1.2 W diode laser irradiation itself does not control the bacteria present in the biofilm of the periodontal pockets without mechanical action. The knowledge of proper high intensity laser parameters and methods of irradiation for periodontal protocols may prevent any undesirable thermal damage to the tissues.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the influence of light-curing units (LCUs) on Knoop microhardness (KHN) of different composite resins formulations. Four LCUs, one Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen (QTH) for 20 s, one Argon-Ion-Laser (AL) for 10 s, one Plasma-Arc-Curing (PAC) for 9 s, and one Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) for 20 s, and three composite resins, nanofill and easy cure (Filtek (TM) Supreme), microhybrid and medium cure (Herculite XRV), and microfill and difficult cure (Heliomolar) were used. Discs (4 x 2 mm(2)) of each composite resin were divided in 12 Groups and KHN was measured at the top (T) and bottom (B) surfaces. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Top presented significantly higher KHN than bottom surface for all composite resins and LCUs tested. Statistical significant differences were observed among the LCUs. At the bottom surface QTH and LED presented higher KHN than PAC and LA. However, at the top surface PAC and LA presented similar results than QTH for nanofill and microhybrid composite resins. Different LCUs play an important effect on Knoop microhardness and the composite resin formulations were significant factor on the photosensitivity.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the polymerization effectiveness of a composite resin (Z-250) utilizing microhardness testing. In total, 80 samples with thicknesses of 2 and 4 mm were made, which were photoactivated by a conventional halogen light-curing unit, and light-curing units based on LED. The samples were stored in water distilled for 24 h at 37C. The Vickers microhardness was performed by the MMT-3 microhardness tester. The microhardness means obtained were as follows: G1, 72.88; G2, 69.35; G3, 67.66; G4, 69.71; G5, 70.95; G6, 75.19; G7, 72.96; and G8, 71.62. The data were submitted to an analysis of variance (ANOVA's test), adopting a significance level of 5%. The results showed that, in general, there were no statistical differences between the halogen and LED light-curing units used with the same parameters.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of different light sources for in-office bleaching on surface microhardness of human enamel. One hundred and five blocks of third molars were distributed among seven groups. The facial enamel surface of each block was polished and baseline Knoop microhardness of enamel was assessed with a load of 25 g for 5 s. Subsequently, the enamel was treated with 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent and photo-activated with halogen light (group A) during 38 s, LED (group B) during 360 s, and high intensity diode laser (group C) during 4 s. The groups D (38 s), E (360 s), and F (4 s) were treated with the bleaching agent without photo-activated. The control (group G) was only kept in saliva without any treatment. Microhardness was reassessed after 1 day of the bleaching treatment, and after 7 and 21 days storage in artificial saliva. The mean percentage and standard deviation of microhardness in Knoop Hardness Number were: A 97.8 +/- 13.1 KHN; B 95.5 +/- 12.7 KHN; C 84.2 +/- 13.6 KHN; D 128.6 +/- 20.5 KHN; E 133.9 +/- 14.2 KHN; F 123.9 +/- 14.2 KHN; G 129.8 +/- 18.8 KHN. Statistical analysis (p < 0.05; Tukey test) showed that microhardness percentage values were significantly lower in the groups irradiated with light when compared with the non-irradiated groups. Furthermore, the non-irradiated groups showed that saliva was able to enhance the microhardness during the measurement times. The enamel microhardness was decreased when light sources were used during the bleaching process and the artificial saliva was able to increase microhardness when no light was used.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of two light-curing units (QTH and LED) on microleakage of Class II composite resin restorations with dentin cavosurface margins. Twenty extracted mandibular first premolars, free of caries and fractures were prepared two vertical slot cavities in the occluso-mesial and -destal surfaces (2 mm buccal-lingually, 2 mm proximal-axially and cervical limit in enamel) and divided into 4 equal groups (n = 8): GI and GII: packable posterior composite light-activated with LED and QTH, respectively; GIII and GIV: micro-hybrid composite resin light-activated with LED and QTH, respectively. The composite resins were applied following the manufacturer's instructions. After 24 h of water storage specimens were subjected to thermocycling for a total of 500 cycles at 5 and 55A degrees C and the teeth were then sealed with impermeable material. Teeth were immersed in 0.5% Basic fuchsin during 24 h at room temperature, and zero to three levels of penetration score were attributed. The Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests showed significant statistically similar (P > 0.05) from GI to GII and GIII to GIV, which the GII (2.750) had the highest mean scores and the GIII and GIV (0.875) had lowest mean scores. The use of different light-curing units has no influence on marginal integrity of Class II composite resin restorations and the proprieties of composite resins are important to reduce the microleakage.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dentin hipersensitivity (DH) is a relatively common clinical condition, especially in periodontal patients after treatment. In this study it was evaluated 28 teeth who presented dentin hypersensitivity. The teeth were subjected to clinical and radiographic exams and were divided into groups following the treatment and the time of examination after application proposed: GI: PO 3% (Potassium Oxalate-group control)/Baseline; GII: PO 3%/3 days after first session; GIII: PO 3%/6 days; GIV: PO 3%/30 days; GV: PO 3%/60 days; GVI: PO 3%/90 days; GVII: Laser (Low-level diode laser with 110 mW/cm(2))/Baseline; GVIII: Laser/7 days after first session; GIX: Laser/14 days; GX: Laser/30 days; GXI: Laser/60 days; and GXII: Laser/90 days. The groups I-VI, the teeth were subjected to 3 applications (GI-GIII) of desensitizing agent at regular intervals of seven days. The Groups VII-XI, each tooth was subjected to three applications (GVII GIX) in three different points (mesial, meddle and distal surfaces) with an interval of 72 h. The time of application in each point was of 33 s and the patients from both groups were followed up to 90 days. The nonparametric test Friedman (alpha = 0.05) was applied and the test of Mann Whitney (alpha = 0.05) was used to compare the time of examination between groups. The application of Laser was effective 6 days after first session and to PO was 30 days. It was observed that both treatments were effective for the reduction of dentin hypersensitivity, however the laser presented better effectiveness.