1000 resultados para openhole conditions


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Slumping of hardsetting seedbeds upon wetting has not been extensively studied despite the likelihood that it determines the physical properties after drying. Slumping results from processes similar to those involved in crusting except that overburden pressure can dominate rather than rainfall kinetic energy. Only a few studies have dealt with the morphological description of slumping. To simulate different climatic and management conditions, repacked seedbeds of a hardsetting sandy-loam soil were subjected to a range of wetting conditions, e.g. capillary rise, immersion, and rainfall simulation. Slumping processes were characterized using qualitative and quantitative micromorphological observations of polished blocks and thin sections from resin-impregnated samples. A morphogenetical framework was proposed to help description of the complex associations of processes which can lead to structural collapse (crusting and slumping) on wetting. Three main stages were considered, i.e. aggregate disruption or abrasion, relocation of the released material, and compaction. In the hardsetting material studied here, structural collapse under slow wetting occurred at the bottom of cores due to aggregate coalescence under overburden pressure. Coalescence required aggregate cohesion being reduced by microcracking; therefore, it differed from the coalescence previously described in unstable silty loam soils where microcracking was not necessary for aggregates to coalesce. Macroporosity decreased most strongly under fast wetting due to physical dispersion and aggregate breakdown. Under simulated rainfall, compaction by raindrops could not be distinguish from aggregate breakdown. The role of overburden pressure and of rainfall kinetic energy remains to be stated; new data are required including measurement of total porosity in the initial, wet, and dry states. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Existing evidence suggests that family interventions can be effective in reducing relapse rates in schizophrenia and related conditions. Despite this, such interventions are not routinely delivered in Australian mental health services. The objective of the current study is to investigate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of introducing three types of family interventions, namely: behavioural family management (BFM); behavioural intervention for families (BIF); and multiple family groups (MFG) into current mental health services in Australia. Method: The ICER of each of the family interventions is assessed from a health sector perspective, including the government, persons with schizophrenia and their families/carers using a standardized methodology. A two-stage approach is taken to the assessment of benefit. The first stage involves a quantitative analysis based on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. The second stage involves application of 'second filter' criteria (including equity, strength of evidence, feasibility and acceptability to stakeholders) to results. The robustness of results is tested using multivariate probabilistic sensitivity analysis. Results: The most cost-effective intervention, in order of magnitude, is BIF (A$8000 per DALY averted), followed by MFG (A$21 000 per DALY averted) and lastly BFM (A$28 000 per DALY averted). The inclusion of time costs makes BFM more cost-effective than MFG. Variation of discount rate has no effect on conclusions. Conclusions: All three interventions are considered 'value-for-money' within an Australian context. This conclusion needs to be tempered against the methodological challenge of converting clinical outcomes into a generic economic outcome measure (DALY). Issues surrounding the feasibility of routinely implementing such interventions need to be addressed.


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in the Apis mellifera post-genomic era, RNAi protocols have been used in functional approaches. However, sample manipulation and invasive methods such as injection of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) can compromise physiology and survival. To circumvent these problems, we developed a non-invasive method for honeybee gene knockdown, using a well-established vitellogenin RNAi system as a model. Second instar larvae received dsRNA for vitellogenin (dsVg-RNA) in their natural diet. For exogenous control, larvae received dsRNA for GFP (dsGFP-RNA). Untreated larvae formed another control group. Around 60% of the treated larvae naturally developed until adult emergence when 0.5 mu g of dsVg-RNA or dsGFP-RNA was offered while no larvae that received 3.0 mu g of dsRNA reached pupal stages. Diet dilution did not affect the removal rates. Viability depends not only on the delivered doses but also on the internal conditions of colonies. The weight of treated and untreated groups showed no statistical differences. This showed that RNAi ingestion did not elicit drastic collateral effects. Approximately 90% of vitellogenin transcripts from 7-day-old workers were silenced compared to controls. A large number of samples are handled in a relatively short time and smaller quantities of RNAi molecules are used compared to invasive methods. These advantages culminate in a versatile and a cost-effective approach. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the ability of pioneer and late-successional species to adapt to a strong light environment in a reforestation area, we examined the activities of antioxidant enzymes in relation to photosystem chlorophyll a fluorescence and photosynthetic pigment concentration for eight tropical tree species grown under 100% (sun) and 10% (shade) sunlight irradiation. The pioneer (early-succession) species (PS) were Cecropia pachystachya, Croton urucurana, Croton floribundus and Schinus terebinthifolius. The non-pioneer (late succession) species (LS) were Hymenaea courbaril L var. stilbocarpa, Esenbeckia leiocarpa, Cariniana legalis and Tabebuia roseo-alba. We observed a greater decline in the ratio of variable to maximum chlorophyll a fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)) under full sunlight irradiation in the late-successional species than in the pioneer species. The LS species most sensitive to high irradiance were C. legalis and H. courbaril. In LS species, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll concentrations were higher in the shade-grown plants than in plants that developed under full sunlight, but in the PS species C. floribundus and C. pachystachya, we did not observe significant changes in chlorophyll content when grown in the two contrasting environments. The carotenoids/total chlorophyll ratio increased significantly when plants developed under high-sunlight irradiation, but this response was not observed in the PS species S. terebinthifolius and C. pachystachya. The improved performance of the pioneer species in high sunlight was accompanied by an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD. EC activity, though no light-dependent increase in the activity of ascorbate peroxidase (APX. EC was observed. The activity of catalase (CAT, EC was reduced by high irradiation in both pioneer and late-successional species. Our results show that pioneer species perform better under high-sunlight irradiation than late-successional species, as indicated by increased SOD activity and a higher F IF,, ratio. C. legalis was the LS species most susceptible to photoinhibition under full sunlight conditions. These results suggest that pioneer plants have more potential tolerance to photo-oxidative damage than late-successional species associated with the higher SOD activity found in pioneer species. Reduced photoinhibition in pioneer species probably results from their higher photosynthetic capacities, as has been observed in a previous survey carried out by our group. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dust storm of 23 October 2002 covered most of eastern Australia and carried one of the largest recorded dust loads in Australia. In the 6 months leading up to the event, severe drought conditions in eastern Australia, plus above average maximum temperatures resulted in high potential evapo-transpiration rates, producing severe soil moisture deficits and reduced vegetation cover. Although increased wind speeds associated with a fast moving cold front were the meteorological driving force, these winds speeds were lower than those for the previously documented large dust storms. The dust storm was 2400 km long, up to 400 km across and 1.5-2.5 km in height. The plume area was estimated at 840,860 km 2 and the dust load at 0900 h was 3.35-4.85 million tones (Mt). These dust load estimates are highly sensitive to assumptions, regarding visibility-dust concentration relationships, vertical dust concentration profiles and dust ceilings. The event is examined using meteorological records, remote sensing and air quality monitoring. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work is concerned with implicit second order abstract differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Assuming that the involved operators satisfy sonic compactness properties, we establish the existence of local mild solutions, the existence of global mild solutions and the existence of asymptotically almost periodic solutions.


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We discuss the existence of mild, classical and strict solutions for a class of abstract differential equations with nonlocal conditions. Our technical approach allows the study of partial differential equations with nonlocal conditions involving partial derivatives or nonlinear expressions of the solution. Some concrete applications to partial differential equations are considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of biomonitoring programs based on the macroinvertebrate community requires the understanding of species distribution patterns, as well as of the responses of the community to anthropogenic stressors. In this study, 49 metrics were tested as potential means of assessing the condition of 29 first- and second-order streams located in areas of differing types of land use in So Paulo State, Brazil. Of the sampled streams, 15 were in well-preserved regions in the Atlantic Forest, 5 were among sugarcane cultivations, 5 were in areas of pasture, and 4 were among eucalyptus plantations. The metrics were assessed against the following criteria: (1) predictable response to the impact of human activity; (2) highest taxonomic resolution, and (3) operational and theoretical simplicity. We found that 18 metrics were correlated with the environmental and spatial predictors used, and seven of these satisfied the selection criteria and are thus candidates for inclusion in a multimetric system to assess low-order streams in So Paulo State. These metrics are family richness; Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) richness; proportion of Megaloptera and Hirudinea; proportion of EPT; Shannon diversity index for genus; and adapted Biological Monitoring Work Party biotic index.


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Tumours of the brachial plexus region are rare and most publications are case reports or studies with a small series of patients. The aim of this study is to present our experience in managing these lesions. We review 18 patients with tumours in the brachial plexus region submitted to surgical treatment in a 6 year period, including their clinical presentation, neuro-imaging data, surgical findings and outcome. The tumours comprised a heterogeneous group of lesions, including schwannomas, neurofibromas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour (MPNST), sarcomas, metastases, desmoids and an aneurysmal bone cyst. The most common presentation was an expanding lump (83.33%). Eleven tumours were benign and 7 were malignant. Neurofibromatosis was present in only 2 patients (11.11%). Gross total resection was achieved in 14 patients and sub-total resection in the others. Only 3 patients presented with new post-operative motor deficits. The incidence of complications was low (16.5 %). The majority of tumours were benign and most of them could be excised with a low incidence of additional deficits. Some of the malignant tumours could be controlled by surgery plus adjuvant therapy, but this category is still associated with high morbidity and mortality rates.


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Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells are widely used for the large scale production of recombinant biopharmaceuticals. Growth of the CHO-K1 cell line has been demonstrated in serum-free medium containing insulin, transferrin and selenium. In an attempt to get autocrine growth in protein-free medium, DNA coding for insulin and transferrin production was transfected into CHO-K1 cells. Transferrin was expressed well, with clones secreting approximately 1000 ng/10(6)cells/24h. Insulin was poorly expressed, with rates peaking at 5 ng/10(6)cells/24h. Characterisation of the secreted insulin indicated that the CHO cells were incompletely processing the insulin molecule. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to introduce a furin (prohormone converting enzyme) recognition sequence into the insulin molecule, allowing the production of active insulin. However, the levels were still too low to support autocrine growth. Further investigations revealed insulin degrading activity (presumably due to the presence of insulin degrading enzymes) in the cytoplasm of CHO cells. To overcome these problems insulin-like growth factor I (instead of insulin) was transfected into the cells. IGF-1 was completely processed and expressed at rates greater than 500 ng/10(6)cells/24h. In this paper we report autonomous growth of the transfected CHO-K1 cell line expressing transferrin and IGF-1 in protein-free medium without the addition of exogenous growth factors. Growth rates and final cell densities of these cells were identical to that of the parent cell line CHO-K1 growing in insulin, transferrin, and selenium supplemented serum-free media.


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The value of a seasonal forecasting system based on phases of the Southern Oscillation was estimated for a representative dryland wheat grower in the vicinity of Goondiwindi. In particular the effects on this estimate of risk attitude and planting conditions were examined. A recursive stochastic programming approach was used to identify the grower's utility-maximising action set in the event of each of the climate patterns over the period 1894-1991 recurring In the imminent season. The approach was repeated with and without use of the forecasts. The choices examined were, at planting, nitrogen application rate and cultivar and, later in the season, choices of proceeding with or abandoning each wheat activity, The value of the forecasting system was estimated as the maximum amount the grower could afford to pay for its use without expected utility being lowered relative to its non use.