819 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits


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Background and aim: Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and diet have been involved as significant factors towards the prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases. This study aimed to assess the impact of the combined associations of CRF and adherence to the Southern European Atlantic Diet (SEADiet) on the clustering of metabolic risk factors in adolescents. Methods and Results: A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted on 468 adolescents aged 15-18, from the Azorean Islands, Portugal. We measured fasting glucose, insulin, total cholesterol (TC), HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, waits circumference and height. HOMA, TC/HDL-C ratio and waist-to-height ratio were calculated. For each of these variables, a Z-score was computed by age and sex. A metabolic risk score (MRS) was constructed by summing the Z scores of all individual risk factors. High risk was considered when the individual had 1SD of this score. CRF was measured with the 20 m-Shuttle-Run- Test. Adherence to SEADiet was assessed with a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Logistic regression showed that, after adjusting for potential confounders, unfit adolescents with low adherence to SEADiet had the highest odds of having MRS (OR Z 9.4; 95%CI:2.6e33.3) followed by the unfit ones with high adherence to the SEADiet (OR Z 6.6; 95% CI: 1.9e22.5) when compared to those who were fit and had higher adherence to SEADiet.


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BACKGROUND: Some studies have reported an inverse association between dairy product (DP) consumption and weight or fat mass loss. OBJECTIVES: The objective of our study was to assess the association between DP intake and abdominal obesity (AO) among Azorean adolescents. SUBJECTS/METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional analysis. A total of 903 adolescents (370 boys) aged 15--16 years was evaluated. Anthropometric measurements were collected (weight, height and waist circumference (WC)) and McCarthy’s cut-points were used to categorize WC. AO was defined when WC was X90th percentile. Adolescent food intake was assessed using a self-administered semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and DP intake was categorized in o2 and X2 servings/day. Data were analyzed separately for girls and boys, and logistical regression was used to estimate the association between DPs and AO adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: The prevalence of AO was 54.9% (boys: 32.1% and girls: 70.7%, Po0.001). For boys and girls, DP consumption was 2.3±1.9 and 2.1±1.6 servings/day (P¼0.185), respectively. In both genders, the proportion of adolescents with WC o90th percentile was higher among individuals who reported a dairy intake of X2 servings/day compared with those with an intake o2 servings/day (boys: 71% vs 65% and girls: 36% vs 24%, Po0.05). After adjustments for confounders, two or more DP servings per day were a negative predictor of AO (odds ratio, 0.217; 95% confidence interval, 0.075 -- 0.633) only in boys. CONCLUSION: We found a protective association between DP intake and AO only in boys.


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INTRODUCTION: Neuroimaging studies suggest that obese people might show hyperactivity of brain areas regarding reward processing, and hypoactivity of brain areas concerning cognitive control, when exposed to food cues. Although the effects of bariatric surgery on the central nervous system and eating behavior are well known, few studies have used neuroimage techniques with the aim of investigating the central effects of bariatric surgery in humans. OBJECTIVES: This paper systematically and critically reviews studies using functional neuroimaging to investigate changes on the patterns of activation of central areas related to the regulation of eating behavior after bariatric surgery. METHOD: A search on the databases Medline, Web of Science, Lilacs and Science Direct on Line, was conducted in February 2013, using the keywords "Neuroimaging", "Positron-Emission Tomography", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging", "Gastric Bypass", "Gastroplasty", "Jejunoileal Bypass", "Bariatric Surgery". RESULTS: Seven manuscripts were included; the great majority studied the central effects of Roux en Y gastric bypass, using positron emission tomography or functional magnetic resonance. CONCLUSIONS: Bariatric surgery might normalize the activity of central areas concerned with reward and incentive salience processing, as the nucleus accumbens and mesencephalic tegmental ventral area, as well as circuitries processing behavioral inhibition, as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


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BACKGROUND: Screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recommended as part of the preoperative assessment of obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of oximetry alone versus portable polygraphy in the preoperative screening for OSA. METHODS: Polygraphy (type III portable monitor) and oximetry data recorded as part of the preoperative assessment before bariatric surgery from 68 consecutive patients were reviewed. We compared the sensitivity of 3% or 4% desaturation index (oximetry alone) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; polygraphy) to diagnose OSA and classify the patients as normal (<10 events per hour), mild to moderate (10-30 events per hour), or severe (>30 events per hour). RESULTS: Using AHI, the prevalence of OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) was 57.4%: 16.2% of the patients were classified as severe, 41.2% as mild to moderate, and 42.6% as normal. Using 3% desaturation index, 22.1% were classified as severe, 47.1% as mild to moderate, and 30.9% as normal. With 4% desaturation index, 17.6% were classified as severe, 32.4% as mild, and 50% as normal. Overall, 3% desaturation index compared to AHI yielded a 95% negative predictive value to rule out OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) and a 100% sensitivity (0.73 positive predictive value) to detect severe OSA (AHI > 30 per hour). CONCLUSIONS: Using oximetry with 3% desaturation index as a screening tool for OSA could allow us to rule out significant OSA in almost a third of the patients and to detect patients with severe OSA. This cheap and widely available technique could accelerate preoperative work-up of these patients.


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From the 1st of January 2011, new conditions have been validated in which surgery for weight loss is borne by the basic insurance. These are very significant changes compared to the old criteria. Indeed, on one hand, patients with BMI > or = 35 kg/m2 may, without age limit and in the absence of comorbidities benefit from surgery without prior request to the medical council health insurance company concerned. On the other hand, the notion of a minimum casuistry is for the first time introduced in centers performing this type of intervention. In addition, certified centers are required to follow standard procedures for the patients' teaching and follow up.


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Introduction: There is little information regarding compliance with dietary recommendations in Switzerland. Objectives: To assess the trends in compliance with dietary recommendations in the Geneva population for period 1999 - 2009. Methods: Ten cross-sectional, population-based surveys (Bus Santé study). Dietary intake was assessed using a self-administered, validated semi quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire. Compliance with the Swiss Society for Nutrition recommendations for nutrient intake was assessed. In all 9320 participants aged 35 to 75 years (50% women) were included. Trends were assessed by logistic regression adjusting for age, smoking stats, education and nationality, using survey year as the independent variable. Results: After excluding participants with extreme intakes, the percentage of participants with a cholesterol consumption< 300 mg/day increased from 40.8% in 1999 to 43.6% in 2009 for men (multivariate-adjusted p for trend = 0.04) and from 57.8% to 61.4% in women (multivariate-adjusted p for trend = 0.06). Calcium intake > 1 g/day decreased from 53.3% to 46.0% in men and from 47.6% to 40.7% in women (multivariate-adjusted p for trend< 0.001). Adequate iron intake decreased from 68.3%to 65.3% in men and from 13.3% to 8.4% in women (multivariate-adjusted p for trend< 0.001). Conversely, no significant changes were observed for carbohydrates, protein, total fat (including saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids), fibre, vitamins D and A. Conclusion: Fewimprovements were noted in adherence to dietary recommendations in the Geneva population between 1999 and 2009. The low and decreasing prevalence of adequate calcium and iron intake are of concern.


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CONTEXT Soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) is generated by the intracellular proteolytic cleavage of full-length membrane-bound TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (mTWEAK). sTWEAK levels are reduced in diseases with an inflammatory component. Additionally, sTWEAK hampers TNFα activity in human cells. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study were as follows: 1) to determine circulating sTWEAK in severe obesity and after bariatric surgery; 2) to study m/sTWEAK and its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) protein expression in sc adipose tissue (SAT) of severely obese subjects, in SAT stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and isolated adipocytes and in human monocyte-derived macrophages; and 3) to explore, on human adipocytes, the sTWEAK effect on TNFα proinflammatory activity. DESIGN sTWEAK levels were measured in cohort 1: severely obese subjects (n = 23) and a control group (n = 35); and in cohort 2: (n = 23) severely obese subjects before and after surgery. The m/sTWEAK and Fn14 expressions were determined in SAT biopsies, SVF, and isolated adipocytes from severely obese and control subjects and in human monocyte-derived macrophages. In human primary cultured adipocytes, sTWEAK pretreated and TNFα challenged, IL-6, IL-8, and adiponectin protein and gene expressions were determined and nuclear factor-κ B and MAPK signaling analyzed. RESULTS sTWEAK levels were reduced in severely obese subjects. After surgery, sTWEAK levels rose in 69% of patients. mTWEAK protein expression was increased in SAT and SVF of severely obese subjects, whereas Fn14 was up-regulated in isolated adipocytes. M2 human monocyte-derived macrophages overexpress mTWEAK. In human adipocytes, sTWEAK down-regulates TNFα cytokine production by hampering TNFα intracellular signaling events. CONCLUSION The decrease of sTWEAK in severely obese patients may favor the proinflammatory activity elicited by TNFα.


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For severe obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m2), bariatric surgery is not only the best, but often the only means of obtaining sufficient and durable weight loss. This article aims to review the available bariatric procedures. Gastric bypass remains the reference when it comes to the risk/benefit ratio. Gastric banding is declining rapidly due to the high prevalence of long-term complications. Primary malabsorptive procedures remain largely unpopular because of their potential nutritional complications. Sleeve gastrectomy, although it is not reversible as it includes a significant gastric resection, increases currently in popularity because of its apparent simplicity and the fact that early results regarding weight loss mimic those obtained with gastric bypass.


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The important weight loss due to bariatric surgery allows to improve and even correct, a great part of the comorbidities induced by obesity, as well as quality of life, and to reduce the coming out of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in operated patients. The impact of surgical treatment on the patient's health and quality of life also allows to reduce direct and indirect costs of morbid obesity. However, its effects on mortality have not yet been clearly proved. The preoperative evaluation and the long term follow-up by a skilled team are essential to reduce potential complications, especially on the nutritional field and the risks of recovered weight linked to binge eating disorders.


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The trends in compliance with the dietary recommendations of the Swiss Society for Nutrition in the Geneva population were assessed for the period from 1999 to 2009 using 10 cross-sectional, population-based surveys (Bus Santé study) with a total of 9,320 participants aged 35 to 75 years (50% women). Dietary intake was assessed using a self-administered, validated, semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Trends were assessed by logistic regression adjusting for age, smoking status, education, and nationality using survey year as the independent variable. After excluding participants with extreme intakes, the percentage of participants with a cholesterol intake of <300 mg/day increased from 40.8% in 1999 to 43.6% in 2009 for men (multivariate-adjusted P for trend=0.04) and from 57.8% to 61.4% in women (multivariate-adjusted P for trend=0.06). Calcium intake >1 g/day decreased from 53.3% to 46% in men and from 47.6% to 40.7% in women (multivariate-adjusted P for trend<0.001). Adequate iron intake decreased from 68.3% to 65.3% in men and from 13.3% to 8.4% in women (multivariate-adjusted P for trend<0.001). Conversely, no significant changes were observed for carbohydrates, protein, total fat (including saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids), fiber, and vitamins D and A. We conclude that the quality of the Swiss diet did not improve between 1999 and 2009 and that intakes deviate substantially from expert recommendations for health promotion and chronic disease risk reduction.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess psychiatric symptoms, substance use, quality of life and eating behavior of patients undergoing bariatric surgery before and after the procedure.METHODS: We conducted a prospective longitudinal study of 32 women undergoing bariatric surgery. To obtain data, the patients answered specific, self-administered questionnaires.RESULTS: We observed a reduction in depressive and anxious symptoms and also in bulimic behavior, as well as an improved quality of life in the physical, psychological and environmental domains. There was also a decrease in use of antidepressants and appetite suppressants, but the surgery was not a cessation factor in smoking and / or alcoholism.CONCLUSION: a decrease in psychiatric symptoms was observed after bariatric surgery, as well as the reduction in the use of psychoactive substances. In addition, there was an improvement in quality of life after surgical treatment of obesity.


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Objective:To evaluate the prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in candidates for bariatric surgery comparing with the non-obese population and verify the effects on it of bariatric treatment. Methods:We studiedthree groups of individuals: 1) patients waiting for bariatric surgery (preoperative); 2) individuals who had already undergone the procedure (postoperative); and 3) control group. We collected demographic and clinical data of carpal tunnel syndrome. The Ultrasound examination was carried out to diagnose the syndrome by measuring the median nerve area. Results:We included 329 individuals (114 in the preoperative group, 90 in the postoperative group and 125 controls). There was a higher prevalence of paresthesias (p=0.0003), clinical tests (p=0.0083) on the preoperative group when compared with controls (p<0.00001). There were lowe levels of paresthesias (p=0.0002) and median nerve area (p=0.04) in postoperative patients but with no significant difference in general. A significant difference was found between the preoperative and postoperative groups (p=0.05) in those who performed non-manual work.Conclusion: There was a higher prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the preoperative group compared with the control one, but no significant difference was observed between the pre and postoperative groups in general. There was difference between pre and postoperative groups for non-manual workers.


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OBJECTIVE: to assess alcohol intake in the bariatric surgery pre and postoperative periods. METHODS: Patients were interviewed atSurgery Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - HC/UFPE (Brazil) from July 2011 to March 2012. We analyzed socioeconomic, anthropometric and clinical variables. We used the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT C). RESULTS: One hundred nineteen patients were enrolled (mean age: 41.23+11.30 years), with a predominance of the female gender (83.2%), non-Caucasian race (55%), married individuals or in a stable union (65.5%), with a high school education (40.3%)and active in the job market (37%). Weight and body mass index (BMI) were 128.77+25.28Kg and 49.09+9.26Kg/m2,respectively in the preoperative period (class II obesity) and 87.19+19.16Kg and 33.04+6.21Kg/m2, respectively in the postoperative period (class I obesity) (p<0.001). Hypertension was the most frequent disease in the pre (66.6%) and postoperative (36.5%) periods. The prevalence of alcohol use was 26.6% in the preoperative period, of which 2.2% of high risk, and 35.1% in the postoperative period, of which 1.4% of probable dependence; this difference did not achieve statistical significance (p=0.337). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of abusive alcohol intake and/or probable dependence was low in both the pre and postoperative periods, with little evidence of risky consumption among the patients submitted to bariatric surgery.