949 resultados para non-pharmacological measures
Background:Radiofrequency ablation is the standard non-pharmacological treatment for arrhythmias in pediatric patients. However, arrhythmias and their associated causes have particular features in this population.Objective:To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and findings of electrophysiological diagnostic studies and radiofrequency ablations in pediatric patients referred to the Electrophysiology Unit at Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, in order to characterize the particularities of this population.Methods:Cross-sectional study with 330 electrophysiological procedures performed in patients aged less than 20 years between June 1997 and August 2013.Results:In total, 330 procedures (9.6% of the overall procedures) were performed in patients aged less than 20 years (14.33 ± 3.25 years, age range 3 months to 19 years), 201 of which were males (60.9%). A total of 108 (32.7%) electrophysiological diagnostic studies were performed and of these, 48.1% showed abnormal findings. Overall, 219 radiofrequency ablations were performed (66.3%) with a success rate of 84.8%. The presence of an accessory pathway was the most prevalent finding, occurring in 158 cases (72.1%), followed by atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (16.8%), typical atrial flutter (3.1%) and extrasystoles originating from the right ventricular outflow tract (2.7%). Three patients developed complications during ablation (1.4%). Among congenital heart diseases, which occurred in 51 (15.4%) patients, atrial sept defect was the most frequent (27.4%), followed by ventricular sept defect (25.4%) and Ebstein's anomaly (17.6%).Conclusion:Electrophysiological study and radiofrequency ablation are effective tools for diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias in the pediatric population.
Abstract Background: Resistance training (RT) has been recommended as a non-pharmacological treatment for moderate hypertension. In spite of the important role of exercise intensity on training prescription, there is still no data regarding the effects of RT intensity on severe hypertension (SH). Objective: This study examined the effects of two RT protocols (vertical ladder climbing), performed at different overloads of maximal weight carried (MWC), on blood pressure (BP) and muscle strength of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with SH. Methods: Fifteen male SHR ENT#091;206 ± 10 mmHg of systolic BP (SBP)ENT#093; and five Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY; 119 ± 10 mmHg of SBP) were divided into 4 groups: sedentary (SED-WKY) and SHR (SED-SHR); RT1-SHR training relative to body weight (~40% of MWC); and RT2-SHR training relative to MWC test (~70% of MWC). Systolic BP and heart rate (HR) were measured weekly using the tail-cuff method. The progression of muscle strength was determined once every fifteen days. The RT consisted of 3 weekly sessions on non-consecutive days for 12-weeks. Results: Both RT protocols prevented the increase in SBP (delta - 5 and -7 mmHg, respectively; p > 0.05), whereas SBP of the SED-SHR group increased by 19 mmHg (p < 0.05). There was a decrease in HR only for the RT1 group (p < 0.05). There was a higher increase in strength in the RT2 (140%; p < 0.05) group as compared with RT1 (11%; p > 0.05). Conclusions: Our data indicated that both RT protocols were effective in preventing chronic elevation of SBP in SH. Additionally, a higher RT overload induced a greater increase in muscle strength.
Refractory status epilepticus (RSE) is defined as status epilepticus that continues despite treatment with benzodiazepines and one antiepileptic drug. RSE should be treated promptly to prevent morbidity and mortality; however, scarce evidence is available to support the choice of specific treatments. Major independent outcome predictors are age (not modifiable) and cause (which should be actively targeted). Recent recommendations for adults suggest that the aggressiveness of treatment for RSE should be tailored to the clinical situation. To minimise intensive care unit-related complications, focal RSE without impairment of consciousness might initially be approached conservatively; conversely, early induction of pharmacological coma is advisable in generalised convulsive forms of the disorder. At this stage, midazolam, propofol, or barbiturates are the most commonly used drugs. Several other treatments, such as additional anaesthetics, other antiepileptic or immunomodulatory compounds, or non-pharmacological approaches (eg, electroconvulsive treatment or hypothermia), have been used in protracted RSE. Treatment lasting weeks or months can sometimes result in a good outcome, as in selected patients after encephalitis or autoimmune disorders. Well designed prospective studies of RSE are urgently needed.
Swiss laboratories performing toxicological road traffic analyses have been authorized for many years by the Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). In 2003 FEDRO signed a contract with the Swiss Society of Legal Medicine (SSLM) to organize the complete quality management concerning road traffic analyses. For this purpose a multidisciplinary working group was established under the name of "road traffic commission (RTC)". RTC has to organize external quality control, to interpret the results of these controls, to perform audits in the laboratories and to report all results to FEDRO. Furthermore the working group can be mandated for special tasks by FEDRO. As an independent organization the Swiss Center for Quality Control (CSCQ) in Geneva manages the external quality controls in the laboratory over the past years. All tested drugs and psychoactive substances are listed in a federal instruction. The so-called 'zero tolerance substances' (THC, morphine, cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDMA and MDEA) and their metabolites have to be tested once a year, all other substances (benzodiazepines, zolpidem, phenobarbital, etc.) periodically. Results over the last years show that all laboratories are generally within the confidence interval of +/-30% of the mean value. In cases of non-conformities measures have to be taken immediately and reported to the working group. External audits are performed triennially but accredited laboratories can combine this audit with the approval of the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS). During the audits a special checklist filled in by the laboratory director is assessed. Non-conformities have to be corrected. During the process of establishing a new legislation, RTC had an opportunity of advising FEDRO. In collaboration with FEDRO, RTC and hence SSLM can work actively on improving of quality assurance in road traffic toxicological analyses, and has an opportunity to bring its professional requests to the federal authorities.
We investigated whether an intervention mainly consisting of a signed agreement between patient and physician on the objectives to be reached, improves reaching these secondary prevention objectives in modifiable cardiovascular risk factors six-months after discharge following an acute coronary syndrome. BACKGROUND: There is room to improve mid-term adherence to clinical guidelines' recommendations in coronary heart disease secondary prevention, specially non-pharmacological ones, often neglected. METHODS: In CAM-2, patients discharged after an acute coronary syndrome were randomly assigned to the intervention or the usual care group. The primary outcome was reaching therapeutic objectives in various secondary prevention variables: smoking, obesity, blood lipids, blood pressure control, exercise and taking of medication. RESULTS: 1757 patients were recruited in 64 hospitals and 1510 (762 in the intervention and 748 in the control group) attended the six-months follow-up visit. After adjustment for potentially important variables, there were, between the intervention and control group, differences in the mean reduction of body mass index (0.5 vs. 0.2; p < 0.001) and waist circumference (1.6 cm vs. 0.6 cm; p = 0.05), proportion of patients who exercise regularly and those with total cholesterol below 175 mg/dl (64.7% vs. 56.5%; p = 0.001). The reported intake of medications was high in both groups for all the drugs considered with no differences except for statins (98.1% vs. 95.9%; p = 0.029). CONCLUSIONS: At least in the short term, lifestyle changes among coronary heart disease patients are achievable by intensifying the responsibility of the patient himself by means of a simple and feasible intervention.
To target pharmacological prevention, instruments giving an approximation of an individual patient's risk of developing postoperative delirium are available. In view of the variable clinical presentation, identifying patients in whom prophylaxis has failed (that is, who develop delirium) remains a challenge. Several bedside instruments are available for the routine ward and ICU setting. Several have been shown to have a high specificity and sensitivity when compared with the standard definitions according to DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10. The Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) and a version specifically developed for the intensive care setting (CAM-ICU) have emerged as a standard. However, alternatives allowing grading of the severity of delirium are also available. In many units, the approach to delirium follows a three-step strategy. Initially, non-pharmacological multicomponent strategies are used for primary prevention. As a second step, pharmacological prophylaxis may be added. Perioperative administration of haloperidol has been shown to reduce the severity, but not the incidence, of delirium. Perioperative administration of atypical antipsychotics has been shown to reduce the incidence of delirium in specific groups of patients. In patients with delirium, both symptomatic and causal treatment of delirium need to be considered. So far symptomatic treatment of delirium is primarily based on antipsychotics. Currently, cholinesterase inhibitors cannot be recommended and the data on dexmedetomidine are inconclusive. With the exception of alcohol-withdrawal delirium, there is no role for benzodiazepines in the treatment of delirium. It is unclear whether treating delirium prevents long-term sequelae.
Treatment of status epilepticus (SE) consists in the sequential administration of three lines of drugs. The first is represented by benzodiazepines, and enjoys quite robust scientific evidence. The second one includes (phos-) phenytoin, valproate, phenobarbital, and increasingly levetiracetam, but its rationale is relatively scarce. The third line is pharmacological coma induction with barbiturates, propofol, or midazolam, which lacks the support of prospective, controlled studies and is reserved for refractory SE. Several other drugs are used after failure of this scheme, including newer antiepileptic compounds, other medications, and non-pharmacological approaches; no comparative assessment of their respective role has been conducted. It is important to tailor this relatively simple protocol to each particular situation; the supposed advantages of coma induction should be balanced with the morbidity related to prolonged mechanical ventilation. Awide consensus exists to treat generalized-convulsive SE and SE in coma soon and aggressively, to prevent a dismal outcome. On the other side, it is unclear if complex-partial SE induces permanent neuronal damage, and absence SE has an excellent prognosis: it appears therefore advisable not to proceed automatically to coma induction in these cases. SE related to post-anoxic coma has generally a poor prognosis, but some selected cases seem to be amenable to a better outcome if treated. SE prognosis depends on etiology, the biological background including age and comorbidities, and, possibly, treatment; each of these points deserves to be specifically addressed. A simple prognostic score has been recently validated and, helping to orient early treatment strategies and improve SE management.
Apathy defined as a loss of motivation and interest for novelty is a frequent symptom encountered in a number of psychiatric and somatic disorders. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the many different medical contexts where apathy may occur and help clinicians to differentiate it from a depressive syndrome. The treatment of apathy requires a diagnostic clarification in order to treat the underlying condition. Then, pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions may help to specifically improve apathy.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frequent chronic condition. It causes discomfort in the lower limbs with an urge to move the legs and sometimes paresthesias. It's frequently associated with sleep and mood disorders causing a significant impact on quality of life. There are four clinical criteria to diagnose it. Treatment includes management of reversible factors and if needed symptomatic treatment. Depending on symptoms severity, non-drug measures can be tried. First-line medication treatment should be dopaminergic agonists. Second-line treatments include, anticonvulsivants (gabapentine), benzodiazepine (clonazepam) or opioids based on predominant symptoms. Difficult cases should be referred to a specialist.
The role of dietary sodium intake in the development, and its impact on the treatment, of hypertension are well recognized. However, many other nutritional compounds have been shown, or are believed, to influence blood pressure. Some compounds, such as caffeine and fructose, may raise arterial blood pressure, whereas others might lower arterial blood pressure, for example garlic, dark chocolate, fibers and potassium. In this article, we review several alimentary compounds and their (hypothesized) mechanisms of action, as well as the available evidence supporting a role of these compounds in the "non pharmacological" treatment and prevention of hypertension.
Erosive hand osteoarthritis is common and debilitating. Diagnosis is based on the presence of bone erosions which can appear late. Ultrasonography allows earlier diagnosis. The presence of apatite deposits could be of poor prognosis. Non pharmacological treatment includes the explanation of the inflammatory phenomena involved and the use of splints and physical therapy. Drug therapy includes analgesics, NSAIDs and infiltration of a steroid. Chondroitin sulfates have an analgesic and functional effect proven. DMARDs such as hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate have been used successfully. Some patients also benefited from isotope synoviortheses. New therapeutic ways, based on the pathophysiology of the disease, are new under evaluation.
Orthostatic hypotension is encountered frequently in everyday practice. It is often very disabling because of its troublesome symptomalogy. Orthostatic hypotension may be due to several causes and can be easily diagnosed by measuring blood pressure and heart rate after 3 minutes in upright posture. Its treatment comprises in all cases non-pharmacological interventions which can be associated whenever required by medications, in particular midodrine and fludrocortisone.
Alcoholism is a chronic disease and the evaluation of its burden usually focuses on long-term co-morbidity and mortality. Clinical Trials evaluating new interventions for alcohol-dependent patients rarely last more than 12 to 24 months. OBJECTIVES: Develop a questionnaire capable of capturing principal resource use yet sensitive enough to show short-term economic benefit of drugs developed to reduce consump¬tion in alcohol-dependent patients. METHODS: Comprehensive Medline literature search using keywords: Alcohol-related-disorders, economics, cost of illness. Further, experts panel discussions provided additional data. RESULTS: Two key cost drivers, hospitalisation and sick leaves were identified by the literature review. Expert findings related to costs of social consequences were incorporated. These three important resources were included in the questionnaire in addition to standard medical resource use consumption input. Finally, the following items were included: consultation visits, hospitalisations, sick leaves and working situation, living situation, social environ¬ment, accidents, arrests and domestic violence. The recall period is 3 months. DISCUSSION: A great deal of information is collected in this questionnaire in order to capture all relevant resources. Tests to validate the questionnaire in a real-life setting will be conducted (face validity, concurrent validity, and test-retest) in a cohort of dependent patients initiated at Lausanne University hospital ( Switzerland). Items not sensitive enough to capture short-term costs and consequences will be removed. Translation into other major languages and adaptation to different settings after cultural validation is planned. CONCLUSIONS: Publication of this tool should facilitate additional knowledge about resource utilisation at the patient level and enable evaluation of short-term economic impact of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.
The theory of small-world networks as initiated by Watts and Strogatz (1998) has drawn new insights in spatial analysis as well as systems theory. The theoryâeuro?s concepts and methods are particularly relevant to geography, where spatial interaction is mainstream and where interactions can be described and studied using large numbers of exchanges or similarity matrices. Networks are organized through direct links or by indirect paths, inducing topological proximities that simultaneously involve spatial, social, cultural or organizational dimensions. Network synergies build over similarities and are fed by complementarities between or inside cities, with the two effects potentially amplifying each other according to the âeurooepreferential attachmentâeuro hypothesis that has been explored in a number of different scientific fields (Barabási, Albert 1999; Barabási A-L 2002; Newman M, Watts D, Barabà si A-L). In fact, according to Barabási and Albert (1999), the high level of hierarchy observed in âeurooescale-free networksâeuro results from âeurooepreferential attachmentâeuro, which characterizes the development of networks: new connections appear preferentially close to nodes that already have the largest number of connections because in this way, the improvement in the network accessibility of the new connection will likely be greater. However, at the same time, network regions gathering dense and numerous weak links (Granovetter, 1985) or network entities acting as bridges between several components (Burt 2005) offer a higher capacity for urban communities to benefit from opportunities and create future synergies. Several methodologies have been suggested to identify such denser and more coherent regions (also called communities or clusters) in terms of links (Watts, Strogatz 1998; Watts 1999; Barabási, Albert 1999; Barabási 2002; Auber 2003; Newman 2006). These communities not only possess a high level of dependency among their member entities but also show a low level of âeurooevulnerabilityâeuro, allowing for numerous redundancies (Burt 2000; Burt 2005). The SPANGEO project 2005âeuro"2008 (SPAtial Networks in GEOgraphy), gathering a team of geographers and computer scientists, has included empirical studies to survey concepts and measures developed in other related fields, such as physics, sociology and communication science. The relevancy and potential interpretation of weighted or non-weighted measures on edges and nodes were examined and analyzed at different scales (intra-urban, inter-urban or both). New classification and clustering schemes based on the relative local density of subgraphs were developed. The present article describes how these notions and methods contribute on a conceptual level, in terms of measures, delineations, explanatory analyses and visualization of geographical phenomena.
Stream degradation is the action of deepening the stream bed and widening the banks due to the increasing velocity of water flow. Degradation is pervasive in channeled streams found within the deep to moderately deep loess regions of the central United States. Of all the streams, however, the most severe and widespread entrenchment occurs in western Iowa streams that are tributaries to the Missouri River. In September 1995 the Iowa Department of Transportation awarded a grant to Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. The purpose of the grant, HR-385 "Stream Stabilization in Western Iowa: Structure Evaluation and Design Manual", was to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and costs of various stabilization structures in controlling erosion on channeled streams. A review of literature, a survey of professionals, field observations and an analysis of the data recorded on fifty-two selected structures led to the conclusions presented in the project's publication, Design Manual, Streambed Degradation and Streambank Widening in Western Iowa. Technical standards and specifications for the design and construction of stream channel stabilization structures are included in the manual. Additional information on non-structural measures, monitoring and evaluation of structures, various permit requirements and further resources are also included. Findings of the research project and use and applications of the Design Manual were presented at two workshops in the Loess Hills region. Participants in these workshops included county engineers, private contractors, state and federal agency personnel, elected officials and others. The Design Manual continues to be available through Golden Hills Resource Conservation and Development.