948 resultados para network connectivity


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A new diffusion and flow model is presented to describe the behavior of hydrocarbon vapors in activated carbon. The micro/mesopore size distribution (PSD) is obtained according to Do's method which consists of two sequential processes of pore layering and pore filling. This model uses the micro/meso PSD obtained from each adsorbate equilibrium isotherm, which reflects the dynamics behavior of adsorbing molecules through the solid. The initial rise in total permeability is mainly attributed to adsorbed-phase diffusion (that is, surface diffusion), whereas the decrease over reduced pressure of about 0.9 is attributed to the reduction of pore space available for gas phase diffusion and flow. A functional form of surface diffusivity is proposed and validated with experimental data. This model predicts well the permeability of condensable hydrocarbon vapors in activated carbon. (C) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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This paper proposes an architecture for pervasive computing which utilizes context information to provide adaptations based on vertical handovers (handovers between heterogeneous networks) while supporting application Quality of Service (QoS). The future of mobile computing will see an increase in ubiquitous network connectivity which allows users to roam freely between heterogeneous networks. One of the requirements for pervasive computing is to adapt computing applications or their environment if current applications can no longer be provided with the requested QoS. One of possible adaptations is a vertical handover to a different network. Vertical handover operations include changing network interfaces on a single device or changes between different devices. Such handovers should be performed with minimal user distraction and minimal violation of communication QoS for user applications. The solution utilises context information regarding user devices, user location, application requirements, and network environment. The paper shows how vertical handover adaptations are incorporated into the whole infrastructure of a pervasive system


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We study the equilibrium states of energy functions involving a large set of real variables, defined on the links of sparsely connected networks, and interacting at the network nodes, using the cavity and replica methods. When applied to the representative problem of network resource allocation, an efficient distributed algorithm is devised, with simulations showing full agreement with theory. Scaling properties with the network connectivity and the resource availability are found. © 2006 The American Physical Society.


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Inference and optimization of real-value edge variables in sparse graphs are studied using the Bethe approximation and replica method of statistical physics. Equilibrium states of general energy functions involving a large set of real edge variables that interact at the network nodes are obtained in various cases. When applied to the representative problem of network resource allocation, efficient distributed algorithms are also devised. Scaling properties with respect to the network connectivity and the resource availability are found, and links to probabilistic Bayesian approximation methods are established. Different cost measures are considered and algorithmic solutions in the various cases are devised and examined numerically. Simulation results are in full agreement with the theory. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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Melt quenched silicate glasses containing calcium, phosphorus and alkali metals have the ability to promote bone regeneration and to fuse to living bone. Of these glasses 45S5 Bioglass® is the most widely used being sold in over 35 countries as a bone graft product for medical and dental applications; particulate 45S5 is also incorporated into toothpastes to help remineralize the surface of teeth. Recently it has been suggested that adding titanium dioxide can increase the bioactivity of these materials. This work investigates the structural consequences of incorporating 4 mol% TiO2 into Bioglass® using isotopic substitution (of the Ti) applied to neutron diffraction and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES). We present the first isotopic substitution data applied to melt quench derived Bioglass or its derivatives. Results show that titanium is on average surrounded by 5.2(1) nearest neighbor oxygen atoms. This implies an upper limit of 40% four-fold coordinated titanium and shows that the network connectivity is reduced from 2.11 to 1.97 for small quantities of titanium. Titanium XANES micro-fluorescence confirms the titanium environment is homogenous on the micron length scale within these glasses. Solid state magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR confirms the network connectivity model proposed. Furthermore, the results show the intermediate range order containing Na-O, Ca-O, O-P-O and O-Si-O correlations are unaffected by the addition of small quantities of TiO2 into these systems.


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Monoamines have an important role in neural plasticity, a key factor in cortical pain processing that promotes changes in neuronal network connectivity. Monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) is an enzyme that, due to its modulating role in monoaminergic activity, could play a role in cortical pain processing. The X-linked MAOA gene is characterized by an allelic variant of length, the MAOA upstream Variable Number Tandem Repeat (MAOA-uVNTR) region polymorphism. Two allelic variants of this gene are known, the high-activity MAOA (HAM) and low-activity MAOA (LAM). We investigated the role of MAOA-uVNTR in cortical pain processing in a group of healthy individuals measured by the trigeminal electric pain-related evoked potential (tPREP) elicited by repeated painful stimulation. A group of healthy volunteers was genotyped to detect MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism. Electrical tPREPs were recorded by stimulating the right supraorbital nerve with a concentric electrode. The N2 and P2 component amplitude and latency as well as the N2-P2 inter-peak amplitude were measured. The recording was divided into three blocks, each containing 10 consecutive stimuli and the N2-P2 amplitude was compared between blocks. Of the 67 volunteers, 37 were HAM and 30 were LAM. HAM subjects differed from LAM subjects in terms of amplitude of the grand-averaged and first-block N2-P2 responses (HAM>LAM). The N2-P2 amplitude decreased between the first and third block in HAM subjects but not LAM subjects. The MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism seemed to influence the brain response in a repeated tPREP paradigm and suggested a role of the MAOA as a modulator of neural plasticity related to cortical pain processing. Monoamines have an important role in neural plasticity, a key factor in cortical pain processing that promotes changes in neuronal network connectivity. Monoamine oxidase type A (MAOA) is an enzyme that, due to its modulating role in monoaminergic activity, could play a role in cortical pain processing. © 2014 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Grant Number: 661211 Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Grant Numbers: G.0055.08, G.0149.09, G.0308.13 FWO Research Network on Eco-Evolutionary dynamics French Ministère de l'Energie de l'Ecologie du Développement Durable et de la Mer through the EU FP6 BiodivERsA Eranet NERC. Grant Number: NE/J008001/1


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Several studies in the past have revealed that network end user devices are left powered up 24/7 even when idle just for the sake of maintaining Internet connectivity. Network devices normally support low power states but are kept inactive due to their inability to maintain network connectivity. The Network Connectivity Proxy (NCP) has recently been proposed as an effective mechanism to impersonate network connectivity on behalf of high power devices and enable them to sleep when idle without losing network presence. The NCP can efficiently proxy basic networking protocol, however, proxying of Internet based applications have no absolute solution due to dynamic and non-predictable nature of the packets they are sending and receiving periodically. This paper proposes an approach for proxying Internet based applications and presents the basic software architectures and capabilities. Further, this paper also practically evaluates the proposed framework and analyzes expected energy savings achievable under-different realistic conditions.


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(The Mark and Recapture Network: a Heliconius case study). The current pace of habitat destruction, especially in tropical landscapes, has increased the need for understanding minimum patch requirements and patch distance as tools for conserving species in forest remnants. Mark recapture and tagging studies have been instrumental in providing parameters for functional models. Because of their popularity, ease of manipulation and well known biology, butterflies have become model in studies of spatial structure. Yet, most studies on butterflies movement have focused on temperate species that live in open habitats, in which forest patches are barrier to movement. This study aimed to view and review data from mark-recapture as a network in two species of butterfly (Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene). A work of marking and recapture of the species was carried out in an Atlantic forest reserve located about 20km from the city of Natal (RN). Mark recapture studies were conducted in 3 weekly visits during January-February and July-August in 2007 and 2008. Captures were more common in two sections of the dirt road, with minimal collection in the forest trail. The spatial spread of captures was similar in the two species. Yet, distances between recaptures seem to be greater for Heliconius erato than for Heliconius melpomene. In addition, the erato network is more disconnected, suggesting that this specie has shorter traveling patches. Moving on to the network, both species have similar number of links (N) and unweighed vertices (L). However, melpomene has a weighed network 50% more connections than erato. These network metrics suggest that erato has more compartmentalized network and restricted movement than melpomene. Thus, erato has a larger number of disconnected components, nC, in the network, and a smaller network diameter. The frequency distribution of network connectivity for both species was better explained by a Power-law than by a random, Poissom distribution, showing that the Power-law provides a better fit than the Poisson for both species. Moreover, the Powerlaw erato is much better adjusted than in melpomene, which should be linked to the small movements that erato makes in the network


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Les zéolithes étant des matériaux cristallins microporeux ont démontré leurs potentiels et leur polyvalence dans un nombre très important d’applications. Les propriétés uniques des zéolithes ont poussé les chercheurs à leur trouver constamment de nouvelles utilités pour tirer le meilleur parti de ces matériaux extraordinaires. Modifier les caractéristiques des zéolithes classiques ou les combiner en synergie avec d’autres matériaux se trouvent être deux approches viables pour trouver encore de nouvelles applications. Dans ce travail de doctorat, ces deux approches ont été utilisées séparément, premièrement avec la modification morphologique de la ZSM-12 et deuxièmement lors de la formation des matériaux de type coeur/coquille (silice mésoporeuses@silicalite-1). La ZSM-12 est une zéolithe à haute teneur en silice qui a récemment attiré beaucoup l’attention par ses performances supérieures dans les domaines de l’adsorption et de la catalyse. Afin de synthétiser la ZSM-12 avec une pureté élevée et une morphologie contrôlée, la cristallisation de la zéolithe ZSM-12 a été étudiée en détail en fonction des différents réactifs chimiques disponibles (agent directeur de structure, types de silicium et source d’aluminium) et des paramètres réactionnels (l’alcalinité, ratio entre Na, Al et eau). Les résultats présentés dans cette étude ont montré que, contrairement à l’utilisation du structurant organique TEAOH, en utilisant un autre structurant, le MTEAOH, ainsi que le Al(o-i-Pr)3, cela a permis la formation de monocristaux ZSM-12 monodisperses dans un temps plus court. L’alcalinité et la teneur en Na jouent également des rôles déterminants lors de ces synthèses. Les structures de types coeur/coquille avec une zéolithe polycristalline silicalite-1 en tant que coquille, entourant un coeur formé par une microsphère de silice mésoporeuse (tailles de particules de 1,5, 3 et 20-45 μm) ont été synthétisés soit sous forme pure ou chargée avec des espèces hôtes métalliques. Des techniques de nucléations de la zéolithe sur le noyau ont été utilisées pour faire croitre la coquille de façon fiable et arriver à former ces matériaux. C’est la qualité des produits finaux en termes de connectivité des réseaux poreux et d’intégrité de la coquille, qui permet d’obtenir une stéréosélectivité. Ceci a été étudié en faisant varier les paramètres de synthèse, par exemple, lors de prétraitements qui comprennent ; la modification de surface, la nucléation, la calcination et le nombre d’étapes secondaires de cristallisation hydrothermale. En fonction de la taille du noyau mésoporeux et des espèces hôtes incorporées, l’efficacité de la nucléation se révèle être influencée par la technique de modification de surface choisie. En effet, les microsphères de silice mésoporeuses contenant des espèces métalliques nécessitent un traitement supplémentaire de fonctionnalisation chimique sur leur surface externe avec des précurseurs tels que le (3-aminopropyl) triéthoxysilane (APTES), plutôt que d’utiliser une modification de surface avec des polymères ioniques. Nous avons également montré que, selon la taille du noyau, de deux à quatre traitements hydrothermaux rapides sont nécessaires pour envelopper totalement le noyau sans aucune agrégation et sans dissoudre le noyau. De tels matériaux avec une enveloppe de tamis moléculaire cristallin peuvent être utilisés dans une grande variété d’applications, en particulier pour de l’adsorption et de la catalyse stéréo-sélective. Ce type de matériaux a été étudié lors d’une série d’expériences sur l’adsorption sélective du glycérol provenant de biodiesel brut avec des compositions différentes et à des températures différentes. Les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux utilisant des adsorbants classiques comme par exemple du gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux, des zéolithes classiques, silicalite-1, Si-BEA et ZSM-5(H+), sous forment de cristaux, ainsi que le mélange physique de ces matériaux références, à savoir un mélange silicalite-1 et le gel de silice sphères. Bien que le gel de sphères de silice mésoporeux ait montré une capacité d’adsorption de glycérol un peu plus élevée, l’étude a révélé que les adsorbants mésoporeux ont tendance à piéger une quantité importante de molécules plus volumineuses, telles que les « fatty acid methyl ester » (FAME), dans leur vaste réseau de pores. Cependant, dans l’adsorbant à porosité hiérarchisée, la fine couche de zéolite silicalite-1 microporeuse joue un rôle de membrane empêchant la diffusion des molécules de FAME dans les mésopores composant le noyau/coeur de l’adsorbant composite, tandis que le volume des mésopores du noyau permet l’adsorption du glycérol sous forme de multicouches. Finalement, cette caractéristique du matériau coeur/coquille a sensiblement amélioré les performances en termes de rendement de purification et de capacité d’adsorption, par rapport à d’autres adsorbants classiques, y compris le gel de silice mésoporeuse et les zéolithes.


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Almost all metapopulation modelling assumes that connectivity between patches is only a function of distance, and is therefore symmetric. However, connectivity will not depend only on the distance between the patches, as some paths are easy to traverse, while others are difficult. When colonising organisms interact with the heterogeneous landscape between patches, connectivity patterns will invariably be asymmetric. There have been few attempts to theoretically assess the effects of asymmetric connectivity patterns on the dynamics of metapopulations. In this paper, we use the framework of complex networks to investigate whether metapopulation dynamics can be determined by directly analysing the asymmetric connectivity patterns that link the patches. Our analyses focus on “patch occupancy” metapopulation models, which only consider whether a patch is occupied or not. We propose three easily calculated network metrics: the “asymmetry” and “average path strength” of the connectivity pattern, and the “centrality” of each patch. Together, these metrics can be used to predict the length of time a metapopulation is expected to persist, and the relative contribution of each patch to a metapopulation’s viability. Our results clearly demonstrate the negative effect that asymmetry has on metapopulation persistence. Complex network analyses represent a useful new tool for understanding the dynamics of species existing in fragmented landscapes, particularly those existing in large metapopulations.


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Genetic correlation (rg) analysis determines how much of the correlation between two measures is due to common genetic influences. In an analysis of 4 Tesla diffusion tensor images (DTI) from 531 healthy young adult twins and their siblings, we generalized the concept of genetic correlation to determine common genetic influences on white matter integrity, measured by fractional anisotropy (FA), at all points of the brain, yielding an NxN genetic correlation matrix rg(x,y) between FA values at all pairs of voxels in the brain. With hierarchical clustering, we identified brain regions with relatively homogeneous genetic determinants, to boost the power to identify causal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). We applied genome-wide association (GWA) to assess associations between 529,497 SNPs and FA in clusters defined by hubs of the clustered genetic correlation matrix. We identified a network of genes, with a scale-free topology, that influences white matter integrity over multiple brain regions.


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Modern non-invasive brain imaging technologies, such as diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI), enable the mapping of neural fiber tracts in the white matter, providing a basis to reconstruct a detailed map of brain structural connectivity networks. Brain connectivity networks differ from random networks in their topology, which can be measured using small worldness, modularity, and high-degree nodes (hubs). Still, little is known about how individual differences in structural brain network properties relate to age, sex, or genetic differences. Recently, some groups have reported brain network biomarkers that enable differentiation among individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals. In addition to studying new topological features, here we provide a unifying general method to investigate topological brain networks and connectivity differences between individuals, pairs of individuals, and groups of individuals at several levels of the data hierarchy, while appropriately controlling false discovery rate (FDR) errors. We apply our new method to a large dataset of high quality brain connectivity networks obtained from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) tractography in 303 young adult twins, siblings, and unrelated people. Our proposed approach can accurately classify brain connectivity networks based on sex (93% accuracy) and kinship (88.5% accuracy). We find statistically significant differences associated with sex and kinship both in the brain connectivity networks and in derived topological metrics, such as the clustering coefficient and the communicability matrix.


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The brain's functional network exhibits many features facilitating functional specialization, integration, and robustness to attack. Using graph theory to characterize brain networks, studies demonstrate their small-world, modular, and "rich-club" properties, with deviations reported in many common neuropathological conditions. Here we estimate the heritability of five widely used graph theoretical metrics (mean clustering coefficient (γ), modularity (Q), rich-club coefficient (ϕnorm), global efficiency (λ), small-worldness (σ)) over a range of connection densities (k=5-25%) in a large cohort of twins (N=592, 84 MZ and 89 DZ twin pairs, 246 single twins, age 23±2.5). We also considered the effects of global signal regression (GSR). We found that the graph metrics were moderately influenced by genetic factors h2 (γ=47-59%, Q=38-59%, ϕnorm=0-29%, λ=52-64%, σ=51-59%) at lower connection densities (≤15%), and when global signal regression was implemented, heritability estimates decreased substantially h2 (γ=0-26%, Q=0-28%, ϕnorm=0%, λ=23-30%, σ=0-27%). Distinct network features were phenotypically correlated (|r|=0.15-0.81), and γ, Q, and λ were found to be influenced by overlapping genetic factors. Our findings suggest that these metrics may be potential endophenotypes for psychiatric disease and suitable for genetic association studies, but that genetic effects must be interpreted with respect to methodological choices.


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We study the responses of a cultured neural network when it is exposed to epileptogenesis glutamate injury causing epilepsy and subsequent treatment with phenobarbital by constructing connectivity map of neurons using correlation matrix. This study is particularly useful in understanding the pharmaceutical drug induced changes in the neuronal network properties with insights into changes at the systems biology level. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3398025]