126 resultados para nepheline syenite


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During Leg 124, off the Philippines, volcanic material was recovered in deep-sea sediments dating from the late Oligocene in the Celebes Sea Basin, and from the early Miocene in the Sulu Sea Basin. Chemical and petrological studies of fallout ash deposits are used to characterize volcanic pulses and to determine their possible origin. All of the glass and mineral compositions belong to medium-K and high-K calc-alkaline arc-related magmatic suites including high-Al basalts, pyroxene-hornblende andesites, dacites, and rhyolites. Late Oligocene and early Miocene products may have originated from the Sunda arc or from the Sabah-Zamboanga old Sulu arc. Late early Miocene Sulu Sea tuffs originated from the Cagayan arc, whereas early late Miocene fallout ashes are attributed to the Sulu arc. A complex magmatic production is distinguished in the Plio-Quaternary with three sequences of basic to acidic lava suites. Early Pliocene strata registered an important activity in both Celebes Sea and Sulu Sea areas, from the newly born Sangihe arc (low-alumina andesite series) and from the Sulu, Zamboanga, and Negros arcs (high-alumina basalt series and high-K andesite series). In the late Pliocene and the early Pleistocene, renewal of activity affects the Sangihe-Cotobato arc as well as the Sulu and Negros arcs (same magmatic distinctions). The last volcanic pulse took place in the late Pleistocene with revival of all the present arc systems.


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During ODP Leg 107, the basement of the Tyrrhenian Sea was drilled at Site 650, located in the Marsili basin, and at Sites 651 and 655, both located in the Vavilov basin. In addition, a lava flow was drilled at Site 654 on the Sardinia rifted margin. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth element (REE) and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, were determined in samples of these rocks. Site 654 lava was sampled within uppermost Pliocene postrift sediments. This lava is a basaltic andesite of intraplate affinity, and is analogous to some Plio-Pleistocene tholeiitic lavas from Sardinia. Site 650 basalts, drilled beneath 1.7-1.9-Ma-old basal sediment, are strongly altered and vesicular suggesting a rapid subsidence of the Marsili basin. Based on incompatible trace elements, these basalts show calc-alkaline affinity like some products of the Marsili Seamount and the Eolian arc. The basement of the two sites drilled within Vavilov basin shows contrasting petrologies. Site 655, located along the Gortani ridge in the western part of the basin, drilled a 116-m-thick sequence of basalt flows beneath 3.4-3.6-Ma-old basal sediments. These basalts are chemically relatively homogeneous and show affinity to transitional MORB. Four units consisting of slightly differentiated basaltic lavas, have been identified. Site 655 basalts are geochemically similar to the high Ti lavas from DSDP Leg 42, Site 373 (Vavilov Basin). The basement at Site 651, overlain by 40 m of metalliferous dolostone covered by fossiliferous sediments with an age of 2 Ma, consists of two basalt units separated by a dolerite-albitite intrusive body; serpentinized harzburgites were drilled for 30 m at the base of the hole. The two basalt units of Site 651 are distinct petrochemically, though both show incompatible elements affinity with high-K calc-alkaline/calc-alkaline magmas from Eolian arc. The cpx chemistry and high K/Na ratio of the lower unit lavas suggest a weak alkaline tendency of potassic lineage. Leg 107 basement rock data, together with data from DSDP Site 373 and from dredged samples, indicate that the deepest basins of the central Tyrrhenian Sea are underlain by a complex back-arc basin crust produced by magmas with incompatible element affinities to transitional MORB (Site 655 and DSDP Site 373), and to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline converging plate margin basalts (Sites 650 and 651). This petrogenetic complexity is in accordance with the back-arc setting of the Vavilov and Marsili basins. Other back-arc basin basalts, particularly those from ensialic basins such as the Bransfield Strait (Antarctica), show a comparable petrogenetic complexity (cf., Sounders and Tarney, 1984).


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The compositions, mineralogies, and textures of gabbros recovered in polymict breccias in Hole 453 indicate that they are the cumulus assemblages of calc-alkalic crystal fractional on that occurred beneath the West Mariana Ridge. They are among a class of gabbros known only from other calc-alkalic associations (e.g., the Lesser Antilles and the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Southern California) and differ from gabbros of stratiform complexes, ophiolites, and the ocean crust. Particularly abundant in the Hole 453 breccias are olivine-bearing gabbros with extremely calcic Plagioclase (An94-97) but with fairly iron-rich olivines (Fo76-77). Other gabbros contain biotite and amphibole and occur in breccias with fairly high-grade greenschist facies (amphibole-chlorite-stilpnomelane) metabasalts. One unusual gabbro has experienced almost complete subsolidus recrystallization to an assemblage of aluminous magnesio-hornblende, anorthite, and green hercynitic spinel. This reaction, the extremely calcic Plagioclase, the occurrence of biotite and amphibole, and the association with greenschist facies metamorphic rocks suggest that crystallization of the gabbros occurred at elevated P(H2O). Comparisons with other calc-alkalic gabbro suites suggest pressures in excess of 4 kbar (about 12 km depth). The gabbros were exposed by the early stages of opening of the Mariana Trough and imply that considerable uplift may have attended rifting. They were also subjected to hydrothermal alteration after breccia formation, resulting in formation of chlorite, epidote, actinolite, and prehnite. Temperatures of at least 200°C - and probably 350°C - were reached, and most likely could not have been attained without extrusion or intrusion of magmas nearby, even though no such rocks were cored.


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Leg 58 successfully recovered basalt at Sites 442, 443, and 444, in the Shikoku Basin, and at Site 446 in the Daito Basin. Only at Site 442 did penetration reach unequivocal oceanic layer 2; at the other sites, only off-axis sills and flows were sampled. Petrographic observations indicate that back-arc basalts from the Shikoku Basin, with the exception of the kaersutite-bearing upper sill at Site 444, are mineralogically similar to basalts being erupted at normal mid-ocean ridges. However, the Shikoku Basin basalts are commonly very vesicular, indicating a high volatile content in the magmas. Site 446 in the Daito Basin penetrated a succession of 23 sills which include both kaersutite-bearing and kaersutite-free basalt varieties. A total of 187 samples from the four sites has been analyzed for major and trace elements using X-ray-fluorescence techniques. Chemically, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and the lower sill of Site 444 are subalkaline tholeiites and resemble N-type ocean-ridge basalts found along the East Pacific Rise and at 22° N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), although they are not quite as depleted in certain hygromagmatophile (HYG) elements. They do not show any chemical affinities with island-arc tholeiites. The basalts from Site 446 and from the upper sill at Site 444 show alkaline and tholeiitic tendencies, and are enriched in the more-HYG elements; they chemically resemble enriched or E-type basalts and their differentiates found along sections of the MAR (e.g., 45°N) and on ocean islands (e.g., Iceland and the Azores). Most of the intra-site variation may be attributed to crystal settling within individual massive flows and sills, to high-level fractional crystallization in sub-ridge magma chambers, or, where there is evidence of a long period of magmatic quiescence between units, to batch partial melting. However, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and from the lower sill at Site 444 cannot easily be related to those from Site 446 and the upper sill at Site 444, and it is possible that the different basalt types were derived from chemically distinct mantle sources. From comparison of the Leg 58 data with those already available for other intra-oceanic back-arc basins, it appears that the mantle sources giving rise to back-arc-basin basalts are chemically as diverse as those for mid-ocean ridges. In addition, the high vesicularity of the Shikoku Basin basalts supports previous observations that the mantle source of back-arc-basin basalts may be contaminated by a hydrous component from the adjacent subduction zone.


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Major oxide and trace element determinations of the composition basalts from the bottom of Hole 487, together with microprobe analyses of their minerals (olivine, magnesiochromite, salite, and plagioclase), prove that they are depleted oceanic tholeiites.


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We report mineral chemistry, whole-rock major element compositions, and trace element analyses on Hole 735B samples drilled and selected during Leg 176. We discuss these data, together with Leg 176 shipboard data and Leg 118 sample data from the literature, in terms of primary igneous petrogenesis. Despite mineral compositional variation in a given sample, major constituent minerals in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks display good chemical equilibrium as shown by significant correlations among Mg# (= Mg/[Mg + Fe2+]) of olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene and An (=Ca/[Ca + Na]) of plagioclase. This indicates that the mineral assemblages olivine + plagioclase in troctolite, plagioclase + clinopyroxene in gabbro, plagioclases + clinopyroxene + olivine in olivine gabbro, and plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + orthopyroxene in gabbronorite, and so on, have all coprecipitated from their respective parental melts. Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), which are ubiquitous in most of these rocks, are not in chemical equilibrium with olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, but precipitated later at lower temperatures. Disseminated oxides in some samples may have precipitated from trapped Fe-Ti-rich melts. Oxides that concentrate along shear bands/zones may mark zones of melt coalescence/transport expelled from the cumulate sequence as a result of compaction or filter pressing. Bulk Hole 735B is of cumulate composition. The most primitive olivine, with Fo = 0.842, in Hole 735B suggests that the most primitive melt parental to Hole 735B lithologies must have Mg# 0.637, which is significantly less than Mg# = 0.714 of bulk Hole 735B. This suggests that a significant mass fraction of more evolved products is needed to balance the high Mg# of the bulk hole. Calculations show that 25%-45% of average Eastern Atlantis II Fracture Zone basalt is needed to combine with 55%-75% of bulk Hole 735B rocks to give a melt of Mg# 0.637, parental to the most primitive Hole 735B cumulate. On the other hand, the parental melt with Mg# 0.637 is far too evolved to be in equilibrium with residual mantle olivine of Fo > 0.89. Therefore, a significant mass fraction of more primitive cumulate (e.g., high Mg# dunite and troctolite) is yet to be sampled. This hidden cumulate could well be deep in the lower crust or simply in the mantle section. We favor the latter because of the thickened cold thermal boundary layer atop the mantle beneath slow-spreading ridges, where cooling and crystallization of ascending mantle melts is inevitable. These observations and data interpretation require reconsideration of the popular concept of primary mantle melts and relationships among the extent of mantle melting, melt production, and the composition and thickness of igneous crust.