983 resultados para nematic liquid crystals


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The potential for nonlinear optical processes in nematic-liquid-crystal cells is great due to the large phase changes resulting from reorientation of the nematic-liquid-crystal director. Here the combination of diffraction and self-diffraction effects are studied simultaneously by the use of a pair of focused laser beams which are coincident on a homeotropically aligned liquid-crystal cell. The result is a complicated diffraction pattern in the far field. This is analyzed in terms of the continuum theory for liquid crystals, using a one-elastic-constant approximation to solve the reorientation profile. Very good comparison between theory and experiment is obtained. An interesting transient grating, existing due to the viscosity of the liquid-crystal material, is observed in theory and practice for large cell-tilt angles.


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Based on dynamic renormalization group techniques, this letter analyzes the effects of external stochastic perturbations on the dynamical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, studied in presence of a random magnetic field. Our analysis quantifies the nature of the temperature dependence of the dynamics; the results also highlight a hitherto unexplored regime in cholesteric liquid crystal dynamics. We show that stochastic fluctuations drive the system to a second-ordered Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition point, eventually leading to a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. The results go beyond quasi-first order mean-field theories, and provides the first theoretical understanding of a KPZ phase in distorted nematic liquid crystal dynamics.


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It is shown that cholesteric liquid crystal mixtures can be used as convenient solvents in NMR experiments for the determination of molecular structure. The advantages of such solvents are pointed out. The application is demonstrated for acetonitrile; the value for the HCH bond angle thus determined is 108.8°.


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The use of more than one liquid crystal solvents to determine molecular structure and conformation is discussed. Liquid crystals of similar and opposite signs of diamagnetic anisotropies are considered separately since they lead to different novel applications. Advantages of such experiments over those employing single solvents are pointed out with illustrative examples.


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Deuteron NMR studies of mixtures of nematic liquid crystals such as N-(p-ethoxybenzylidene)-p-n-butylaniline and trans-4-pentyl-4-(4-cyanophenyl)cyclohexane and the molecules dissolved therein show the coexistence of up to three different spectra at certain concentrations and temperatures. This is attributed to the coexistence of nematic and “induced” smectic phases.


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The interactions of lithium perchlorate with ligands such as dimethyl sulphoxide, acetonitrile, pyridine and the Schiff base liquid crystals are investigated. The experiments open a new field for the study of metal-ion-ligand interactions in thermotropic liquid crystals.


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The proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectra of mixtures of liquid crystals with opposite diamagnetic anisotropies have been studied in the natural abundance of 13C. A new method to assign the spectral lines to specific carbons in the liquid crystalline phase has been developed. For this purpose, the assignments of lines in the isotropic media are required, and they were obtained from two-dimensional hetero-COSY experiments. From the spectra in the �critical� mixtures where both the orientations of the liquid crystal directors, with the alignments along and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, �coexist,� the 13C chemical-shift anisotropies have been determined, assuming uniaxial symmetry.


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We study the elasticity, topological defects, and hydrodynamics of the recently discovered incommensurate smectic (AIC) phase, characterized by two collinear mass density waves of incommensurate spatial frequency. The low-energy long-wavelength excitations of the system can be described by a displacement field u(x) and a ��phason�� field w(x) associated, respectively, with collective and relative motion of the two constituent density waves. We formulate the elastic free energy in terms of these two variables and find that when w=0, its functional dependence on u is identical to that of a conventional smectic liquid crystal, while when u=0, its functional dependence on w is the same as that for the angle variable in a slightly anisotropic XY model. An arbitrariness in the definition of u and w allows a choice that eliminates all relevant couplings between them in the long-wavelength elastic energy. The topological defects of the system are dislocations with nonzero u and w components. We introduce a two-dimensional Burgers lattice for these dislocations, and compute the interaction between them. This has two parts: one arising from the u field that is short ranged and identical to the interaction between dislocations in an ordinary smectic liquid crystal, and one arising from the w field that is long ranged and identical to the logarithmic interaction between vortices in an XY model. The hydrodynamic modes of the AIC include first- and second-sound modes whose direction-dependent velocities are identical to those in ordinary smectics. The sound attenuations have a different direction dependence, however. The breakdown of hydrodynamics found in conventional smectic liquid crystals, with three of the five viscosities diverging as 1/? at small frequencies ?, occurs in these systems as well and is identical in all its details. In addition, there is a diffusive phason mode, not found in ordinary smectic liquid crystals, that leads to anomalously slow mechanical response analogous to that predicted in quasicrystals, but on a far more experimentally accessible time scale.


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Silver nitrate-acetonitrile and π iodine-benzene complexes in thermotropic liquid crystals have been studied by 1H, 2H, and 13C NMR spectroscopy and by optical microscopy. Evidence for at least two silver complexes in each liquid crystal is presented.


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NMR spectra of liquid crystalline phases and the molecules dissolved therein, spinning at and near the magic angle provide information on the director dynamics and the order parameter. The studies on the dynamics of the liquid crystal director for sample spinning near magic angle in mesophases with positive and negative diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropies (Delta chi) and their mixtures with near-zero macroscopic diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropies have been reported. In systems with weakly positive Delta chi, the director has been observed to switch from an orientation parallel to the spinning axis at low rotational speeds to one perpendicular to the spinning axis at high rotational speeds, when the angle theta, the axis of rotation makes with the magnetic field is smaller than the magic angle theta(m). For systems with a small negative Delta chi, similar director behaviour has been observed for theta greater than theta(m). At magic angle, the spectra under slow spinning speeds exhibit a centre band and side bands at integral values of the spinning speeds. The intensities of the spinning side bands have been shown to contain information on the sign and the magnitude of the order parameter(s). The results are discussed with illustrative examples. Results on the orientation of the chemical shielding tensor obtained from a combination of the NMR studies in the solid and the liquid crystalline states, have been described.


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Cross polarisation is extensively used in solid state NMR for enhancing signals of nuclei with low gyromagnetic ratio. However, the use of the method for providing quantitative structural and dynamics information is limited. This arises due to the fact that the mechanism which is responsible for cross polarisation namely, the dipolar interaction, has a long range and is also anisotropic. In nematic liquid crystals these limitations are easily overcome since molecules orient in a magnetic field. The uniaxial ordering of the molecules essentially removes problems associated with the angular dependence of the interactions encountered in powdered solids. The molecular motion averages out intermolecular dipolar interaction, while retaining partially averaged intramolecular interaction. In this article the use of cross polarisation for obtaining heteronuclear dipolar couplings and hence the order parameters of liquid crystals is presented. Several modifications to the basic experiment were considered and their utility illustrated. A method for obtaining proton-proton dipolar couplings, by utilizing cross polarisation from the dipolar reservoir, is also presented.


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The spectra of molecules oriented in liquid crystalline media are dominated by partially averaged dipolar couplings. In the 13C–1H HSQC, due to the inefficient hetero-nuclear dipolar decoupling in the indirect dimension, normally carried out by using a π pulse, there is a considerable loss of resolution. Furthermore, in such strongly orienting media the 1H–1H and 13C–1H dipolar couplings leads to fast dephasing of transverse magnetization causing inefficient polarization transfer and hence the loss of sensitivity in the indirect dimension. In this study we have carried out 13C–1H HSQC experiment with efficient polarization transfer from 1H to 13C for molecules aligned in liquid crystalline media. The homonuclear dipolar decoupling using FFLG during the INEPT transfer delays and also during evolution period combined with the π pulse heteronuclear decoupling in the t1 period has been applied. The studies showed a significant reduction in partially averaged dipolar couplings and thereby enhancement in the resolution and sensitivity in the indirect dimension. This has been demonstrated on pyridazine and pyrimidine oriented in the liquid crystal. The two closely resonating carbons in pyrimidine are better resolved in the present study compared to the earlier work [H.S. Vinay Deepak, Anu Joy, N. Suryaprakash, Determination of natural abundance 15N–1H and 13C–1H dipolar couplings of molecules in a strongly orienting media using two-dimensional inverse experiments, Magn. Reson. Chem. 44 (2006) 553–565].