999 resultados para natural antioxidants


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The purpose of the PhD research was the identification of new strategies of farming and processing, with the aim to improve the nutritional and technological characteristics of poultry meat. Part of the PhD research was focused on evaluation of alternative farming systems, with the aim to increase animal welfare and to improve the meat quality and sensorial characteristics in broiler chickens. It was also assessed the use of innovative ingredients for marination of poultry meat (sodium bicarbonate and natural antioxidants) The research was developed by studying the following aspects: - Meat quality characteristics, oxidative stability and sensorial traits of chicken meat obtained from two different farming systems: free range vs conventional; - Meat quality traits of frozen chicken breast pre-salted using increasing concentrations of sodium chloride; - Use of sodium bicarbonate in comparison with sodium trypolyphosphate for marination of broiler breast meat and phase; - Marination with thyme and orange essential oils mixture to improve chicken meat quality traits, susceptibility to lipid oxidation and sensory traits. The following meat quality traits analyseswere performed: Colour, pH, water holding capacity by conventional (gravimetric methods, pressure application, centrifugation and cooking) and innovative methods (low-field NMR and DSC analysis) ability to absorb marinade soloutions, texture (shear force using different probes and texture profile analysis), proximate analysis (moisture, proteins, lipids, ash content, collagen, fatty acid), susceptibility to lipid oxidation (determinations of reactive substances with thiobarbituric acid and peroxide value), sensorial analysis (triangle test and consumer test).


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The research work has dealt with the study of new catalytic processes for the synthesis of fine chemicals belonging to the class of phenolics, namely 2-phenoxyethanol and hydroxytyrosol. The two synthetic procedures investigated have the advantages of being much closer to the Green Chemistry principles than those currently used industrially. In both cases, the challenge was that of finding catalysts and methods which led to the production of less waste, and used less hazardous chemicals, safer solvents, and reusable heterogeneous catalysts. In the case of 2-phenoxyethanol, the process investigated involves the use of ethylene carbonate (EC) as the reactant for phenol O-hydroxyethylation, in place of ethylene oxide. Besides being a safer reactant, the major advantage of using EC in the new synthesis is the better selectivity to the desired product achieved. Moreover, the solid catalyst based on Na-mordenite was fully recyclable. The reaction mechanism and the effect of the Si/Al ratio in the mordenite were investigated. In the case of hydroxytyrosol, which is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, a new synthetic procedure was investigated; in fact, the method currently employed, the hydrolysis of oleuropein, an ester extracted from the waste water processing of the olive, makes use of large amounts of organic solvents (hexane, ethyl acetate), and involves several expensive steps of purification. The synthesis procedure set up involves first the reaction between catechol and 2,2-dimethoxyacetaldehyde, followed by the one-pot reduction of the intermediate to give the desired product. Both steps were optimized, in terms of catalyst used, and of reaction conditions, that allowed to reach ca 70% yield in each step. The reaction mechanism was investigated and elucidated. During a 3-month period spent at the University of Valencia (with Prof. A. Corma’s group), a process for the production of diesel additives (2,5-bis(propoxymethyl)furan) from fructose has been investigated.


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No presente trabalho foram estudadas as separações de 18 flavonóides (9 agliconas e 9 glicosídeos) pelas técnicas de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência em fase reversa (RP-HPLC) e Cromatografia Micelar Eletrocinética em fluxo reverso (RF-Meck). Em ambas as técnicas foram avaliados solventes puros (metanol, acetonitrila e tetrahidrofurano) e suas misturas como formas de promover a variação de seletividade, através da modificação da fase móvel em HPLC, e da natureza do aditivo orgânico em RF-Meck. Nos estudos efetuados em HPLC utilizando-se gradiente, pode-se comprovar a possibilidade da modelagem do fator de retenção em funçã da proporção de solvente utilizados (MeOH, ACN, THF e suas misturas). Pode-se ainda, com base nos dados de retenção e na análise hierárquica de c1usters, diferenciar quatro diferentes grupos de sistemas cromatográficos com diferentes seletividades para flavonóides agliconas, e outros quatro com diferentes seletividades para glicosídeos. Os sistemas cromatográficos mais ortogonais (cada um pertencente a um grupo de seletividade) foram aplicados na separação de uma planta modelo (Azadirachta indica), de onde pode-se escolher a fase móvel mais seletiva para se otimizar a separação dos flavonóides glicosilados presentes nas folhas desta planta. No método final otimizado pode-se identificar e quantificar cinco dos flavonóides majoritários presentes, sendo três glicosídeos de quercetina (rutina, isoquercitrina e quercitrina) e dois glicosídeos de kaempferol (astragalin e nicotiflorin), em amostras de duas diferentes procedências (Piracicaba-SP e Silvânia-GO). Nos estudos envolvendo a separação dos dezoito flavonóides por RFMEKC pode-se comprovar diferenças significativas de seletividade quando se varia a natureza do solvente orgânico utilizado como aditivo, além de se observar tendências na migração em função das propriedades do solvente adicionado e da estrutura molecular do flavonóide. O solvente de menor eficiência para separação dos flavonóides foi o MeOH. Através da análise dos eletroferogramas obtidos através de um planejamento experimental de misturas, e das trocas de pares críticos observadas nos vários eletrólitos utilizados, obteve-se um método de separação com apenas um par crítico em menos de 12 minutos de corrida. O coeficiente de variação obtido para o fator de retenção foi de 1,5% e para área de 3%, considerando-se cinco injeções. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado com sucesso na identificação dos flavonóides majoritários presentes na planta modelo (Neem), obtendo-se o mesmo resultado do estudo anterior. Como forma de avaliar a concentração de flavonóides totais presentes em espécies vegetais é comum a análise de extratos após hidrólise ácida (conversão de todos glicosídeos em agliconas). Desta forma otimizou-se uma metodologia de separação em RP-HPLC de 8 flavonóides agliconas comumente presentes em alimentos e extratos vegetais de uso cosmético. A otimização foi efetuada mediante um planejamento experimental de misturas, para escolha da fase móvel mais seletiva, e de um planejamento fatorial composto central, para otimização das condições de gradiente. O método obtido foi o mais rápido já visto dentro da literatura consultada. A separação em linha de base foi efetuada em menos de 15 minutos, com coeficientes de variação de área entre 0,1 e 1,8%, coeficiente de correlação de 0,9993 a 0,9994 na faixa de 5 a 100 µg/mL, e limites de quantificação estimados na faixa de 0,1 a 0,21µg/mL. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado na otimização das condições de hidrólise de um extrato de Neem. A otimização foi efetuada através de metodologia de superfície de resposta, levando-se em consideração a concentração de ácido adicionada, o tempo de reação, a temperatura, e a concentração de um antioxidante (ácido ascórbico) adicionado. O resultado da otimização foi uma metodologia de hidrólise com tempo de reação igual a 5 minutos, utilizando-se 1,4 mol/L de HCI, 119°C e 500 µg/mL de ácido ascórbico. Através das metodologias de análise e de hidrólise desenvolvidas pode-se constatar a presença e quantificar no extrato de Neem os flavonóides agliconas quercetina, kaempferol e miricetina. Com o objetivo de se avaliar quais os componentes presentes em extratos vegetais são os responsáveis pelo poder antioxidante atribuído a determinadas plantas, foi montado um sistema de avaliação de poder antioxidante \"on-line\" com reação pós-coluna em HPLC (baseado na literatura) utilizando-se como \"radical livre modelo\" o ABTS. A análise da planta modelo (Neem) neste sistema mostrou que os flavonóides glicosilados identificados nas partes anteriores deste trabalho são os responsáveis pelo poder antioxidante atribuído a esta planta. De posse desta informação, e visando a obtenção de extratos para aplicações cosméticas com poder antioxidante, modelou-se a extração dos flavonóide do Neem em função da composição do solvente extrator (água, etanol , propilenoglicol e suas misturas), de acordo com um planejamento simplex centróide ampliado. Além da previsão da concentração dos princípios ativos pode-se ainda prever outras propriedades dos extratos obtidos, tais como, índice de refração e densidade, muitas vezes constituintes de especificações técnicas de acordo com as aplicações a que se destinam (cremes, xampús, etc).


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Filmes à base de biopolímeros podem ser utilizados para produção de embalagens ativas, que além de proteger os alimentos, podem interagir com o produto. No caso de embalagens ativas com atividade antioxidante, tem-se privilegiado o uso de agentes antioxidantes naturais, considerando-se que o uso de antioxidantes sintéticos tem sido questionado, sobretudo em relação à sua inocuidade. Existem muitos extratos de plantas já conhecidos por sua atividade antioxidante, que têm sido utilizados com frequência em estudos de filmes à base de biopolímeros, não somente por serem ricos em polifenóis, mas principalmente por sua boa interação com a matriz polimérica. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile (Peumus boldus) possui atividade antioxidante comprovada, entretanto, não existem relatos sobre sua adição em filmes. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desta tese foi o desenvolvimento de filmes à base de colágeno ou gelatina adicionados de extrato de boldo-do-Chile, com propriedades físicas e funcionais para seu emprego como embalagens bioativas. Foram realizadas as caracterizações (fenólicos totais, ABTS, DPPH, cor, °Brix e pH) do extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile, preparado em quatro diferentes temperaturas. Além disso, foram avaliadas as propriedades reológicas e térmicas da solução de gelatina, e também foram elaborados filmes com as soluções de gelatina e colágeno a partir de soluções filmogênicas com diferentes concentrações de macromoléculas e extrato de boldo. Esses filmes foram caracterizados para conhecimento de suas propriedades mecânicas (tração e perfuração), propriedades óticas (cor e opacidade), espessura, umidade e solubilidade em água. Uma concentração de macromoléculas foi escolhida para a realização de análises complementares, a saber: análises térmicas (DSC), cristalinidade por difração de raio X (DRX), permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), brilho, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), ângulo de contato, propriedades de barreira UV/Visível e atividade antioxidante. A adição do extrato de boldo-do-Chile nos filmes de gelatina e colágeno produziu filmes com atividade antioxidante, sem prejuízo às demais propriedades estudadas. Observou-se que o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile apresentou propriedades antioxidantes, mas que foram dependentes da temperatura de extração. O extrato de boldo-do-Chile foi capaz de modificar as propriedades térmicas das soluções filmogênicas de gelatina, não sendo observado efeito nas análises reológicas. Por outro lado, o extrato aquoso de boldo-do-Chile não influenciou as propriedades mecânicas, solubilidade, umidade, cristalinidade e a permeabilidade ao vapor de água dos filmes de gelatina ou colágeno. Algumas propriedades térmicas sofreram efeito dos extratos, mas as análises de FTIR não mostraram a formação de novas interações. As propriedades óticas e de barreira UV/Visível foram influenciadas pelo extrato de boldo-do-Chile, sendo que os filmes se apresentaram mais amarelados com o aumento da concentração do extrato de boldo-do-Chile. As micrografias mostraram filmes de gelatina bastante homogêneos e filmes de colágeno com superfícies mais rugosas. Os resultados de brilho e ângulo de contato corroboraram com estas respostas. Em conclusão, os filmes de ambas macromoléculas apresentaram atividade antioxidante, podendo dessa forma, serem considerados como filmes ativos.


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A geração de resíduos sólidos pelas atividades agroindustriais tem criado a demanda por um reaproveitamento tecnológico desses materiais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial bioativo e tecnológico de resíduos agroindustriais, como fontes naturais de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante. Foram analisados resíduos agroindustriais vinícolas, de indústrias produtoras de polpas congeladas de frutas (açaí, cajá, cupuaçu e graviola) e provenientes do beneficiamento de café e de laranja. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo para a determinação das condições ótimas de extração, empregando planejamento experimental multivariado com delineamento composto central rotacional, cujos resultados foram avaliados empregando a técnica de superfície de resposta. Na sequência, foram feitos a triagem dos resíduos, baseada na atividade antioxidante, e a caracterização fenólica dos extratos hidroalcoólicos obtidos dos resíduos agroindustriais. De acordo com os resultados de atividade antioxidante, engaço de uva da variedade Chenin Blanc (EC) e semente de açaí (SA) foram os resíduos selecionados, os quais seguiram para as etapas de concentração e fracionamento bioguiado de sua(s) molécula(s) bioativa(s), as quais foram posteriormente identificadas por UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Extratos brutos e concentrados foram avaliados in vitro quanto à capacidade de desativação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (radicais peroxila, ânion superóxido e ácido hipocloroso) e então, aplicados em óleo de soja, emulsão e suspensão de lipossomos, a fim de se avaliar a efetividade desses extratos como antioxidante natural em matrizes lipídicas. Concentrações intermediárias de etanol (40-60%) e alta temperatura (96°C), exceto para semente de açaí (25°C), foram as condições ótimas para a extração de antioxidantes dos resíduos agroindustriais. Epicatequina, ácido gálico, catequina e procianidina B1 foram os compostos de maior ocorrência, quando avaliados pela técnica de HPLC-DAD. O EC apresentou a maior atividade antioxidante global e SA a maior atividade entre os resíduos de polpas de frutas, laranja e café. A concentração dos extratos brutos de EC e SA, pela resina Amberlite XAD®-2, produziu aumento significativo da atividade antioxidante. Além disso, extratos brutos e concentrados apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa e anti-inflamatória. Os extratos concentrados foram fracionados por meio de Sephadex LH-20, a partir da qual foi possível identificar quatro frações de maior bioatividade para o EC e três para o SA. Procianidina B1, catequina, epicatequina e resveratrol foram identificados no extrato concentrado e frações de EC. Dezoito procianidinas poliméricas, catequina, epicatequina foram os principais compostos identificados em SA, por meio de UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol também foi encontrado em SA pela primeira vez. Quando avaliados em óleo de soja, EC e SA demonstraram atividade pro-oxidante. Contudo, elevada atividade antioxidante foi verificada quando essas amostras foram aplicadas em sistemas lipídicos coloidais, pois retardaram o consumo de oxigênio em uma emulsão óleo/água e o período de indução na produção de dienos conjugados em uma suspensão de lipossomos. Portanto, os resíduos agroindustriais EC e SA possuem potencial tecnológico de reaproveitamento industrial podendo ser considerados possíveis matérias-primas para a obtenção de extratos ricos em antioxidantes ou pela extração de antioxidantes naturais de uso pelas indústrias farmacêutica e/ou de alimentos.


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The aim of the conference is to bring together academia and industry to discuss the safety of food packaging as well as the development of new food packaging materials, including active, intelligent and nano concepts. Bio-based materials will be also discussed due to be a growing area of food packaging. Topics: Food Safety & Quality (Physical and chemical hazards: measurement and assessment; Biological hazards: risk and prevention; Mathematical modelling of risk assessment; Evaluation of food spoilage, food quality and shelf life; Food packaging laws and regulations; Food package interactions: migration measurement methods, models and food safety risk assessment; Food Packaging innovation (Active and intelligent packaging; Nano-packaging; New packaging materials and material development; Bio based and edible packaging; Food package testing; Sustainable food contact materials; Recycling and Life Cycle Assessment).


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (α-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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As the degraded products of chitosan, chitooligosaccharides (COS) have recently been produced by several methods, such as enzymatic an acidic hydrolysis. Chitosans are a family of biocompatible and biodegradable biopolymers obtained by N-deacetylation of chitin, the most abundant natural polymer after cellulose, consisting of two monomeric units, N-acetyl-2- amino-2-deoxi-D-glucose (A units) and 2-amino-2-deoxi-D-glucose (D units) linked by β (1→4) links. The degraded products COS, have a smaller molecular weight and therefore have better solubility and lower viscosity under physiological conditions because of shorter chain lengths and free amino groups in D-glucosamine units. The study of COS has been increasing not only because they come from a natural source, but also because of their biological compatibility and effectiveness. There are numerous reports on the biological activities of COS and their potential applications in food industry, pharmacy, agricultural or biomedicine. Nevertheless, in these studies it is difficult to find well defined COS in terms of physicochemical parametres, because these samples are usually poorly characterized. This makes it difficult to compare the results and to understand their mecanism of action. Degradation of the O-glycosidic linkages of chitosan by different methods, results in COS with different numbers and sequences of A and D units as well as different degrees of polymerisation (DP). Over the past few years, several technological approaches have been taken in preparing COS, including acid hydrolysis or enzymatic methods, among others. Therefore, in order to obtain COS with different physicochemical properties, different preparation methods of COS have been developed in this work. Then, the study of the relationship between physicochemical properties of these COS and their biological activities such as natural antioxidants, antibacterial agents, mucoadhesive and anti-inflammatory effects have been studied...


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Free radicals have been implicated in various pathological conditions such as, stroke, aging and ischemic heart disease (IHD), as well as neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease. The role of antioxidants in protection from the harmful effects of free radicals has long been recognized. Trapping extremely reactive free radicals and eliminating them from circulation has been shown to be effective in animal models. Nitrone-based free radical traps have been extensively explored in biological systems. Examples include nitrones such as PBN, NXY-059, MDL-101,002, DMPO and EMPO. However, these nitrones have extremely high oxidation potentials as compared to natural antioxidants such as Vitamin E (á-tocopherol), and glutathione. Becker et al. (1995) synthesized novel azulenyl nitrones, which were shown to have oxidation potentials much lower than that of any of the previously reported nitrone based spin traps. Another azulenyl nitrone derivative, stilbazulenyl nitrone (STAZN), was shown to have an even lower oxidation potential within the range of natural antioxidants. STAZN, a second generation free radical trap, was found to be markedly superior than the two most studied nitrones, PBN and NXY-059, in animal models of cerebral ischemia and in an in vitro assay of lipid peroxidation. In this study, a third generation azulenyl nitrone was synthesized with an electron donating group on the previously synthesized STAZN derivative with the aim to lower the oxidation potential even more. Pseudoazulenes, because of the presence of an annular heteroatom, have been reported to possess even lower oxidation potential than that of the azulenyl counterpart. Therefore, pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized for the first time by extracting and elaborating valtrate from the roots of Centranthus ruber (Red valerian or Jupiter’s beard). Several pseudoazulenyl nitrones were synthesized by using a facile experimental protocol. The physical and biological properties of these pseudoazulenyl nitrones can be easily modified by simply changing the substituent on the heteroatom. Cyclic voltammetry experiments have shown that these pseudoazulenyl nitrones do indeed have low oxidation potentials. The oxidation potential of these nitrones was lowered even more by preparing derivatives bearing an electron donating group at the 3-position of the five membered ring of the pseudoazulenyl nitrone.


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Jerked beef, an industrial meat product obtained from beef with the addition of sodium chloride and curing salts and subjected to a maturing and drying process is a typical Brazilian product which has been gradually discovered by the consumer. The replacement of synthetic antioxidants by natural substances with antioxidant potential due to possible side effects discovered by lab tests, consumer health, is being implemented by the meat industry. This study aimed to evaluate the lipid oxidation of jerked beef throughout the storage period by replacing the sodium nitrite by natural extracts of propolis and Yerba Mate. For jerked beef processing brisket was used as raw material processed in 6 different formulations: formulation 1 (control - in nature), formulation 2 (sodium nitrite - NO), formulation 3 (Yerba Mate - EM), formulation 4 (propolis extract - PRO), formulation 5 (sodium nitrite + Yerba Mate - MS + NO), formulation 6 (propolis extract + sodium nitrite - PRO + NO). The raw material was subjected to wet salting, dry salting (tombos), drying at 25°C, packaging and storage in BOD 25°C. Samples of each formulation were taken every 7 days for analysis of lipid oxidation by the TBARS method. In all formulations, were carried out analysis of chemical composition at time zero and sixty days of storage. The water activity analysis and color (L *, a *, b *) was monitored at time zero, thirty and sixty days of storage. The Salmonella spp count, Coliform bacteria, Termotolerant coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci were taken at time zero and sixty days. The activity of natural antioxidants evaluated shows the decline of lipid oxidation up to 2.5 times compared with the product in natura and presented values with no significant differences between treatments NO and EM, confirming the potential in minimize lipid oxidation of Jerked beef throughout the 60 days of storage. The results also showed that yerba mate has a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the propolis except the PRO + NO formulation. When associated with yerba mate with sodium nitrate, TBARS values become close to values obtained only for the control samples with the addition of sodium nitrite. The proximal composition of the formulations remained within the standards required in the IN nº22/2000 for jerked beef. Samples that differ significantly at 5% are directly related to the established type of formulation. The count of microorganisms was within the standards of the DRC nº12/2001 required for matured meat products. The intensity of the red (a*) decreased with storage time and increase the intensity of yellow (b*) indicates a darkening of the product despite L* also have been increased. These results suggest that yerba mate is a good alternative to meat industry in reducing healing addition salts when associated with another antioxidant.


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Pele, ossos, espinhas, entre outros, separados durante o processamento de produtos cárneos podem ser uma boa fonte de proteína, especialmente de colágeno. Para obtenção de colágeno nativo a partir de ossos é necessário um tratamento prévio de desproteinização e desmineralização. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os melhores parâmetros para a desmineralização de ossos de pescado e frango utilizando soluções de HCl e EDTA um complexante de íons metálicos. O melhor efeito da desmineralização foi obtido com solução de HCl 1,0 mol/L. Após 48 h de extração, 99,4 e 95,4% das substâncias minerais foram solubilizadas para os ossos de pescado e para ossos de frango, respectivamente. Paralelamente, a menor perda de colágeno também foi observada nessas condições. O processo realizado empregando soluções de EDTA foi menos eficaz do que com solução de HCl. Após 48 h de extração com EDTA 0,1 mol/L, 37,5 e 32,4% dos compostos minerais foram removidos dos ossos de pescado e dos ossos de frango, respectivamente. Uma maior eficiência foi alcançada com solução de EDTA 0,5 mol/L. O rendimento do processo foi de cerca de 66,6% a partir dos ossos de pescado e 70,6% a partir os ossos de frango. A desmineralização com EDTA não provocou perda de colágeno.


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The processing of meats at the factory level can trigger the onset of lipid oxidation, which can lead to meat quality deterioration. Warmed over flavor is an off-flavor, which is associated with oxidative deterioration in meat. To avoid or delay the auto-oxidation process in meat products, synthetic and natural antioxidants have been successfully used. Grape (Vitis Vinifera) is of special interest due to its high content of phenolic compounds. Grape seed extract sold commercially as a dietary supplement, has the potential to reduce lipid oxidation and WOF in cooked ground beef when added at 1%. The objective of study 1 was to compare the antioxidant activity of natural antioxidants including grape seed extract and some herbs belonging to the Lamiaciae family: rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), sage (Salvia Officinalis) and oregano (Origanum Vulgare) with commercial synthetic antioxidants like BHT, BHA, propyl gallate and ascorbic acid using the ORAC assay. All sample solutions were prepared to contain 1.8 gm sample/10 ml solvent. The highest antioxidant activity was observed for the grape seed extract sample (359.75 µM TE), while the lowest was observed for BHA, propyl gallate and rosemary also showed higher antioxidant potential with ORAC values above 300 μmol TE/g. ORAC values obtained for ascorbic acid and Sage were between 250-300μ mol TE/g while lowest values were obtained for Butylated Hydroxytoluene (28.50 µM TE). Based on the high ORAC values obtained for grape seed extract, we can conclude that byproducts of the wine/grape industry have antioxidant potential comparable to or better than those present in synthetic counterparts. The objective of study 2 was to compare three levels of grape seed extract (GSE) to commonly used antioxidants in a pre-cooked, frozen, stored beef and pork sausage model system. Antioxidants added for comparison with control included grape seed extract (100, 300, 500 ppm), ascorbic acid (AA, 100 ppm of fat) and propyl gallate (PG, 100 ppm of fat). Product was formed into rolls, frozen, sliced into patties, cooked on a flat griddle to 70C, overwrapped in PVC, and then frozen at –18C for 4 months. GSE- and PG-containing samples retained their fresh cooked beef odor and flavor longer (p<0.05) than controls during storage. Rancid odor and flavor scores of GSE-containing samples were lower (p<0.05) than those of controls after 4 months of storage. The L* value of all samples increased (p<0.05) during storage. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of the control and AA-containing samples increased (p<0.05); those of GSE-containing samples did not change significantly (p>0.05) over the storage period.


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The catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene) is a privileged structural motif among natural antioxidants like flavonoids, owing to its reactivity with alkylperoxyl radicals due to the stability of the semiquinone radical. The exploration of the relevance and mechanism of this non-conventional antioxidant chemistry in heterogenous biomimetic systems (aqueous micelles and unilamellar liposomes) is explored for the first time in Chapter 1. Results show antioxidant behaviour that surpasses that of nature’s premiere antioxidant α-tocopherol and relies on the cross-dismutation of alkylperoxyl and hydroperoxyl radicals at the water-lipid interface with regeneration of the catechol function from the oxidized quinone. The design and synthesis of new biomimetic catechol-type antioxidants by conjugation of thiols (e.g. cysteine) with quinones highlighted an unusual 1,6-type regioselectivity, which had been previously reported but never fully rationalized. Owing to its importance both in nature and in the development of new antioxidants, we investigated it in detail in Chapter 2. We could prove the onsetting of a radical-chain mechanism intermediated by thiyl and thiosemiquinone radicals at the basis of the “anomalous nucleophilic addition” of thiols to ortho-quinones, which paves the way to better understanding of the chemistry of such systems. The oxidation of catechols to the corresponding quinones is also a key reaction in the biosynthesis of melanins, mediated by enzyme Tyrosinase.


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Diphenylamine was chemically attached to depolymerised natural rubber by photochemical reaction. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was characterised by TLC, HNMR, IR and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound diphenylamine was compared with conventional amine type antioxidant in natural rubber vulcanizates. The rubber-bound diphenylamine was found to be less volatile and less extractable compared to the conventional antioxidant. The vulcanizates showed improved ageing resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidant . Also, the presence of liquid rubber-bound diphenylamine reduces the amount of plasticiser required for compounding.


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Para-phenylenediamine (PD) was chemically attached to depolymerized natural rubber by a photochemical reaction . The rubber bound PD was characterized by TLC, 1H-NMR, IR, and TGA. The efficiency and permanence of the bound PD were compared with conventional antioxidants in NBR vulcanizates . The rubber bound PD was found to be less volatile and more resistant to water and oil extraction . The vulcanizates showed improved aging resistance in comparison to vulcanizates containing conventional antioxidants. The liquid rubber bound antioxidant reduces the amount of plasticizer required for compounding