979 resultados para narrative theory


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A method extending narrative analysis with grounded theory analysis is proposed to bridge the gap between breadth and depth in IS narrative research. The purpose of the method is not to develop a theory but to make narrative analysis more accessible, transparent and accountable; and the resultant narrative more contextually grounded. The method is aimed particularly at inexperienced narrative researchers who currently lack guidance through the complexity of narrative analysis, but may also benefit experienced narrative researchers who may not be familiar with the applicability of grounded theory tools and techniques in this area.


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This article argues that, when a printed page is initially orally generated and then transcribed, either at the time or on a subsequent occasion by a listener or an interlocutor, there are important critical implications for the “I” of the account. It takes as a case study Anna Trapnel's first published works. Appearing within a few weeks of each other in 1654, The Cry of a Stone and Strange and Wonderful News are both mediated texts, large parts of which depend on the agency of a relater. The article begins by examining the textual traces of the relater, arguing for the centrality of his role and other agencies in the shaping of the works which bear Trapnel's name. Situating itself in relation to a current orientation in feminist autobiographical theory that places emphasis on the external requirement to narrate one's life, rather than on the spontaneous production of autobiography by an inner self, the article emphasizes notions of coaxing, witnessing and intersubjectivity to point up an appreciation of women's life writing as a species of cultural production in which various historical actors—male and female—participate. This dialogic process, which persists into the afterlife of transcription, owes part of its genesis to the political vagaries of 1654 and precipitates two contrasting—but equally “authentic”—versions of Trapnel's life and self. Mapping this movement, discussion concentrates on the ways in which a critical confrontation with women's oral narrative is as much an activity of disentangling as it is of reconstructing, an activity which is revealing of the extent to which a spectrum of social and cultural networks participates in and facilitates the female writing act.


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This article addresses swearing and testimony in Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative (1789) by reading the work in the context of a broader contemporary discourse concerning profane swearing and cursing. Acts of profane enunciation inform a number of key episodes in Equiano’s life, and bear particular significance for his spiritual development and abolitionist witnessing. Within the Narrative, swearing is cast as a failure of piety, civility, and humanity, and shown to be actively avenged by a retributive deity. In Britain, profane swearing was also thought to undermine the validity of legal testimony; while, in the British West Indies, slaves were denied recourse to such testimony against their oppressors. By disavowing profane swearing and cursing, the essay argues, Equiano sought to assert both the validity of his oath and the truth of his testimony against the iniquities of the British slave trade.


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This paper seeks to explore the construction of narrative space in 3D PC computer games. With reference to Stephen Heath’s theory of filmic narrative space, the paper will examine how computer games, based on the rendition of a continuous 3D, real-time interactive environment, construct a distinct mode of narrativisation. The dynamic imbrication of the manipulation of 3D objects in a virtual world and the (re)presentation of this virtual mise-en-scene constitute an interaction that affects the concept of narrative in computer games. This leads to several questions that the paper seeks to investigate: How does the construction of space in PC games contribute to the meaning-making process or the gamer’s experience of narrative? How then is this experience of narrative game-space different from that of film?


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A direct connection between comics and contemporary critical theory is to be found in the activity of the collective of artists who created "Cannibale" and "Frigidaire", the two most innovative Italian comics magazines of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The work of Andrea Pazienza, Filippo Scòzzari, Stefano Tamburini, Tanino Liberatore and Massimo Mattioli should be regarded as an expression of the radical movements from which Marxist Autonomist thinkers such as Antonio Negri, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi and Paolo Virno also emerged in the same period. As a consequence, the writings of the latter can be used to analyse the narrative and visual style, the recurring themes, and the editorial characteristics of the comics of the former. Moreover, an interesting parallel can also be drawn between the work of the most influential of these artists, Andrea Pazienza, and the thought of another prominent Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben, whose earliest books were published at that time too. The aim of this article is to show that the ideas of a number of the thinkers who have recently become internationally known as representatives of radical Italian theory, are useful to understand the work of this group of comics authors.


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This article takes as its main point of departure a body of empirical research on reading and text processing, and makes particular reference to the type of experiments conducted in Egidi and Gerrig (2006) and Rapp and Gerrig (2006). Broadly put, these experiments (i) explore the psychology of readers’ preferences for narrative outcomes, (ii) examine the way readers react to characters’ goals and actions, and (iii) investigate how readers tend to identify with characters’ goals the more ‘urgently’ those goals are narrated. The present article signals how stylistics can productively enrich such experimental work. Stylistics, it is argued, is well equipped to deal with subtle and nuanced variations in textual patterns without losing sight of the broader cognitive and discoursal positioning of readers in relation to these patterns. Making particular reference to what might constitute narrative ‘urgency’, the article develops a model which amalgamates different strands of contemporary research in narrative stylistics. This model advances and elaborates three key components: a Stylistic Profile, a Burlesque Block and a Kuleshov Monitor. Developing analyses of, and informal informant tests on, examples of both fiction and film, the article calls for a more rounded and sophisticated understanding of style in empirical research on subjects’ responses to patterns in narrative.


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This thesis focuses on the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy. Previous reviews of the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy concluded that a general theory that details narrative concepts appropriate to understand psychotherapy processes, explains the dynamic processes between narratives, and how they relate to positive outcomes is needed. This thesis addresses this issue by suggesting a multi-layered model that accounts for transformations in different layers of narrative organization. Accordingly, a model was specified that considers three layers of narrative organization: a micro-layer of narrative innovations that disrupt the clients’ usual way of construct meaning from life situations (innovative moments), a meso-layer of narrative scripts that integrate these narrative innovations in narrative scripts that consolidate its transformative potential (protonarratives), and, finally, a macro-layer of clients’ life story (self-narrative). Globally, the empirical studies provided support for the conceptual plausibility of this model and to the specific hypothesis that were formulated on its basis. Our observations complement previous research that had underlined the integrative processes either by emphasizing thematic coherence or integration, by emphasizing the role of dynamicity and differentiation of narrative contents and processes. Additionally, they also contribute to expand previous accounts of narrative innovation through insights on the processes that characterize narrative innovation development across psychotherapy. These studies also emphasize the role of quantitative procedures in the study of narrative processes of change as they allow us to accommodate the complexity and dynamic properties of narrative processes.


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Narrative therapy is a postmodern therapy that takes the position that people create self-narratives to make sense of their experiences. To date, narrative therapy has compiled virtually no quantitative and very little qualitative research, leaving gaps in almost all areas of process and outcome. White (2006a), one of the therapy's founders, has recently utilized Vygotsky's (1934/1987) theories of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) and concept formation to describe the process of change in narrative therapy with children. In collaboration with the child client, the narrative therapist formalizes therapeutic concepts and submits them to increasing levels of generalization to create a ZPD. This study sought to determine whether the child's development proceeds through the stages of concept formation over the course of a session, and whether therapists' utterances scaffold this movement. A sequential analysis was used due to its unique ability to measure dynamic processes in social interactions. Stages of concept formation and scaffolding were coded over time. A hierarchical log-linear analysis was performed on the sequential data to develop a model of therapist scaffolding and child concept development. This was intended to determine what patterns occur and whether the stated intent of narrative therapy matches its actual process. In accordance with narrative therapy theory, the log-linear analysis produced a final model with interactions between therapist and child utterances, and between both therapist and child utterances and time. Specifically, the child and youth participants in therapy tended to respond to therapist scaffolding at the corresponding level of concept formation. Both children and youth and therapists also tended to move away from earlier and toward later stages of White's scaffolding conversations map as the therapy session advanced. These findings provide support for White's contention that narrative therapists promote child development by scaffolding child concept formation in therapy.


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"How can I improve my practice and contribute to the professional knowledge base through narrative-autobiographical self-study?" Through the use of Whitehead's (1989) living educational theory and examination of my stories, I identify the values and critical events that have helped me come to know my own learning and shape my professional self. Building on the premise that educational knowledge/theory is created, recreated, and lived through educational inquiry; I strive to make meaning of this data archive, collected over 7 years of teaching. I chart my journey to reexamine my beliefs and practices, to find a balance between traditional and progressive practices and to align my theory and practice. I retell, and, thus, in some way relive, my own "living contradictions." A reconceptualization of the KNOW, DO, BE model (Drake & Burns, 2004) is used to develop strategies to align my practice, including a six-step model of curriculum design that combines the backwards design process of Wiggins and McTighe (1998), the KNOW, DO, BE model (Drake & Burns) and Curry and Samara's (1995) differentiation planner.


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This study examines issues of racism and sexism through the lens of Critical Race Theory and the interaction of personal and composite narratives. Specifically, the study explores how mainstream media’s hegemonic portrayal of South Asian culture and the 2007 socalled honour killing of Aqsa Parvez contribute to post-9/11 Islamophobia. The researcher presents a personal narrative that draws upon her experiences growing up in Dubai, U.A.E., and in Ontario, Canada and critically analyzes majoritarian stories related to Parvez as well as “counter-perspectives” that challenge such views. Study findings highlight the impact of 9/11 and Parvez’s murder on the researcher’s identity formation, and how media portray Muslim women as oppressed beings who live under the yoke of patriarchy. Results also indicate that although certain articles offer a counter-perspective that challenge dominant narratives, most recent media representations of the Parvez story equate Islam with honour killings and thus foster continued Islamophobia.


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This narrative study examined women’s experiences in leadership positions in an educational setting in Southern Ontario. Semi-structured interviews with 4 women (2 principals and 2 vice principals) revealed 4 key themes: (a) considerations prior to entering into leadership and confidence instilled by others to continue on that path; (b) ongoing challenge of maintaining work−life balance; (c) others’ perceptions of women in leadership positions; and (d) increasing number of women in leadership positions. The researcher used feminist standpoint theory to analyze data collected during interviews, which gave voice to the study’s participants and shed some light on women’s gendered experiences in leadership positions. Findings suggest that historical roots significantly influence society to continue with stereotypical gender roles, though some participants have overcome certain stereotypes. The literature review and participants’ experiences suggest that women have made some progress throughout history yet society needs to remain vigilant while striving for gender equality.


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À la lumière de la théorie de l’identité narrative élaborée par Paul Ricœur, ce mémoire évoque la configuration identitaire des personnages dans les œuvres Cosmos et Les envoûtés de W. Gombrowicz, ainsi que To the Lighthouse et The Waves de V. Woolf. D’une part, nous analyserons l’obsession d’une mise en série aliénante dans le cas de Witold (Cosmos), suivi par un cas de dédoublement et de perte dans l’Autre chez Walczak (Les envoûtés). D’autre part, nous évoquerons le rapport à la famille (James Ramsay) en plus de l’inscription et de l’ancrage par le biais d’éléments prépondérants (The Waves). Il en résulte chez ces personnages, la conception d’une identité par l’entremise d’histoires et d’événements qui la façonnent en un parcours narratif singulier.


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse sémio-narrative d’un corpus de dix-neuf contes merveilleux recueillis auprès des conteurs canadiens-français et canadiens-hurons par l’anthropologue Charles-Marius Barbeau, au début du XXe siècle. Après avoir passé en revue les principales théories dans l’approche sémiotique du conte à partir de Vladimir Propp jusqu’à nos jours, nous avons procédé à une étude narrative du corpus selon la méthode du grand folkloriste russe : cela nous a permis d’en montrer la valeur exceptionnelle mais aussi les limites. Nous avons constaté ainsi que le travail sur un corpus inédit peut mener à l’identification de nouveaux éléments dans la structure du conte merveilleux. En poursuivant nos recherches sur les dix-neuf contes recueillis par Barbeau, nous sommes passée du schéma linéaire, syntagmatique de Propp aux modèles logiques de ses continuateurs, particulièrement celui élaboré par Guy Laflèche. Nos analyses ont mis en évidence non seulement le fait que la structure en miroir est un modèle valide auquel une partie des contes merveilleux se plie parfaitement (d’emblée l’exclusivité du schéma de Propp est mise en question, sinon infirmée), mais aussi que tout conte merveilleux est exceptionnellement organisé, structuré (ce qui confirme la théorie de Claude Bremond conformément à laquelle le récit narratif est une alternance de dégradations et d’améliorations). Enfin, la dernière partie du mémoire est une analyse sémio-discursive de notre corpus qui, au lieu d’être une simple accumulation de listes de mots, d’expressions et de figures, tente d’aborder la structure idéologique, grâce à une étude en parallèle d’un conte du corpus et de deux versions littéraires.


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Les personnes âgées occupent une proportion importante des lits dans les centres hospitaliers de soins de courte durée québécois et leur présence est en augmentation. Parmi ces personnes, plusieurs présentent un état confusionnel aigu (ÉCA), voire un délirium, au cours de leur hospitalisation. Les soins infirmiers qu’elles requièrent sont complexes et les études portant sur la formation continue des infirmières tiennent peu compte de cette réalité. Les approches utilisées dans les études sont surtout centrées sur l’acquisition de connaissances et d’habiletés techniques et négligent les aspects créatifs, relationnels, critiques, réflexifs et éthiques essentiels à une prestation de soins infirmiers de qualité. On y retrouve également peu d’informations sur la conception de l’intervention éducative et sur son évaluation. C’est dans cette perspective que le but de l’étude était de mettre à l’essai et d’évaluer qualitativement le processus et les résultats d’une intervention éducative auprès d’infirmières soignant des personnes âgées hospitalisées en ÉCA. Plus particulièrement, ce sont les conditions facilitant et contraignant l’intervention, les aspects les plus utiles pour la pratique, les différents savoirs exprimés et les résultats de soins perçus par les participantes qui étaient recherchés. C’est en s’inspirant de la pédagogie narrative de Diekelmann (2001) et des savoirs infirmiers de Chinn et Kramer (2008) que l’intervention a été conçue et évaluée. La description d’expériences de soins vécues par les infirmières et la création d’un environnement d’apprentissage favorisant l’interprétation, en groupe, de ces expériences à l’aide d’informations théoriques et empiriques caractérisent la pédagogie narrative à la base de cette intervention. Pour atteindre le but, une étude de cas a été retenue. La stratégie d’échantillonnage par choix raisonné a permis de sélectionner des participantes travaillant sur les trois quarts de travail, ayant différents niveaux de formation et une expérience comme infirmière variant de huit mois à 36 ans, dont l’âge variait de 23 à 64 ans. L’échantillon, composé de 15 infirmières soignant fréquemment des personnes en ÉCA et travaillant sur des unités de soins chirurgicaux cardiologiques et orthopédiques, était réparti dans trois groupes égaux de cinq participantes. L’intervention éducative comprenait quatre journées de formation offertes à intervalle de trois semaines pour une durée totale de 12 semaines. Au cours de chacune de ces journées, les participantes devaient effectuer un travail écrit réflexif concernant une situation de soins vécue avec une personne en ÉCA et, par la suite, partager, interpréter et s'interroger sur ces situations en faisant des liens avec des informations théoriques et empiriques sur l’ÉCA dans le cadre d’un atelier de groupe. Une triangulation de méthodes de collecte de données, incluant des notes de terrain de l’investigatrice, les travaux réflexifs des participantes, des questionnaires complétés par les participantes après chaque journée de formation et une entrevue individuelle avec chaque participante réalisée par une intervieweuse externe à la fin de l’intervention, a permis de décrire la mise à l’essai de l’intervention et d’évaluer qualitativement son processus et ses résultats. Une analyse de contenu des données qualitatives intra et inter participante a été effectuée. La mise à l’essai de l’intervention a mis en évidence l’importance de tenir compte des besoins variés des participantes et d’ajuster l’intervention éducative d’un groupe à l’autre, notamment eu égard aux contenus théoriques et empiriques sur l’ECA. L’évaluation du processus souligne que l’intervention a été facilitée par les attitudes et la diversité des expériences des participantes, ainsi que par l’utilisation de situations de soins réelles permettant d’intégrer la théorie dans la pratique. L’accès à de nouveaux outils d’évaluation des personnes en ÉCA a été perçu particulièrement utile par les participantes. Quant à l’évaluation des résultats, elle a permis de rendre visibles de nombreux savoirs empiriques, éthiques et esthétiques et certains savoirs personnels et émancipatoires exprimés par les participantes. Les participantes ont, entre autres, réalisé des évaluations plus approfondies des personnes en ÉCA, ont réduit ou évité les mesures de contrôle physiques des personnes atteintes et ont impliqué davantage les familles dans les soins. L’évaluation a aussi permis de décrire certains résultats perçus par les participantes sur le bien-être physique et psychologique des personnes soignées et sur les familles. Les personnes en ECA étaient, entre autres, rassurées, plus calmes et soulagées et les familles moins inquiètes et davantage impliquées dans les soins. Les résultats de l’étude mettent en évidence l’applicabilité d’une intervention éducative narrative basée sur un cadre de référence en sciences infirmières et son utilité pour la formation continue dans les milieux de soins. L’étude ouvre la porte à des possibilités de transfert de l’intervention à d’autres populations d’infirmières soignant des clientèles ayant des besoins complexes, notamment en gériatrie, en oncologie ou en soins palliatifs. Des études visant à évaluer l’intervention auprès d’un échantillon plus important et à explorer ses effets sur les personnes soignées et leurs familles sont proposées.