943 resultados para multi-trauma patients


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BACKGROUND Recently, two simple clinical scores were published to predict survival in trauma patients. Both scores may successfully guide major trauma triage, but neither has been independently validated in a hospital setting. METHODS This is a cohort study with 30-day mortality as the primary outcome to validate two new trauma scores-Mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Age, and Pressure (MGAP) score and GCS, Age and Pressure (GAP) score-using data from the UK Trauma Audit and Research Network. First, an assessment of discrimination, using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and calibration, comparing mortality rates with those originally published, were performed. Second, we calculated sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and likelihood ratios for prognostic score performance. Third, we propose new cutoffs for the risk categories. RESULTS A total of 79,807 adult (≥16 years) major trauma patients (2000-2010) were included; 5,474 (6.9%) died. Mean (SD) age was 51.5 (22.4) years, median GCS score was 15 (interquartile range, 15-15), and median Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 9 (interquartile range, 9-16). More than 50% of the patients had a low-risk GAP or MGAP score (1% mortality). With regard to discrimination, areas under the ROC curve were 87.2% for GAP score (95% confidence interval, 86.7-87.7) and 86.8% for MGAP score (95% confidence interval, 86.2-87.3). With regard to calibration, 2,390 (3.3%), 1,900 (28.5%), and 1,184 (72.2%) patients died in the low, medium, and high GAP risk categories, respectively. In the low- and medium-risk groups, these were almost double the previously published rates. For MGAP, 1,861 (2.8%), 1,455 (15.2%), and 2,158 (58.6%) patients died in the low-, medium-, and high-risk categories, consonant with results originally published. Reclassifying score point cutoffs improved likelihood ratios, sensitivity and specificity, as well as areas under the ROC curve. CONCLUSION We found both scores to be valid triage tools to stratify emergency department patients, according to their risk of death. MGAP calibrated better, but GAP slightly improved discrimination. The newly proposed cutoffs better differentiate risk classification and may therefore facilitate hospital resource allocation. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Prognostic study, level II.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Patient characteristics and risk factors for death of Swiss trauma patients in the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN). METHODS: Descriptive analysis of trauma patients (≥16 years) admitted to a level I trauma centre in Switzerland (September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010) and entered into TARN. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of 30-day mortality. RESULTS: Of 458 patients 71% were male. The median age was 50.5 years (inter-quartile range [IQR] 32.2-67.7), median Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 14 (IQR 9-20) and median Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) was 15 (IQR 14-15). The ISS was >15 for 47%, and 14% had an ISS >25. A total of 17 patients (3.7%) died within 30 days of trauma. All deaths were in patients with ISS >15. Most injuries were due to falls <2 m (35%) or road traffic accidents (29%). Injuries to the head (39%) were followed by injuries to the lower limbs (33%), spine (28%) and chest (27%). The time of admission peaked between 12:00 and 22:00, with a second peak between 00:00 and 02:00. A total of 64% of patients were admitted directly to our trauma centre. The median time to CT was 30 min (IQR 18-54 min). Using multivariable regression analysis, the predictors of mortality were older age, higher ISS and lower GCS. CONCLUSIONS: Characteristics of Swiss trauma patients derived from TARN were described for the first time, providing a detailed overview of the institutional trauma population. Based on these results, patient management and hospital resources (e.g. triage of patients, time to CT, staffing during night shifts) could be evaluated as a further step.


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Objective. The study reviewed one year of Texas hospital discharge data and Trauma Registry data for the 22 trauma services regions in Texas to identify regional variations in capacity, process of care and clinical outcomes for trauma patients, and analyze the statistical associations among capacity, process of care, and outcomes. ^ Methods. Cross sectional study design covering one year of state-wide Texas data. Indicators of trauma capacity, trauma care processes, and clinical outcomes were defined and data were collected on each indicator. Descriptive analyses were conducted of regional variations in trauma capacity, process of care, and clinical outcomes at all trauma centers, at Level I and II trauma centers and at Level III and IV trauma centers. Multilevel regression models were performed to test the relations among trauma capacity, process of care, and outcome measures at all trauma centers, at Level I and II trauma centers and at Level III and IV trauma centers while controlling for confounders such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, injury severity, level of trauma centers and urbanization. ^ Results. Significant regional variation was found among the 22 trauma services regions across Texas in trauma capacity, process of care, and clinical outcomes. The regional trauma bed rate, the average staffed bed per 100,000 varied significantly by trauma service region. Pre-hospital trauma care processes were significantly variable by region---EMS time, transfer time, and triage. Clinical outcomes including mortality, hospital and intensive care unit length of stay, and hospital charges also varied significantly by region. In multilevel regression analysis, the average trauma bed rate was significantly related to trauma care processes including ambulance delivery time, transfer time, and triage after controlling for age, gender, race/ethnicity, injury severity, level of trauma centers, and urbanization at all trauma centers. Transfer time only among processes of care was significant with the average trauma bed rate by region at Level III and IV. Also trauma mortality only among outcomes measures was significantly associated with the average trauma bed rate by region at all trauma centers. Hospital charges only among outcomes measures were statistically related to trauma bed rate at Level I and II trauma centers. The effect of confounders on processes and outcomes such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, injury severity, and urbanization was found significantly variable by level of trauma centers. ^ Conclusions. Regional variation in trauma capacity, process, and outcomes in Texas was extensive. Trauma capacity, age, gender, race/ethnicity, injury severity, level of trauma centers and urbanization were significantly associated with trauma process and clinical outcomes depending on level of trauma centers. ^ Key words: regionalized trauma systems, trauma capacity, pre-hospital trauma care, process, trauma outcomes, trauma performance, evaluation measures, regional variations ^


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The development of nosocomial pneumonia was monitored in 96 head-trauma patients requiring mechanical ventilation for up to 10 days. Pneumonia occurred in 28 patients (29.2%) or 53.9 cases per 1,000 admission days. The incidence of nosocomial pneumonia was negatively correlated with cerebral oxygen metabolic rate (CMRO$\sb2$) measured during the first five days. The relative risk of nosocomial pneumonia for patients with CMRO$\sb2$ less than 0.6 umol/gm/min is 2.08 (1.09$-$3.98) times those patients with CMRO$\sb2$ greater than 0.6 umol/gm/min. The association between cerebral oxygen metabolic rate and nosocomial pneumonia was not affected by adjustment of potential confounding factors including age, cimetidine and other infections. These findings provide evidences underlying the CNS-immune system interaction. ^


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Objetivos: Avaliar a capacidade funcional de pacientes vítimas de trauma um ano após alta hospitalar e verificar associação da capacidade funcional com fatores relacionados ao trauma e à internação hospitalar. Metodologia: Estudo de coorte prospectivo, com pacientes vítimas de trauma grave (Injury Severity Score - ISS >=16), internados entre Junho e Setembro de 2010 em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) cirúrgica especializada em paciente politraumatizado de um hospital público de grande porte na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Variáveis de interesse como idade, sexo, escore de Glasgow, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Disease Classification System II (APACHE II), mecanismos de trauma, número de lesões, região corpórea afetada, número de cirurgias, duração da ventilação mecânica (VM) e tempo de internação hospitalar foram coletadas dos prontuários médicos. A capacidade funcional foi avaliada um ano após alta hospitalar utilizando as escalas Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) e Escala de Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton (AIVDL). Os pacientes também foram questionados se haviam retornado ao trabalho ou estudo. Resultados: O seguimento um ano após trauma foi completo em 49 indivíduos, a maioria composta por jovens (36±11 anos), do sexo masculino (81,6%) e vítimas de acidentes de trânsito (71,5%). Cada indivíduo sofreu aproximadamente 4 lesões corporais, acarretando uma média no ISS de 31 ± 14,4. O traumatismo cranioencefálico foi o tipo de lesão mais comum (65,3%). De acordo com a GOS, a maioria dos pacientes apresentou disfunção moderada (43%) ou disfunção leve ou ausente (37%) um ano após o trauma. A escala AIVDL apresentou pontuação média de 12±4 com aproximadamente 60- 70% dos indivíduos capazes de realizar de forma independente a maioria das atividades avaliadas. Escore de Glasgow, APACHE II, duração da VM e tempo de internação hospitalar foram associadas com a capacidade funcional um ano após lesão. A regressão linear múltipla considerando todas as variáveis significativas revelou associação entre a pontuação da escala AIVDL e o tempo de internação hospitalar. Apenas 32,6% dos indivíduos retornaram ao trabalho ou estudo. Conclusões: A maioria dos pacientes vítimas de trauma grave foi capaz de realizar as atividades avaliadas com independência; apenas um terço deles retornou ao trabalho e/ou estudo um ano após alta hospitalar. O tempo de internação hospitalar foi revelado como preditor significativo para a recuperação da capacidade funcional um ano após lesão grave


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This study of ventilated patients investigated pneumonia risk factors and outcome predictors in 476 episodes of pneumonia (48% community-acquired pneumonia, 24% hospital-acquired pneumonia, 28% ventilator-associated pneumonia) using a prospective survey in 14 intensive care units within Australia and New Zealand. For community acquired pneumonia, mortality increased with immunosuppression (OR 5.32, CI 95% 1.58-17.99, P < 0. 01), clinical signs of consolidation (OR 2.43, CI 95% 1.09-5.44, P = 0. 03) and Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores (OR 1.19, CI 95% 1.08-1.30, P < 0. 001) but improved if appropriate antibiotic changes were made within three days of intensive care unit admission (OR 0.42, CI 95% 0.20-0.86, P = 0.02). For hospital-acquired pneumonia, immunosuppression (OR 6.98, CI 95% 1.16-42.2, P = 0.03) and non-metastatic cancer (OR 3.78, CI 95% 1.20-11.93, P = 0.02) were the principal mortality predictors. Alcoholism (OR 7.80, CI 95% 1.20-1750, P < 0.001), high SOFA scores (OR 1.44, CI 95% 1.20-1.75, P = 0.001) and the isolation of high risk organisms including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp, Stenotrophomonas spp and methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (OR 4.79, CI 95% 1.43-16.03, P = 0.01), were associated with increased mortality in ventilator-associated pneumonia. The use of non-invasive ventilation was independently protective against mortality for patients with community-acquired and hospital-acquired pneumonia (OR 0.35, CI 95% 0.18-0.68, P = 0.002). Mortality was similar for patients requiting both invasive and non-invasive ventilation and non-invasive ventilation alone (21% compared with 20% respectively, P = 0.56). Pneumonia risks and mortality predictors in Australian and New Zealand ICUs vary with pneumonia type. A history of alcoholism is a major risk factor for mortality in ventilator-associated pneumonia, greater in magnitude than the mortality effect of immunosuppression in hospital-acquired pneumonia or community-acquired pneumonia. Non-invasive ventilation is associated with reduced ICU mortality. Clinical signs of consolidation worsen, while rationalising antibiotic therapy within three days of ICU admission improves mortality for community-acquired pneumonia patients.


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Introduction and Research Objectives: Pediatric obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In the critical care setting, obesity has yet to be fully studied. We sought to evaluate the effects of obesity in children who are admitted to a hospital from trauma centers using Kid's Inpatient Database (KID) during 2009. Methods: The study examined inpatient admissions from pediatric trauma patients in 2009 using the Kids´ Inpatient Database (KID). Patients (n=27599) were selected from the KID based on Age (AGE>1) and Admission Type (ATYPE=5) and assessed on Race, Sex, Length of Stay (LOS), Number of Diagnoses and Procedures, Severity of Illness (SOI), Risk of Mortality (ROM), Co-morbidities, and Intubation by comparing obese and non-obese cohorts. Chi-square test and student t-test were used to analyze the data. All variables were weighted to get national estimates. Results: The overall prevalence of obesity (those coded as having obesity as co-morbidity) was 1.6% with significantly higher prevalence among Blacks (1.8%), Hispanics (2.3%), and Native Americans (4.1%; p<0.001). Obesity was more prevalent among females (2.4% vs 1.2%; p<.001). Overall mortality in the cohort was 4.8%. Obesity was significantly lower among children who died during hospitalization (0.5% vs 1.6%; p<0.002). However, obese children had significantly longer LOS, greater number of diagnoses, more procedures and greater than expected loss of function due to SOI when compared with nonobese cohort (p<.001). Deficiency anemia, diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, and fluid and electrolyte disorders are all strongly associated with the presence of obesity (p<.005). The rate of intubation is similar between obese and non-obese cohorts. Conclusion: Our study using KID national database found that obese children who are admitted from trauma centers have a higher morbidity and LOS but lower mortality. Racial and gender inequalities of obesity prevalence is consistent with previous reports.


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Introduction and Research Objectives: Pediatric obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. In the critical care setting, obesity has yet to be fully studied. We sought to evaluate the effects of obesity in children who are admitted to a hospital from trauma centers using Kid's Inpatient Database (KID) during 2009. Methods: The study examined inpatient admissions from pediatric trauma patients in 2009 using the Kids´ Inpatient Database (KID). Patients (n=27599) were selected from the KID based on Age (AGE>1) and Admission Type (ATYPE=5) and assessed on Race, Sex, Length of Stay (LOS), Number of Diagnoses and Procedures, Severity of Illness (SOI), Risk of Mortality (ROM), Co-morbidities, and Intubation by comparing obese and non-obese cohorts. Chi-square test and student t-test were used to analyze the data. All variables were weighted to get national estimates. Results:The overall prevalence of obesity (those coded as having obesity as co-morbidity) was 1.6% with significantly higher prevalence among Blacks (1.8%), Hispanics (2.3%), and Native Americans (4.1%; p Conclusion: Our study using KID national database found that obese children who are admitted from trauma centers have a higher morbidity and LOS but lower mortality. Racial and gender inequalities of obesity prevalence is consistent with previous reports.


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Knowing the scope of neurosurgical disease at Mbarara Hospital is critical for infrastructure planning, education and training. In this study, we aim to evaluate the neurosurgical outcomes and identify predictors of mortality in order to potentiate platforms for more effective interventions and inform future research efforts at Mbarara Hospital.


This is retrospective chart review including patients of all ages with a neurosurgical disease or injury presenting to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH) between January 2012 to September 2015. Descriptive statistics were presented. A univariate analysis was used to obtain the odds ratios of mortality and 95% confidence intervals. Predictors of mortality were determined using multivariate logistic regression model.


A total of 1876 charts were reviewed. Of these, 1854 (had complete data and were?) were included in the analysis. The overall mortality rate was 12.75%; the mortality rates among all persons who underwent a neurosurgical procedure was 9.72%, and was 13.68% among those who did not undergo a neurosurgical procedure. Over 50% of patients were between 19 and 40 years old and the majority of were males (76.10%). The overall median length of stay was 5 days. Of all neurosurgical admissions, 87% were trauma patients. In comparison to mild head injury, closed head injury and intracranial hematoma patients were 5 (95% CI: 3.77, 8.26) and 2.5 times (95% CI: 1.64,3.98) more likely to die respectively. Procedure and diagnostic imaging were independent negative predictors of mortality (P <0.05). While age, ICU admission, admission GCS were positive predictors of mortality (P <0.05).


The majority of hospital admissions were TBI patients, with RTIs being the most common mechanism of injury. Age, ICU admission, admission GCS, diagnostic imaging and undergoing surgery were independent predictors of mortality. Going forward, further exploration of patient characteristics is necessary to fully describe mortality outcomes and implement resource appropriate interventions that ultimately improve morbidity and mortality.


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ANTECEDENTES: la elevada concurrencia de pacientes pediátricos a las salas de emergencia de los diferentes hospitales por causas traumáticas, ha generado preocupación en la colectividad y principalmente en las personas que laboran en las casas de salud. OBJETIVO GENERAL: determinar la frecuencia y las características del trauma en pacientes de 0 a 16 años que acuden a emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de la ciudad de Cuenca, en un período comprendido entre julio a diciembre del 2014. METODOLOGÍA: se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo-retrospectivo, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de emergencia y formularios del SOAT. En el periodo de estudio se registraron 6891 consultas en la emergencia, de los cuales 3128 pacientes de 0 a 16 años consultaron por trauma. Se valoraron variables como: sexo, edad, área de residencia, causas, escenario físico, persona o institución que lleva al niño, forma de transporte, tipos de lesiones, el horario y calendario en el que se presentó el trauma. La información se analizó con la base de datos en Excel 2010, SPSS versión 19. RESULTADOS: el 59,6% de los pacientes fue de sexo masculino, con una edad promedio 7 años, presentaron mayormente caídas 51,11% y el trauma de cabeza 35.81% de acuerdo a la lesión. La mayoría de pacientes en un 61% fueron de zona urbana; el lugar más frecuente de producción del accidente fue el domicilio con 54.53%. Un 93.9% de niños fueron llevados por sus familiares en forma ambulatoria con 73.6%, acudieron al hospital dentro de la primera hora después del percance un 67.3%


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Les accidents sont la cause la plus fréquente de décès chez l’enfant, la plupart du temps à cause d’un traumatisme cranio-cérébrale (TCC) sévère ou d’un choc hémorragique. Malgré cela, la prise en charge de ces patients est souvent basée sur la littérature adulte. Le mannitol et le salin hypertonique (3%) sont des traitements standards dans la gestion de l’hypertension intracrânienne, mais il existe très peu d’évidence sur leur utilité en pédiatrie. Nous avons entrepris une revue rétrospective des traumatismes crâniens sévères admis dans les sept dernières années, pour décrire l’utilisation de ces agents hyperosmolaires et leurs effets sur la pression intracrânienne. Nous avons établi que le salin hypertonique est plus fréquemment utilisé que le mannitol, qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de facteurs associés à l’utilisation de l’un ou l’autre, et que l’effet sur la pression intracrânienne est difficile à évaluer en raison de multiples co-interventions. Il faudra mettre en place un protocole de gestion du patient avec TCC sévère avant d’entreprendre des études prospectives. La transfusion sanguine est employée de façon courante dans la prise en charge du patient traumatisé. De nombreuses études soulignent les effets néfastes des transfusions sanguines suggérant des seuils transfusionnels plus restrictifs. Malgré cela, il n’y a pas de données sur les transfusions chez l’enfant atteint de traumatismes graves. Nous avons donc entrepris une analyse post-hoc d’une grosse étude prospective multicentrique sur les pratiques transfusionnelles des enfants traumatisés. Nous avons conclu que les enfants traumatisés sont transfusés de manière importante avant et après l’admission aux soins intensifs. Un jeune âge, un PELOD élevé et le recours à la ventilation mécanique sont des facteurs associés à recevoir une transfusion sanguine aux soins intensifs. Le facteur le plus prédicteur, demeure le fait de recevoir une transfusion avant l’admission aux soins, élément qui suggère probablement un saignement continu. Il demeure qu’une étude prospective spécifique des patients traumatisés doit être effectuée pour évaluer si une prise en charge basée sur un seuil transfusionnel restrictif serait sécuritaire dans cette population.


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Les accidents sont la cause la plus fréquente de décès chez l’enfant, la plupart du temps à cause d’un traumatisme cranio-cérébrale (TCC) sévère ou d’un choc hémorragique. Malgré cela, la prise en charge de ces patients est souvent basée sur la littérature adulte. Le mannitol et le salin hypertonique (3%) sont des traitements standards dans la gestion de l’hypertension intracrânienne, mais il existe très peu d’évidence sur leur utilité en pédiatrie. Nous avons entrepris une revue rétrospective des traumatismes crâniens sévères admis dans les sept dernières années, pour décrire l’utilisation de ces agents hyperosmolaires et leurs effets sur la pression intracrânienne. Nous avons établi que le salin hypertonique est plus fréquemment utilisé que le mannitol, qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de facteurs associés à l’utilisation de l’un ou l’autre, et que l’effet sur la pression intracrânienne est difficile à évaluer en raison de multiples co-interventions. Il faudra mettre en place un protocole de gestion du patient avec TCC sévère avant d’entreprendre des études prospectives. La transfusion sanguine est employée de façon courante dans la prise en charge du patient traumatisé. De nombreuses études soulignent les effets néfastes des transfusions sanguines suggérant des seuils transfusionnels plus restrictifs. Malgré cela, il n’y a pas de données sur les transfusions chez l’enfant atteint de traumatismes graves. Nous avons donc entrepris une analyse post-hoc d’une grosse étude prospective multicentrique sur les pratiques transfusionnelles des enfants traumatisés. Nous avons conclu que les enfants traumatisés sont transfusés de manière importante avant et après l’admission aux soins intensifs. Un jeune âge, un PELOD élevé et le recours à la ventilation mécanique sont des facteurs associés à recevoir une transfusion sanguine aux soins intensifs. Le facteur le plus prédicteur, demeure le fait de recevoir une transfusion avant l’admission aux soins, élément qui suggère probablement un saignement continu. Il demeure qu’une étude prospective spécifique des patients traumatisés doit être effectuée pour évaluer si une prise en charge basée sur un seuil transfusionnel restrictif serait sécuritaire dans cette population.


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Cette revue systématique évalue l’effet d’une utilisation libérale de plaquettes (ratio élevé plaquettes:culots globulaires) en comparaison à une utilisation traditionnelle (faible ratio plaquettes:culots globulaires) dans la réanimation initiale des polytraumatisés. Parmi 6123 références identifiées, nous avons sélectionné 7 études observationnelles comparatives incluant au total 4230 patients. Quatre études ont rapporté une diminution de la mortalité avec des ratios plaquettes:culots globulaires élevés chez des patients transfusés massivement. Une étude sur des patients sans hémorragie massive et une étude sur un nouveau protocole de transfusion massive n’ont rapporté aucune différence. L’hétérogénéité clinique et les failles méthodologiques des études n’ont pas permis d’effectuer une méta-analyse. Les données probantes actuelles sont insuffisantes pour appuyer l’utilisation d’un ratio plaquettes:culots globulaires spécifique dans la réanimation des polytraumatisés, surtout en considérant le biais de survie et les hémorragies non massives. Des essais cliniques randomisés évaluant la sécurité et l’efficacité d’un ratio élevé plaquettes:culots globulaires sont nécessaires avant de recommander leur utilisation.


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El impacto que ha generado el trauma en Colombia a lo largo de la historia, nos ha obligado a mejorar y adaptar diferentes tipos de sistemas de atención en trauma, basados en los lineamientos internacionales, los cuales buscan evitar el significativo aumento en las tasas de mortalidad y discapacidad que se obtienen de este, especialmente en los servicios de Emergencias en los cuales se reciben el 100% de estos pacientes con traumatismo múltiple o politraumatismo. Dentro de este grupo de pacientes hay un subgrupo que son las pacientes con trauma de abdomen que cursan con estabilidad hemodinámica y además son clasificados de bajo riesgo, ya sea por índices de trauma o por otros métodos como la medición sérica de lactato, los cuales tienen un papel poco despreciable al momento de ver mortalidad y discapacidad por trauma, ya sea penetrante o cerrado; en este trabajo específicamente nos centramos en las personas que consultan al servicio de Emergencias con trauma cerrado de abdomen los cuales son considerados de bajo riesgo, siendo este subgrupo de pacientes uno de los más difíciles de abordar y enfocar al momento de la valoración inicial, ya que se debe tener la seguridad de que no hay lesiones que comprometen la vida y por consiguiente estos pacientes puedan ser dados de alta.


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Os avanços nos cuidados com o paciente traumatizado e com infecções abdominais graves são responsáveis por um número crescente de peritoneostomias. O manejo desta entidade é complexo e várias técnicas foram descritas para seu tratamento. Recentemente foi introduzido na literatura o conceito de fechamento dinâmico da parede abdominal, com elevadas taxas de sucesso. O objetivo deste trabalho é de servir como nota prévia de uma nova abordagem para o tratamento das peritoneostomias, desenvolvida no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Trata-se de um procedimento simples e de baixo custo, facilmente realizado por cirurgião geral. O procedimento também foi utilizado como reforço em fechamentos abdominais tensos, de maneira profilática. O procedimento é descrito em detalhes, assim como os resultados nos primeiros pacientes. Apesar de promissora, refinamentos técnicos e estudos complementares são necessários para a validação da técnica.