775 resultados para motives


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Previous research has shown that the effects of basic psychological needs on the flow experience in sports are moderated by implicit motives. However, so far, only leisure and health-oriented sports have been analyzed. In a pilot study and a main study (N = 29, 93), we tested whether the implicit achievement and affiliation motives interact with the need for competence and the need for social relatedness satisfaction, respectively, to predict flow experience and well-being in extreme endurance athletes. Results showed that highly achievement-motivated individuals benefited more from the need for competence satisfaction in terms of flow than individuals with a low achievement motive did. In addition, highly affiliation-motivated individuals whose need for social relatedness is satisfied reported higher positive affect and lower exercise addiction scores than athletes with a low motive. We discuss the differential effects of the interplay between the achievement and affiliation motives and basic needs on different outcome variables.


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People differ in how open-ended or limited they perceive their future. We argue that individual differences in future time perspective affect the activation of implicit motives. Perceiving the time remaining for the satisfaction of one’s motives as limited should be associated with a higher activation of these motives than perceiving one’s future as more open-ended. Given that future time perspective decreases across adulthood, older adults should score higher on implicit motives than younger adults. This hypothesis was supported in a study with young (n = 53, age M = 25.60 years) and older adults (n = 55, age M = 68.05 years). Additionally, an experimental manipulation of future time perspective showed that age-related differences in implicit motives are influenced by future time perspective. These findings demonstrate that future time perspective is an important factor to explain the strength of motives.


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Aim: A major depressive episode is still a frequently discussed risk factor of suicidal behaviour. However, current studies suggest that depression is predictive of suicidal ideas but much less of suicidal act (Nock et al., 2009). This implies that suicidal behaviour should not only be seen as a symptom of a depressive disorder, but should be understood as an independent behaviour, which must be examined separately. The present qualitative study focuses on typical Plans and motives of suicide attempters compared to non-suicidal depressive individuals.Methods: Plan Analysis (Caspar, 2007), a clinical case conceptualization approach was used to analyze the instrumental relations between participants' behaviours and the hypothetical Plans and motives "behind" this behaviour. Video taped narrative interviews of 17 suicide attempters and intake interviews of 17 non‐suicidal depressive patients were investigated with the Plan Analysis procedure and a Plan structure was developed for each participant. These were used for establishing a prototypical Plan structure for each clinical group.Results: Results indicate that suicidal behaviour serves various Plans and motives only found in suicide attempters. Furthermore depressive patients pursue interpersonal control strategies which may serve as a protective factor for not evolving suicidal behaviour.Discussion. Findings are discussed with respect to current theoretical models of suicidality as well as implications for suicide prevention.


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Research on performance and participation in (elite) sports has predominantly focused on variables relating to the achievement motive. However, some authors describe that athletes in interactive sports (e.g. tennis) are assumed to exhibit a strong power motive in order to win competitive matches, usually resulting in the demonstration of dominance or the experience of inferiority. The affiliation motive, by contrast, is not functional in elite sports due to their competitive rather than social character. In the present chapter we discuss how the three basic implicit motives of power, affiliation, and achievement relate to the sports field and describe how they can affect athletes’ performance. We present empirical evidence for the existence of different strengths of the three basic motives in three studies with elite athletes (Study 1), non-elite athletes (sport students, Study 2), and non-sport students infrequently involved in sports (Study 3). Our results suggest that elite athletes show higher levels of the implicit power motive compared to sport students, who in turn have higher power motives than non-sport students. Surprisingly, elite athletes do not differ from non-sport students regarding their implicit achievement motive. Moreover, non-sport students exhibit higher implicit affiliation motive scores than sport students and elite athletes. We propose that research on motivational processes of highly competitive athletes should – in addition to the achievement motive – focus more on motive themes like the implicit motives of power and affiliation.


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Objectives The present study investigated the predictive value of the explicit and implicit affiliation motive for social behavior in sport competitions. From an information processing perspective, an explicit motive is linked to verbal cues and respondent behavior. The implicit motive in turn is linked to nonverbal stimuli and operant behavior (McClelland, Koestner, & Weinberger, 1989; Schultheiss, 2008). Both respondent affiliative behavior (e.g., verbal interactions with teammates) and operant nonverbal social behavior (e.g., pleasant to opponents) can be observed in racquet sports team competitions. Design & Methods Fifty-two male racquet sportsmen completed the Personality Research Form (explicit affiliation motive) and the Operant Motive Test (implicit affiliation motive). Motive measures were used to predict social behavior during competitions using multiple regression analyses. To this aim real competitive matches were videotaped and analyzed. Results Results show that the explicit affiliation motive is associated with time spent in verbal team contact. The implicit affiliation motive, by contrast, is linked to pleasant nonverbal behavior shown toward opponents. Conclusions Findings suggest that implicit and explicit affiliation motives predict different kinds of social behavior in sports competition respectively. Indirect motive measures may be of additional predictive value for different behavior in real sports settings.


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A representative study among e-bike owners and tenants in Switzerland (n = 1652) provides a deeper understanding of e-bike users characteristics, motives, values, usage behavior, and barriers to the use. In a micro simulation the implications of the findings for the energy demand and CO2 emissions are estimated.


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Volunteering is intricately woven into the fabric of our society. In 2009 alone, approximately 63.4 million Americans participated in volunteer activities, collectively donating over 8.1 billion service-hours (Corporation for National and Community Service [CNCS], 2010). Each service-hour is determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2010) to be valued at $20.85/hr which translates to a national savings of $169 billion. Thus, we can clearly observe the significance of volunteer contribution to the overall benefit of society. In addition, there is now evidence that voluntary service may also benefit the actual volunteer, especially individuals who are 65+ years. As we reach 2020 this elderly class, composed of nearly 13 million (CNCS, 2010) Americans, will be of much consequence. Their potential to contribute in community-related efforts may save the U.S. billions in labor costs, and may also help reduce healthcare-related expenditures if volunteering proves to be a protective factor. In this literature review, we set out to explore the potential relationship between volunteer participation and increased mental and physical wellness. We also examined volunteer demographic characteristics and common motives for engaging in service-related activities. Analysis showed that volunteer work often combined low-impact physical activity and mental satisfaction from serving others, resulting in overall health benefit. Demographic characteristics displayed were consistent with previous studies and found that a majority of volunteers were female, White, married status, having received college degree or higher, employed, middle-high SES. In addition, age was seen to be a key characteristic in forecasting volunteer motivation and self-reported perceived health benefits.^


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This paper analysis the 1994 EU referenda in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway in a comparative perspective. It shows that the results were, to some extent at least, related to how pronounced the respective elite consensus was on the necessity or desirability of EU membership. It also shows that in all cases the main motivation of the Yes voters was economic. The paper goes on to analyse the regional and social variations in voting patterns. In the concluding chapter some of the medium- and longterm effects of the referenda debates and results on Austrian, Finnish and Swedish government policy within the EU are outlined.


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When interpreting the "Yukos affair", it is hard to focus on any single particular motive or explanation that would easily rationalise the government's actions against the company. The "Yukos affair" is a multi-layered process with a number of different reasons for its cause. When one scrutinises the events around the company, the impression may be obtained that the Kremlin seemed at first not to have had any ultimate strategy; the authorities' position evolved as time went by. At first, the conflict was mainly of a political nature; economic factors did not arise until later, when the oil sector was undergoing changes in ownership.


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Translation of Richard Wagner's Bühnenweihfestspiel "Parsifal," nach Sagenstoff und musikalischer Entwickelung in den Motiven dargestellt.


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The "Manuscrit venu de Sainte Héléne" and an English translation, "Manuscript transmitted from St. Helena" were first published anoymously, London, John Murray, 1817: a number of editions and translation in many languages have appeared since.