992 resultados para monastère Humor


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Trata-se de um relato e reflexão a respeito do Projeto MediArte com Amor e Humor, com base nas vivências e percepções das autoras/estudantes integrantes do projeto. O Projeto é uma atividade de extensão da UFRN envolvendo estudantes de medicina. Neste objetiva-se trabalhar a humanização por meio das virtudes humor e amor através de atividades lúdico-recreativas, nas dependências do Hospital de Pediatria da UFRN, envolvendo pacientes, acompanhantes e profissionais semelhantes às intervenções de palhaçoterapia. Busca-se, dentre outros aspectos, resgatar o sorriso e alegria das crianças doentes e promover o cuidado humanizado. Observa-se que a presente iniciativa conforma-se como uma estratégia de educar em saúde, onde teoria e práticas potencialmente interdisciplinares, humanizadoras e éticas são desenvolvidas, contribuindo para uma formação mais integral dos alunos de graduação, bem como uma iniciativa de humanização do cuidado no SUS.


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Lectio praecursoria, Åbo Akademi 25.1 2013.


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We determined the antioxidant status of the aqueous humor after extracapsular lens extraction in 14 mongrel dogs weighing about 10 kg. The animals were examined by slit lamp biomicroscopy, applanation tonometry and indirect ophthalmoscopy. One eye was submitted to conventional extracapsular lens extraction and the other was used as control. Samples of aqueous humor were obtained by anterior chamber paracentesis before and at days 1, 2, 3, 7 and 15 after surgery. Total antioxidant status was determined as the capacity of aqueous humor to inhibit free radical generation by 2,2-azobis(2-amidopropane) chlorine. Ascorbic acid concentration was measured by HPLC with UV detection. Protein content was determined with the biuret reagent. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramer test. Protein concentration increased from 0.61 to 22 mg/ml 24 h after surgery. These levels were maintained and returned to normal at day 7. Total antioxidant capacity was reduced from 50 to about 30 min until day 3 and at day 7 it was equal to control. Ascorbic acid levels were reduced from 252 to about 110 µM and then returned to control values at day 15. Considering the importance of ascorbic acid concentration in aqueous humor for the maintenance of the antioxidant status of the anterior segment of the eye, the decrease of antioxidant defenses suggests that the surgical procedures promote an oxidative stress condition in the eye.


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Orné de cinq grandes peintures, obtenu par échange de la Bibliothèque royale de Copenhague.


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Contient : « Epistola R. P. Nicolai Caussini, Societatis Jesu presbiteri, regis Christianissimi Ludovici XIII confessarii, ad Reverendissimum Patrem Mutium Vitellescum, ejusdem Societatis prepositum generalem »


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Ancien possesseur : Simony, Charles de (Cte Anne Marie Charles de)