995 resultados para molecular systematics


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genus Codium comprises c. 125 species widely distributed in marine coastal environments throughout the world. Due to morphological plasticity, the taxonomic delimitation of Codium species can be difficult. Sequences of the first exon of the large subunit of RUBISCO (rbcL) have been used in the molecular delimitation of species and for phylogenetic purposes. In the present study, we complement previous morphological work on Brazilian Codium species with molecular systematics. Based on the partial rbcL sequences, seven species are recognized along the Brazilian coast: C. decorticatum, C. intertextum, C. isthmocladum, C. profundum, C. spongiosum, C. taylorii and the new species Codium pernambucensis. Ten unique sequences were obtained among the samples examined, which we used in combination with previously published sequences to infer molecular phylogenies using various methods. The resulting trees showed three principal monophyletic groupings: Clade A with species having a prostrate habit, not branched, and mostly with small, grouped utricles; Clade B primarily consisting of upright species with cylindrical branches and large individual utricles; and Clade C composed of upright species with cylindrical branches that are slightly flattened, and have intermediate-sized individual utricles. The Brazilian species grouped with morphologically similar taxa from other geographic localities, and are present in all three main clades. A new sprawling species, Codium pernambucensis is described based on morphology and molecular analyses.


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The Paraneoptera (Hemipteroid Assemblage) comprises the orders Thysanoptera (thrips), Hemiptera (bugs), Phthiraptera (lice) and Psocoptera (booklice and barklice). The phylogenetic relationships among the Psocodea (Phthiraptera and Psocoptera), Thysanoptera and Hemiptera are unresolved, as are some relationships within the Psocodea. Here, we present phylogenetic hypotheses inferred from SSU rDNA sequences; the most controversial of which is the apparent paraphyly of the Phthiraptera, which are parasites of birds and mammals, with respect to one family of Psocoptera, the Liposcelididae. The order Psocoptera and the suborder that contains the Liposcelididae, the Troctomorpha, are also paraphyletic. The two remaining psocopteran suborders, the Psocomorpha and the Trogiomorpha, are apparently monophyletic. The Liposcelididae is most closely related to lice from the suborder Amblycera. These results suggest that the taxonomy of the Psocodea needs revision. In addition, there are implications for the evolution of parasitism in insects; parasitism may have evolved twice in lice or have evolved once and been subsequently lost in the Liposcelididae.


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Evolutionary associations among the four North American species of menhadens (Brevoortia spp.) have not been thoroughly investigated. In the present study, classifications separating the four species into small-scaled and large-scaled groups were evaluated by using DNA data, and genetic associations within these groups were explored. Specifically, data from the nuclear genome (microsatellites) and the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA sequences) were used to elicit patterns of recent and historical evolutionary associations. Nuclear DNA data indicated limited contemporary gene flow among the species, and also indicated higher relatedness within the small-scaled and large-scaled menhadens than between these groups. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the large-scaled menhadens indicated the presence of two ancestral lineages, one of which contained members of both species. This result may indicate genetic diver-gence (reproductive isolation) followed by secondary contact (hybridization) between these species. In contrast, a single ancestral lineage indicated incomplete genetic divergence between the small-scaled menhaden. These results are discussed in the context of the biology and demographics of each species.


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Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.


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Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.


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Bulbophyllum section Micranthae comprises 12 species of rupicolous or epiphytic orchids occurring in forests or in open rocky fields in Cerrado/Atlantic Forest ecotones throughout South America. We examined the leaf anatomy of 14 species and compared them with molecular data (nrITS) in phylogenetic analyses. The leaves of Bulbophyllum section Micranthae are characterised by uniseriate epidermis, with periclinal external cell wall thicker than the internal, presence of epicuticular wax, stomata present only on the abaxial surface with suprastomatic chambers, and collateral vascular bundles associated with sclerenchyma fibres. Some of these characters are shared with other rupicolous Orchidaceae species, demonstrating adaptive convergence in xeromorphic habitats. We found some anatomical characteristics with phylogenetic value. Bulbophyllum section Micranthae can be separated into two lineages: those with needle-like leaves, or flat leaves. The analyses show that anatomical characters as well as molecular data may contribute to the development of phylogenetic hypotheses. © 2013 Botanical Society of Sao Paulo.


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Restrictions to effective dispersal and gene flow caused by the fragmentation of ancient supercontinents are considered to have driven diversification and speciation on disjunct landmasses globally. Investigating the role that these processes have played in the development of diversity within and among taxa is crucial to understanding the origins and evolution of regional biotas. Within the chironomid (non-biting midge) subfamily Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae), a group of genera that are distributed across the austral continents (Australia, New Zealand, South America) have been proposed to represent a relict Gondwanan clade. We used a molecular approach to resolve relationships among taxa with the aim to determine the relative roles that vicariance and dispersal may have played in the evolution of this group. Continental biotas did not form monophyletic groups, in accordance with expectations given existing morphological evidence. Patterns of phylogenetic relationships among taxa did not accord with expected patterns based on the geological sequence of break-up of the Gondwanan supercontinent. Likewise, divergence time estimates, particularly for New Zealand taxa, largely post-dated continental fragmentation and implied instead that several transoceanic dispersal events may have occurred post-vicariance. Passive dispersal of gravid female chironomid adults is the most likely mechanism for transoceanic movement, potentially facilitated by West Wind Drift or anti-cyclone fronts. Estimated timings of divergence among Australian and South American Botryocladius, on the other hand, were congruent with the proposed ages of separation of the two continents from Antarctica. Taken together, these data suggest that a complex relationship between both vicariance and dispersal may explain the evolution of this group. The sampling regime we implemented here was the most intensive yet performed for austral members of the Orthocladiinae and unsurprisingly revealed several novel taxa that will require formal description.


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Smut fungi are important pathogens of grasses, including the cultivated crops maize, sorghum and sugarcane. Typically, smut fungi infect the inflorescence of their host plants. Three genera of smut fungi (Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces) form a complex with overlapping morphological characters, making species placement problematic. For example, the newly described Macalpinomyces mackinlayi possesses a combination of morphological characters such that it cannot be unambiguously accommodated in any of the three genera. Previous attempts to define Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces using morphology and molecular phylogenetics have highlighted the polyphyletic nature of the genera, but have failed to produce a satisfactory taxonomic resolution. A detailed systematic study of 137 smut species in the Ustilago-Sporisorium- Macalpinomyces complex was completed in the current work. Morphological and DNA sequence data from five loci were assessed with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference to reconstruct a phylogeny of the complex. The phylogenetic hypotheses generated were used to identify morphological synapomorphies, some of which had previously been dismissed as a useful way to delimit the complex. These synapomorphic characters are the basis for a revised taxonomic classification of the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex, which takes into account their morphological diversity and coevolution with their grass hosts. The new classification is based on a redescription of the type genus Sporisorium, and the establishment of four genera, described from newly recognised monophyletic groups, to accommodate species expelled from Sporisorium. Over 150 taxonomic combinations have been proposed as an outcome of this investigation, which makes a rigorous and objective contribution to the fungal systematics of these important plant pathogens.


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The larvae of particular Ogmograptis spp. produce distinctive scribbles on some smooth-barked Eucalyptus spp. which are a common feature on many ornamental and forest trees in Australia. However, although they are conspicuous in the environment the systematics and biology of the genus has been poorly studied. This has been addressed through detailed field and laboratory studies of their biology of three species (O. racemosa Horak sp. nov., O. fraxinoides Horak sp. nov., O. scribula Meyrick), in conjunction with a comprehensive taxonomic revision support by a molecular phylogeny utilising the mitochondrial Cox1 and nuclear 18S genes. In brief, eggs are laid in bark depressions and the first instar larvae bore into the bark to the level where the future cork cambium forms (the phellegen). Early instar larvae bore wide, arcing tracks in this layer before forming a tighter zig-zag shaped pattern. The second last instar turns and bores either closely parallel to the initial mine or doubles its width, along the zig-zag shaped mine. The final instar possesses legs and a spinneret (unlike the earlier instars) and feeds exclusively on callus tissue which forms within the zig-zag shaped mine formed by the previous instar, before emerging from the bark to pupate at the base of the tree. The scars of mines them become visible scribble following the shedding of bark. Sequence data confirm the placement of Ogmograptis within the Bucculatricidae, suggest that the larvae responsible for the ‘ghost scribbles’ (unpigmented, raised scars found on smooth-barked eucalypts) are members of the genus Tritymba, and support the morphology-based species groups proposed for Ogmograptis. The formerly monotypic genus Ogmograptis Meyrick is revised and divided into three species groups. Eleven new species are described: Ogmograptis fraxinoides Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis racemosa Horak sp. nov. and Ogmograptis pilularis Horak sp. nov. forming the scribula group with Ogmograptis scribula Meyrick; Ogmograptis maxdayi Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis barloworum Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis paucidentatus Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis rodens Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis bignathifer Horak sp. nov. and Ogmograptis inornatus Horak sp. nov. as the maxdayi group; Ogmograptis bipunctatus Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis pulcher Horak sp. nov., Ogmograptis triradiata (Turner) comb. nov. and Ogmograptis centrospila (Turner) comb. nov. as the triradiata group. Ogmograptis notosema (Meyrick) cannot be assigned to a species group as the holotype has not been located. Three unique synapomorphies, all derived from immatures, redefine the family Bucculatricidae, uniting Ogmograptis, Tritymba Meyrick (both Australian) and Leucoedemia Scoble & Scholtz (African) with Bucculatrix Zeller, which is the sister group of the southern hemisphere genera. The systematic history of Ogmograptis and the Bucculatricidae is discussed.


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Carrion-breeding Sarcophagidae (Diptera) can be used to estimate the post-mortem interval (PMI) in forensic cases. Difficulties with accurate morphological identifications at any life stage and a lack of documented thermobiological profiles have limited their current usefulness of these flies. The molecular-based approach of DNA barcoding, which utilises a 648-bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene, was previously evaluated in a pilot study for the discrimination between 16 Australian sarcophagids. The current study comprehensively evaluated DNA barcoding on a larger taxon set of 588 adult Australian sarcophagids. A total of 39 of the 84 known Australian species were represented by 580 specimens, which includes 92% of potentially forensically important species. A further eight specimens could not be reliably identified, but included as six unidentifable taxa. A neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree was generated and nucleotide sequence divergences were calculated using the Kimura-two-parameter distance model. All species except Sarcophaga (Fergusonimyia) bancroftorum, known for high morphological variability, were resolved as reciprocally monophyletic (99.2% of cases), with most having bootstrap support of 100. Excluding S. bancroftorum, the mean intraspecific and interspecific variation ranged from 0.00-1.12% and 2.81-11.23%, respectively, allowing for species discrimination. DNA barcoding was therefore validated as a suitable method for the molecular identification of the Australian Sarcophagidae, which will aid in the implementation of this fauna in forensic entomology.


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Resolving species relationships and confirming diagnostic morphological characters for insect clades that are highly plastic, and/or include morphologically cryptic species, is crucial for both academic and applied reasons. Within the true fly (Diptera) family Chironomidae, a most ubiquitous freshwater insect group, the genera CricotopusWulp, 1874 and ParatrichocladiusSantos-Abreu, 1918 have long been taxonomically confusing. Indeed, until recently the Australian fauna had been examined in just two unpublished theses: most species were known by informal manuscript names only, with no concept of relationships. Understanding species limits, and the associated ecology and evolution, is essential to address taxonomic sufficiency in biomonitoring surveys. Immature stages are collected routinely, but tolerance is generalized at the genus level, despite marked variation among species. Here, we explored this issue using a multilocus molecular phylogenetic approach, including the standard mitochondrial barcode region, and tested explicitly for phylogenetic signal in ecological tolerance of species. Additionally, we addressed biogeographical patterns by conducting Bayesian divergence time estimation. We sampled all but one of the now recognized Australian Cricotopus species and tested monophyly using representatives from other austral and Asian locations. Cricotopus is revealed as paraphyletic by the inclusion of a nested monophyletic Paratrichocladius, with in-group diversification beginning in the Eocene. Previous morphological species concepts are largely corroborated, but some additional cryptic diversity is revealed. No significant relationship was observed between the phylogenetic position of a species and its ecology, implying either that tolerance to deleterious environmental impacts is a convergent trait among many Cricotopus species or that sensitive and restricted taxa have diversified into more narrow niches from a widely tolerant ancestor.


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Three aspects of crystal engineering in molecular crystals are presented to emphasize the role of intermolecular interactions and factors influencing crystal packing. Hydrogen bonded tartrate-amine complexes have been analyzed with the propensity for formation of multidirectional hydrogen bonding as a key design element in the generation of materials for second harmonic generation (SHG). The invariance of the framework in DBT and its possible implications on SHG is outlined. The role of Fluorine in orienting molecules of coumarins, styrylcoumarins and butadienes for photodimerization is described with particular emphasis on its steering capability. Usage of coumarin as an design element for the generation of polymorphs of substituted styrylcoumarins is examined with specific examples.