952 resultados para mixed-model assembly


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Fusarium wilt of strawberry, incited by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae (Fof), is a major disease of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) worldwide. An increase in disease outbreaks of the pathogen in Western Australia and Queensland plus the search for alternative disease management strategies place emphasis on the development of resistant cultivars. In response, a partial incomplete diallel cross involving four parents was performed for use in glasshouse resistance screenings. The resulting progeny were evaluated for their susceptibility to Fof. Best-performing progeny and suitability of progenies as parents were determined using data from disease severity ratings and analyzed using a linear mixed model incorporating a pedigree to produce best linear unbiased predictions of breeding values. Variation in disease response, ranging from highly susceptible to resistant, indicates a quantitative effect. The estimate of the narrow-sense heritability was 0.49 +/- 0.04 (SE), suggesting the population should be responsive to phenotypic recurrent selection. Several progeny genotypes have predicted breeding values higher than any of the parents. Knowledge of Fof resistance derived from this study can help select best parents for future crosses for the development of new strawberry cultivars with Fof resistance.


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Short and variable vase life of cut Acacia holosericea foliage stems limits its commercial potential. Retrospective evaluation of factors affecting the vase life of this cut foliage line was assessed using primary data collected from 30 individual experiments. These data had been collected by four different researchers over 17 months, from late Summer to mid Winter across two consecutive years. Vase life data of cut A. holosericea stems held in deionised water (DIW) was analysed for general vase life variation and to define the most influential factor affecting vase life of the cut stems. Meanwhile, vase life of cut stems exposed to various chemical and physical postharvest treatments was analysed using meta-analysis to evaluate their efficacy in prolonging vase life of the stems. The overall mean vase life (±standard deviation) of cut A. holosericea stems was 6.4 ± 1.2 days (n = 30 trials). Longer vase life of ≥7 days was obtained from cut stems harvested at vegetative and flowering stage, which was between Summer and Autumn. Cut stems harvested at fruiting stage, between Winter and Spring displayed shorter vase life of ≤5.5 days. Mixed model analysis indicated that vase life variation of the cut stems was mostly determined by season (P < 0.001). In averaged, postharvest treatments increased vase life 1.4-fold compared to stems in DIW, with 68.32% had a large positive treatment effect size (d). Among the treatments, nano silver (NS) and copper (Cu2+) were the most beneficial to vase life. Retrospective analysis was found to be beneficial for identifying conditions and targeting practices to maximise the vase life of cut A. holosericea and, potentially for other species.


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[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las soluciones existentes para el diseño de las líneas mixtas. Se trata de un tipo de líneas bastante complejas de diseñar y que por lo general han sido poco estudiadas por la sociedad académica, a pesar de las numerosas ventajas que ofrece en comparación a las líneas simples, mucho más investigadas. Para facilitar la comprensión de su diseño, y antes de su estudio, se realiza un análisis de las características de las líneas mixtas. Posteriormente se introduce una metodología desarrollada por Lluis Cuatrecasas (Presidente del Instituto Lean Management de España), que permite salvar la brecha que existe a su juicio entre los estudios sobre los diseños de este tipo de líneas y su aplicación a la empresa. Finalmente, se ilustra dicha metodología mediante un caso práctico y se evalúan sus fortalezas y debilidades.


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La actividad aseguradora supone la transferencia de riesgos del asegurado al asegurador. El asegurador se compromete al pago de una prestación si el riesgo se realiza. Se produce un cambio en el ciclo productivo. El asegurador vende una cobertura sin conocer el momento y el coste exacto de dicha cobertura. Esta particularidad de la actividad aseguradora explica la necesidad para una entidad aseguradora de ser solvente en cada momento y ante cualquier imprevisto. Por ello, la solvencia de las entidades aseguradoras es un aspecto que se ha ido recogiendo en las distintas normativas que han regulado la actividad aseguradora y al que se ha ido dando cada vez más importancia. Actualmente la legislación vigente en materia de solvencia de las aseguradoras esta regulada por la directiva europea Solvencia I. Esta directiva establece dos conceptos para garantizar la solvencia: las provisiones técnicas y el margen de solvencia. Las provisiones técnicas son las calculadas para garantizar la solvencia estática de la compañía, es decir aquella que hace frente, en un instante temporal determinado, a los compromisos asumidos por la entidad. El margen de solvencia se destina a cubrir la solvencia dinámica, aquella que hace referencia a eventos futuros que puedan afectar la capacidad del asegurador. Sin embargo en una corriente de gestión global del riesgo en la que el sector bancario ya se había adelantado al sector asegurador con la normativa Basilea II, se decidió iniciar un proyecto europeo de reforma de Solvencia I y en noviembre del 2009 se adoptó la directiva 2009/138/CE del parlamento europeo y del consejo, sobre el seguro de vida, el acceso a la actividad de seguro y de reaseguro y su ejercicio mas conocida como Solvencia II. Esta directiva supone un profundo cambio en las reglas actuales de solvencia para las entidades aseguradoras. Este cambio persigue el objetivo de establecer un marco regulador común a nivel europeo que sea más adaptado al perfil de riesgo de cada entidad aseguradora. Esta nueva directiva define dos niveles distintos de capital: el SCR (requerimiento estándar de capital de solvencia) y el MCR (requerimiento mínimo de capital). Para el calculo del SCR se ha establecido que el asegurador tendrá la libertad de elegir entre dos modelos. Un modelo estándar propuesto por la Autoridad Europea de Seguros y Pensiones de Jubilación (EIOPA por sus siglas en inglés), que permitirá un calculo simple, y un modelo interno desarrollado por la propia entidad que deberá ser aprobado por las autoridades competentes. También se contempla la posibilidad de utilizar un modelo mixto que combine ambos, el estándar y el interno. Para el desarrollo del modelo estándar se han realizado una serie de estudios de impacto cuantitativos (QIS). El último estudio (QIS 5) ha sido el que ha planteado de forma más precisa el cálculo del SCR. Plantea unos shocks que se deberán de aplicar al balance de la entidad con el objetivo de estresarlo, y en base a los resultados obtenidos constituir el SCR. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una síntesis de las especificaciones técnicas del QIS5 para los seguros de vida y realizar una aplicación práctica para un seguro de vida mixto puro. En la aplicación práctica se determinarán los flujos de caja asociados a este producto para calcular su mejor estimación (Best estimate). Posteriormente se determinará el SCR aplicando los shocks para los riesgos de mortalidad, rescates y gastos. Por último, calcularemos el margen de riesgo asociado al SCR. Terminaremos el presente TFG con unas conclusiones, la bibliografía empleada así como un anexo con las tablas empleadas.


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Purpose Encouraging office workers to 'sit less and move more' encompasses two public health priorities. However, there is little evidence on the effectiveness of workplace interventions for reducing sitting, even less about the longer term effects of such interventions and still less on dual-focused interventions. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of a workplace web-based intervention (Walk@WorkSpain, W@WS; 2010-11) on self-reported sitting time, step counts and physical risk factors (waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure) for chronic disease. Methods Employees at six Spanish university campuses (n=264; 42 +/- 10 years; 171 female) were randomly assigned by worksite and campus to an Intervention (used W@WS; n=129; 87 female) or a Comparison group (maintained normal behavior; n=135; 84 female). This phased, 19-week program aimed to decrease occupational sitting time through increased incidental movement and short walks. A linear mixed model assessed changes in outcome measures between the baseline, ramping (8 weeks), maintenance (11 weeks) and follow-up (two months) phases for Intervention versus Comparison groups. Results A significant 2 (group) x 2 (program phases) interaction was found for self-reported occupational sitting (F[3]=7.97, p=0.046), daily step counts (F[3]=15.68, p=0.0013) and waist circumference (F[3]=11.67, p=0.0086). The Intervention group decreased minutes of daily occupational sitting while also increasing step counts from baseline (446 +/- 126; 8,862 +/- 2,475) through ramping (+425 +/- 120; 9,345 +/- 2,435), maintenance (+422 +/- 123; 9,638 +/- 3,131) and follow-up (+414 +/- 129; 9,786 +/- 3,205). In the Comparison group, compared to baseline (404 +/- 106), sitting time remained unchanged through ramping and maintenance, but decreased at follow-up (-388 +/- 120), while step counts diminished across all phases. The Intervention group significantly reduced waist circumference by 2.1cms from baseline to follow-up while the Comparison group reduced waist circumference by 1.3cms over the same period. Conclusions W@WSis a feasible and effective evidence-based intervention that can be successfully deployed with sedentary employees to elicit sustained changes on "sitting less and moving more".


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In this paper we present livestock breeding developments that could be taken into consideration in the genetic improvement of farmed aquaculture species, especially in freshwater fish. Firstly, the current breeding objective in aquatic species has focused almost exclusively on the improvement of body weight at harvest or on growth related traits. This is unlikely to be sufficient to meet the future needs of the aquaculture industry. To meet future demands breeding programs will most likely have to include additional traits, such as fitness related ones (survival, disease resistance), feed efficiency, or flesh quality, rather than only growth performance. In order to select for a multi-trait breeding objective, genetic variation in traits of interest and the genetic relationships among them need to be estimated. In addition, economic values for these traits will be required. Generally, there is a paucity of data on variable and fixed production costs in aquaculture, and this could be a major constraint in the further expansion of the breeding objectives. Secondly, genetic evaluation systems using the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) and best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) in a framework of mixed model methodology could be widely adopted to replace the more commonly used method of mass selection based on phenotypic performance. The BLUP method increases the accuracy of selection and also allows the management of inbreeding and estimation of genetic trends. BLUP is an improvement over the classic selection index approach, which was used in the success story of the genetically improved farmed tilapia (GIFT) in the Philippines, with genetic gains from 10 to 20 per cent per generation of selection. In parallel with BLUP, optimal genetic contribution theory can be applied to maximize genetic gain while constraining inbreeding in the long run in selection programs. Thirdly, by using advanced statistical methods, genetic selection can be carried out not only at the nucleus level but also in lower tiers of the pyramid breeding structure. Large scale across population genetic evaluation through genetic connectedness using cryopreserved sperm enables the comparison and ranking of genetic merit of all animals across populations, countries or years, and thus the genetically superior brood stock can be identified and widely used and exchanged to increase the rate of genetic progress in the population as a whole. It is concluded that sound genetic programs need to be established for aquaculture species. In addition to being very effective, fully pedigreed breeding programs would also enable the exploration of possibilities of integrating molecular markers (e.g., genetic tagging using DNA fingerprinting, marker (gene) assisted selection) and reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilization using cryopreserved spermatozoa.


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随着全球市场竞争更加激烈,上层计划管理系统(MRPII/ERP)受市场影响越来越大,计划的适应性问题愈来愈突出,明显感到计划跟不上变化。因此,解决生产计划的适应性以及增加底层生产过程的信息流动,提高计划的实时性和灵活性,已经成为一个重要的研究课题。制造执行系统(MES),作为上层计划和底层控制的桥梁,能够通过传递信息,可使得从订单下达到产品完成的整个生产活动进行优化。依赖准确的数据对工厂活动进行指导、启动、响应和报告。其中,车间级计划与调度管理系统是整个MES系统的核心技术,是现代生产管理的关键问题之一。国内外许多学者对计划调度方法作了大量的研究。 在研究生期间参与了课题组国家863高技术计划项目“面向汽车行业总装过程的可视化监控与执行管理系统”的研究与开发工作,我的主要工作是:以西安法士特齿轮有限公司的装配制造执行系统项目为应用背景,在搭建课题主要内容的SIA-MES运行平台中承担生产事件模型的设计以及软件开发工作,并在SIA-MES运行平台基础上,对混流装配线的调度问题进行了研究,给出了一种缩短生产周期的投产排序算法,设计了混流装配线计划调度系统,独立完成了软件部分的设计与开发工作。并且通过了辽宁省电子信息产品监督检验院的产品测试、得到了他们的认证。 本文的内容主要有以下几方面: 首先,阐述了MES以及制造业混流生产的产生原因及发展现状; 其次,对SIA-MES运行平台做了简单的介绍;并重点阐述了平台基于事件触发的通信机制以及事件对于计划调度系统的支撑。在此基础上,分析制定了计划调度系统的设计目标,而后按此目标完成了系统的功能设计,并对混流装配线调度问题进行了研究,针对计划实施的不同阶段给出不同的优化方法。 最后,介绍了计划调度系统的软件实现。包括基于SOA的软件实现技术,给出了软件系统的总体结构,并对各模块的具体实现进行了简单的介绍,包括类设计以及数据库设计。


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Sk?t, L., Humphreys, J., Humphreys, M. O., Thorogood, D., Gallagher, J. A., Sanderson, R., Armstead, I. P., Thomas, I. D. (2007). Association of candidate genes with flowering time and water-soluble carbohydrate content in Lolium perenne (L.). Genetics, 177 (1), 535-547. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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The Internet provides a new tool to investigate old questions in experimental social psychology regarding Person x Context interaction. We examined the interaction of self-reported shyness and context on computer-mediated communication measures. Sixty female undergraduates unfamiliar were paired in dyads and engaged in a 10 min free chat conversation on the Internet with and without a live webcam. Free chat conversations were archived, transcripts were objectively coded for communication variables, and a linear mixed model used for data analysis of dyadic interaction was performed on each communication measure. As predicted, increases in self-reported shyness were significantly related to decreases in the number of prompted self-disclosures (after controlling for the number of opportunities to self-disclose) only in the webcam condition. Self-reported shyness was not related to the number of prompted self-disclosures in the no webcam condition, suggesting that shyness was context dependent. The present study appears to be the first to objectively code measures of Internet behaviour in relation to the study of personality in general and shyness in particular. Theoretical and clinical implications for understanding the contextual nature of shyness are discussed. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study examined variations in gene expression between FFPE blocks within tumors of individual patients. Microarray data were used to measure tumor heterogeneity within and between patients and disease states. Data were used to determine the number of samples needed to power biomarker discovery studies. Bias and variation in gene expression were assessed at the intrapatient and interpatient levels and between adenocarcinoma and squamous samples. A mixed-model analysis of variance was fitted to gene expression data and model signatures to assess the statistical significance of observed variations within and between samples and disease states. Sample size analysis, adjusted for sample heterogeneity, was used to determine the number of samples required to support biomarker discovery studies. Variation in gene expression was observed between blocks taken from a single patient. However, this variation was considerably less than differences between histological characteristics. This degree of block-to-block variation still permits biomarker discovery using either macrodissected tumors or whole FFPE sections, provided that intratumor heterogeneity is taken into account. Failure to consider intratumor heterogeneity may result in underpowered biomarker studies that may result in either the generation of longer gene signatures or the inability to identify a viable biomarker. Moreover, the results of this study indicate that a single biopsy sample is suitable for applying a biomarker in nonsmall-cell lung cancer. © 2012 American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to compare two different tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients; namely functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the shortened dental arch (SDA) and conventional treatment using removable partial dentures (RPDs) using a randomised controlled clinical trial. The primary outcome measure for this study was impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) measured using the short form of the oral health impact profile (OHIP-14).

METHODS: Patients aged 65 years and older were randomly allocated to two different treatment groups: the RPD group and the SDA group. For the RPD group each patient was restored to complete arches with cobalt-chromium RPDs used to replace missing teeth. For the SDA group, patients were restored to a premolar occlusion of 10 occluding pairs of natural and replacement teeth using resin bonded bridgework (RBB). OHRQoL was measured using the OHIP-14 questionnaire administered at baseline, 1 month, 6 months and 12 months after treatment intervention.

RESULTS: In total, 89 patients completed the RCT: 44 from the RPD group and 45 from the SDA group. Analysis using a mixed model of covariance (ANCOVA) illustrated that treatment according to the SDA concept resulted in significantly better mean OHIP-14 scores compared with RPD treatment (p<0.05). This result was replicated in both treatment centres used in the study.

CONCLUSIONS: In terms of impact on OHRQoL, treatment based on the SDA concept achieved significantly better results than that based on RPDs 12 months after treatment intervention (trial registration no. ISRCTN26302774).

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Functionally orientated treatment delivery resulted in significantly better outcomes compared to removable dentures in terms of impact on OHRQoL.


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OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to conduct a randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) of partially dentate older adults comparing functionally orientated treatment based on the SDA concept with conventional treatment using RPDs to replace missing natural teeth. The two treatment strategies were evaluated according to their impact on nutritional status measured using haematological biomarkers.

METHODS: A randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) was conducted of partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older (Trial Registration no. ISRCTN26302774). Each patient provided haematological samples which were screened for biochemical markers of nutritional status. Each sample was tested in Cork University Hospital for serum Albumin, serum Cholesterol, Ferritin, Folate, Vitamin B12 and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (Vitamin D).

RESULTS: A mixed model analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated that for Vitamin B12 (p=0.9392), serum Folate (p=0.5827), Ferritin (p=0.6964), Albumin (p=0.8179), Serum Total Cholesterol (p=0.3670) and Vitamin D (p=0.7666) there were no statistically significant differences recorded between the two treatment groups. According to the mixed model analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for Vitamin D there was a significant difference between levels recorded at post-operative time points after treatment intervention (p=0.0470). There was an increase of 7% in 25-hydroxycholecalciferol levels recorded at 6 months compared to baseline (p=0.0172). There was no further change in recorded levels at 12 months (p=0.6482) and these increases were similar within the two treatment groups (p>0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: The only measure which illustrated consistent significant improvements in nutritional status for either group were Vitamin D levels. However no significant difference was recorded between the two treatment groups.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Functionally orientated prosthodontic rehabilitation for partially dentate older patients was no worse than conventional removable partial dentures in terms of impact on nutritional status.


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Objective: To compare caries incidence following two different tooth replacement strategies for partially dentate older patients; namely functionally orientated treatment according to the principles of the Shortened Dental Arch (SDA) and conventional treatment using Removable Partial Dentures (RPDs). Method:A randomised controlled clinical trial (RCT) was conducted of partially dentate patients aged 65 years and older. Patients were randomly allocated to two different treatment groups: the RPD group and the SDA group. Each member of the RPD group was restored to complete arches with cobalt-chromium RPDs used to replace missing teeth. Patients in the SDA group were restored to a shortened arch of 10 occluding pairs of natural and replacement teeth using adhesive bridgework. All of the operative treatment was completed by a single operator. Caries incidence was measured over a 2-year period following treatment intervention and recorded using the International Caries and Detection System (ICDAS). Result:In total, 89 patients completed the RCT (45 SDAs and 44 RPDs). Patients in the RPD group recorded a significantly higher incidence of new carious lesions (p<0.001) and recurrent carious lesions (p<0.001) compared to the SDA group. A mixed model of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that treatment group (p<0.001) and co-morbidity (p<0.001) were significant predictors of caries incidence. Conclusion:Two years after provision of prosthodontic treatment there was a significantly higher incidence of new and recurrent caries lesions in subjects provided with RPDs compared with SDA treatment. This will have a significant impact on the ongoing maintenance costs for these two treatment groups.


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The present analysis aimed to investigate the changes in the reported portion sizes (PS) of foods and beverages commonly consumed by Irish adults (18-64 years) from the North South Ireland Food Consumption Survey (NSIFCS) (1997-2001) and the National Adult Nutrition Survey (NANS) (2008-10). Food PS, which are defined as the weight of food (g) consumed per eating occasion, were calculated for comparable foods and beverages in two nationally representative cross-sectional Irish food consumption surveys and were published in NSIFCS and NANS. Repeated measure mixed model analysis compared reported food PS at the total population level as well as subdivided by sex, age, BMI and social class. A total of thirteen commonly consumed foods were examined. The analysis demonstrated that PS significantly increased for five foods ('white sliced bread', 'brown/wholemeal breads', 'all meat, cooked', 'poultry, roasted' and 'milk'), significantly decreased for three ('potatoes', 'chips/wedges' and 'ham, sliced') and did not significantly change for five foods ('processed potato products', 'bacon/ham', 'cheese', 'yogurt' and 'butter/spreads') between the NSIFCS and the NANS. The present study demonstrates that there was considerable variation in the trends in reported food PS over this period.


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1. The prediction and mapping of climate in areas between climate stations is of increasing importance in ecology.

2. Four categories of model, simple interpolation, thin plate splines, multiple linear regression and mixed spline-regression, were tested for their ability to predict the spatial distribution of temperature on the British mainland. The models were tested by external cross-verification.

3. The British distribution of mean daily temperature was predicted with the greatest accuracy by using a mixed model: a thin plate spline fitted to the surface of the country, after correction of the data by a selection from 16 independent topographical variables (such as altitude, distance from the sea, slope and topographic roughness), chosen by multiple regression from a digital terrain model (DTM) of the country.

4. The next most accurate method was a pure multiple regression model using the DTM. Both regression and thin plate spline models based on a few variables (latitude, longitude and altitude) only were comparatively unsatisfactory, but some rather simple methods of surface interpolation (such as bilinear interpolation after correction to sea level) gave moderately satisfactory results. Differences between the methods seemed to be dependent largely on their ability to model the effect of the sea on land temperatures.

5. Prediction of temperature by the best methods was greater than 95% accurate in all months of the year, as shown by the correlation between the predicted and actual values. The predicted temperatures were calculated at real altitudes, not subject to sea-level correction.

6. A minimum of just over 30 temperature recording stations would generate a satisfactory surface, provided the stations were well spaced.

7. Maps of mean daily temperature, using the best overall methods are provided; further important variables, such as continentality and length of growing season, were also mapped. Many of these are believed to be the first detailed representations at real altitude.

8. The interpolated monthly temperature surfaces are available on disk.