987 resultados para milk composition


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A long-term study over 25 months was conducted to evaluate the effects of genetically modified corn on performance of lactating dairy cows. Thirty-six dairy cows were assigned to two feeding groups and fed with diets based on whole-crop silage, kernels and whole-crop cobs from Bt-corn (Bt-MON810) or its isogenic not genetically modified counterpart (CON) as main components. The study included two consecutive lactations. There were no differences in the chemical composition and estimated net energy content of Bt-MON810 and CON corn components and diets. CON feed samples were negative for the presence of Cry1Ab protein, while in Bt-MON810 feed samples the Cry1Ab protein was detected. Cows fed Bt-MON810 corn had a daily Cry1Ab protein intake of 6.0 mg in the first lactation and 6.1 mg in the second lactation of the trial. Dry matter intake (DMI) was 18.8 and 20.7 kg/cow per day in the first and the second lactation of the trial, with no treatment differences. Similarly, milk yield (23.8 and 29.0 kg/cow per day in the first and the second lactation of the trial) was not affected by dietary treatment. There were no consistent effects of feeding MON810 or its isogenic CON on milk composition or body condition. Thus, the present long-term study demonstrated the compositional and nutritional equivalence of Bt-MON810 and its isogenic CON.


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Thirty-two multiparous Holstein cows were used to investigate the effects of chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation and dietary grain source on performance and lactation during the periparturient period. Cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of either a barley-based diet (BBD) or a corn-based diet (CBD) from 21 d before anticipated calving through 28 d after calving. The Cr-Met was supplemented at dosages of 0 or 0.08 mg of Cr/kg of metabolic body weight. The study was designed as a randomized complete block design with 2 (Cr-Met levels) x 2 (grain sources) factorial arrangement. There was no Cr effect on prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) or postpartum DMI, body weight (BW), net energy balance, and whole tract apparent digestibility of nutrients. Prepartum DMI as a percentage of BW tended to increase with Cr-Met. Supplemental Cr-Met tended to increase milk yield whereas milk protein percentage decreased. Pre- and postpartum DMI, BW, net energy balance, milk yield, and milk composition were not affected by substituting ground barley with ground corn. The addition of Cr-Met increased prepartum DMI and tended to increase postpartum DMI of the BBD but not the CBD. The change in prepartum DMI was smaller when the BBD was supplemented with Cr-Met but remained unchanged when the CBD was supplemented with Cr-Met. Yields of crude protein and total solids in milk and prepartum digestibility of DM and organic matter tended to increase when Cr-Met was added to the BBD but remained unchanged when added to the CBD. Periparturient cows failed to respond to the grain source of the diet, whereas they showed greater response in milk yield to diets supplemented with Cr-Met. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that the beneficial effect of Cr-Met supplementation during the periparturient period to improve feed intake may depend on the grain source of the diet.


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Cholesterol in milk is derived from the circulating blood through a complex transport process involving the mammary alveolar epithelium. Details of the mechanisms involved in this transfer are unclear. Apolipoprotein-AI (apoA-I) is an acceptor of cellular cholesterol effluxed by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1). We aimed to 1) determine the binding characteristics of (125)I-apoA-I and (3)H-cholesterol to enriched plasma membrane vesicles (EPM) isolated from lactating and non-lactating bovine mammary glands (MG), 2) optimize the components of an in vitro model describing cellular (3)H-cholesterol efflux in primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (MeBo), and 3) assess the vectorial cholesterol transport in MeBo using Transwell(®) plates. The amounts of isolated EPM and the maximal binding capacity of (125)I-apoA-I to EPM differed depending on the MG's physiological state, while the kinetics of (3)H-cholesterol and (125)I-apoA-I binding were similar. (3)H-cholesterol incorporated maximally to EPM after 25±9 min. The time to achieve the half-maximum binding of (125)I-apoA-I at equilibrium was 3.3±0.6 min. The dissociation constant (KD) of (125)I-apoA-I ranged between 40-74 nmol/L. Cholesterol loading to EPM increased both cholesterol content and (125)I-apoA-I binding. The ABCA1 inhibitor Probucol displaced (125)I-apoA-I binding to EPM and reduced (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo. Time-dependent (3)H-cholesterol uptake and efflux showed inverse patterns. The defined binding characteristics of cholesterol and apoA-I served to establish an efficient and significantly shorter cholesterol efflux protocol that had been used in MeBo. The application of this protocol in Transwell(®) plates with the upper chamber mimicking the apical (milk-facing) and the bottom chamber corresponding to the basolateral (blood-facing) side of cells showed that the degree of (3)H-cholesterol efflux in MeBo differed significantly between the apical and basolateral aspects. Our findings support the importance of the apoA-I/ABCA1 pathway in MG cholesterol transport and suggest its role in influencing milk composition and directing cholesterol back into the bloodstream.


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The milk-producing alveolar epithelial cells secrete milk that remains after birth the principal source of nutrients for neonates. Milk secretion and composition are highly regulated processes via integrated actions of hormones and local factors which involve specific receptors and downstream signal transduction pathways. Overall milk composition is similar among mammalian species, although the content of individual constituents such as lipids may significantly differ from one species to another. The milk lipid fraction is essentially composed of triglycerides, which represent more than 95 % of the total lipids in human and commercialized bovine milk. Though sterols, including cholesterol, which is the major milk sterol, represent less than 0.5 % of the total milk lipid fraction, they are of key importance for several biological processes. Cholesterol is required for the formation of biological membranes especially in rapidly growing organisms, and for the synthesis of sterol-based compounds. Cholesterol found in milk originates predominantly from blood uptake and, to a certain extent, from local synthesis in the mammary tissue. The present review summarizes current knowledge on cellular mechanisms and regulatory processes determining intra- and transcellular cholesterol transport in the mammary gland. Cholesterol exchanges between the blood, the mammary alveolar cells and the milk, and the likely role of active cholesterol transporters in these processes are discussed. In this context, the hormonal regulation and signal transduction pathways promoting active cholesterol transport as well as potential regulatory crosstalks are highlighted.


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In mammals milk is the principal nutrient for neonates at birth. The basic milk composition is similar between different mammals, but the content of individual constituents such as lipids may differ significantly from one species to another. The milk fat fraction is mainly composed of triglycerides which account for more than 95% of the lipids found in human and bovine milk. Though sterols and in particular cholesterol, the predominant milk sterol, represent less than 0.5% of the total milk lipid fraction, they are of ultimate importance for biological processes such as the formation of biological membranes or as precursors for steroid hormone synthesis. Cholesterol found in milk originates either from blood uptake or from local synthesis. This chapter provides an overview of cholesterol exchanges between the blood, the mammary tissue and the milk. The current knowledge on the expression, localization and function of candidate cholesterol transporters in mammary tissues of human, murine and bovine origin is summarized. Different mechanisms of how cholesterol can be transferred via the mammary tissue into milk, and which active cholesterol transporters are likely to play a role in this process will be discussed.


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Poor udder health represents a serious problem in dairy production and has been investigated intensively, but heifers generally have not been the main focus of mastitis control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and consequences of heifer mastitis in Switzerland. The study included 166,518 heifers of different breeds (Swiss Red Pied, Swiss Brown Cattle and Holstein). Monthly somatic cell counts (SCCs) provided by the main dairy breeding organisations in Switzerland were monitored for 3 years; the prevalence of subclinical mastitis (SCM) was determined on the basis of SCCs ≥100,000 cells/mL at the first test date. The probability of having SCM at the first test date during lactation was modelled using logistic regression. Analysed factors included data for the genetic background, morphological traits, geographical region, season of parturition and milk composition. The overall prevalence of SCM in heifers during the period from 2006 to 2010 was 20.6%. Higher frequencies of SCM were present in heifers of the Holstein breed (odds ratio, OR, 1.62), heifers with high fat:protein ratios (OR 1.97) and heifers with low milk urea concentrations combined with high milk protein concentrations (OR 3.97). Traits associated with a low risk of SCM were high set udders, high overall breeding values and low milk breeding values. Heifers with SCM on the first test day had a higher risk of either developing chronic mastitis or leaving the herd prematurely.


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BACKGROUND Mammary cell cultures are convenient tools for in vitro studies of mammary gland biology. However, the heterogeneity of mammary cell types, e.g., glandular milk secretory epithelial or myoepithelial cells, often complicates the interpretation of cell-based data. The present study was undertaken to determine the relevance of bovine primary mammary epithelial cells isolated from American Holstein (bMECUS) or Swiss Holstein-Friesian (bMECCH) cows, and of primary bovine mammary alveolar epithelial cells stably transfected with simian virus-40 (SV-40) large T-antigen (MAC-T) for in vitro analyses. This was evaluated by testing their expression pattern of cytokeratin (CK) 7, 18, 19, vimentin, and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). RESULTS The expression of the listed markers was assessed using real-time quantitative PCR, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence microscopy. Characteristic markers of the mesenchymal (vimentin), myoepithelial (α-SMA) and glandular secretory cells (CKs) showed differential expression among the studied cell cultures, partly depending on the analytical method used. The relative mRNA expression of vimentin, CK7 and CK19, respectively, was lower (P < 0.05) in immortalized than in primary mammary cell cultures. The stain index (based on flow cytometry) of CK7 and CK19 protein was lower (P < 0.05) in MAC-T than in bMECs, while the expression of α-SMA and CK18 showed an inverse pattern. Immunofluorescence microscopy analysis mostly confirmed the mRNA data, while partly disagreed with flow cytometry data (e.g., vimentin level in MAC-T). The differential expression of CK7 and CK19 allowed discriminating between immortal and primary mammary cultures. CONCLUSIONS The expression of the selected widely used cell type markers in primary and immortalized MEC cells did not allow a clear preference between these two cell models for in vitro analyses studying aspects of milk composition. All tested cell models exhibited to a variable degree epithelial and mesenchymal features. Thus, based on their characterization with widely used cell markers, none of these cultures represent an unequivocal alveolar mammary epithelial cell model. For choosing the appropriate in vitro model additional properties such as the expression profile of specific proteins of interest (e.g., transporter proteins) should equally be taken into account.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a suplementação dietética de ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados sobre o metabolismo, e desempenhos produtivo e reprodutivo no período de transição e início de lactação de vacas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 36 vacas da raça holandesa distribuídas aleatoriamente para receber uma das três dietas experimentais. No período pré-parto as dietas foram: Controle (CON), sem adição de gordura e 2,8% de extrato etéreo baseado na matéria seca; Gordura Saturada (SAT), com inclusão de 2,4% de MAGNAPAC® (Tectron Ltda.) com 4,7% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Insaturada (INS), com inclusão de 11% de grão de Soja, com 4,7% de EE baseado na MS. No período pós-parto, Controle (CON), sem adição de gordura e com 2,8% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Saturada (SAT), com inclusão de 2,6% de MAGNAPAC® (Tectron Ltda.) com 5,0% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Insaturada (INS), com inclusão de 13% de Grão de Soja, com 5% de EE baseado na MS. As dietas foram fornecidas 35 dias da data prevista do parto até 90 dias de lactação. No período pré-parto foi utilizada silagem de milho como volumoso, em uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30, enquanto que no período pós-parto foram utilizados 5% de feno de tifton e 45% de silagem de milho como fontes de volumoso, com uma relação entre volumoso:concentrado de 50:50. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente durante todo o período experimental. As amostras utilizadas para análise da composição e o perfil de ácidos graxos do leite foram coletadas semanalmente, sendo provenientes das duas ordenhas diárias. As amostras de sangue para análise dos metabólitos sanguíneos foram coletadas semanalmente. Do dia 14 ao dia 90 pós-parto foi realizado avaliação da dinâmica folicular por ultrassonografia. Nos dias 30, 60 e 90 foram realizadas aspirações foliculares, com posterior fertilização in vitro dos oócitos. Todas as variáveis mensuradas foram avaliadas pelo procedimento PROC MIXED do SAS (2004) utilizando-se os seguintes contrastes ortogonais: Controle vs Fontes de Lipídeo (C1); Fonte de ácidos graxos saturados x Fonte de ácidos graxos insaturados (C2). Foi utilizado nível de 5% de significância. No período pós-parto, a suplementação de lipídeos aumentou as concentrações de AGNE quando comparada a dieta CON. O tratamento INS reduziu as concentrações de proteínas totais e de BHB quando comparado ao SAT. Houve interação entre tempo e dieta paras as variáveis colesterol total, LDL e BHB. Houve redução da produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura, na produção total de gordura e de proteína, e no teor de gordura do leite quando comparado o tratamento INS com o SAT. A suplementação de lipídeo reduziu as concentrações do somatório dos ácidos graxos saturados (Σ A.G. Saturados), dos ácidos graxos com menos de 16 carbonos (>C16), e da relação entre ácidos graxos saturados com insaturados (Σ SFA/(MUFA+PUFA)); e aumentou as concentrações de ácidos graxos acima de 16 carbonos (>C16), de ácidos graxos insaturados com 18 carbonos, da somatória dos ácidos graxos insaturados e dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (Σ A.G. Poli-insaturados). O tratamento INS aumentou a concentração de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados totais (Σ A.G. poli-insaturados), e reduziu o total de ácidos graxos de 16 carbonos (C16) em relação ao tratamento SAT. Houve redução no número de folículos classe 1, e folículos totais (NC1 e NTFol) com suplementação de lipídeo. O tratamento SAT aumentou o número de folículos classe 5 (NC5), em relação ao INS. Não houve alteração na qualidade oocitária e embrionária com a suplementação de lipídeo e entre as duas fontes de lipídeo. A suplementação de lipídeos insaturados através da suplementação via grão de soja cru e integral, quando comparada à suplementação de lipídeos saturados, para vacas no período de transição e início de lactação, não interferiu na dinâmica folicular e qualidade oocitária e embrionária; e reduziu o desempenho produtivo, devido às reduções na produção de gordura do leite a na produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% dos animais suplementados


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização de variações anátomo-fisiológicas que decorrem do processo de aclimatação sazonal em bovinos leiteiros com alto (Altas) e baixo (Baixas) potencial leiteiro, com vista a selecionar animais que conciliem bons desempenhos produtivos e índices de adaptabilidade que possibilitem a mudança de homeostase face às condições climáticas presentes no clima mediterrânico. O estudo foi realizado numa herdade comercial, situada no Alentejo, utilizando 13 vacas multíparas (6 Baixas e 7 Altas), durante três períodos: P1 (animais aclimatados ao verão; presença de stresse térmico); P2 (animais aclimatados ao verão; termoneutralidade); P3 (animais aclimatados ao inverno; termoneutralidade). Em stresse térmico (P1), verificaram-se maiores esforços termolíticos e maiores armazenamentos de calor no grupo das Altas. Observou-se também que a produção de leite das Altas foi afetada pelo stresse térmico, evidênciando uma redução 24-48h após os valores de temperatura retal mais elevados. Nesta situação, as Baixas apresentaram uma variação na produção oposta à das Altas. Em P1, os valores de proteína e de gordura no leite foram significativamente mais baixos que em P3, em ambos os grupos. A ureia no leite foi significativamente mais elevada nas Altas durante o P1, revelando potencial como biomarcador de stresse térmico. Do P1 para o P3 obser-vou-se uma redução gradual do hematócrito, da hemoglobina e da triiodotironina (T3). As Altas apresentaram uma maior redução de triiodotironina (T3) que as Baixas, como consequência de uma maior intensidade de aclimatação. Nos pelos não se registaram diferenças entre os períodos, o que contrasta com alguma bibliografia. Porém, a ausência da insolação direta poderá ter sido um fator determinante; ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present study was the characterization of anatomical and physiological variations that occur in the seasonal acclimatization process of dairy cows with high (Altas) and low (Baixas) milk yield potential. In this way it should be possible to do a selection of animals with good productive traits and also with adaptability indexes that allow a change in homeostasis to cope with the climatic conditions of the mediterranean climate. Meteorological, clinical, productive, physiological and anatomical data were collected. The study was conducted in an Alentejo's dairy farm, using 13 multiparous cows (6 with low milk yield and 7 with high milk yield), during three periods: P1 (animals acclimated to summer, in heat stress); P2 (animals acclimated to summer, thermoneutrality); P3 (animals acclimated to winter; thermoneutrality). In thermal stress (P1), the high milk yield group (Altas) shown greater thermolytic efforts and also higher heat storage. The milk yield in this group was also affected by heat stress, showing a decrease in production when the rectal temperature increased, with a delay of 24-42 hours. In this situation the Baixas group showed an opposite milk production variation. In P1, the protein and fat milk content was lower than in P3, in both groups. Milk urea levels were significantly higher during P1 in the Altas group, revealing potential as an heat stress biomarker. Hematocrit, hemoglobin and triiodothyronine (T3) values gradualy decreased from P1 to P3. T3 values were lower in Altas than in Baixas group, as a consequence of a more intense acclimatization. The hair analysis didn’t show the standard seasonal acclimatization process, indicating the absence of direct solar radiation as a determinant factor.


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Mastitis negatively influences the survival and weight gain of ovines for meat production. The purpose of this study was to investigate, in sheep for meat production, the occurrence of subclinical mastitis in ewes at the end of lactation and beginning of the consecutive lactation and to assess the composition and cellular characteristics of milk as a function of different rainfall indices. Mammary halves (821) of Santa Ines (479) and Morada Nova (342) ewes were examined. Milk samples were collected in two different moments of lactation: at weaning and postpartum of the consecutive lactation. Sample collection periods were called ?dry? or ?rainy? according to the rainfall index in the month immediately before the month of collection. The occurrence of subclinical mastitis at weaning in the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes were 16.4 and 12.6% in the dry period, and 17.7 and 23.5% in the rainy period, respectively. In the consecutive lactation period, the occurrences were 26.7 and 27.7% in the dry period and 41.8 and 39.1% in the rainy period, for the Santa Ines and Morada Nova ewes, respectively. Postpartum stage was critical for the occurrence of subclinical mastitis, as compared to that at the end of the previous lactation. Occurrence of the disease negatively influenced the SCC in the milk at the beginning of lactation and changed its composition, mainly in the rainiest periods, probably due to a difficulty in maintaining hygiene in the environment where the animals remained.


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Immediate and residual effects of two lengths of low plane of nutrition (PON) on the synthesis of milk protein and protein fractions were studied at the Mutdapilly Research Station, in south-east Queensland. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows, between 46 and 102 days in milk (DIM) initially, were used in a completely randomised design experiment with three treatments. All cows were fed on a basal diet of ryegrass pasture (7.0 kg DM/cow.day), barley-sorghum concentrate mix (2.7 kg DM/cow.day) and a canola meal-mineral mix (1.3 kg DM/cow.day). To increase PON, 5.0 kg DM/cow.day supplemental maize and forage sorghum silage was added to the basal diet. The three treatments were (C) high PON (basal diet + supplemental silage); (L9) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 9 weeks; and (L3) low PON (basal diet only) for a period of 3 weeks. The experiment comprised three periods (1) covariate – high PON, all groups (5 weeks), (2) period of low PON for either 3 weeks (L3) or 9 weeks (L9), and (3) period of high PON (all groups) to assess ability of cows to recover any production lost as a result of treatments (5 weeks). The low PON treatment periods for L3 and L9 were end-aligned so that all treatment groups began Period 3 together. Although there was a significant effect of L9 on yields of milk, protein, fat and lactose, and concentrations of true protein, whey protein and urea, these were not significantly different from L3. There were no residual effects of L3 or L9 on protein concentration or nitrogen distribution after 5 weeks of realimentation. There was no significant effect of low PON for 3 or 9 weeks on casein concentration or composition.


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The effects of heat stress on dairy production can be separated into 2 distinct causes: those effects that are mediated by the reduced voluntary feed intake associated with heat stress, and the direct physiological and metabolic effects of heat stress. To distinguish between these, and identify their effect on milk protein and casein concentration, mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 24) were housed in temperature-controlled chambers and either subjected to heat stress HS; temperature-humidity index (THI) ~78 or kept in a THI < 70 environment and pair-fed with heat-stressed cows (TN-R) for 7 d. A control group of cows was kept in a THI < 70 environment with ad libitum feeding (TN-AL). A subsequent recovery period (7 d), with THI < 70 and ad libitum feeding followed. Intake accounted for only part of the effects of heat stress. Heat stress reduced the milk protein concentration, casein number, and casein concentration and increased the urea concentration in milk beyond the effects of restriction of intake. Under HS, the proportion in total casein of αS1-casein increased and the proportion of αS2-casein decreased. Because no effect of HS on milk fat or lactose concentration was found, these effects appeared to be the result of specific downregulation of mammary protein synthesis, and not a general reduction in mammary activity. No residual effects were found of HS or TN-R on milk production or composition after THI < 70 and ad libitum intake were restored. Heat-stressed cows had elevated blood concentrations of urea and Ca, compared with TN-R and TN-AL. Cows in TN-R had higher serum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations than cows in HS. It was proposed that HS and TN-R cows may mobilize different tissues as endogenous sources of energy.


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Consuming low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training leads to improvements in body composition. Habitual aerobic exercise and dairy intake are relatively easy lifestyle modifications that could benefit a population at risk for becoming obese. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate combining increased LFM intake with endurance exercise on body composition, blood-lipid profile and metabolic markers. 40 young males were randomized into four groups: one ingesting 750mL LFM immediately post-exercise, the other 6hrs post-exercise; and two isocaloric carbohydrate groups ingesting at the two different times. Participants completed a 12 week endurance-training program (cycling 1 hour/day at ~60%VO2peak, 5 days/week). 23 participants completed the study. Increases in lean mass (p < 0.05), and decreases in anti-inflammatory marker adiponectin (p < 0.05) were seen in all groups. No other significant changes were observed. Future analyses should focus on longer duration exercise and include a larger sample.


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Consumption of low-fat milk (LFM) after resistance training has been shown to have positive influences on body composition and training adaptations; however, little research has examined the effects of LFM consumption following endurance training. The purpose of the study was to look at the effects of combining additional servings of LFM following endurance exercise on body composition, bone health, and training adaptations. 40 healthy males were recruited. Individuals were randomized into 4 groups – DEI (750mL LFM immediately post exercise), DEA (750mL LFM 4 hrs prior to or 6 hrs post exercise), CEI (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise), and CEA (750mL carbohydrate beverage immediately post-exercise). Participants took part in a 12-week endurance training intervention (1 h/day, 3 d/wk, ~60% max HR). 22 participants completed the study. Analysis showed significant increases in lean mass, spinal bone mineral content, relative VO2peak, and a decrease in Trap 5β across all groups (p < 0.05).