987 resultados para microwave network analyzer


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The mathematical formulation of empirically developed formulas Jirr the calculation of the resonant frequency of a thick-substrate (h s 0.08151 A,,) microstrip antenna has been analyzed. With the use qt' tunnel-based artificial neural networks (ANNs), the resonant frequency of antennas with h satisfying the thick-substrate condition are calculated and compared with the existing experimental results and also with the simulation results obtained with the use of an IE3D software package. The artificial neural network results are in very good agreement with the experimental results


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Microwave ceramic dielectric resonators (DRs) based on RETiNbO6 (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Y, and Yb) have been prepared using the conventional solid -state ceramic route. The DR samples are characterized using XRD and SEM methods. The microwave dielectric properties are measured using resonant methods and a net work analyzer . The ceramics based on Ce, Pr, Nd, and Sin have dielectric constants in the range 32-54 and positive coefficient of thermal variation of resonant frequency (r,). The ceramics based on Gd, Tb, Dy, Y. and Yb have dielectric constants in the range 19-22 and negative Tf


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Cloud optical depth is one of the most poorly observed climate variables. The new “cloud mode” capability in the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) will inexpensively yet dramatically increase cloud optical depth observations in both number and accuracy. Cloud mode optical depth retrievals from AERONET were evaluated at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program’s Oklahoma site in sky conditions ranging from broken clouds to overcast. For overcast cases, the 1.5 min average AERONET cloud mode optical depths agreed to within 15% of those from a standard ground‐based flux method. For broken cloud cases, AERONET retrievals also captured rapid variations detected by the microwave radiometer. For 3 year climatology derived from all nonprecipitating clouds, AERONET monthly mean cloud optical depths are generally larger than cloud radar retrievals because of the current cloud mode observation strategy that is biased toward measurements of optically thick clouds. This study has demonstrated a new way to enhance the existing AERONET infrastructure to observe cloud optical properties on a global scale.


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The ground-based Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) and NASA Aerosol Robotic Net- work (AERONET) routinely monitor clouds using zenith ra- diances at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Using the transmittance calculated from such measurements, we have developed a new retrieval method for cloud effective droplet size and conducted extensive tests for non-precipitating liquid water clouds. The underlying principle is to combine a liquid-water-absorbing wavelength (i.e., 1640 nm) with a non-water-absorbing wavelength for acquiring information on cloud droplet size and optical depth. For simulated stratocumulus clouds with liquid water path less than 300 g m−2 and horizontal resolution of 201 m, the retrieval method underestimates the mean effective radius by 0.8μm, with a root-mean-squared error of 1.7 μm and a relative deviation of 13%. For actual observations with a liquid water path less than 450 g m−2 at the ARM Oklahoma site during 2007– 2008, our 1.5-min-averaged retrievals are generally larger by around 1 μm than those from combined ground-based cloud radar and microwave radiometer at a 5-min temporal resolution. We also compared our retrievals to those from combined shortwave flux and microwave observations for relatively homogeneous clouds, showing that the bias between these two retrieval sets is negligible, but the error of 2.6 μm and the relative deviation of 22 % are larger than those found in our simulation case. Finally, the transmittance-based cloud effective droplet radii agree to better than 11 % with satellite observations and have a negative bias of 1 μm. Overall, the retrieval method provides reasonable cloud effective radius estimates, which can enhance the cloud products of both ARM and AERONET.


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Poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) is a potential candidate for electronic applications due to its low permittivity, low loss, high melting point, better chemical resistance, excellent insulating properties and easy processibility. Present paper discusses the preparation and characterization of SrTiO3 filled PEEK composite for microwave substrate applications. The dielectric constant, dielectric loss and temperature variation of dielectric constant of the composites have been studied up to 1 MHz using an Impedance Analyzer. Different theoretical approaches have been employed to predict the effective permittivity of composite systems and the results are compared with that of the experimental data. The crystallinity of the bulk composite is studied by X-ray diffraction studies. Scanning electron microscopic technique has been employed to study the dispersion of the particulate filler in PEEK matrix. Vickers hardness of pure and filled PEEK composite has been measured using Microhardness Tester. The effect of particle size on the dielectric as well as mechanical properties of SrTiO3/PEEK composite system is also studied by incorporating micronsize and nanosize fillers. Present study shows that a temperature stable composite can be realized by judiciously selecting appropriate filler concentration in the PEEK matrix.


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The rapid expansion of mobile-based systems, the capabilities of smartphone devices, as well as the radio access and cellular network technologies are the wind beneath the wing of mobile health (mHealth). In this paper, the concept of biomedical sensing analyzer (BSA) is presented, which is a novel framework, devised for sensor-based mHealth applications. The BSA is capable of formulating the Quality of Service (QoS) measurements in an end-to-end sense, covering the entire communication path (wearable sensors, link-technology, smartphone, cell-towers, mobile-cloud, and the end-users). The characterization and formulation of BSA depend on a number of factors, including the deployment of application-specific biomedical sensors, generic link-technologies, collection, aggregation, and prioritization of mHealth data, cellular network based on the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) access technology, and extensive multidimensional delay analyses. The results are studied and analyzed in a LabView 8.5 programming environment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Computer aided design of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs) depends critically on active device models that are accurate, computationally efficient, and easily extracted from measurements or device simulators. Empirical models of active electron devices, which are based on actual device measurements, do not provide a detailed description of the electron device physics. However they are numerically efficient and quite accurate. These characteristics make them very suitable for MMIC design in the framework of commercially available CAD tools. In the empirical model formulation it is very important to separate linear memory effects (parasitic effects) from the nonlinear effects (intrinsic effects). Thus an empirical active device model is generally described by an extrinsic linear part which accounts for the parasitic passive structures connecting the nonlinear intrinsic electron device to the external world. An important task circuit designers deal with is evaluating the ultimate potential of a device for specific applications. In fact once the technology has been selected, the designer would choose the best device for the particular application and the best device for the different blocks composing the overall MMIC. Thus in order to accurately reproducing the behaviour of different-in-size devices, good scalability properties of the model are necessarily required. Another important aspect of empirical modelling of electron devices is the mathematical (or equivalent circuit) description of the nonlinearities inherently associated with the intrinsic device. Once the model has been defined, the proper measurements for the characterization of the device are performed in order to identify the model. Hence, the correct measurement of the device nonlinear characteristics (in the device characterization phase) and their reconstruction (in the identification or even simulation phase) are two of the more important aspects of empirical modelling. This thesis presents an original contribution to nonlinear electron device empirical modelling treating the issues of model scalability and reconstruction of the device nonlinear characteristics. The scalability of an empirical model strictly depends on the scalability of the linear extrinsic parasitic network, which should possibly maintain the link between technological process parameters and the corresponding device electrical response. Since lumped parasitic networks, together with simple linear scaling rules, cannot provide accurate scalable models, either complicate technology-dependent scaling rules or computationally inefficient distributed models are available in literature. This thesis shows how the above mentioned problems can be avoided through the use of commercially available electromagnetic (EM) simulators. They enable the actual device geometry and material stratification, as well as losses in the dielectrics and electrodes, to be taken into account for any given device structure and size, providing an accurate description of the parasitic effects which occur in the device passive structure. It is shown how the electron device behaviour can be described as an equivalent two-port intrinsic nonlinear block connected to a linear distributed four-port passive parasitic network, which is identified by means of the EM simulation of the device layout, allowing for better frequency extrapolation and scalability properties than conventional empirical models. Concerning the issue of the reconstruction of the nonlinear electron device characteristics, a data approximation algorithm has been developed for the exploitation in the framework of empirical table look-up nonlinear models. Such an approach is based on the strong analogy between timedomain signal reconstruction from a set of samples and the continuous approximation of device nonlinear characteristics on the basis of a finite grid of measurements. According to this criterion, nonlinear empirical device modelling can be carried out by using, in the sampled voltage domain, typical methods of the time-domain sampling theory.


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The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.


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The important task to observe the global coverage of middle atmospheric trace gases like water vapor or ozone usually is accomplished by satellites. Climate and atmospheric studies rely upon the knowledge of trace gas distributions throughout the stratosphere and mesosphere. Many of these gases are currently measured from satellites, but it is not clear whether this capability will be maintained in the future. This could lead to a significant knowledge gap of the state of the atmosphere. We explore the possibilities of mapping middle atmospheric water vapor in the Northern Hemisphere by using Lagrangian trajectory calculations and water vapor profile data from a small network of five ground-based microwave radiometers. Four of them are operated within the frame of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change). Keeping in mind that the instruments are based on different hardware and calibration setups, a height-dependent bias of the retrieved water vapor profiles has to be expected among the microwave radiometers. In order to correct and harmonize the different data sets, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite is used to serve as a kind of traveling standard. A domain-averaging TM (trajectory mapping) method is applied which simplifies the subsequent validation of the quality of the trajectory-mapped water vapor distribution towards direct satellite observations. Trajectories are calculated forwards and backwards in time for up to 10 days using 6 hourly meteorological wind analysis fields. Overall, a total of four case studies of trajectory mapping in different meteorological regimes are discussed. One of the case studies takes place during a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) accompanied by the polar vortex breakdown; a second takes place after the reformation of stable circulation system. TM cases close to the fall equinox and June solstice event from the year 2012 complete the study, showing the high potential of a network of ground-based remote sensing instruments to synthesize hemispheric maps of water vapor.


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The important task to observe the global coverage of middle atmospheric trace gases like water vapor or ozone usually is accomplished by satellites. Climate and atmospheric studies rely upon the knowledge of trace gas distributions throughout the stratosphere and mesosphere. Many of these gases are currently measured from satellites, but it is not clear whether this capability will be maintained in the future. This could lead to a significant knowledge gap of the state of the atmosphere. We explore the possibilities of mapping middle atmospheric water vapor in the Northern Hemisphere by using Lagrangian trajectory calculations and water vapor profile data from a small network of five ground-based microwave radiometers. Four of them are operated within the frame of NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change). Keeping in mind that the instruments are based on different hardware and calibration setups, a height-dependent bias of the retrieved water vapor profiles has to be expected among the microwave radiometers. In order to correct and harmonize the different data sets, the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite is used to serve as a kind of traveling standard. A domain-averaging TM (trajectory mapping) method is applied which simplifies the subsequent validation of the quality of the trajectory-mapped water vapor distribution towards direct satellite observations. Trajectories are calculated forwards and backwards in time for up to 10 days using 6 hourly meteorological wind analysis fields. Overall, a total of four case studies of trajectory mapping in different meteorological regimes are discussed. One of the case studies takes place during a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) accompanied by the polar vortex breakdown; a second takes place after the reformation of stable circulation system. TM cases close to the fall equinox and June solstice event from the year 2012 complete the study, showing the high potential of a network of ground-based remote sensing instruments to synthesize hemispheric maps of water vapor.


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Stratospheric ozone is of major interest as it absorbs most harmful UV radiation from the sun, allowing life on Earth. Ground-based microwave remote sensing is the only method that allows for the measurement of ozone profiles up to the mesopause, over 24 hours and under different weather conditions with high time resolution. In this paper a novel ground-based microwave radiometer is presented. It is called GROMOS-C (GRound based Ozone MOnitoring System for Campaigns), and it has been designed to measure the vertical profile of ozone distribution in the middle atmosphere by observing ozone emission spectra at a frequency of 110.836 GHz. The instrument is designed in a compact way which makes it transportable and suitable for outdoor use in campaigns, an advantageous feature that is lacking in present day ozone radiometers. It is operated through remote control. GROMOS-C is a total power radiometer which uses a pre-amplified heterodyne receiver, and a digital fast Fourier transform spectrometer for the spectral analysis. Among its main new features, the incorporation of different calibration loads stands out; this includes a noise diode and a new type of blackbody target specifically designed for this instrument, based on Peltier elements. The calibration scheme does not depend on the use of liquid nitrogen; therefore GROMOS-C can be operated at remote places with no maintenance requirements. In addition, the instrument can be switched in frequency to observe the CO line at 115 GHz. A description of the main characteristics of GROMOS-C is included in this paper, as well as the results of a first campaign at the High Altitude Research Station at Jungfraujoch (HFSJ), Switzerland. The validation is performed by comparison of the retrieved profiles against equivalent profiles from MLS (Microwave Limb Sounding) satellite data, ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) model data, as well as our nearby NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) ozone radiometer measuring at Bern.


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Application of the spectrum analyzer for illustrating several concepts associated with mobile communications is discussed. Specifically, two groups of observable features are described. First, time variation and frequency selectivity of multipath propagation can be revealed by carrying out simple measurements on commercial-network GSM and UMTS signals. Second, the main time-domain and frequency-domain features of GSM and UMTS radio signals can be observed. This constitutes a valuable tool for teaching mobile communication courses.


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Esta tesis que tiene por título "Contribución a los arrays de antenas activos en banda X", ha sido desarrollada por el estudiante de doctorado Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, ingeniero de telecomunicación en el Grupo de Radiación del Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones de la ETSI de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid bajo la dirección de los doctores Manuel Sierra Castañer y José Manuel Fernández González. Esta tesis contiene un profundo estudio del arte en materia de antenas activas en el campo de apuntamiento electrónico. Este estudio comprende desde los fundamentos de este tipo de antenas, problemas de operación y limitaciones hasta los sistemas actuales más avanzados. En ella se identifican las partes críticas en el diseño y posteriormente se llevan a la práctica con el diseño, simulación y construcción de un subarray de una antena integrada en el fuselaje de un avión para comunicaciones multimedia por satélite que funciona en banda X. El prototipo consta de una red de distribución multihaz de banda ancha y una antena planar. El objetivo de esta tesis es el de aplicar nuevas técnicas al diseño de antenas de apuntamiento electrónico. Es por eso que las contribuciones originales son la aplicación de barreras electromagnéticas entre elementos radiantes para reducir los acoplamientos mutuos en arrays de exploración electrónica y el diseño de redes desfasadoras sencillas en las que no son necesarios complejos desfasadores para antenas multihaz. Hasta la fecha, las barreras electromagnéticas, Electronic Band Gap (EBG), se construyen en sustratos de permitividad alta con el fin de aumentar el espacio disponible entre elementos radiantes y reducir el tamaño de estas estructuras. Sin embargo, la utilización de sustratos de alta permitividad aumenta la propagación por ondas de superficie y con ellas el acoplo mutuo. Utilizando sustratos multicapa y colocando la vía de las estructuras en su borde, en vez de en su centro, se consigue reducir el tamaño sin necesidad de usar sustratos de alta permitividad, reducir la eficiencia de radiación de la antena o aumentar la propagación por ondas de superficie. La última parte de la tesis se dedica a las redes conmutadoras y desfasadoras para antenas multihaz. El diseño de las redes de distribución para antenas son una parte crítica ya que se comportan como un atenuador a la entrada de la cadena receptora, modificando en gran medida la figura de ruido del sistema. Las pérdidas de un desfasador digital varían con el desfase introducido, por ese motivo es necesario caracterizar y calibrar los dispositivos correctamente. Los trabajos presentados en este manuscrito constan de un desfasador reflectivo con un conmutador doble serie paralelo para igualar las pérdidas de inserción en los dos estados y también un conmutador de una entrada y dos salidas cuyos puertos están adaptados en todo momento independientemente del camino del conmutador para evitar las reflexiones y fugas entre redes o elementos radiantes. El tomo finaliza con un resumen de las publicaciones en revistas científicas y ponencias en congresos, nacionales e internacionales, el marco de trabajo en el que se ha desarrollado, las colaboraciones que se han realizado y las líneas de investigación futuras. ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out in the Radiation Group of the Signals, Systems and Radiocomunications department of ETSI de Telecomunicación from Technical University of Madrid. Its title is "Contribution to active array antennas at X band" and it is developed by Gonzalo Expósito Domínguez, Electrical Engineer MsC. under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Sierra Castañer and Dr. José Manuel Fernández González. This thesis is focused on active antennas, specifically multibeam and electronic steering antenas. In the first part of the thesis a thorough description of the state of the art is presented. This study compiles the fundamentals of this antennas, operation problems and limits, up to the breakthrough applications. The critical design problems are described to use them eventually in the design, simulation and prototyping of an airborne steering array antenna for satellite communication at X band. The main objective of this thesis is to apply new techniques to the design of electronically steering antennas. Therefore the new original contributions are the application of Electromagnetic Band Gap materials (EBG) between radiating elements to reduce the mutual coupling when phase shift between elements exist and phase shifting networks where special characteristics are required. So far, the EBG structures have been constructed with high permitivity substrates in order to increase the available space between radiating elements and reduce the size of the structures. However, the surface wave propagation modes are enhanced and therefore the mutual coupling increases when high permitivity substrates are used. By using multilayered substrates and edge location via, the size is reduced meanwhile low permitivity substrates are used without reducing the radiation efficiency or enhancing the surface propagation modes. The last part of the thesis is focused on the phase shifting distribution networks for multibeam antennas. This is a critical part in the antenna design because the insertion loss in the distribution network behaves as an attenuator located in the first place in a receiver chain. The insertion loss will affect directly to the receiver noise figure and the insertion loss in a phase shifter vary with the phase shift. Therefore the devices must be well characterized and calibrated in order to obtain a properly operation. The work developed in this thesis are a reflective phase shifter with a series-shunt switch in order to make symmetrical the insertion loss for the two states and a complex Single Pole Double Through (SPDT) with matched ports in order to reduce the reflections and leakage between feeding networks and radiating elements. The end of this Ph D. dissertation concludes with a summary of the publications in national and international conferences and scientific journals, the collaborations carried out along the thesis and the future research lines.