444 resultados para microtubule


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A number of cycling mammalian cells, such as NIH 3T3, contain abundant subsets of cold-stable microtubules. The origin of such microtubule stabilization in nonneuronal cells is unknown. We have previously described a neuronal protein, stable tubule-only polypeptide (STOP), that binds to microtubules and induces cold stability. We find that NIH 3T3 fibroblasts contain a major 42-kDa isoform of STOP (fibroblastic STOP, F-STOP). F-STOP contains the central repeats characteristic of brain STOP but shows extensive deletions of N- and C-terminal protein domains that are present in brain STOP. These deletions arise from differences in STOP RNA splicing. Despite such deletions, F-STOP has full microtubule stabilizing activity. F-STOP accumulates on cold-stable microtubules of interphase arrays and is present on stable microtubules within the mitotic spindle of NIH 3T3 cells. STOP inhibition by microinjection of affinity-purified STOP central repeat antibodies into NIH 3T3 cells abolishes both interphase and spindle microtubule cold stability. Similar results were obtained with Rat2 cells. These results show that STOP proteins have nonneuronal isoforms that are responsible for the microtubule cold stability observed in mammalian fibroblasts.


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Farnesyltransferase inhibitors (FTIs) exhibit the remarkable ability to inhibit transformed phenotypes of a variety of human cancer cell lines and to block the growth of cancer cells in a number of animal model systems. In this paper, we report that the addition of FTI to v-K-ras- transformed NRK cells (KNRK) results in dramatic morphological changes. Within 24 h after the addition of FTI, the round morphology of KNRK cells was changed to an elongated (flattened and spread out) morphology resembling those of untransformed NRK cells. No morphological effects were seen when similar concentrations of FTI were added to NRK cells. Phalloidin staining showed that FTI treatment did not restore the disrupted actin cytoskeleton in KNRK cells. In contrast, FTI addition resulted in the appearance of extensive microtubule networks in KNRK cells. The addition of a low concentration (1.2 nM) of vincristine or vinblastine, agents that interfere with microtubule dynamics, blocked the FTI-induced morphological changes in KNRK cells. In contrast, cytochalasin B, which interferes with actin polymerization, did not block the morphological changes. The FTI-induced morphological changes were associated with a decrease in the percentage of cells in S-phase, and the addition of 1.2 nM vincristine did not have additional effects on cell cycle progression. A higher concentration (12 nM) of vincristine caused synergistic effect with FTI to enrich dramatically KNRK cells in G2/M phase. These results suggest that FTI affects cell morphology and that microtubule dynamics are involved in these processes.


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How tau mutations lead to neurodegeneration is unknown but may be related to altered microtubule binding properties of mutant tau protein. The tendency for the mutations to cluster around the microtubule-binding domain of tau or to alter the ratios of those splice isoforms that affect binding supports the view that the tau/microtubule interaction is critical and finely regulated. In cells transfected with both mutant and wild-type tau isoforms fused to either yellow fluorescent protein or cyan fluorescent protein we can observe tau fusion proteins that differ by a single amino acid or by the inclusion or exclusion of exon 10. With coexpression of mutant and wild-type tau, the mutant isoform appears diffuse throughout the cytoplasm; however, when mutant tau is expressed alone, it appears mostly bound to the microtubules. Dual imaging of the three- and four-repeat tau isoforms indicated that the expression of four-repeat tau displaced three-repeat tau from the microtubules. These results suggest that altered kinetic competition among the isoforms for microtubule binding could be a disease precipitant.


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Stathmin/Op 18 is a microtubule (MT) dynamics-regulating protein that has been shown to have both catastrophe-promoting and tubulin-sequestering activities. The level of stathmin/Op18 phosphorylation was proved both in vitro and in vivo to be important in modulating its MT-destabilizing activity. To understand the in vivo regulation of stathmin/Op18 activity, we investigated whether MT assembly itself could control phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 and thus its MT-destabilizing activity. We found that MT nucleation by centrosomes from Xenopus sperm or somatic cells and MT assembly promoted by dimethyl sulfoxide or paclitaxel induced stathmin/Op18 hyperphosphorylation in Xenopus egg extracts, leading to new stathmin/Op18 isoforms phosphorylated on Ser 16. The MT-dependent phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 took place in interphase extracts as well, and was also observed in somatic cells. We show that the MT-dependent phosphorylation of stathmin/Op18 on Ser 16 is mediated by an activity associated to the MTs, and that it is responsible for the stathmin/Op18 hyperphosphorylation reported to be induced by the addition of “mitotic chromatin.” Our results suggest the existence of a positive feedback loop, which could represent a novel mechanism contributing to MT network control.


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LLCPK-1 cells were transfected with a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-α tubulin construct and a cell line permanently expressing GFP-α tubulin was established (LLCPK-1α). The mitotic index and doubling time for LLCPK-1α were not significantly different from parental cells. Quantitative immunoblotting showed that 17% of the tubulin in LLCPK-1α cells was GFP-tubulin; the level of unlabeled tubulin was reduced to 82% of that in parental cells. The parameters of microtubule dynamic instability were compared for interphase LLCPK-1α and parental cells injected with rhodamine-labeled tubulin. Dynamic instability was very similar in the two cases, demonstrating that LLCPK-1α cells are a useful tool for analysis of microtubule dynamics throughout the cell cycle. Comparison of astral microtubule behavior in mitosis with microtubule behavior in interphase demonstrated that the frequency of catastrophe increased twofold and that the frequency of rescue decreased nearly fourfold in mitotic compared with interphase cells. The percentage of time that microtubules spent in an attenuated state, or pause, was also dramatically reduced, from 73.5% in interphase to 11.4% in mitosis. The rates of microtubule elongation and rapid shortening were not changed; overall dynamicity increased 3.6-fold in mitosis. Microtubule release from the centrosome and a subset of differentially stable astral microtubules were also observed. The results provide the first quantitative measurements of mitotic microtubule dynamics in mammalian cells.


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Opitz syndrome (OS) is a human genetic disease characterized by deformities such as cleft palate that are attributable to defects in embryonic development at the midline. Gene mapping has identified OS mutations within a protein called Mid1. Wild-type Mid1 predominantly colocalizes with microtubules, in contrast to mutant versions of Mid1 that appear clustered in the cytosol. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we found that the α4-subunit of protein phosphatases 2A/4/6 binds Mid1. Epitope-tagged α4 coimmunoprecipitated endogenous or coexpressed Mid1 from COS7 cells, and this required only the conserved C-terminal region of α4. Localization of Mid1 and α4 was influenced by one another in transiently transfected cells. Mid1 could recruit α4 onto microtubules, and high levels of α4 could displace Mid1 into the cytosol. Metabolic 32P labeling of cells showed that Mid1 is a phosphoprotein, and coexpression of full-length α4 decreased Mid1 phosphorylation, indicative of a functional interaction. Association of green fluorescent protein–Mid1 with microtubules in living cells was perturbed by inhibitors of MAP kinase activation. The conclusion is that Mid1 association with microtubules, which seems important for normal midline development, is regulated by dynamic phosphorylation involving MAP kinase and protein phosphatase that is targeted specifically to Mid1 by α4. Human birth defects may result from environmental or genetic disruption of this regulatory cycle.


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The cortical microtubule array provides spatial information to the cellulose-synthesizing machinery within the plasma membrane of elongating cells. Until now data indicated that information is transferred from organized cortical microtubules to the cellulose-synthesizing complex, which results in the deposition of ordered cellulosic walls. How cortical microtubules become aligned is unclear. The literature indicates that biophysical forces, transmitted by the organized cellulose component of the cell wall, provide a spatial cue to orient cortical microtubules. This hypothesis was tested on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) protoplasts and suspension-cultured cells treated with the cellulose synthesis inhibitor isoxaben. Isoxaben (0.25–2.5 μm) inhibited the synthesis of cellulose microfibrils (detected by staining with 1 μg mL−1 fluorescent dye and polarized birefringence), the cells failed to elongate, and the cortical microtubules failed to become organized. The affects of isoxaben were reversible, and after its removal microtubules reorganized and cells elongated. Isoxaben did not depolymerize microtubules in vivo or inhibit the polymerization of tubulin in vitro. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that cellulose microfibrils, and hence cell elongation, are involved in providing spatial cues for cortical microtubule organization. These results compel us to extend the microtubule/microfibril paradigm to include the bidirectional flow of information.


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We have evaluated two synthetic epothilone analogues lacking the 12,13-epoxide functionality, 12,13-desoxyepothilone B (dEpoB), and 12,13-desoxyepothilone F (dEpoF). The concentrations required for 50% growth inhibition (IC50) for a variety of anticancer agents were measured in CCRF-CEM/VBL1000 cells (2,048-fold resistance to vinblastine). By using dEpoB, dEpoF, aza-EpoB, and paclitaxel, the IC50 values were 0.029, 0.092, 2.99, and 5.17 μM, respectively. These values represent 4-, 33.5-, 1,423- and 3,133-fold resistance, respectively, when compared with the corresponding IC50 in the parent [nonmultiple drug-resistant (MDR)] CCRF-CEM cells. We then produced MDR human lung carcinoma A549 cells by continuous exposure of the tumor cells to sublethal concentrations of dEpoB (1.8 yr), vinblastine (1.2 yr), and paclitaxel (1.8 yr). This continued exposure led to the development of 2.1-, 4,848-, and 2,553-fold resistance to each drug, respectively. The therapeutic effect of dEpoB and paclitaxel was also compared in vivo in a mouse model by using various tumor xenografts. dEpoB is much more effective in reducing tumor sizes in all MDR tumors tested. Analysis of dEpoF, an analog possessing greater aqueous solubility than dEpoB, showed curative effects similar to dEpoB against K562, CCRF-CEM, and MX-1 xenografts. These results indicate that dEpoB and dEpoF are efficacious antitumor agents with both a broad chemotherapeutic spectrum and wide safety margins.


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Photoactivation of caged fluorescent tubulin was used mark the microtubule (MT) lattice and monitor MT behavior in interphase cells. A broadening of the photoactivated region occurred as MTs moved bidirectionally. MT movement was not inhibited when MT assembly was suppressed with nocodazole or Taxol; MT movement was suppressed by inhibition of myosin light chain kinase with ML7 or by a peptide inhibitor. Conversely, MT movement was increased after inhibition of cytoplasmic dynein with the antibody 70.1. In addition, the half-time for MT turnover was decreased in cells treated with ML7. These results demonstrate that myosin II and cytoplasmic dynein contribute to a balance of forces that regulates MT organization, movement, and turnover in interphase cells.


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The active migration of neurons from their sites of origin to their final destinations requires the unidirectional translocation of the nuclei and somatic cytoplasm within the growing leading processes. To explore the cellular machinery underlying this translocation, we determined the polarity of microtubules situated within the leading and trailing processes of migrating cerebellar granule cells in situ. Our analysis reveals that the newly assembled positive ends of the microtubules in the leading process uniformly face the growing tip, while their disintegrating negative ends face the nucleus. In the trailing process, by contrast, microtubule arrays are of mixed polarity. We suggest that the dynamics of slow polymerization in combination with fast disintegration of oriented microtubules create "push" and "pull" forces that contribute to the piston-like saltatory displacement of the nucleus and cytoplasm within the membrane cylinder of the leading process of the migrating neuron.


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This study describes a paternal effect on sperm aster size and microtubule organization during bovine fertilization. Immunocytochemistry using tubulin antibodies quantitated with confocal microscopy was used to measure the diameter of the sperm aster and assign a score (0-3) based on the degree of radial organization (0, least organized; 3, most organized). Three bulls (A-C) were chosen based on varying fertility (A, lowest fertility; C, highest fertility) as assessed by nonreturn to estrus after artificial insemination and in vitro embryonic development to the blastocyst stage. The results indicate a statistically significant bull-dependent difference in diameter of the sperm aster and in the organization of the sperm astral microtubules. Insemination from bull A resulted in an average sperm aster diameter of 101.4 microm (76.3% of oocyte diameter). This significantly differs (P < or = 0.0001) from the average sperm aster diameters produced after inseminations from bull B (78.2 microm; 60.8%) or bull C (77.9 microm; 57.8%), which themselves displayed no significant differences. The degree of radial organization of the sperm aster was also bull-dependent. Sperm asters organized by bull A-derived sperm had an average quality score of 1.8, which was higher than that of bull B (1.4; P < or = 0.0005) or bull C (1.2; P < or = 0.0001). Results with bulls B and C were also significantly different (P < or = 0.025). These results indicate that the paternally derived portion of the centrosome varies among males and that this variation affects male fertility, the outcome of early development, and, therefore, reproductive success.


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Proper chromosome segregation in eukaryotes depends upon the mitotic and meiotic spindles, which assemble at the time of cell division and then disassemble upon its completion. These spindles are composed in large part of microtubules, which either generate force by controlled polymerization and depolymerization or transduce force generated by molecular microtubule motors. In this review, we discuss recent insights into chromosome segregation mechanisms gained from the analyses of force generation during meiosis and mitosis. These analyses have demonstrated that members of the kinesin superfamily and the dynein family are essential in all organisms for proper chromosome and spindle behavior. It is also apparent that forces generated by microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are capable of generating forces sufficient for chromosome movement in vitro; whether they do so in vivo is as yet unclear. An important realization that has emerged is that some spindle activities can be accomplished by more than one motor so that functional redundancy is evident. In addition, some meiotic or mitotic movements apparently occur through the cooperative action of independent semiredundant processes. Finally, the molecular characterization of kinesin-related proteins has revealed that variations both in primary sequence and in associations with other proteins can produce motor complexes that may use a variety of mechanisms to transduce force in association with microtubules. Much remains to be learned about the regulation of these activities and the coordination of opposing and cooperative events involved in chromosome segregation; this set of problems represents one of the most important future frontiers of research.


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Nerve cells contain abundant subpopulations of cold-stable microtubules. We have previously isolated a calmodulin-regulated brain protein, STOP (stable tubule-only polypeptide), which reconstitutes microtubule cold stability when added to cold-labile microtubules in vitro. We have now cloned cDNA encoding STOP. We find that STOP is a 100.5-kDa protein with no homology to known proteins. The primary structure of STOP includes two distinct domains of repeated motifs. The central region of STOP contains 5 tandem repeats of 46 amino acids, 4 with 98% homology to the consensus sequence. The STOP C terminus contains 28 imperfect repeats of an 11-amino acid motif. STOP also contains a putative SH3-binding motif close to its N terminus. In vitro translated STOP binds to both microtubules and Ca2+-calmodulin. When STOP cDNA is expressed in cells that lack cold-stable microtubules, STOP associates with microtubules at 37 degrees C, and stabilizes microtubule networks, inducing cold stability, nocodazole resistance, and tubulin detyrosination on microtubules in transfected cells. We conclude that STOP must play an important role in the generation of microtubule cold stability and in the control of microtubule dynamics in brain.


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Microtubules play an important role in establishing cellular architecture. Neuronal microtubules are considered to have a role in dendrite and axon formation. Different portions of the developing and adult brain microtubules are associated with different microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). The roles of each of the different MAPs are not well understood. One of these proteins, MAP1B, is expressed in different portions of the brain and has been postulated to have a role in neuronal plasticity and brain development. To ascertain the role of MAP1B, we generated mice which carry an insertion in the gene by gene-targeting methods. Mice which are homozygous for the modification die during embryogenesis. The heterozygotes exhibit a spectrum of phenotypes including slower growth rates, lack of visual acuity in one or both eyes, and motor system abnormalities. Histochemical analysis of the severely affected mice revealed that their Purkinje cell dendritic processes are abnormal, do not react with MAP1B antibodies, and show reduced staining with MAP1A antibodies. Similar histological and immunochemical changes were observed in the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and retina, providing a basis for the observed phenotypes.


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We have determined that the gene for human microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) spans 19 exons, including 6 exons identified in this study, 1-4, 8, and 13; all six of these exons are transcribed. The alternative splicing of coding exons generates a greater diversity of MAP-2 transcripts and isoforms. The first three exons encode alternate 5' untranslated regions that can be spliced to additional untranslated sequences contained in exons 4 and 5. Exons 8 and 13 are transcribed in human fetal spinal cord, adult brain, MSN cells, and rat brain, and each exon maintains an open reading frame with both high and low molecular weight MAP-2 isoforms. Antibodies generated to synthetic peptides of exons 8 and 13 demonstrate that these exons are translated and MAP-2 isoforms containing these exons are generated.