1000 resultados para micro-mineral
In the present study, quasi-diabatic two-phase flow pattern visualizations and measurements of elongated bubble velocity, frequency and length were performed. The tests were run for R134a and R245fa evaporating in a stainless steel tube with diameter of 2.32 mm, mass velocities ranging from 50 to 600 kg/m(2) s and saturation temperatures of 22 degrees C, 31 degrees C and 41 degrees C. The tube was heated by applying a direct DC current to its surface. Images from a high-speed video-camera (8000 frames/s) obtained through a transparent tube just downstream the heated sections were used to identify the following flow patterns: bubbly, elongated bubbles, churn and annular flows. The visualized flow patterns were compared against the predictions provided by Barnea et al. (1983) [1], Felcar et al. (2007) [10], Revellin and Thome (2007) [3] and Ong and Thome (2009) [11]. From this comparison, it was found that the methods proposed by Felcar et al. (2007) [10] and Ong and Thome (2009) [1] predicted relatively well the present database. Additionally, elongated bubble velocities, frequencies and lengths were determined based on the analysis of high-speed videos. Results suggested that the elongated bubble velocity depends on mass velocity, vapor quality and saturation temperature. The bubble velocity increases with increasing mass velocity and vapor quality and decreases with increasing saturation temperature. Additionally, bubble velocity was correlated as linear functions of the two-phase superficial velocity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recently semi-empirical models to estimate flow boiling heat transfer coefficient, saturated CHF and pressure drop in micro-scale channels have been proposed. Most of the models were developed based on elongated bubbles and annular flows in the view of the fact that these flow patterns are predominant in smaller channels. In these models, the liquid film thickness plays an important role and such a fact emphasizes that the accurate measurement of the liquid film thickness is a key point to validate them. On the other hand, several techniques have been successfully applied to measure liquid film thicknesses during condensation and evaporation under macro-scale conditions. However, although this subject has been targeted by several leading laboratories around the world, it seems that there is no conclusive result describing a successful technique capable of measuring dynamic liquid film thickness during evaporation inside micro-scale round channels. This work presents a comprehensive literature review of the methods used to measure liquid film thickness in macro- and micro-scale systems. The methods are described and the main difficulties related to their use in micro-scale systems are identified. Based on this discussion, the most promising methods to measure dynamic liquid film thickness in micro-scale channels are identified. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper aims to investigate the influence of some dissolved air flotation (DAF) process variables (specifically: the hydraulic detention time in the contact zone and the supplied dissolved air concentration) and the pH values, as pretreatment chemical variables, on the micro-bubble size distribution (BSD) in a DAF contact zone. This work was carried out in a pilot plant where bubbles were measured by an appropriate non-intrusive image acquisition system. The results show that the obtained diameter ranges were in agreement with values reported in the literature (10-100mm), quite independently of the investigated conditions. The linear average diameter varied from 20 to 30mm, or equivalently, the Sauter (d(3,2)) diameter varied from 40 to 50mm. In all investigated conditions, D(50) was between 75% and 95%. The BSD might present different profile (with a bimodal curve trend), however, when analyzing the volumetric frequency distribution (in some cases with the appearance of peaks in diameters ranging from 90-100mm). Regarding volumetric frequency analysis, all the investigated parameters can modify the BSD in DAF contact zone after the release point, thus potentially causing changes in DAF kinetics. This finding prompts further research in order to verify the effect of these BSD changes on solid particle removal efficiency by DAF.
This work presents a case study on technology assessment for power quality improvement devices. A system compatibility test protocol for power quality mitigation devices was developed in order to evaluate the functionality of three-phase voltage restoration devices. In order to validate this test protocol, the micro-DVR, a reduced power development platform for DVR (dynamic voltage restorer) devices, was tested and the results are discussed based on voltage disturbances standards. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The processes that govern the rate of particle recovery in a flotation cell include the following sub-processes: collision, attachment, and stability of the aggregate formed by particles and bubbles. Collision is controlled by bulk hydrodynamics inside the flotation cell, while attachment is largely dominated by variables that belong to the domain of surface chemistry (contact angle, induction time). As for the stability of the particle/bubble aggregate, its efficiency depends on both hydrodynamics plus surface chemistry variables of the system. The flotation recovery of coarse particles of apatite and glass spheres was measured by micro-flotation and batch flotation tests in which hydrodynamic parameters were evaluated, such as impeller rotational speed, diameter, and geometry, as well as particle size and density. Results revealed that a proper impeller rotational speed yielded turbulence levels, which enabled to keep particles fully suspended, this way optimizing the collision efficiency between particles and bubbles, without jeopardizing the stability of the particle-bubble aggregates.
Micro-tools offer significant promise in a wide range of applications Such as cell Manipulation, microsurgery, and micro/nanotechnology processes. Such special micro-tools consist of multi-flexible structures actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate output displacements and forces lit different specified points of the domain and at different directions. The micro-tool Structure acts as a mechanical transformer by amplifying and changing the direction of the piezoceramics Output displacements. The design of these micro-tools involves minimization of the coupling among movements generated by various piezoceramics. To obtain enhanced micro-tool performance, the concept of multifunctional and functionally graded materials is extended by, tailoring elastic and piezoelectric properties Of the piezoceramics while simultaneously optimizing the multi-flexible structural configuration using multiphysics topology optimization. The design process considers the influence of piezoceramic property gradation and also its polarization sign. The method is implemented considering continuum material distribution with special interpolation of fictitious densities in the design domain. As examples, designs of a single piezoactuator, an XY nano-positioner actuated by two graded piezoceramics, and a micro-gripper actuated by three graded piezoceramics are considered. The results show that material gradation plays an important role to improve actuator performance, which may also lead to optimal displacements and coupling ratios with reduced amount of piezoelectric material. The present examples are limited to two-dimensional models because many of the applications for Such micro-tools are planar devices. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The effect of different microstructures on the polarization resistance (Rp) and the hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) of a micro-alloyed steel austenitized and submitted to different cooling rates was studied. Samples 19.1 x 6 x 2 mm, containing the whole thickness of the plate were extracted from a 20 mm plate and heat treated on a quenching dilatometer, were submitted to Rp and HIC corrosion tests. Both Rp and HIC tests followed as close as possible ASTM G59 and NACE standard TM0284-2003, in this case, modified only with regard to the size of the samples. Steel samples transformed from austenite by a slow cooling (cooling rate of 0.5 degrees C.s(-1)) showed higher susceptibility to hydrogen-induced cracking, with large cracks in the middle of the sample propagating along segregation bands, corresponding to the centerline of the plate thickness. For cooling rates of 10 degrees C.s(-1), only small cracks were found in the matrix and micro cracks nucleated at non-metallic inclusions. For higher cooling rates (40 degrees C.s(-1)) very few small cracks were detected, linked to non-metallic inclusions. This result suggests that structures formed by polygonal structures and segregation bands (were cutectoid microconstituents predominate) have higher susceptibility to HIC. Structures predominantly formed by acicular ferrite make it difficult to propagate the cracks among non-oriented and interlaced acicular ferrite crystals. Smaller segregation bands containing eutectoid products also help inhibit cracking and crack propagation; segregation bands can function as pipelines for hydrogen diffusion and offer a path of stress concentration for the propagation of cracks, frequently associated to non-metallic inclusions. Polarization resistance essays performed on the steel in theas received condition, prior to any heat treatment, showed larger differences between the regions of the plate, with a considerably lower Rp in the centerline. The austenitization heat treatments followed by cooling rates of 0.5 e 10 degrees C.s(-1) made more uniform the corrosion resistance along the thickness of the plate. The effects of heat treatments on the corrosion resistance are probably related to the microconstituent formed, allied to the chemical homogenization of the impurities concentrated on the centerline of the plate.
Specimens of a UNS S31803 steel were submitted to high temperature gas nitriding and then to vibratory pitting wear tests. Nitrided samples displayed fully austenitic microstructures and 0.9 wt. % nitrogen contents. Prior to pitting tests, sample texture was characterized by electron backscattering diffraction, EBSD. Later on, the samples were tested in a vibratory pit testing equipment using distilled water Pitting tests were periodically interrupted to evaluate mass loss and to characterize the surface wear by SEM observations. At earlier pit erosion, stages intense and highly heterogeneous plastic deformation inside individual grains was observed. Later on, after the incubation period, mass loss by debris detachment was observed. Initial debris micro fracturing was addressed to low cycle fatigue. Damage started at both sites, inside the grains and grain boundaries. The twin boundaries were the most prone to mass-loss incubation. Grains with (101) planes oriented near parallel to the sample surface displayed higher wear resistance than grains with other textures. This was attributed to lower resolved stresses for plastic deformation inside the grains with (101)
A green ceramic tape micro-heat exchanger was developed using Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics technology (LTCC). The device was designed by using Computational Aided Design software and simulations were made using a Computational Fluid Dynamics package (COMSOL Multiphysics) to evaluate the homogeneity of fluid distribution in the microchannels. Four geometries were proposed and simulated in two and three dimensions to show that geometric details directly affect the distribution of velocity in the micro-heat exchanger channels. The simulation results were quite useful for the design of the microfluidic device. The micro-heat exchanger was then constructed using the LTCC technology and is composed of five thermal exchange plates in cross-flow arrangement and two connecting plates, with all plates stacked to form a device with external dimensions of 26 x 26 x 6 mm(3).
This work makes a comparative economic analysis of a small-, medium- and large-sized mineral water company, the three of which are localized in the State of Sao Paulo. All have the same lines of production such as glasses, bottles and big bottles. The analysis involves the cash flow comparison of the three companies.
Hormones are likely to be important factors modulating the light-dependent anthocyanin accumulation. Here we analyzed anthocyanin contents in hypocotyls of near isogenic Micro-Tom (MT) tomato lines carrying hormone and phytochrome mutations, as single and double-mutant combinations. In order to recapitulate mutant phenotype, exogenous hormone applications were also performed Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and inhibited by gibberellin (GA), in accordance to the reduced anthocyanin contents measured in ABA-deficient (notabills) and GA-constitutive response (procera) mutants. Exogenous cytokinin also enhanced anthocyanin levels in MT hypocotyls. Although auxin-insensitive chageotropica mutant exhibited higher anthocyanin contents, pharmacological approaches employing exogenous auxin and a transport inhibitor did not support a direct role of the hormone in anthocyanin accumulation Analysis of mutants exhibiting increased ethylene production (epwastic) or reduced sensitivity (Never ripe), together with pharmacological data obtained from plants treated with the hormone, indicated a limited role for ethylene in anthocyanin contents. Phytochrome-deficiency (aurea) and hormone double-mutant combinations exhibited phenotypes suggesting additive or synergistic interactions, but not fully espistatic ones, in the control of anthocyanin levels in tomato hypocotyls. Our results indicate that phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin accumulation in tomato hypocotyls is modulated by distinct hormone classes via both shared and independent pathways. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
The increasing volume of urban sewage nowadays generates considerable amount of sludge to be disposed of. One environmentally adequate destination could be the application of treated and stabilized sludge (biosolids) to forest plantations as fertilizer and soil conditioner. The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of applying sewage sludge, evaluating its effects on native tree seedlings. The species evaluated were aroeira-pimenteira (Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi), cabreuva-vermelha (Myroxy-Ion peruiferum L. f.), pau-de-viola (Cytarexyllum myrianthum Cham), unha-de-vaca (Bauhinia forficata Link), which are usually planted in forest restoration. Seedlings were cultivated in pots, containing a volume of 4 dm(3) of soil, within a greenhouse. The study was developed in the proximity of Campinas, SP, Brazil, and installed in November, 2003. The design was entirely randomized including seven treatments: control; mineral fertilization; and different doses of sewage sludge (biosolids) complemented with potassium, due to the low concentration of this element in the sludge produced by the wastewater treatment plant of Barueri (Metropolitan region of Sao Paulo city). The results showed that the application of different dosages of biosolids promoted different responses in stem height and biomass production. The treatment with 20 g/dm(3) of dry sewage sludge promoted both the highest growth and the highest seedling biomass production, compared to the control treatment. All native tree species treated with the highest dosage of sewage sludge showed a growth similar to that of mineral fertilization. The seedlings of aroeira-pimenteira, pau-de-viola, and unha-de-vaca, all typical species of the initial succession in natural forest ecosystems, grew and produced more biomass than cabreuva-vermelha, a typical species of the final forest succession.
Wood-water relationship of untreated and heat-treated wood was studied. Specimens of Eucalyptus grandis, E saligna, and E citriodora were submitted to five conditions of heat treatment: 180 degrees C and 220 degrees C with air; 220 degrees C, 250 degrees C, and 280 degrees C with N(2). The wood-water relationships were accurately studied in a special device, in which the moisture content (MC) of the sample was measured with a highly sensitive electronic microbalance placed in a climatic chamber. The dimensions of the sample were collected continuously without contact by means of two high-speed laser scan micrometers. Sorption curves and shrinkage-MC relationships were observed. To study the effects of heat treatment, the following parameters were also determined: fiber saturation point (FPS), wood anisotropy (T/R ratio), shrinkage slope, reduction in hygroscopicity, and anti-shrink efficiency (ASE). The physical properties were significantly affected only at 220 degrees C and above. At heat temperature levels higher than 220 degrees C, the reduction in hygroscopicity and ASE are higher than 40% and continue to be reduced with increasing temperature level. This work also demonstrates that heat treatment does not change the slope of the curves shrinkage vs. MC, proving that heat treatment affects the domain of alterations in wood properties, but not the behavior within this domain.
The microtube is a simple and cheap emitter that was widely used throughout the world in the early days of drip irrigation. Its length can be adjusted according to the pressure distribution along the lateral line and the discharge from the microtube can be adjusted by its length. This not only counters the pressure loss due to pipe friction but also makes it suitable for undulating and hilly conditions, where pressure in the lateral line varies considerably according to the differences in elevation. This is the major problem facing the designer, i.e., emitter flow changes as the acting pressure head changes. In this study, a novel micro-sprinkler system is proposed that uses microtube as the emitter and where the length of the microtube can be varied in response to pressure changes along the lateral to give uniformity of emitter discharges. The objective of this work is to develop and validate empirical and semi-theoretical equations for the emitter hydraulics. Laboratory testing of two microtube emitters of different diameter over a range of pressures and discharges was used in the development of the equations relating pressure and discharge, and pressure and length for these emitters. The equations proposed will be used in the design of the micro-sprinkler system, to determine the length of microtube required to give the nominal discharge for any given pressure. The semi-theoretical approach underlined the importance of accurate measurements of the microtube diameter and the uncertainty in the estimation of the friction factor for these tubes.
The activity of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR), and the isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD) were determined in the organs of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cultivar Micro-Tom after 104 days of development. The total activities of CAT, GPOX, and GR were higher in the stem than in others tissues, whereas the stem exhibited the lowest APX activity. Activity staining analysis following gel electrophoresis revealed the existence of four SOD isoenzymes in leaves, three in fruits, but only two in the roots and stems. This characterization is essential for an investigation into the effect of abiotic and biotic stresses on the oxidative stress responses by this plant model system.