981 resultados para metal complex


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The synthesis and characterization of five new indium selenides, [C9H17N2]3[In5Se8+x(Se2)1−x] (1–2), [C6H12N2]4[C6H14N2]3[In10Se15(Se2)3] (3), [C6H14N2][(C6H12N2)2NaIn5Se9] (4) and [enH2][NH4][In7Se12] (5), are described. These materials were prepared under solvothermal conditions, using 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU) and 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO) as structure-directing agents. Compounds 1–4 represent the first examples of ribbons in indium selenides, and 4 is the first example of incorporation of an alkali metal complex. Compounds 1, 2 and 4 contain closely related [In5Se8+x(Se2)1−x]3− ribbons which differ only in their content of (Se2)2− anions. These ribbons are interspaced by organic countercations in 1 and 2, while in 4 they are linked by highly unusual [Na(DABCO)2]+ units into a three-dimensional framework. Compound 3 contains complex ribbons, with a long repeating sequence of ca. 36 Å, and 4 is a non-centrosymmetric three-dimensional framework, formed as a consequence of the decomposition of DABCO into ethylenediamine (en) and ammonia.


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We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.


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Cyclization of (n)butyl glyoxylate thiosemicarbazone (HBuTSC) under reflux in the presence of Pb(OAc)(2) led to tile formation of the complex [Pb(HTz)(2)] (H(2)Tz = 3,4-dihydro-3-thioxo-1,2,4-triazin-5(2H)-one), which after recrystallization from DMSO afforded the polymer [Pb(Tz)](n), the first example of a Tz(2-) metal complex. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The anionic complexes [Cu(L(1-))(3)](1-), L(-) = dopasemiquinone or L-dopasemiqui none, were prepared and characterized. The complexes are stable in aqueous solution showing intense absorption bands at ca. 605 nm for Cu(II)-L-dopasemiquinone and at ca. 595 nm for Cu(II)-dopasemiquinone in the UV-vis spectra, that can be assigned to intraligand transitions. Noradrenaline and adrenaline, under the same reaction conditions, did not yield Cu-complexes, despite the bands in the UV region showing that noradrenaline and adrenaline were oxidized during the process. The complexes display a resonance Raman effect, and the most enhanced bands involve ring modes and particularly the vCC + vCO stretching mode at ca. 1384 cm(-1). The free radical nature of the ligands and the oxidation state of the Cu(II) were confirmed by the EPR spectra that display absorptions assigned to organic radicals with g= 2.0005 and g = 2.0923, and for Cu(II) with g = 2.008 and g = 2.0897 for L-dopasemiquinone and dopasemiquinone, respectively. The possibility that dopamine and L-dopa can form stable and aqueous-soluble copper complexes at neutral pH, whereas noradrenaline and adrenaline cannot, may be important in understanding how Cu(II)-dopamine crosses the cellular membrane as proposed in the literature to explain the role of copper in Wilson disease. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A spectroscopic study was performed showing that the [Fe(III)(L(2-))(2)](1-) (L(2-) = dopacatecholate) complex reacts with Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) in an aqueous solution containing S(2)O(3)(2-) resulting in the soluble [M(L(1-))(3)](1-) (L(1-) = dopasemiquinone; M = Ni(II), Co(II) or Zn(II) complex species. The Raman and IR spectra of the [CTA][M(L(1-))(3)] complexes, CTA hexadecyltrimethylammonium cation, in the solid state were obtained. The kinetic constants for the metal substitution reactions were determined at four different temperatures, providing values for Delta W(not equal) Delta S(not equal) and Delta G(not equal). The reactions were slow (k = 10(-1)1 M s(-1)) and endothermic. The system investigated can be considered as a simplified model to explain some aspects of siderophore chemistry. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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pH-detachable poly(styrene) brushes formed on indium−tin oxide (ITO) glass substrates using metal complex chemistry and reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization was described. These pH-detachable polymeric brushes were generated using both “graft-from” and “graft-to” methodologies. The methodologies involved either the surface self-assembly of catechol-functional RAFT agents (graft-from) or catechol-terminal polymer chains (graft-to) onto the ITO substrate via titanium−diol coordination. The stepwise functionalization of the ITO glass surfaces was characterized successfully using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurement. Poly(styrene) brushes generated using the “graft-from” method were denser than those generated using the “graft-to” method, as exemplified by atom force microscopy (AFM) and quantified using cyclic voltammetry. Poly(styrene) brushes assembled using both methods could be detached easily by manipulating the pH of the brush environment. Cyclic voltammetry was utilized to calculate precisely the surface coverage of the RAFT functionality and polymeric brush density.


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This dissertation presents and discusses the preparation of molecular wires (MW) candidates that would then be probed for electron transfer properties. These wires are bridged by 1,4-diethynylbenzene derivatives with alkoxy side chains with palladium and ruthenium metal complex termini. Characterization of these compounds was performed by usual spectroscopic techniques like 1H, 13C{1H} and 31P{1H} NMR, MS, FTIR and UV-Vis as well as by cyclic voltammetry which allowed classifying the candidates in the Robin–Day system and determination of bridges side chain and length effects on electronic transport. Preparation of the 1,4-diethynylbenzene derivatives was done with synthetic pathways that relied heavily in palladium catalyzed cross-couplings (Sonogashira). A family of single ringed 1,4-diethynylbenzene ligands with different length alkoxy side chains (OCH3, OC2H5, OC7H15) was thus prepared allowing for the influence of these ring decorations to be assessed. The ruthenium binuclear rods showed communication between metal centres only when the shorter ligands were used whereas the longer Ru complexes showed only one redox pair in CV studies which is in agreement to non-communicating metal centres. Cyclic voltammetry studies show irreversible one wave processes for palladium dinuclear complexes, making these rods function as molecular insulators. Fluorescence decay studies performed on the prepared compounds (ligands and complexes) show a pattern of decreasing decay times upon coordination to the metal centres which can due to ligand charge redistribution upon coordination leading to non-radiative relaxation paths. Regarding the X-ray structures, two new ligand related structures were obtained as well as new structure for a palladium rod. The effect of the side chains was observed to be important to the wires’ electronic properties when comparing with the analogues without a side chain. The effect brought by longer chains is nevertheless almost negligible.


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The fac-[RuCl3(NO)(dppb)] complex I has been prepared from solution of the correspondent mer isomer in refluxing methanol (dppb = 1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane). The mer-[RuCl3(NO)(diop)] (II) has been obtained from the mer-[RuCl3(diop)(H2O)] by bubbling NO for 1 h in dichloromethane (diop = 2S,3S-O-isopropylidene-2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-bis(diphenylphosphino)butane). The complexes have been characterized by microanalysis, cyclic voltammetry (CV), IR and 31P{1H} NMR spectroscopies. The crystal and molecular structures of these two compounds have been determined from X-ray studies. The mer-[RuCl3(NO)(dppb)] isomer III was characterized in solution by NMR spectra (31P{1H}, 1H{31P}, 31P-1H HETCORR, COSY 1H-1H, HMQC 1H-13C and HMBC 1H-13C). © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O mercúrio é um metal que se destaca dos demais por se apresentar líquido em temperatura e pressão normais. Este xenobiótico se apresenta como a maior fonte de poluição em várias partes do mundo e tem como característica ser altamente tóxico ao Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). O despejo é na forma líquida diretamente no solo e leito dos rios. Este metal pesado é complexado com vários elementos presentes no solo ou sedimentos sendo convertido à metilmercúrio (MeHg) pela microbiota aquática. O MeHg apresenta a capacidade de se acumular ao longo da cadeia trófica, um evento conhecido como biomagnificação, o qual afeta diretamente a vida humana. Nesse sentido, a Região Amazônica se destaca por possuir todos os componentes necessários para a manutenção do ciclo biogeoquímico do mercúrio, além de populações cronicamente expostas a este metal pesado, sendo este fato considerado um problema de saúde pública. Tem-se conhecimento que este xenobiótico após a exposição aguda a altas doses promove desordens relacionadas ao surgimento de processos degenerativos no SNC, entretanto, os efeitos a baixas concentrações ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. Nesse sentido, se destacam as células gliais que atuam como mediadores no processo de neurotoxicidade desse metal, principalmente em baixas concentrações. Apesar de este tipo celular exibir um importante papel no processo de intoxicação mercurial, a ação deste metal sobre as células glias é pouco conhecida, principalmente sobre o genoma e a proliferação celular. Desta forma, este trabalho se propõe a avaliar o efeito da exposição a este xenobiótico em baixa concentração sobre o material genético e a proliferação celular em células da linhagem glial C6. As avaliações bioquímica (atividade mitocondrial – medida pelo ensaio de MTT –) e morfofuncional (integridade da membrana – avaliada pelo ensaio com os corantes BE e AA –) confirmaram a ausência de morte celular após a exposição ao metal pesado na concentração de 3 μM por um intervalo de 24 horas. Mesmo sem promover processos de morte celular, o tratamento com esta concentração subletal de MeHg foi capaz de aumentar significativamente os níveis dos marcadores de genotoxicidade (fragmentação do DNA, formação de micronúcleos, pontes nucleoplásmica e brotos nucleares). Ao mesmo tempo, foi possível observar uma alteração no ciclo celular através do aumento do índice mitótico e uma mudança no perfil do ciclo celular com aumento da população celular nas fases S e G2/M, sugerindo um aprisionamento nessa etapa. Esta mudança no ciclo celular, provocada por 24h de exposição ao MeHg, foi seguida de uma redução no número de células viáveis e confluência celular 24h após a retirada do MeHg e substituição do meio de cultura, além do aumento no tempo de duplicação da cultura do mesmo. Este estudo demonstrou pela primeira vez que a exposição ao metilmercúrio em concentração baixa e subletal é capaz de promover eventos genotóxicos e distúrbios na proliferação celular em células de origem glial.


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My research PhD work is focused on the Electrochemically Generated Luminescence (ECL) investigation of several different homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. ECL is a redox induced emission, a process whereby species, generated at electrodes, undergo a high-energy electron transfer reaction to form excited states that emit light. Since its first application, the ECL technique has become a very powerful analytical tool and has widely been used in biosensor transduction. ECL presents an intrinsically low noise and high sensitivity; moreover, the electrochemical generation of the excited state prevents scattering of the light source: for all these characteristics, it is an elective technique for ultrasensitive immunoassay detection. The majority of ECL systems involve species in solution where the emission occurs in the diffusion layer near to the electrode surface. However, over the past few years, an intense research has been focused on the ECL generated from species constrained on the electrode surface. The aim of my work is to study the behavior of ECL-generating molecular systems upon the progressive increase of their spatial constraints, that is, passing from isolated species in solution, to fluorophores embedded within a polymeric film and, finally, to patterned surfaces bearing “one-dimensional” emitting spots. In order to describe these trends, I use different “dimensions” to indicate the different classes of compounds. My thesis was mostly developed in the electrochemistry group of Bologna with the supervision of Prof Francesco Paolucci and Dr Massimo Marcaccio. With their help and also thanks to their long experience in the molecular and supramolecular ECL fields and in the surface investigations using scanning probe microscopy techniques, I was able to obtain the results herein described. Moreover, during my research work, I have established a new collaboration with the group of Nanobiotechnology of Prof. Robert Forster (Dublin City University) where I spent a research period. Prof. Forster has a broad experience in the biomedical field, especially he focuses his research on film surfaces biosensor based on the ECL transduction. This thesis can be divided into three sections described as follows: (i) in the fist section, homogeneous molecular and supramolecular ECL-active systems, either organic or inorganic species (i.e., corannulene, dendrimers and iridium metal complex), are described. Driving force for this kind of studies includes the search for new luminophores that display on one hand higher ECL efficiencies and on the other simple mechanisms for modulating intensity and energy of their emission in view of their effective use in bioconjugation applications. (ii) in the second section, the investigation of some heterogeneous ECL systems is reported. Redox polymers comprising inorganic luminophores were described. In such a context, a new conducting platform, based on carbon nanotubes, was developed aimed to accomplish both the binding of a biological molecule and its electronic wiring to the electrode. This is an essential step for the ECL application in the field of biosensors. (iii) in the third section, different patterns were produced on the electrode surface using a Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. I developed a new methods for locally functionalizing an inert surface and reacting this surface with a luminescent probe. In this way, I successfully obtained a locally ECL active platform for multi-array application.


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This thesis focuses on the controlled assembly of monodisperse polymer colloids into ordered two-dimensional arrangements. These assemblies, commonly referred to as colloidal monolayers, are subsequently used as masks for the generation of arrays of complex metal nanostructures on solid substrates.rnThe motivation of the research presented here is twofold. First, monolayer crystallization methods were developed to simplify the assembly of colloids and to produce more complex arrangements of colloids in a precise way. Second, various approaches to colloidal lithography are designed with the aim to include novel features or functions to arrays of metal nanostructures.rnThe air/water interface was exploited for the crystallization of colloidal monolayer architectures as it combines a two-dimensional confinement with a high lateral mobility of the colloids that is beneficial for the creation of high long range order. A direct assembly of colloids is presented that provides a cheap, fast and conceptually simple methodology for the preparation of ordered colloidal monolayers. The produced two-dimensional crystals can be transformed into non-close-packed architectures by a plasma-induced size reduction step, thus providing valuable masks for more sophisticated lithographic processes. Finally, the controlled co-assembly of binary colloidal crystals with defined stoichiometries on a Langmuir trough is introduced and characterized with respect to accessible configurations and size ratios. rnSeveral approaches to lithography are presented that aim at introducing different features to colloidal lithography. First, using metal-complex containing latex particles, the synthesis of which is described as well, symmetric arrays of metal nanoparticles can be created by controlled combustion of the organic material of the colloids. The process does not feature an inherent limit in nanoparticle size and is able to produce complex materials as will be demonstrated for FePt alloy particles. Precise control over both size and spacing of the particle array is presented. rnSecond, two lithographic processes are introduced to create sophisticated nanoparticle dimer units consisting of two crescent shaped nanostructures in close proximity; essentially by using a single colloid as mask to generate two structures simultaneously. Strong coupling processes of the parental plasmon resonances of the two objects are observed that are accompanied by high near-field enhancements. A plasmon hybridization model is elaborated to explain all polarization dependent shifts of the resonance positions. Last, a technique to produce laterally patterned, ultra-flat substrates without surface topographies by embedding gold nanoparticles in a silicon dioxide matrix is applied to construct robust and re-usable sensing architectures and to introduce an approach for the nanoscale patterning of solid supported lipid bilayer membranes. rn


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The dissertation entitled "Tuning of magnetic exchange interactions between organic radicals through bond and space" comprises eight chapters. In the initial part of chapter 1, an overview of organic radicals and their applications were discussed and in the latter part motivation and objective of thesis was described. As the EPR spectroscopy is a necessary tool to study organic radicals, the basic principles of EPR spectroscopy were discussed in chapter 2. rnAntiferromagnetically coupled species can be considered as a source of interacting bosons. Consequently, such biradicals can serve as molecular models of a gas of magnetic excitations which can be used for quantum computing or quantum information processing. Notably, initial small triplet state population in weakly AF coupled biradicals can be switched into larger in the presence of applied magnetic field. Such biradical systems are promising molecular models for studying the phenomena of magnetic field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state. To observe such phenomena it is very important to control the intra- as well as inter-molecular magnetic exchange interactions. Chapters 3 to 5 deals with the tuning of intra- and inter-molecular exchange interactions utilizing different approaches. Some of which include changing the length of π-spacer, introduction of functional groups, metal complex formation with diamagnetic metal ion, variation of radical moieties etc. During this study I came across two very interesting molecules 2,7-TMPNO and BPNO, which exist in semi-quinoid form and exhibits characteristic of the biradical and quinoid form simultaneously. The 2,7-TMPNO possesses the singlet-triplet energy gap of ΔEST = –1185 K. So it is nearly unrealistic to observe the magnetic field induced spin switching. So we studied the spin switching of this molecule by photo-excitation which was discussed in chapter 6. The structural similarity of BPNO with Tschitschibabin’s HC allowed us to dig the discrepancies related to ground state of Tschitschibabin’s hydrocarbon(Discussed in chapter 7). Finally, in chapter 8 the synthesis and characterization of a neutral paramagnetic HBC derivative (HBCNO) is discussed. The magneto liquid crystalline properties of HBCNO were studied by DSC and EPR spectroscopy.rn


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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit waren die Synthese und Untersuchung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung auf der Basis neuer Ligandensysteme des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols unter Ausarbeitung einer Synthesestrategie zur Derivatisierung der heteroaromatischen 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Liganden, deren Koordinationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit ihres 2,5-Substitutionsmusters untersucht wurde, sowie die fortführende Bearbeitung bereits bekannter Ligandensysteme zur Erzeugung von homo- und heterovalenten Übergangsmetallkomplexverbindungen.rnDie unter der Verwendung der modifizierten Liganden TPDE, H1TPDP und H1BPMP resultierenden dinuklearen Komplexverbindungen zeigen unterschiedlich starke antiferromagnetische Wechselwirkungen in Abhängigkeit der vorhandenen Brückenliganden. In der Verbindung [Fe6O2(OH)(L´)2(OOCMe3)9(OEt)2] trat eine Fragmentierung des Liganden H1TPDP auf. Das cisoide Ligandensubstitutionsmuster der entstandenen sechskernigen Verbindung ist verantwortlich für die interessanten magnetischen Eigenschaften des Komplexes. rnNeue Perspektiven zur Erzeugung von Modellverbindungen zur Sauerstoffaktivierung wurden mit dem Mono-Chelatliganden H1ETHP und den Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von H1ETHP mit verschiedenen Übergangsmetallsalzen resultierte für die Metalle Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III) und Ni(II) in mononuklearen Verbindungen des Typs [M(ETHP)2]X (X = ClO4, FeCl4, OMe, Cl, Br) sowie in zwei tetranuklearen Verbindungen mit Mn(II) und Cu(II). [Mn4(ETHP)6] besitzt ein propellerförmiges, planares [Mn4O6]2+-System mit einen Spingrundzustand von S = 5. In allen Verbindungen von H1ETHP konnte eine mono-κN-Koordination des 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-Rückgrates über eines seiner beiden endozyklischen Stickstoffdonoratome beobachtet werden. rnAus Umsetzungen der Bis-Chelatliganden wurden fast ausschließlich polynukleare Übergangsmetallkomplexe erhalten. Insbesondere der Ligand H2L2H zeigt eine ausgeprägte Tendenz zur Ausbildung trinuklearer, linearer Komplexe, welche auf Grund ihrer ungeraden Anzahl von Übergangsmetallionen einen Spingrundzustand S ≠ 0 aufweisen.rn Die mit dem Liganden HL2H erhaltenen Verbindungen unterstreichen die hohe Flexibilität dieser Systeme hinsichtlich der Erzeugung polynuklearer und heterovalenter Komplexverbindungen. So konnten in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Übergangsmetallsalz trinukleare, pentanukleare, aber auch hepta- und oktanukleare Verbindungen synthetisiert werden. Insbesondere die Komplexe des Mangans und des Cobalts zeigen ein heterovalentes [MnIIMnIII4]- bzw. [CoII2CoIII3]-Motiv, was sich in Spingrundzuständen von S ≠ 0 äußert. Der diamagnetische, achtkernige Fe8-Cluster besitzt eine pseudo C3-symmetrische Anordnung der Metall-Zentren, während für die heptanukleare Cu7-Kette durch ihre stark unterschiedlichen Kupfer-Koordinationsgeometrien interessante magnetische Austauschwechselwirkungen beobachtet werden konnten. Der dreikernige µ3-oxo-verbrückte Komplex des Liganden H2BATP zeigt als interessante strukturelle Eigenschaft ein ein µ3-Verbrückungsmuster des eingesetzten Sulfat-Anions. rnIn allen Komplexen der Bis-Chelatliganden HL2H, H2L2H und H2BATP konnte ein µ2-κN,κN-Koordiantionsmodus des 1,3,4-Thiadiazols und somit eine Abhängigkeit der Verbrückung vom Ligandensubstitutionsmuster beobachtet werden.rn


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The development of synthetic routes for the tailoring of efficient silica-based heterogeneous catalysts functionalized with coordination complexes or metallic nanoparticles has become a important goal in chemistry. Most of these techniques have been based on postsynthetic treatments of preformed silicas. Nevertheless, there is an emerging approach, so-called sol–gel coordination chemistry, based on co-condensation during the sol–gel preparation of the hybrid material of the corresponding complex or nanoparticle modified with terminal trialkoxysilane groups with a silica source (such as tetraethoxysilane) and in the presence of an adequate surfactant. This method leads to the production of new mesoporous metal complex-silica materials, with the metallic functionality incorporated homogeneously into the structure of the hybrid material, improving the stability of the coordination complex (which is protected by the silica network) and reducing the leaching of the active phase. This technique also offers the actual possibility of functionalizing silica or other metal oxides for a wider range of applications, such as photonics, sensing, and biochemical functions.


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The immobilization of the chiral complex RhDuphos, by electrostatic or π–π (adsorption) interactions, on carbon nanotubes and carbon xerogels is investigated. To promote such interactions, the supports were either oxidized or heat treated to create carboxylic type surface groups or an apolar surface, respectively. The catalysts were tested in the hydrogenation of methyl 2-acetamidoacrylate. The prepared hybrid catalysts are less active than the homogeneous RhDuphos, but most of them show a high enantioselectivity and the one prepared with the oxidized carbon xerogel is also reusable, being able to give a high substrate conversion, keeping as well a high enantioselectivity. The anchorage by electrostatic interactions is more interesting than the anchorage by π–π interactions, as the π–π adsorption method produces a modification of the metal complex structure leading to an active hybrid catalyst but without enantioselectivity. The creation of carboxylic groups on the support surface has led to some hindering of the complex leaching.