989 resultados para medium-chain glycerides
Recent attempts to detect mutations involving single base changes or small deletions that are specific to genetic diseases provide an opportunity to develop a two-tier mutation-screening program through which incidence of rare genetic disorders and gene carriers may be precisely estimated. A two-tier survey consists of mutation screening in a sample of patients with specific genetic disorders and in a second sample of newborns from the same population in which mutation frequency is evaluated. We provide the statistical basis for evaluating the incidence of affected and gene carriers in such two-tier mutation-screening surveys, from which the precision of the estimates is derived. Sample-size requirements of such two-tier mutation-screening surveys are evaluated. Considering examples of cystic fibrosis (CF) and medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCAD), the two most frequent autosomal recessive disease in Caucasian populations and the two most frequent mutations (delta F508 and G985) that occur on these disease allele-bearing chromosomes, we show that, with 50-100 patients and a 20-fold larger sample of newborns screened for these mutations, the incidence of such diseases and their gene carriers in a population may be quite reliably estimated. The theory developed here is also applicable to rare autosomal dominant diseases for which disease-specific mutations are found.
Carnitine octanoyltransferase (COT) transports medium-chain fatty acids through the peroxisome. During isolation of a COT clone from a rat liver library, a cDNA in which exon 2 was repeated, was characterized. Reverse transcription-PCR amplifications of total RNAs from rat liver showed a three-band pattern. Sequencing of the fragments revealed that, in addition to the canonical exon organization, previously reported [Choi, S. J. et al. (1995) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1264, 215–222], there were two other forms in which exon 2 or exons 2 and 3 were repeated. The possibility of this exonic repetition in the COT gene was ruled out by genomic Southern blot. To study the gene expression, we analyzed RNA transcripts by Northern blot after RNase H digestion of total RNA. Three different transcripts were observed. Splicing experiments also were carried out in vitro with different constructs that contain exon 2 plus the 5′ or the 3′ adjacent intron sequences. Our results indicate that accurate joining of two exons 2 occurs by a trans-splicing mechanism, confirming the potential of these structures for this process in nature. The trans-splicing can be explained by the presence of three exon-enhancer sequences in exon 2. Analysis by Western blot of the COT proteins by using specific antibodies showed that two proteins corresponding to the expected Mr are present in rat peroxisomes. This is the first time that a natural trans-splicing reaction has been demonstrated in mammalian cells.
CTLA-4 plays a critical role in regulating the immune response. It is mainly located in cytoplasmic vesicles and is expressed only transiently on the surface after T cell activation. In this study, we demonstrate that CTLA-4 is associated with AP50, the medium chain of the clathrin-associated coated pit adaptor protein complex AP2. In a yeast two-hybrid screen, three individual cDNA clones that encode mouse AP50 were isolated, all of which can interact specifically with the cytoplasmic domain of mouse CTLA-4, but not with the cytoplasmic domain of mouse CD28. We have shown that CTLA-4 can bind specifically to AP50 when CTLA-4 and AP50 are cotransfected into human 293T cells. A Y201 to F201 mutation in the YVKM intracellular localization motif of the CTLA-4 cytoplasmic domain significantly diminished its binding to AP50. We also found that AP50 bound to a CTLA-4 peptide containing unphosphorylated Y201 but not to a peptide containing phosphorylated Y201. Conversely, the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and, to a lesser extent, protein tyrosine phosphatase SYP (SHP-2) and SHP (SHP-1) bind only to the CTLA-4 peptide containing phosphorylated Y201. Therefore, the phosphorylation status of Y201 in the CTLA-4 cytoplasmic domain determines the binding specificity of CTLA-4. These results suggest that AP50 and the coated pit adaptor complex AP2 may play an important role in regulating the intracellular trafficking and function of CTLA-4.
Mammalian electron transfer flavoproteins (ETF) are heterodimers containing a single equivalent of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). They function as electron shuttles between primary flavoprotein dehydrogenases involved in mitochondrial fatty acid and amino acid catabolism and the membrane-bound electron transfer flavoprotein ubiquinone oxidoreductase. The structure of human ETF solved to 2.1-Å resolution reveals that the ETF molecule is comprised of three distinct domains: two domains are contributed by the α subunit and the third domain is made up entirely by the β subunit. The N-terminal portion of the α subunit and the majority of the β subunit have identical polypeptide folds, in the absence of any sequence homology. FAD lies in a cleft between the two subunits, with most of the FAD molecule residing in the C-terminal portion of the α subunit. Alignment of all the known sequences for the ETF α subunits together with the putative FixB gene product shows that the residues directly involved in FAD binding are conserved. A hydrogen bond is formed between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine ring and the hydroxyl side chain of αT266, suggesting why the pathogenic mutation, αT266M, affects ETF activity in patients with glutaric acidemia type II. Hydrogen bonds between the 4′-hydroxyl of the ribityl chain of FAD and N1 of the isoalloxazine ring, and between αH286 and the C2-carbonyl oxygen of the isoalloxazine ring, may play a role in the stabilization of the anionic semiquinone. With the known structure of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, we hypothesize a possible structure for docking the two proteins.
C—H stretching bands, νCH, in the infrared spectrum of single crystals of nominally high purity, of laboratory-grown MgO, and of natural upper mantle olivine, provide an “organic” signature that closely resembles the symmetrical and asymmetrical C—H stretching modes of aliphatic —CH2 units. The νCH bands indicate that H2O and CO2, dissolved in the matrix of these minerals, converted to form H2 and chemically reduced C, which in turn formed C—H entities, probably through segregation into defects such as dislocations. Heating causes the C—H bonds to pyrolyze and the νCH bands to disappear, but annealing at 70°C causes them to reappear within a few days or weeks. Modeling dislocations in MgO suggests that the segregation of C can lead to Cx chains, x = 4, with the terminal C atoms anchored to the MgO matrix by bonding to two O−. Allowing H2 to react with such Cx chains leads to [O2C(CH2)2CO2] or similar precipitates. It is suggested that such Cx—Hy—Oz entities represent protomolecules from which derive the short-chain carboxylic and dicarboxylic and the medium-chain fatty acids that have been solvent-extracted from crushed MgO and olivine single crystals, respectively. Thus, it appears that the hard, dense matrix of igneous minerals represents a medium in which protomolecular units can be assembled. During weathering of rocks, the protomolecular units turn into complex organic molecules. These processes may have provided stereochemically constrained organics to the early Earth that were crucial to the emergence of life.
The existence in higher plants of an additional β-oxidation system in mitochondria, besides the well-characterized peroxisomal system, is often considered controversial. Unequivocal demonstration of β-oxidation activity in mitochondria should rely on identification of the enzymes specific to mitochondrial β-oxidation. Acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (ACAD) (EC,3) activity was detected in purified mitochondria from maize (Zea mays L.) root tips and from embryonic axes of early-germinating sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds, using as the enzyme assay the reduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, with phenazine methosulfate as the intermediate electron carrier. Subcellular fractionation showed that this ACAD activity was associated with mitochondrial fractions. Comparison of ACAD activity in mitochondria and acyl-coenzyme A oxidase activity in peroxisomes showed differences of substrate specificities. Embryonic axes of sunflower seeds were used as starting material for the purification of ACADs. Two distinct ACADs, with medium-chain and long-chain substrate specificities, respectively, were separated by their chromatographic behavior, which was similar to that of mammalian ACADs. The characterization of these ACADs is discussed in relation to the identification of expressed sequenced tags corresponding to ACADs in cDNA sequence analysis projects and with the potential roles of mitochondrial β-oxidation in higher plants.
A sociedade está cada vez mais exigente com relação à qualidade dos produtos consumidos e se preocupa com os benefícios para a saúde. Neste contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de níveis de óleo de canola na dieta de vacas sobre amanteiga e muçarela, buscando produtos mais saudáveis para o consumo humano. Foram utilizadas 18 vacas Holandesas, em estágio intermediário de lactação, com produção média de 22 (± 4) Kg de leite/ dia, as quais foram distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos 3x3 contemporâneos e receberam as dietas experimentais: T1- Controle (0% de inclusão de óleo); T2- 3% de inclusão de óleo de canola e T3- 6% de inclusão de óleo de canola. O perfil lipídico foi determinado através de cromatografia gasosa, além da avaliação de qualidade nutricional, realizada através de equações utilizando os ácidos graxos obtidos no perfil lipídico, análises físico-químicas determinadas pela metodologia do Instituto Adolfo Lutz e análises microbiológicas. Houveram problemas durante processamento do leite, gerando alterações de tecnologia de fabricação do produto manteiga, obtendo-se outro produto, o creme de leite, ao invés de manteiga, além de prejuízos na qualidade microbiológicas do creme de leite e muçarela. A inclusão de óleo de canola na dieta em lactação reduziu quadraticamente os ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e proporcionou aumento quadrático dos ácidos graxos de cadeia longa, dos ácidos graxos insaturados e ácidos graxos monoinsaturados na muçarela. A relação ácidos graxos saturados/ ácidos graxos insaturados (AGS/ AGI) e a relação ômega-6/ômega-3, assim como os índices de aterogenicidade e trombogenicidade, na muçarela, reduziram linearmente 25,68%, 31,35%; 32,12% e 21,78%, respectivamente, quando comparando T1 e T3. No creme de leite, houve redução linear dos ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e média, bem como, os ácidos graxos saturados e a relação ácidos graxos saturados/ ácidos graxos insaturados (AGS/ AGI) em 41,07%; 23,82%; 15,91% e 35,59%, respectivamente, enquanto os ácidos graxos de cadeia longa, ácidos graxos insaturados e ácidos graxos monoinsaturados aumentaram linearmente 41,40%; 28,24% e 32,07%, nesta ordem, quando comparando T1 com T3. Os índices de aterogenicidade e trombogenicidade reduziram de forma linear, enquanto o índice h/H (razão ácidos graxos hipocolesterolêmicos e hipercolesterolêmicos) aumentou linearmente. A composição físico-química de ambos derivados e o rendimento da muçarela não apresentaram efeito significativo com a inclusão do óleo de canola, exceto a proteína bruta da muçarela que apresentou aumento linear e a gordura do creme de leite que apresentou efeito quadrático. As análises microbiológicas mostram contagens muito elevadas de microrganismos, sugerindo que os produtos não apresentam qualidade microbiológica, decorrente da ausência do processo de pasteurização do creme e da baixa eficiência do tratamento térmico aplicado ao leite destinado a produção da muçarela. Conclui-se que a adição de óleo de canola na dieta de vacas lactantes proporciona muçarela e creme de leite mais saudáveis para o consumo humano, pois apresentaram perfil lipídico mais rico em ácidos graxos insaturados, além da série ômega-3 e ácido oleico, entretanto, devido a problemas de processamento, estes produtos obtidos, não estão aptos ao consumo devido à ausência de qualidade microbiológica.
Glucose dehydrogenase (EC from the halophilic Archaeon Haloferax mediterranei belongs to the medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily and requires a zinc ion for catalysis. The zinc ion is coordinated by a histidine, a water molecule and two other ligands from the protein or the substrate, which vary during the catalytic cycle of the enzyme. In many enzymes of this superfamily one of the zinc ligands is commonly cysteine, which is replaced by an aspartate residue at position 38 in the halophilic enzyme. This change has been only observed in glucose dehydrogenases from extremely halophilic microorganisms belonging to the Archaea Domain. This paper describes biochemical studies and structural comparisons to analyze the role of sequence differences between thermophilic and halophilic glucose dehydrogenases which contain a zinc ion within the protein surrounded by three ligands. Whilst the catalytic activity of the D38C GlcDH mutant is reduced, its thermal stability is enhanced, consistent with the greater structural similarity between this mutant and the homologous thermophilic enzyme from Thermoplasma acidophilum.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of the supply of five types of native and exotic cacti Brazilian semiarid northeast on the sensory characteristics of milk of Saanen goats. Five multiparous goats were used with nine weeks of lactation, average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg., confined and distributed in a Latin square design 5 x 5 with five experimental diets and five periods. Each period lasted 17 days, with 10 days of adaptation to the diets of the animals and seven days for the data collection. The treatments were defined based on dry matter consisted of: 47.33 to 50.12% of a cactus (“Xiquexique”, “Mandacaru”, “Facheiro” or two species of forage cactus “Miúda” or “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) more 18.78 to 19.79% hay of plant “Sabiá” and 31.10 to 32.89% of concentrate. There was not effect of the experimental diets in the physical and chemical composition of milk for fat, total solids and salts, which showed mean values of 3.24%; 11.30% and 0.66%, respectively. However the protein, lactose, nonfat dry extract and freezing point were affected by diets. In the profile of fatty acids was higher concentration of fatty short and medium chain fatty acids, however, there were not changes between treatments, except for the butyric acid (C4:0), with mean values of 4.24% (“Orelha de Elefante Mexicana”) to 6.05% (“Facheiro”). The diets also did not provide sensory changes in milk for the parameters: odor, flavor, aftertaste and overall assessment. The use of the five cactus in the diet of dairy goats do not influence the sensory characteristics and lipid profile of milk. The physical and chemical composition of milk was showed within the minimum requirements of current legislation, except for nonfat dry extract and freezing point.
Synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Pseudomonas mendocina, using different vegetable oils such as, coconut oil, groundnut oil, corn oil and olive oil, as the sole carbon source was investigated for the first time. The PHA yield obtained was compared with that obtained during the production of PHAs using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. The fermentation profiles at shaken flask and bioreactor levels revealed that vegetable oils supported the growth of Pseudomonas mendocina and PHA accumulation in this organism. Moreover, when vegetable oil (coconut oil) was used as the sole carbon source, fermentation profiles showed better growth and polymer production as compared to conditions when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. In addition, comparison of PHA accumulation at shaken flask and fermenter level confirmed the higher PHA yield at shaken flask level production. The highest cell mass found using sodium octanoate was 1.8 g/L, whereas cell mass as high as 5.1 g/L was observed when coconut oil was used as the feedstock at flask level production. Moreover, the maximum PHA yield of 60.5% dry cell weight (dcw) was achieved at shaken flask level using coconut oil as compared to the PHA yield of 35.1% dcw obtained using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. Characterisations of the chemical, physical, mechanical, surface and biocompatibility properties of the polymers produced have been carried out by performing different analyses as described in the second chapter of this study. Chemical analysis using GC and FTIR investigations showed medium chain length (MCL) PHA production in all conditions. GC-MS analysis revealed a unique terpolymer production, containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid, 3-hydroxydecanoic acid and 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid when coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil, and corn oil were used as the carbon source. Whereas production of the homopolymer containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid was observed when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. MCL-PHAs produced in this study using sodium octanoate, coconut oil, and olive oil exhibited melting transitions, indicating that each of the PHA was crystalline or semi-crystalline polymer. In contrast, the thermal properties of PHAs produced from groundnut and corn oils showed no melting transition, indicating that they were completely amorphous or semi-crystalline, which was also confirmed by the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results obtained in this study. Mechanical analysis of the polymers produced showed higher stiffness of the polymer produced from coconut oil than the polymer from sodium octanoate. Surface characterisation of the polymers using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed a rough surface topography and surface contact angle measurement revealed their hydrophobic nature. Moreover, to investigate the potential applicability of the produced polymers as the scaffold materials for dental pulp regeneration, multipotent human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were cultured onto the polymer films. Results indicated that these polymers are not cytotoxic towards the hMSCs and could support their attachment and proliferation. Highest cell growth was observed on the polymer samples produced from corn oil, followed by the polymer produced using coconut oil. In conclusion, this work established, for the first time, that vegetable oils are a good economical source of carbon for production of MCL-PHA copolymers effectively by Pseudomonas mendocina. Moreover, biocompatibility studies suggest that the produced polymers may have potential for dental tissue engineering application.
Cardiac tissue engineering (CTE) is currently a prime focus of research due to an enormous clinical need. In this work, a novel functional material, Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), P(3HO), a medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), produced using bacterial fermentation, was studied as a new potential material for CTE. Engineered constructs with improved mechanical properties, crucial for supporting the organ during new tissue regeneration, and enhanced surface topography, to allow efficient cell adhesion and proliferation, were fabricated. Our results showed that the mechanical properties of the final patches were close to that of cardiac muscle. Biocompatibility of the P(3HO) neat patches, assessed using Neonatal ventricular rat myocytes (NVRM), showed that the polymer was as good as collagen in terms of cell viability, proliferation and adhesion. Enhanced cell adhesion and proliferation properties were observed when porous and fibrous structures were incorporated to the patches. Also, no deleterious effect was observed on the adults cardiomyocytes’ contraction when cardiomyocytes were seeded on the P(3HO) patches. Hence, P(3HO) based multifunctional cardiac patches are promising constructs for efficient CTE. This work will provide a positive impact on the development of P(3HO) and other PHAs as a novel new family of biodegradable functional materials with huge potential in a range of different biomedical applications, particularly CTE, leading to further interest and exploitation of these materials.
Five G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been identified to be activated by free fatty acids (FFA). Among them, FFA1 (GPR40) and FFA4 (GPR120) bind long-chain fatty acids, FFA2 (GPR43) and FFA3 (GPR41) bind short-chain fatty acids and GPR84 binds medium-chain fatty acids. Free fatty acid receptors have now emerged as potential targets for the treatment of diabetes, obesity and immune diseases. The recent progress in crystallography of GPCRs has now enabled the elucidation of the structure of FFA1 and provided reliable templates for homology modelling of other FFA receptors. Analysis of the crystal structure and improved homology models, along with mutagenesis data and structure activity, highlighted an unusual arginine charge pairing interaction in FFA1-3 for receptor modulation, distinct structural features for ligand binding to FFA1 and FFA4 and an arginine of the second extracellular loop as a possible anchoring point for FFA at GPR84. Structural data will be helpful for searching novel small molecule modulators at the FFA receptors.
The better understanding of mechanisms at the basis of host-pathogen interaction can represent a valid tool to increase productivity and contain economic losses in animal production through the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. With this project, three preliminary in vitro studies were conducted with the aim of investigating how bioactive compounds could influence mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction in poultry and swine. Different panels of nature identical compounds, medium chain fatty acids, and plant extracts were employed against strains of Salmonella Typhimurium, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, and Salmonella Enteritidis, respectively. When bacterial field strains were tested, the comparison between natural compounds and antibiotics was examined, with the aim of evaluating the role of the substances in the antibiotic-resistance context. Results demonstrate that bioactive compounds have positive effects on the host, the pathogen, or both in different experimental conditions. Additionally, when compared to antibiotics, bioactive compounds have proven to be valid alternatives to address the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.
The impellent global environmental issues related to plastic materials can be addressed by following two different approaches: i) the development of synthetic strategies towards novel bio-based polymers, deriving from biomasses and thus identifiable as CO2-neutral materials, and ii) the development of new plastic materials, such as biocomposites, which are bio-based and biodegradable and therefore able to counteract the accumulation of plastic waste. In this framework, this dissertation presents extensive research efforts have been devoted to the synthesis and characterization of polyesters based on various bio-based monomers, including ω-pentadecalactone, vanillic acid, 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. With the aim of achieving high molecular weight polyesters, different synthetic strategies have been used as melt polycondensation, enzymatic polymerization, ring-opening polymerization and chain extension reaction. In particular, poly(ethylene vanillate) (PEV), poly(ω-pentadecalactone) (PPDL), poly(ethylene vanillate-co-pentadecalactone) (P(EV-co-PDL)), poly(2-hydroxymethyl 5-furancarboxylate) (PHMF), poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PEF) with different amount of diethylene glycol (DEG) unit amount, poly(propylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) (PPF), poly(hexamethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate), (PHF) have been prepared and extensively characterized. To improve the lacks of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV), its minimal formulations with natural additives and its blending with medium chain length PHAs (mcl-PHAs) have been tested. Additionally, this dissertation presents new biocomposites based on polylactic acid (PLA), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), and PHBV, which are polymers both bio-based and biodegradable. To maintain their biodegradability only bio-fillers have been taken into account as reinforcing agents. Moreover, the commitment to sustainability has further limited the selection and led to the exclusive use of agricultural waste as fillers. Detailly, biocomposites have been obtained and discussed by using the following materials: PLA and agro-wastes like tree pruning, potato peels, and hay leftovers; PBS and exhausted non-compliant coffee green beans; PHBV and industrial starch extraction residues.