991 resultados para mecânica do solo


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Este trabalho trata sobre a calibração de um aparelho baseado na técnica TDR para estudos do fluxo de água em solo não saturado, com base na medição indireta da umidade, sucção matricial (ψ) e condutividade hidráulica não saturada k(ψ), num perfil de solo inalterado. Isto é possível mediante ensaios de laboratório decorrentes da mecânica de solos tradicional e não saturada, a partir de amostras indeformadas retiradas a diferentes profundidades durante a construção de um poço, onde foram instaladas as sondas do TDR. Dos ensaios, obtiveram-se equações polinomiais para relacionar o comportamento da variação do período de tempo do pulso eletromagnético percorrido pela sonda TDR com a variação da umidade do solo e modelos de van Genuchten (1980) para relacionar a umidade com (ψ) e k(ψ). Os resultados mostraram que, para a calibração da umidade neste tipo de solos, um ajuste polinomial de quarto grau se apresenta como melhor alternativa em relação às expressões existentes em lugares onde foram derivadas estas teorias. Adicionalmente, se observou, que as maiores variações de (ψ) e k(ψ). ocorrerão entre a saturação e 10% de umidade devido à peculiaridade da curva de retenção. Finalmente, a presente calibração se apresenta como um expediente útil e prático para estudos hidrodinâmicos de solos não saturados. Palavras-chave: calibração, reflectômetro, teor de umidade, solo não saturado.


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The tillage comprises on average 25% of the cost of deploying a reed, so this cost reduction measures are desirable since they do not compromise the quality of the operation and longevity of sugarcane. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different tillage systems in Acrustox, correlating soil physical properties and characteristics of sugarcane agroindustrial plant cane and ratoon cane. We used five types of soil tillage, over experimental design in blocks with five replications. The particle size was measured every 0.1 m to 0.4 m depth, through deformed soil samples collected at the end of the first growth cycle of the culture. For other soil physical properties: bulk density, total porosity and water content, assessments were performed at the end of each cycle, collecting soil samples in layers of 0-0.20 to 0.21-0.40 m, in addition to performing the penetration resistance, using a penetrometer impact. The response of sugarcane depending on the types of tillage was determined from the evaluation of productivity per hectare of stem (TCH), sugar (TPH), the values of pol % cane (AP), sugar total recoverable (ATR) and fiber samples collected at harvest stalk of sugarcane plant and ratoon cane. In the tillage studied, there was a change of the physical attributes of the soil, causing reduced productivity in 2009/2010 crop, compared with the 2008/2009 season. In tillage system of furrowing direct lowest result was observed for TCH, especially in 2009/2010 crop, when the difference with conventional tillage was 20.53 Mg ha(-1).


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS


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The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here


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The search for mechanical components validation methods, employed in product development sector, becomes more avid for less expensive solutions. As a result, programs that can simulate forces acting on a given part through finite element method are gaining more space in the market, once this process consumes less capital when compared to currently-employed empirical validation. This article shows the simulation of an off-road prototype suspension through such technique, using ground excitation history coming from field measurements and also by making use of a specific tool for obtaining dynamic loads from the model in question. The results shown at the end is key for future enhancements aiming mass reduction, for example, that may be executed on the prototype suspension system discussed here


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A escarificação e o uso de plantas de cobertura de inverno têm sido adotados para promover a melhoria dos atributos físicos do solo relacionados à aeração. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito das plantas de cobertura de inverno e escarificação nas propriedades físicas de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, textura argilosa, após 16 anos em sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram realizados em maio de 2009 e consistiram de: plantio direto (PD), plantio direto com escarificação mecânica a 0,25 m (PD-E) e plantio direto com descompactação biológica por meio da cultura do nabo forrageiro (PD-B). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições, totalizando 12 unidades experimentais. Dezoito meses após a aplicação dos tratamentos, foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo em cada unidade experimental, em cinco camadas: 0,0-0,1; 0,1-0,2; 0,2-0,3; 0,3-0,4; e 0,4-0,5 m. Foram avaliados os atributos físicos do solo: porosidade, densidade do solo (Ds), permeabilidade ao ar (Ka) e índices de continuidade de poros. A Ka foi medida por meio de um permeâmetro de carga constante de ar em nove potenciais mátricos (ψm): -0,5; -1; -2; -3; -5; -7; -10; -50; e -100 kPa. Os resultados indicam que os atributos físicos do solo avaliados não foram alterados pelo uso de plantas de cobertura e escarificação. Por outro lado, houve diferenças entre camadas de solo, principalmente entre 0,0-0,1 e 0,1-0,2 m. Na camada de 0,1-0,2 m, a Ds foi maior e a porosidade total e Ka (ψm = -5 kPa) foram menores do que na camada de 0,0-0,1 m. No PD-E, verificou-se que a macroporosidade foi maior na camada de 0,0-0,1 m em comparação com os outros tratamentos. Os resultados sugerem que o solo estudado submetido aos tratamentos de descompactação, após 18 meses, retornou a valores semelhantes aos da testemunha.


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La preparación de estas notas ha llevado, al más veterano de los autores, a rememorar sus primeros tanteos con los métodos numéricos. Tratando de desarrollar su tesis doctoral sobre efectos dinámicos en puentes de ferrocarril, descubrió, en 1968, en la biblioteca del Laboratorio de Transporte (donde el profesor ]iménez Salas era Director) las Actas de la reunión ASTM en las que Quilan y Sung proponían la asimilación del comportamiento dinámico del semiespacio elástico a un sistema con un grado de libertad. Además de incorporar estos resultados a un modelo de puente para tener en cuenta los fenómenos de interacción dinámica terreno-estructura dicho autor entró en contacto con algunos miembros del equipo de investigación del Prof. ]iménez Salas que, por entonces, estaba explorando la posibilidad de aplicación del ordenador y los métodos numéricos necesarios para tratar los problemas más difíciles de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos. De hecho fue ese grupo quien contribuyó a introducir en España el método de los elementos finitos en la ingeniería civil, pero además, y en relación directa con el título de este artículo fue el propio ]iménez Salas quién inició la línea de trabajo de lo que mas tarde se ha llamado Método Indirecto de Elementos de Contorno que luego fue seguida por otros miembros de su grupo. En aquélla época poco podía sospechar el autor precitado que iba a dedicar una parte sustancial de su vida al desarrollo de ese método numérico en su versión Directa y mucho menos que gran parte de la motivación vendría del problema de interacción dinámica terreno-estructura, una de cuyas primeras soluciones había obtenido en la mencionada visita al Laboratorio de Transporte. En efecto los autores trataban en 1975 de encontrar un procedimiento que les permitiera afrontar el estudio de la interacción en túneles sometidos a carga sísmica y tropezaron, al utilizar el método de elementos finitos, con el problema de las reflexiones de ondas en los contornos artificiales creados al truncar la malla de cálculo. Deseando evitar el uso contornos absorbentes y otros recursos similares se exploró la posibilidad de soluciones fundamentales que incorporasen el comportamiento en el infmito y, fruto de ello, fueron los primeros trabajos que introdujeron el Método Directo de los Elementos de Contorno en España en problemas estáticos. La extensión a teoría del potencial, dinámica en el dominio de la frecuencia, plasticidad, etc tuvo lugar inmediatamente siendo en la mayoría de los casos los problemas típicos de mecánica del suelo los que motivaron y justifican el esfuerzo realizado. Un campo apasionante, el de la poroelasticidad ha dado lugar a nuevas contribuciones y también se han escrito libros de diverso calado que describen las posibilidades del método para dar contestación a preguntas de gran importancia técnica. Los autores quieren poner de manifiesto que la redacción de este trabajo, debe considerarse no solo como la muestra de algunos resultados de aplicación a problemas prácticos, sino también como un homenaje y reconocimiento explícito a la labor precursora del Prof. ]iménez Salas y a su espíritu de permanente curiosidad por el conocimiento científico.


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As culturas do milho e da soja respondem pela maior parte da produção nacional de grãos, predominando o sistema de plantio direto. Para uma semeadura direta de qualidade, o bom aterramento do sulco é indispensável, pois garante um ambiente adequado às sementes. Neste sentido, é importante estimar a mobilização de solo promovida por uma haste sulcadora estreita durante esta operação. O modelo analítico existente visa representar a mobilização do solo no sistema de plantio convencional. Como consequência, há situações em que este não pode se aplicado, como no caso de hastes sulcadoras estreitas utilizadas em semeadoras de plantio direto. Nestas situações, o mecanismo de falha do solo pode se alterar, assumindo um comportamento não modelado na literatura. Essa pesquisa propõe um modelo fuzzy capaz de representar estas situações, aproveitando conhecimento da teoria de mecânica dos solos e da análise de resultados experimentais. No modelo proposto, parte das regras descrevem situações não abrangidas pelo modelo analítico, as quais foram formuladas a partir da estimativa das prováveis áreas de solo mobilizado. O modelo fuzzy foi testado com dados de experimentos conduzidos durante a pesquisa, em duas condições de granulometria de solo (arenoso e argiloso). O modelo proposto reproduziu as tendências observadas nos dados experimentais, mas superestimou os valores de área observados, sendo esse efeito bem mais intenso para os dados do experimento em solo arenoso. A superestimativa ocorreu devido à soma de diversos fatores. Um deles é a diferença entre as leituras experimentais, as quais consideram apenas o solo realmente movimentado, e a premissa do modelo analítico, que considera toda a área de solo incluindo aquela cisalhada, porém não mobilizada. Outro fator foi devido ao efeito do disco de corte da palha, que pré-cisalha o solo à frente da ferramenta. No ensaio em solo arenoso os valores observados de área de solo mobilizado foram menores que os esperados, intensificando o efeito de superestimativa do modelo fuzzy, sendo que este efeito não representa uma deficiência deste modelo.


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A floresta constitui uma das riquezas naturais com maior valor em todo o planeta, assumindo uma vital importância em termos ambientais e económicos, nomeadamente para Portugal. Neste projeto desenvolve-se um potencial meio de combate a incêndios florestais, com base num conceito inovador e complementar aos atuais meios aplicados no combate a este tipo de flagelo. Este projeto de investigação visa o desenvolvimento de um projétil de detonação mecânica, logo inerte, para aplicação no combate a incêndios florestais, e enquadra-se no âmbito de uma parceria alargada de colaboração em I&D entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior Técnico. O conceito deste produto, ao qual foi atribuído o acrónimo: FIREND, foi, inicialmente, desenvolvido no âmbito de um projeto de I&D da Academia Militar. Neste projeto realiza-se o desenvolvimento final do conceito do produto, incluindo a verificação de aspetos chave no projeto mecânico, seleção e aquisição de materiais e fabrico de protótipos para ensaios balísticos em condições reais. Os resultados de funcionalidade e eficiência são apresentados nas fases estabilidade em voo, impacto com o solo, detonação, projeção e dispersão da carga para o exterior e análise de recuperação dos componentes do FIREND, após utilização. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos relativos ao funcionamento do FIREND durante o disparo do Obus, voo, impacto no solo e detonação e ainda o estado geral dos componentes após os ensaios, pode-se concluir que se trata de um projeto viável.


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The drilling of wells for petroleum extraction generates rocks and soils fragments, among other residues. These fragments are denominated petroleum drilling gravel or simply petroleum drilling residue. On the sites of onshore exploration are formed big deposits of drilling gravel, an expensive final destination material. This work aims at evaluating the addition of drilling residue to a lateritic soil, as composite material, for construction of compacted fills for earth work projects. Soil and residue were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and by laboratory tests traditionally used in soil mechanics, as particle-size analysis of soils, determination of liquid and plasticity indexes and compaction test. After soil and residue characterization, soil-residue mixtures were studied, using dosages of 2,5%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of residue in relation to the dry soil mass. These mixtures were submitted to compaction test, CBR, direct shear test and consolidation test. The test results were compared to the current legislation of DNIT for compacted fill construction. The results showed that the mixtures presented the minimal necessary parameters, allowing, from the point of view of geotechnical analysis, the use of these mixtures for construction of compacted fills


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Agriculture is an essential activity to the human development, the tendency is that their need to increase according to the increase in world population. It is very important to take the maximum performance that is possible of each land without degrading it, a frequently monitoring is essential for the best performance. The purpose of this work is, nondestructively, to monitor the surface electrical conductivity of the soil in a demarcated area, as on a plantation, using low frequency radio waves. The conductivity is directly linked to the amount of water in the area and nutrients, therefore a periodic or even permanent monitoring increases significantly the efficient of the use of the soil. They will be used long-wave radio transmission or medium whose main characteristic to spread over the surface of the earth. It is possible to choose an AM radio with location, frequency and power of the transmission known or generate the signal. The studied method computes the conductivity of the ground in a straight line between two measured points, so it can be used in smaller or larger size fields. Measurements were carried out using an electromagnetic field strength analyzer. The data obtained in the measurements are processed by a numerical calculation program, in our case Matlab. It is concluded that the recommendations of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) on the conductivity of soil in Brazil is far from reality, on some routes the recommendations indicate the use of the electrical conductivity of the soil 1 mS/m, while the measurements was found 19 mS/m. With the method described a precision farmer, once initial research for about a year, can monitor the humidity and salinity of the land, with the ability to predict the area and the most suitable time for irrigation and fertilization, making management more efficient and less expensive, while optimizing water use, natural resource increasingly precious.


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Brazil is a country in development, rich in natural resources. In order to grow sustainably, it is necessary to Brazil to preserve its environment, which is an expressive challenge, especially to industries, such as those producing ceramic materials. This study was developed using Porcelain Tile Polishing Residue (RPP) in blends with soil to build compacted fills. This residue is a slurry generated during the polishing process of porcelain tiles and contains powdery material from the polished tile, the abrasives used during the process and cooling water. The RPP was collected from a private company located in Conde/PB and it was mixed with a sandy-clayey soil, to build the fills. Laboratorial tests were conducted with pure soil, pure RPP and blends in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of RPP in addition to the dry mass of pure soil. The Chemical and Physical Characterization tests performed were: specific solid weight, grain size distribution, laser analysis of grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and soil compaction,. The materials and blends were also compacted and direct shear tests and plate load tests were performed. Plate load tests were conducted using a circular plate with 30 cm diameter, on specimens of pure soil and 5% blend, compacted in a metallic box inside the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Both mechanical tests performed were conducted under inundated conditions, willing to reduce the influence of soil suction. An evaluation of the results of the tests performed shows that RPP is a fine material, with grain size distribution smaller than 0,015mm, composed mainly of silica and alumina, and particles in angular shape. The soil was characterized as a clayey sand, geologically known as a lateritic soil, with high percentages of alumina and iron oxide, and particles with rounded shape. Both the Soil and the blends presented low plasticity, while the residue showed a medium plasticity. Direct shear tests showed that the addition of RPP did not cause major changes into blends’ friction angle data, however, it was possible to note that, for the proportions studied, that is a tendency of obtain lower shear stresses for higher percentages of RPP in the blends. Both pure soil and 5% mixture showed a punching disruption for the Plate load test. For this same test, the allowable stress for 5% mixture was 44% higher than the pure soil, and smaller vertical settlement results for all stresses.


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Brazil is a country in development, rich in natural resources. In order to grow sustainably, it is necessary to Brazil to preserve its environment, which is an expressive challenge, especially to industries, such as those producing ceramic materials. This study was developed using Porcelain Tile Polishing Residue (RPP) in blends with soil to build compacted fills. This residue is a slurry generated during the polishing process of porcelain tiles and contains powdery material from the polished tile, the abrasives used during the process and cooling water. The RPP was collected from a private company located in Conde/PB and it was mixed with a sandy-clayey soil, to build the fills. Laboratorial tests were conducted with pure soil, pure RPP and blends in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of RPP in addition to the dry mass of pure soil. The Chemical and Physical Characterization tests performed were: specific solid weight, grain size distribution, laser analysis of grain size distribution, Atterberg limits, X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and soil compaction,. The materials and blends were also compacted and direct shear tests and plate load tests were performed. Plate load tests were conducted using a circular plate with 30 cm diameter, on specimens of pure soil and 5% blend, compacted in a metallic box inside the Soil Mechanics Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Both mechanical tests performed were conducted under inundated conditions, willing to reduce the influence of soil suction. An evaluation of the results of the tests performed shows that RPP is a fine material, with grain size distribution smaller than 0,015mm, composed mainly of silica and alumina, and particles in angular shape. The soil was characterized as a clayey sand, geologically known as a lateritic soil, with high percentages of alumina and iron oxide, and particles with rounded shape. Both the Soil and the blends presented low plasticity, while the residue showed a medium plasticity. Direct shear tests showed that the addition of RPP did not cause major changes into blends’ friction angle data, however, it was possible to note that, for the proportions studied, that is a tendency of obtain lower shear stresses for higher percentages of RPP in the blends. Both pure soil and 5% mixture showed a punching disruption for the Plate load test. For this same test, the allowable stress for 5% mixture was 44% higher than the pure soil, and smaller vertical settlement results for all stresses.


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The present work is to study the characteristics and technological properties of soil-cement bricks made from binary and ternary mixtures of Portland cement, sand, water, with or without addition of gravel from the drilling of oil wells, which could be used by industry, aiming to improve its performance and reduce cost by using the residue and, consequently, increasing its useful life. The soil-cement bricks are one of the alternatives to masonry construction. These elements, after a short curing period, provide compressive strength similar to that of solid bricks and ceramic blocks, and the higher the resistance the higher the amount of cement used. We used the soil from the city of São José do Mipibu / RN, the banks of the River Baldun, cement CPIIZ-32 and residue of drill cuttings from oil wells drilling onshore wells in the town of Mossley, RN, provided Petrobras. To determine the optimum mix, we studied the inclusion of different residues (100%, 80%, 70%, 60% and 50%) where 15 bodies were made of the test piece. The assessment was made of bricks made from simple compression tests, mass loss by immersion and water absorption. The experimental results proved the efficiency and high utilization of the waste from the drilling of oil wells, making the brick-cement-soil residue with a higher strength and lower water absorption. The best result in terms of mechanical strength and water absorption for the ternary mixture was 10% soil, 14% cement and 80% residue. In terms of binary mixtures, we obtained the best result for the mix-cement residue, which was 14% cement incorporated in the residue