984 resultados para material source
Neutrons are unique particles to probe samples in many ?elds of research ranging from biology to material sciences to engineering and security applications. Access to bright, pulsed sources is currently
limited to large accelerator facilities and there has been a growing need for compact sources over the recent years. Short pulse laser driven neutron sources could be a compact and relatively cheap way to
produce neutrons with energies in excess of 10 MeV. For more than a decade experiments have tried to obtain neutron numbers suf?cient for applications. Our recent experiments demonstrated an ion acceleration mechanism based on the concept of relativistic transparency. Using this new mechanism, we produced an intense beam of high energy (up to 170 MeV) deuterons directed into a Be converter to
produce a forward peaked neutron ?ux with a record yield, on the order of 1010 n=sr. We present results comparing the two acceleration mechanisms and the ?rst short pulse laser generated neutron radiograph.
An ultra-relativistic electron beam passing through a thick, high-Z solid target triggers an electromagnetic cascade, whereby a large number of high energy photons and electron-positron pairs are produced. By exploiting this physical process, we present here the first experimental evidence of the generation of ultra-short, highly collimated and ultra-relativistic positron beams following the interaction of a laser-wake field accelerated electron beam with high-Z solid targets. Clear evidence has also been obtained of the generation of GeV electron-positron jets with variable composition depending on the solid target material and thickness. The percentage of positrons in the overall leptonic beam has been observed to vary from a few per cent up to almost fifty per cent, implying a quasi-neutral electron-positron beam. We anticipate that these beams will be of direct relevance to the laboratory study of astrophysical leptonic jets and their interaction with the interstellar medium.
This book is a hands-on study skills guide that explores how film and moving image can be used as sources. It is aimed at those who want to use film and moving image as the basis for research and offers advice on research methods, theory and methodology, archival work and film-based analysis. It draws on the disciplines of film and history to offer advice for students and researchers in these fields.
The book includes sections on working with different kinds of moving images, how to explore visual sources, how to undertake film-related research and how to use film theory. In addition to providing detailed case studies, the guide also offers advice on research, writing and studying, creating a methodology, visiting archives, accessing material and exploring films from a historical perspective. The guide's focus is on good research practice, whether it be conducting an interview, visiting an archive, undertaking textual analysis or defining a research question.
The existence of loose particles left inside the sealed electronic devices is one of the main factors affecting the reliability of the whole system. It is important to identify the particle material for analyzing their source. The conventional material identification algorithms mainly rely on time, frequency and wavelet domain features. However, these features are usually overlapped and redundant, resulting in unsatisfactory material identification accuracy. The main objective of this paper is to improve the accuracy of material identification. First, the principal component analysis (PCA) is employed to reselect the nine features extracted from time and frequency domains, leading to six less correlated principal components. And then the reselected principal components are used for material identification using a support vector machine (SVM). Finally, the experimental results show that this new method can effectively distinguish the type of materials including wire, aluminum and tin particles.
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU)
Städtische Biomassen der Grünflächen bilden eine potentielle, bisher weitgehend ungenutzte Ressource für Bioenergie. Kommunen pflegen die Grünflächen, lassen das Material aber verrotten oder führen es Deponien oder Müllverbrennungsanlagen zu. Diese Praxis ist kostenintensiv ohne für die Verwaltungen finanziellen Ausgleich bereitzustellen. Stattdessen könnte das Material energetisch verwertet werden. Zwei mögliche Techniken, um Bioenergie zu gewinnen, wurden mit krautigem Material des städtischen Straßenbegleitgrüns untersucht i) direkte anaerobe Fermentation (4 Schnitte im Jahr) und ii) „Integrierte Festbrennstoff- und Biogasproduktion aus Biomasse“ (IFBB), die Biomasse durch Maischen und mechanisches Entwässern in einen Presssaft und einen Presskuchen trennt (2 Schnitte im Jahr). Als Referenz wurde die aktuelle Pflege ohne Verwertungsoption mitgeführt (8faches Mulchen). Zusätzlich wurde die Eignung von Gras-Laub-Mischungen im IFBB-Verfahren untersucht. Der mittlere Biomasseertrag war 3.24, 3.33 und 5.68 t Trockenmasse ha-1 jeweils für die Pflegeintensitäten Mulchen, 4-Schnitt- und 2-Schnittnutzung. Obwohl die Faserkonzentration in der Biomasse der 2-Schnittnutzung höher war als im Material der 4-Schnittnutzung, unterschieden sich die Methanausbeuten nicht signifikant. Der Presskuchen aus dem krautigen Material des Straßenbegleitgrüns hatte einen Heizwert von 16 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse, während der Heizwert des Presskuchens der Gras-Laub-Mischung in Abhängigkeit vom Aschegehalt zwischen 15 und 17 MJ kg-1 Trockenmasse lag. Der Aschegehalt der Mischungen war höher als der Grenzwert nach DIN EN 14961-6:2012 (für nicht-holzige Brennstoffe), was auf erhöhte Bodenanhaftung auf Grund der Erntemethoden zurückzuführen sein könnte. Der Aschegehalt des krautigen Materials vom Straßenrand hielt die Norm jedoch ein. Die Elementkonzentration (Ca, Cl, K, Mg, N, Na, P, S, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Si, Zn) im krautigen Material war generell ähnlich zu Landwirtschafts- oder Naturschutzgrünland. In den Mischungen nahm die Elementkonzentration (Al, Cl, K, N, Na, P, S, Si) mit zunehmendem Laubanteil ab. Die Konzentration von Ca, Mg und der Neutral-Detergenz-Fasern stieg hingegen an. Die IFBB-Technik reduzierte die Konzentrationen der in der Verbrennung besonders schädlichen Elemente Cl, K und N zuverlässig. Außer den potentiell hohen Aschegehalten, wurde während der Untersuchungen kein technischer Grund entdeckt, der einer energetischen Verwertung des getesteten urbanen Materials entgegenstehen würde. Ökonomische, soziale und ökologische Auswirkungen einer Umsetzung müssen beachtet werden. Eine oberflächliche Betrachtung auf Basis des bisherigen Wissens lässt hoffen, dass eine bioenergetische Verwertung städtischen Materials auf allen Ebenen nachhaltig sein könnte.
Instructions for using the web site and the source material.
Forma parte de una colección de libros que integran un curso para la enseñanza de la escritura, dirigido a niños del nivel KS2. Utiliza un material estimulante que incluye: escenarios de la vida real, tareas de investigación, modelos de textos y fotografías que les ayuda a comprender la estructura general de diferentes tipos de texto y los elementos básicos que sustentan la gramática. Los profesores aprovechan este material para: analizar las técnicas para una escritura efectiva y brillante, reforzar las habilidades con la gramática y promover y animar un debate previo a la escritura.
Forma parte de una colección de libros que integran un curso para la enseñanza de la escritura, dirigido a niños de siete a once años. Utiliza un material estimulante que incluye: escenarios de la vida real, tareas de investigación, modelos de textos (fábulas, poesía humorística) y fotografías destinadas a inspirar actividades de escritura. Los profesores aprovechan este material para analizar: las técnicas de los escritores, reforzar las habilidades con la gramática y promover y animar un debate previo a la escritura.
Forma parte de una colección de libros que integran un curso para la enseñanza de la escritura, dirigido a niños de siete a once años. Utiliza un material estimulante que incluye: escenarios de la vida real, tareas de investigación, modelos de textos (fábulas, poesía humorística) y fotografías destinadas a inspirar actividades de escritura. Los profesores aprovechan este material para analizar: las técnicas de los escritores, reforzar las habilidades con la gramática y promover y animar un debate previo a la escritura.
Resument tomado de la publicación
O bom funcionamento de uma empresa passa pela coordenação dos seus vários elementos, pela fluidez das suas operações diárias, pelo desempenho dos seus recursos, tanto humanos como materiais, e da interacção dos vários sistemas que a compõem. As tecnologias empresariais sentiram um desenvolvimento contínuo após a sua aparição, desde o processo básico, para gestão de processos de negócios (BPM), para plataformas de recursos empresariais (ERP) modernos como o sistema proprietário SAP ou Oracle, para conceitos mais gerais como SOA e cloud, baseados em standards abertos. As novas tecnologias apresentam novos canais de trânsito de informação mais rápidos e eficientes, formas de automatizar e acompanhar processos de negócio e vários tipos de infra-estruturas que podem ser utilizadas de forma a tornar a empresa mais produtiva e flexível. As soluções comerciais existentes permitem realizar estes objectivos mas os seus custos de aquisição podem revelar-se demasiado elevados para algumas empresas ou organizações, que arriscam de não se adaptar às mudanças do negócio. Ao mesmo tempo, software livre está a ganhar popularidade mas existem sempre alguns preconceitos sobre a qualidade e maturidade deste tipo de software. O objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar SOA, os principais produtos SOA comerciais e open source e realizar uma comparação entre as duas categorias para verificar o nível de maturidade do SOA open source em relação às soluções SOA proprietárias.
A collection of 24 seawaters from various worldwide locations and differing depth was culled to measure their chlorine isotopic composition (delta(37)Cl). These samples cover all the oceans and large seas: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Antarctic oceans, Mediterranean and Red seas. This collection includes nine seawaters from three depth profiles down to 4560 mbsl. The standard deviation (2sigma) of the delta(37)Cl of this collection is +/-0.08 parts per thousand, which is in fact as large as our precision of measurement ( +/- 0.10 parts per thousand). Thus, within error, oceanic waters seem to be an homogeneous reservoir. According to our results, any seawater could be representative of Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) and could be used as a reference standard. An extended international cross-calibration over a large range of delta(37)Cl has been completed. For this purpose, geological fluid samples of various chemical compositions and a manufactured CH3Cl gas sample, with delta(37)Cl from about -6 parts per thousand to +6 parts per thousand have been compared. Data were collected by gas source isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) at the Paris, Reading and Utrecht laboratories and by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) at the Leeds laboratory. Comparison of IRMS values over the range -5.3 parts per thousand to +1.4 parts per thousand plots on the Y=X line, showing a very good agreement between the three laboratories. On 11 samples, the trend line between Paris and Reading Universities is: delta(37)Cl(Reading)= (1.007 +/- 0.009)delta(37)Cl(Paris) - (0.040 +/- 0.025), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.999. TIMS values from Leeds University have been compared to IRMS values from Paris University over the range -3.0 parts per thousand to +6.0 parts per thousand. On six samples, the agreement between these two laboratories, using different techniques is good: delta(37)Cl(Leeds)=(1.052 +/- 0.038)delta(37)Cl(Paris) + (0.058 +/- 0.099), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.995. The present study completes a previous cross-calibration between the Leeds and Reading laboratories to compare TIMS and IRMS results (Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 2261). Both studies allow a comparison of IRMS and TIMS techniques between delta(37)Cl values from -4.4 parts per thousand to +6.0 parts per thousand and show a good agreement: delta(37)Cl(TIMS)=(1.039 +/- 0.023)delta(37)Cl(IRMS)+(0.059 +/- 0.056), with a correlation coefficient: R-2 = 0.996. Our study shows that, for fluid samples, if chlorine isotopic compositions are near 0 parts per thousand, their measurements either by IRMS or TIMS will give comparable results within less than +/- 0.10 parts per thousand, while for delta(37)Cl values as far as 10 parts per thousand (either positive or negative) from SMOC, both techniques will agree within less than +/- 0.30 parts per thousand. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A series of experiments was completed to investigate the impact of addition of enzymes at ensiling on in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. Two commercial products, Depot 40 (D, Biocatalysts Ltd., Pontypridd, UK) and Liquicell 2500 (L, Specialty Enzymes and Biochemicals, Fresno, CA, USA), were used. In experiment 1, the pH optima over a pH range 4.0-6.8 and the stability of D and L under changing pH (4.0, 5.6, 6.8) and temperature (15 and 39 degreesC) conditions were determined. In experiment 2, D and L were applied at three levels to whole crop maize at ensiling, using triplicate 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. A completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of treatments was used. One set of treatments was stored at room temperature, whereas another set was stored at 40 degreesC during the first 3 weeks of fermentation, and then stored at room temperature. Silages were opened after 120 days. Results from experiment I indicated that the xylanase activity of both products showed an optimal pH of about 5.6, but the response differed according to the enzyme, whereas the endoglucanase activity was inversely related to pH. Both products retained at least 70% of their xylanase activity after 48 h incubation at 15 or 39 degreesC. In experiment 2, enzymes reduced (P < 0.05) silage pH, regardless of storage temperature and enzyme level. Depol 40 reduced (P < 0.05) the starch contents of the silages, due to its high alpha-amylase activity. This effect was more noticeable in the silages stored at room temperature. Addition of L reduced (P < 0.05) neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents. In vitro rumen degradation, assessed using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), showed that L increased (P < 0.05) the initial 6 h gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD), but did not affect (P > 0.05) the final extent of OMD, indicating that this preparation acted on the rumen degradable material. In contrast, silages treated with D had reduced (P < 0.05) rates of gas production and OMD. These enzymes, regardless of ensiling temperature, can be effective in improving the nutritive quality of maize silage when applied at ensiling. However, the biochemical properties of enzymes (i.e., enzymic activities, optimum pH) may have a crucial role in dictating the nature of the responses. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.