970 resultados para material flow control


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A high performance, low computational complexity rate-based flow control algorithm which can avoid congestion and achieve fairness is important to ATM available bit rate service. The explicit rate allocation algorithm proposed by Kalampoukas et al. is designed to achieve max–min fairness in ATM networks. It has several attractive features, such as a fixed computational complexity of O(1) and the guaranteed convergence to max–min fairness. In this paper, certain drawbacks of the algorithm, such as the severe overload of an outgoing link during transient period and the non-conforming use of the current cell rate field in a resource management cell, have been identified and analysed; a new algorithm which overcomes these drawbacks is proposed. The proposed algorithm simplifies the rate computation as well. Compared with Kalampoukas's algorithm, it has better performance in terms of congestion avoidance and smoothness of rate allocation.


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The chapter investigates Shock Control Bumps (SCB) on a Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) aerofoil; RAE 5243 for Active Flow Control (AFC). A SCB approach is used to decelerate supersonic flow on the suction/pressure sides of transonic aerofoil that leads delaying shock occurrence or weakening of shock strength. Such an AFC technique reduces significantly the total drag at transonic speeds. This chapter considers the SCB shape design optimisation at two boundary layer transition positions (0 and 45%) using an Euler software coupled with viscous boundary layer effects and robust Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The optimisation method is based on a canonical Evolution Strategy (ES) algorithm and incorporates the concepts of hierarchical topology and parallel asynchronous evaluation of candidate solution. Two test cases are considered with numerical experiments; the first test deals with a transition point occurring at the leading edge and the transition point is fixed at 45% of wing chord in the second test. Numerical results are presented and it is demonstrated that an optimal SCB design can be found to significantly reduce transonic wave drag and improves lift on drag (L/D) value when compared to the baseline aerofoil design.


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This study investigates the application of two advanced optimization methods for solving active flow control (AFC) device shape design problem and compares their optimization efficiency in terms of computational cost and design quality. The first optimization method uses hierarchical asynchronous parallel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and the second uses hybridized evolutionary algorithm with Nash-Game strategies (Hybrid-Game). Both optimization methods are based on a canonical evolution strategy and incorporate the concepts of parallel computing and asynchronous evaluation. One type of AFC device named shock control bump (SCB) is considered and applied to a natural laminar flow (NLF) aerofoil. The concept of SCB is used to decelerate supersonic flow on suction/pressure side of transonic aerofoil that leads to a delay of shock occurrence. Such active flow technique reduces total drag at transonic speeds which is of special interest to commercial aircraft. Numerical results show that the Hybrid-Game helps an EA to accelerate optimization process. From the practical point of view, applying a SCB on the suction and pressure sides significantly reduces transonic total drag and improves lift-to-drag (L/D) value when compared to the baseline design.


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Past work has clearly demonstrated that numerous commonly used metallic materials will support burning in oxygen, especially at higher pressures. An approach to rectify this significant safety problem has been successfully developed and implemented by applying the concept of Situational Non-Flammability. This approach essentially removes or breaks one leg of the conceptual fire triangle, a tool commonly used to define the three things that are required to support burning; a fuel, an ignition source and an oxidizer. Since an oxidiser is always present in an oxygen system as are ignition sources, the concept of Situational Non-Flammability essentially removes the fuel leg of the fire triangle by only utilising materials that will not burn at the maximum pressure, for example, that the control valve is to be used in. The utilisation of this approach has lead to the development of a range of oxygen components that are practically unable to burn while in service at their design pressure thus providing an unparalleled level of first safety while not compromising on the performance or endurance required in the function of these components. This paper describes the concept of Situational Non-Flammability, how it was used to theoretically evaluate designs of components for oxygen service and the outcomes of the actual development, fabrication and finally utilisation of these components in real oxygen systems in a range of flow control devices.


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This paper proposes a linear large signal state-space model for a phase controlled CLC (Capacitor Inductor Capacitor) Resonant Dual Active Bridge (RDAB). The proposed model is useful for fast simulation and for the estimation of state variables under large signal variation. The model is also useful for control design because the slow changing dynamics of the dq variables are relatively easy to control. Simulation results of the proposed model are presented and compared to the simulated circuit model to demonstrate the proposed model's accuracy. This proposed model was used for the design of a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and it has been implemented in the circuit simulation to show the proposed models usefulness in control design.


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Active Fiber Composites (AFC) possess desirable characteristics over a wide range of smart structure applications, such as vibration, shape and flow control as well as structural health monitoring. This type of material, capable of collocated actuation and sensing, call be used in smart structures with self-sensing circuits. This paper proposes four novel applications of AFC structures undergoing torsion: sensors and actuators shaped as strips and tubes; and concludes with a preliminary failure analysis. To enable this, a powerful mathematical technique, the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) was used to perform cross-sectional analyses of thin generally anisotropic AFC beams. The resulting closed form expressions have been utilized in the applications presented herein.


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The author presents adaptive control techniques for controlling the flow of real-time jobs from the peripheral processors (PPs) to the central processor (CP) of a distributed system with a star topology. He considers two classes of flow control mechanisms: (1) proportional control, where a certain proportion of the load offered to each PP is sent to the CP, and (2) threshold control, where there is a maximum rate at which each PP can send jobs to the CP. The problem is to obtain good algorithms for dynamically adjusting the control level at each PP in order to prevent overload of the CP, when the load offered by the PPs is unknown and varying. The author formulates the problem approximately as a standard system control problem in which the system has unknown parameters that are subject to change. Using well-known techniques (e.g., naive-feedback-controller and stochastic approximation techniques), he derives adaptive controls for the system control problem. He demonstrates the efficacy of these controls in the original problem by using the control algorithms in simulations of a queuing model of the CP and the load controls.


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THE study of swirling boundary layers is of considerable importance in many rotodynamic machines such as rockets, jet engines, swirl generators, swirl atomizers, arc heaters, etc. For example, the introduction of swirl in a flow acceleration device such as a nozzle in a rocket engine promises efficient mass flow control. In nuclear rockets, swirl is used to retain the uranium atoms in the rocket chamber. With these applications in mind, Back1 and Muthanna and Nath2 have obtained the similarity solutions for a low-speed three-dimensional steady laminar compressible boundary layer with swirl inside an axisymmetric surface of variable cross section. The aim of the present analysis is to study the effect of massive blowing rates on the unsteady laminar swirling compressible boundary-layer flow of an axisymmetric body of arbitrary cross section when the freestream velocity and blowing rate vary with time. The type of swirl considered here is that of a free vortex superimposed on the longitudinal flow of a compressible fluid with variable properties. The analysis is applicable to external flow over a body as well as internal flow along a surface. For the case of external flow, strong blowing can have significant use in cooling the surface of hypervelocity vehicles, particularly when ablation occurs under large aerodynamic or radiative heating, but there may not be such an important application of strong blowing in the case of internal flow. The governing partial differential equations have been solved numerically using an implicit finite difference scheme with a quasilinearization technique.3 High temperature gas effects, such as radiation, dissociation, and ionization, etc., are not investigated. The nomenclature is usually that of Ref. 4 and is listed in the full paper.


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An experimental study of local orientations around whiskers in deformed metal matrix composites has been used to determine the strain gradients existing in the material following tensile deformation. These strain fields have been represented as arrays of geometrically necessary dislocations, and the material flow stress predicted using a standard dislocation hardening model. Whilst the correlation between this and the measured flow stress is reasonable, the experimentally determined strain gradients are lower by a factor of 5-10 than values obtained in previous estimates made using continuum plasticity finite element models. The local orientations around the whiskers contain a large amount of detailed information about the strain patterns in the material, and a novel approach is made to representing some of this information and to correlating it with microstructural observations. © 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is usually considered as a dielectric material and the PDMS microchannel wall can be treated as an electrically insulated boundary in an applied electric field. However, in certain layouts of microfluidic networks, electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel walls may not be negligible, which must be carefully considered in the microfluidic circuit design. In this paper, we report on the experimental characterization of the electrical leakage current through PDMS microfluidic channel walls of different configurations. Our numerical and experimental studies indicate that for tens of microns thick PDMS channel walls, electrical leakage through the PDMS wall could significantly alter the electrical field in the main channel. We further show that we can use the electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel wall to control the electrolyte flow inside the microfluidic channel and manipulate the particle motion inside the microfluidic channel. More specifically, we can trap individual particles at different locations inside the microfluidic channel by balancing the electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic migration of the particle.


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Os estudos destinados à aplicação de uma tecnologia mais limpa ao tratamento de águas em sistemas de resfriamento abertos com recirculação resultaram no desenvolvimento de uma filosofia de tratamento baseada na busca de uma operação com ciclo de concentração ideal. Assim, por meio do controle do balanço material no sistema de resfriamento, seria alcançado um nível de concentração em que a água de circulação apresentaria, naturalmente e ao mesmo tempo, baixa tendência à corrosão do ferro e baixa tendência à formação de incrustação de carbonato de cálcio. O tratamento com inibidores de corrosão e de formação de depósitos seria apenas complementar e, conseqüentemente, reduzido o emprego de produtos químicos para o condicionamento da água. O presente trabalho procura demonstrar que o critério de tratamento baseado apenas no índice de estabilidade não leva em conta o fato de que as espécies solúveis em água não se concentram de uma mesma forma, principalmente como decorrência de reações de conversão envolvendo o íon bicarbonato e de precipitação do íon cálcio. Como suporte desse trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de campo em um sistema de resfriamento aberto com recirculação em operação normal, porém sem tratamento químico da água. Foi possível, desse modo, observar a variação da concentração de cada espécie crítica presente na água com a vazão de descarga efetuada. Os resultados obtidos e o estudo realizado mostram que a metodologia tradicional pode apresentar desvios da realidade que podem comprometer a qualidade do tratamento, obrigando o emprego de maiores concentrações de produtos químicos para condicionamento da água, contrariando, assim, o próprio propósito original de execução de um tratamento dentro dos princípios de uma produção mais limpa. Este trabalho procura, ainda, salientar a importância qualitativa e quantitativa das espécies presentes, na água de reposição, na qualidade do tratamento, alertando que o emprego de reúso de água, como reposição de um sistema de resfriamento, deve ser criteriosamente analisado, pois uma água de má qualidade pode tornar o tratamento interno impraticável, exigindo a execução de um tratamento prévio muitas vezes inviável do ponto de vista econômico e causador de impacto ambiental


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Supersonic engine intakes operating supercritically feature shock wave / boundary layer interactions (SBLIs), which are conventionally controlled using boundary layer bleed. The momentum loss of bleed flow causes high drag, compromising intake performance. Micro-ramp sub-boundary layer vortex generators (SBVGs) have been proposed as an alternative form of flow control for oblique SBLIs in order to reduce the bleed requirement. Experiments have been conducted at Mach 2.5 to characterise the flow details on such devices and investigate their ability to control the interaction between an oblique shock wave and the naturally grown turbulent boundary layer on the tunnel floor. Micro-ramps of four sizes with heights ranging from 25% to 75% of the uncontrolled boundary layer thickness were tested. The flow over all sizes of microramp was found to be similar, featuring streamwise counter-rotating vortices which entrain high momentum fluid, locally reducing the boundary layer displacement thickness. When installed ahead of the shock interaction it was found that the positioning of the micro-ramps is of limited importance. Micro-ramps did not eliminate flow separation. However, the previously two-dimensional separation was broken up into periodic three-dimensional separation zones. The interaction length was reduced and the pressure gradient across the interaction was increased.


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An experimental investigation has been undertaken in which vortex generators (VGs) have been employed to inhibit boundary-layer separation produced by the combined adversepressure- gradient of a terminal shock-wave and subsonic diffuser. This setup has been developed as part of a program to produce a more inlet relevant flow-field using a small-scale wind tunnel than previous studies. The resulting flow is dominated by large-scale separation, and as such, is thought to be a good test-bed for flow control. In this investigation, VGs have been added to determine their potential for shock-induced separation mitigation. In line with previous studies, it was observed that the application of VGs alone was not able to significantly alleviate separation overall, because enlarged corner separations was observed. Only when control of the corner separations using corner bleed was employed alongside centre-span control using VGs was a significant improvement in both wall pressure recovery (6% increase) and stagnation pressure recovery (2.4% increase) observed. Copyright © 2012 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.