875 resultados para material culture studies


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude de la culture matérielle de l’Auguste, un navire de cartel ayant fait naufrage en 1761 au nord-est de l’île du Cap-Breton, en Nouvelle-Écosse. La date de 1759 marque la conquête de la Nouvelle-France par l’Angleterre. La France perd donc un important territoire. À la suite de la capitulation de Montréal en 1760, un Régime militaire temporaire anglais est mis en place et entraîne le départ de plusieurs membres des classes dirigeantes de la colonie vers la France. Leur rapatriement est effectué au moyen de navires de cartel, c’est-à-dire des vaisseaux voyageant sous drapeau blanc et transportant des « prisonniers », leur famille et leurs avoirs. L’Auguste, un navire marchand d’appartenance britannique, est réquisitionné à Québec comme navire de cartel à l’automne 1761. Un mois après son départ, le navire s’échoue dans la baie d’Aspy et fait naufrage en emportant à la mort la majorité des passagers. Plus de deux siècles après ces événements tragiques, un partenariat entre Parcs Canada et des plongeurs locaux a mené à la réalisation de deux campagnes de fouilles archéologiques à la fin des années 1970 mettant au jour une collection de plus de quatre mille artefacts. L’analyse de cette culture matérielle comprend notamment la mise en contexte de l’histoire et de la découverte du navire et un classement des artefacts selon des catégories fonctionnelles liées à l’archéologie maritime. Les différents niveaux analytiques mènent ultimement à l’intégration des données archéologiques dans la compréhension du rapatriement des élites au sein de l’État moderne et à l’établissement de liens intéressants entre les familles nanties de la colonie et certains artisans de Nouvelle-France. L’étude de l’Auguste a finalement permis de mettre en lumière la fonction de cartel du navire et d’établir et l’organisation maritime d’un voyage transatlantique pour le transport de passagers.


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A phantom that exhibits complex dielectric properties similar to low-water-content biological tissues over the electromagnetic spectrum of 2000–3000 MHz has been synthesized from carbon black, graphite powder, and poly vinyl acetate (PVA)-based adhesive. The material overcomes various problems that are inherent in conventional phantoms such as decomposition and deterioration due to the invasion of bacteria or mold. The absorption coefficients of the material for various concentrations of carbon and graphite are studied. A combination of 50% poly-vinyl-acetate-based adhesive, 20% carbon, and 30% graphite exhibits a high absorption coefficient, which suggests another application of the material as a good microwave absorber for the interior lining of tomographic chamber in microwave imaging. The cavity-perturbation technique is adopted to study the dielectric properties of the material.


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Loss of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, forest encroachment and spike disease have an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. To initiate any genetic improvement programme in sandal, a precise understanding of the population genetic diversity structure is essential. The concern over the loss of genetic variability in sandal is particularly critical, as there is hardly any information regarding the diversity status of the natural populations. Identifying fast growing, disease resistant, oil rich sandal trees through breeding and their mass multiplication for afforestation are the best method for ensuring sustainable supply of superior sandalwood. The healthy sandal trees existing in heavily spike diseased area can be used as a promising starting point for any such breeding programme (Venkatesh, 1978). So far, no genetic information is available regarding the resistant nature of spike disease evaded trees left in heavily infected patches. The high rate of depletion of the superior trees in South Indian sandal reserves due to illegal felling and spike disease has necessitated an urgent need for conservation of the surviving trees.Widespread occurrence of spike disease in Marayoor forest reserve was reported in 1981 (Ghosh and Balasundaran, 1995). Because of the high density of trees and varying intensity of spike disease, Marayoor sandal population was found to be ideal for experimental studies in sandal (Ghosh et al., 1985). Fifteen trees of reserve 51 of Marayoor range had been selected as candidate plus trees for growth and spike disease evasion . These trees have been selected for mass multiplication through tissue culture technique.


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This thesis deals with the results oi’ investigations on phytoplankton productivity and related aspects conducted in various ecoaystms such as estuarine, inshore and oceanic enviroments and certain special ecosytans including the pu.-awn culture fields and associated many-eves, mud bank and the seas around the Andaman-Nicobar Islands. This study also includes the qualitative and quantitative variations of phytoplankton production, their seasonal abundance, factors controlling the same and the magnitude of the potential resources derived 1!:-om it


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Previous studies of burial practice in the later medieval period have concluded that mortuary custom was regulated strictly by male religious authorities, resulting in a uniformity of practice that held little potential for the expression of personal identity or family relationships. This paper challenges previous approaches through a close study of the material culture of the medieval grave. Archaeological and pictorial sources combine to suggest that women were responsible for the preparation of the body for burial. This reassessment of medieval burial yields new evidence for female undertaking as an extension of the social role of mothering.


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Classical Greek and Roman influence on the material culture of Central Asia and northwestern India is often considered in the abstract. This article attempts to examine the mechanisms of craft production and movement of artisans and objects which made such influence possible, through four case studies: (1) Mould-made ceramics in Hellenistic eastern Bactria; (2) Plaster casts used in the production of metalware from Begram; (3) Terracotta figurines and the moulds used to produce them, from various archaeological sites; and (4) Mass production of identical gold adornments in the nomadic tombs from Tillya Tepe. The implications of such techniques for our understanding of the development of Gandhāran art are also discussed.


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The relevance of the concept of ‘Late Antiquity’ to fifth- and sixth-century Western Britain is demonstrated with reference to the archaeology of the British kingdom of Dumnonia, and then used to reinterpret portable material culture. Themes discussed include the dating of Palestinian amphorae in Britain, the extent of the settlement at Tintagel, tin as a motivation for Byzantine trade, the re-use of Roman-period artefacts, and ‘Anglo-Saxon’ artefacts on Western British sites. The central paradoxes of Late Antiquity: simultaneous conservatism and fluidity, continuity and innovation, are seen to illuminate ‘Dark Age’ Britain and offer new avenues for future research.


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The fifteenth century saw a striking upturn in the number of texts from foreign vernaculars that were translated into Irish. Indeed, one might go so far as to speak in terms of a ‘translation trend’ in Ireland during the mid to late fifteenth century. A notable feature of this trend is that a particularly high number of these Irish translations are of romances; contextual and textual evidence suggests that the original exemplars for many of these translated texts appear to have come from England, though not all of them were necessarily in English. Irish translations of eight romances have survived to the present day: Guy of Warwick; Bevis of Hampton; La Queste de Saint Graal; Fierabras; Caxton’s Recuyell of the Histories of Troie; William of Palerne; the Seven Sages of Rome; and Octavian. This paper addresses two aspects of these texts of particular relevance to romance scholars who do not work within the sphere of Celtic studies. Firstly, it argues that certain aspects of the dissemination and reception of romance in Ireland are quite distinctive. Manuscript and textual evidence suggests that the religious orders, particularly the Franciscans, seem to have played a role in the importation and translation of these narratives. Secondly, examination of the Irish versions of romance tends to bear out an observation made by Flower many years ago, but not pursued by subsequent scholars: ‘texts of an unusual kind were current in Ireland, and it may be that interesting discoveries are to be made here’. Certain narrative features of several of these Irish translations diverge from all the surviving versions of the relevant romance in other languages and may witness to a variant exemplar that has since been lost from its own linguistic corpus.


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The coastal plains of the States of Parana and Santa Catarina, in Southern Brazil, were first settled around 6000 B.P. by shellmound builders, a successful fisher-hunter-gatherer population that inhabited the coastal lowlands practically unchanged for almost five thousand years. Shellmounds were typically occupied as residential sites as well as cemeteries, and are usually associated with rich alimentary zones. Around 1200 B.P., the first evidence of ceramics brought from the interior is found in coastal areas, and together with ceramics there is a progressive abandonment of shellmound construction in favor of flat cold shallow sites. Here we consider if these changes were reflected in the postmarital residence practice of coastal groups, i.e., if the arrival or intensification of contact with groups from the interior resulted in changes in this aspect of social structure among the coastal groups. To test the postmarital residence practice we analyzed within-group variability ratios between males and females, following previous studies on the topic. and between-group, correlations between Mahalanobis distances and geographic distances. The results suggest that in the pre-ceramic series a matrilocal, postmarital residential system predominated, while in the ceramic period there was a shift toward patrilocality. This favors the hypothesis that the changes experienced by coastal groups after 1200 B.P. affected not only their economy and material culture, but important aspects of their sociopolitical organization as well.


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From watching reality shows like A Wedding Story on TLC, I have learned that planning a wedding is stressful, kills friendships, and is generally not fun. In my opinion, I think it’s crazy. So why do people do this? What is the allure of this madness? In addition to the general insanity of weddings, the institute of marriage has been shown to be deeply flawed and quite unequal, but we are still tuning in to watch Engaged & Underage and Perfect Proposal. The fantasy shows that we watch and the glossy magazines we read seem to cover up the fact that the institution of marriage has problems. I want to find out why we are obsessed with getting married, even though many of us won’t actually carry through with the event or will end our marriages in divorce. Is it just the pageantry? The attention one receives as a bride and a new wife? To me, the huge attention paid to marriage in the media these days brings out some really interesting questions.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Essa dissertação discute as interpretações a respeito dos vestígios arqueológicos relacionados aos povos da família linguística Tupi-guarani, vestígios esses que foram reunidos em uma mesma tradição arqueológica denominada Tupiguarani. A partir da releitura das fontes etnohistóricas e etnográficas que embasaram as interpretações arqueológicas, é questionado o caráter normativo da concepção de cultura que se encontra por trás da concepção do Tupi-Guarani como um modelo de sociedade que resiste ao tempo e aos deslocamentos espaciais que sempre caracterizaram aqueles povos. Uma vez que fontes etnohistóricas e etnográficas foram utilizadas para justificar a continuidade histórica entre os Tupi-Guarani arqueológicos e os etnohistóricos e etnográficos – examinando-se padrão de assentamento, mobilidade espacial, correlação entre língua e cultura material e identidade étnica -, são analisados os usos dessas fontes e discutidos resultados obtidos. A partir do exame de estudos arqueológicos na Amazônia questiona-se a suposta homogeneidade e imutabilidade da cultura Tupi no tempo e no espaço.


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O recente crecemento significativo do ensino de español no Brasil e a consecuente necesidade de formar profesores desta lingua ven demandando das institucións de Ensino Superior un coidado especial no proceso de formación de futuros docentes. Así, o obxecto de estudo desta tese céntrase na docencia, en súas múltiples dimensións pedagóxicas. O obxectivo xeral é o de analizar, segundo a perspectiva dos autores referenciados, as implicacións do traballo docente no desenvolvemento do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe nas disciplinas que tratan especificamente da Lingua e Cultura Hispanófona nos Graos en Letras-Español en dúas universidades Ŕ a Universidade Federal do Pará e a Universidade da Amazônia, situadas na cidade de Belém, no estado do Pará (Brasil). Derivadas deste obxectivo formuláronse preguntas, dirixidas a profesores e alumnos, que orientaron o desenvolvemento do estudo. A opción metodolóxica adoptada ten como fundamento os principios da abordaxe cuanticualitativa, considerando os presupostos do paradigma fenomenolóxico, con procedementos descriptivoanalíticos, na perspectiva da triangulación de métodos e suxeitos como unha forma de integrar os diferentes aspectos do estudo. Participaron como suxeitos da investigación profesores e alumnos das dúas institucións. Os dados foron recollidos vía análise documental, cuestionarios con preguntas abertas e pechadas e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As respostas ás preguntas pechadas dos cuestionarios foron traballadas con procedementos estatísticos descritivos e as respostas ás preguntas abertas e as entrevistas foron analizadas con procedementos específicos da análise de contido. Os resultados revelaron que as prácticas docentes presentan algúns puntos críticos, centrados principalmente na planificación, no proceso avaliador, na infraestrutura e no clima relacional. Sen embargo, estas dificultades non se constitúen en obstáculos insuperables, incluso porque outros aspectos foron valorados positivamente por profesores e alumnos, principalmente os relacionados co traballo co contido, os procedementos metodolóxicos e o uso dos recursos didácticos. De maneira xeral, existe unha manifesta opinión positiva en relación á práctica docente dos profesores das dúas institucións. Da análise destes resultados derívanse algunhas recomendacións que poderán contribuír para unha reflexión conxunta da comunidade implicada con vistas ó perfeccionamento da práctica docente nos Grados de Licenciatura en Letras-Español en Brasil.