947 resultados para manioc spirit
A. C.
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This dissertation interrogates the assertion in postcolonial scholarship, especially from the work of Homi Bhabha that the construction and performance of hybrid identities act as a form of resistance for marginalized communities against structures of oppression. While this study supports this assertion, it also critiques how hybridity fails to address issues of unequal power relations. This has led to an uncritical use of hybridity that reproduces the very idea of static identity which its proponents claim to transcend. Through qualitative study of Chinese members of a Pentecostal church in Malaysia, this study argues that church members engage in "unequal belonging" where they privilege certain elements of their identities over others. In concert with Pierre Bourdieu's conceptions of habitus, field, and capital, unequal belonging highlights how hybridity fails to capture the intersecting and competing loyalties, strategies, and complexities of identity formation on a contextual level. Unequal belonging challenges postcolonial scholars to locate the subtle workings of power and privilege that manifest even among marginalized communities. The study first situates the Chinese through an analysis of the historical legacy of British colonialism that has structured the country's current socio-political configuration along bounded categories of identification. The habitus constrains church members to accept certain Chinese ethnic markers as "givens." Although they face continuous marginalization, interviewee data demonstrates that church members negotiate their Chineseness and construct a "Modern Chinese" ethnic identity as a strategic move away from Chinese stereotypes. Moreover, conversion to Christianity affords church members access to cultural capital. Yet, it is limited and unequal capital. In particular, the "Chinese Chinese," who church members have demarcated as backward and traditional, are unable to gain access to this capital because they lack fluency in English and knowledge in modern, westernized worldviews. Unequal belonging nuances monolithic conceptions of hybridity. It demonstrates how church members' privilege of Christianity over Chineseness exposes the complex processes of power and privilege that makes westernized-English-speaking Chinese Christians culturally "higher" than non-English-speaking, non-Christian, Chinese. This study provides significant contribution to the complex aspect of hybridity where it is both a site of resistance and oppression.
A microwave-based thermal nebulizer (MWTN) has been employed for the first time as on-line preconcentration device in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). By the appropriate selection of the experimental conditions, the MWTN could be either operated as a conventional thermal nebulizer or as on-line analyte preconcentration and nebulization device. Thus, when operating at microwave power values above 100 W and highly concentrated alcohol solutions, the amount of energy per solvent mass liquid unit (EMR) is high enough to completely evaporate the solvent inside the system and, as a consequence, the analyte is deposited (and then preconcentrated) on the inner walls of the MWTN capillary. When reducing the EMR to the appropriate value (e.g., by reducing the microwave power at a constant sample uptake rate) the retained analyte is swept along by the liquid-gas stream and an analyte-enriched aerosol is generated and next introduced into the plasma cell. Emission signals obtained with the MWTN operating in preconcentration-nebulization mode improved when increasing preconcentration time and sample uptake rate as well as when decreasing the nozzle inner diameter. When running with pure ethanol solution at its optimum experimental conditions, the MWTN in preconcentration-nebulization mode afforded limits of detection up to one order of magnitude lowers than those obtained operating the MWTN exclusively as a nebulizer. To validate the method, the multi-element analysis (i.e. Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb and Zn) of different commercial spirit samples in ICP-AES has been performed. Analyte recoveries for all the elements studied ranged between 93% and 107% and the dynamic linear range covered up to 4 orders of magnitude (i.e. from 0.1 to 1000 μg L−1). In these analysis, both MWTN operating modes afforded similar results. Nevertheless, the preconcentration-nebulization mode permits to determine a higher number of analytes due to its higher detection capabilities.