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Background: Fat accumulation in the upper region of the body is common in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and is associated with metabolic complications. The present study aimed to assess the relationship between trunk circumference, metabolic indicators, and abdominal and visceral fat in obese PCOS women. Methods: The weight, fat mass, and subcutaneous arm fat (SAF) of 30 obese PCOS women and 15 healthy controls matched for age and body mass index were evaluated by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Trunk (TrC), neck (NC) and hip circumferences were measured, and the trunk/hip (Tr/H) ratio was determined. Total abdominal fat (TAF), visceral fat (VF) and trunk fat (TrF) were determined by computed tomography. Biochemical evaluation included glycaemia, insulinaemia, testosterone and lipid profile, insulin resistance (IR) was assessed by the QUICKI index. Results: In the PCOS group, there were positive correlations between NC and TAF (r = 0.49, P < 0.0006), TrC and VF (r = 0.62, P = 0.01), and NC and VF (r = 0.70, P < 0.0002). There was good correlation between TrC and TrF (r = 0.69, P = 0.003). TrF correlated with triglycerides levels positively (r = 0.44, P = 0.02). Women with PCOS and IR had a larger quantity of VF and TrF, but a smaller amount of SAF. Within the PCOS group, women with Tr/H ratio above the median had higher basal insulin levels and lower QUICKI indices compared to women presenting a Tr/H ratio below the median. Conclusions: TrC is associated with important metabolic variables in PCOS, proving to be a valuable and innovative tool for assessment of body adiposity distribution in obese PCOS women.


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Association between the presence of an elongated styloid process, vascular calcification (atheroma) and the potential risk factor for osteoporosis was studied. Presence of an elongated styloid process was found to be correlated with systemic osteoporosis and also between elongated styloid process and atheroma. The association between the presences of an elongated styloid process and vascular calcification (atheroma) with the potential risk factor assessment for osteoporosis was studied. Bone mineral density obtained by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry diagnosed osteopenia/osteoporosis on at least two of three sites (column, hips, and forearm) of 50 female patients. Panoramic maxillomandibular radiographs were taken and analyzed. Elongation of the styloid processes was measured and the presence of atheromas in the carotid was investigated. Eighty percent of the patients presented at least one side with elongated styloid process and the highest prevalence (87.5%) occurred in individuals between 60 and 69 years. Atheroma was found in four patients, three of which presented elongated styloid on at least one side and had diagnosed osteoporosis on at least two of the evaluated sites. Correlation was found between the elongation of the styloid process and systemic osteoporosis, and between elongated styloid process and atheroma. The method in this study might be used as part of a method for osteopenia/osteoporosis and atheroma risk assessment.


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Our aim was to estimate the prevalence of nocturnal awakening with headache (NAH) in the population of Sao Paulo City according to gender, age (20-80 years old) and socioeconomic classes and its relationship to sleep disorders, sleep parameters, anxiety, depression, fatigue, life quality and obesity. We used a population-based survey with a representative three-stage cluster sample. Questionnaires and scales were applied face-to-face, and polysomnography was performed in 1101 volunteers, aged 42 +/- 14 years, 55% women. The complaint of NAH occurring at least once a week had a prevalence of 8.4%, mostly in women, obese subjects and those aged 50-59 years-old. We observed associations of NAH with insomnia, restless leg syndrome (RLS), nightmares and bruxism, but not obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In a logistics regression model, risk factors for NAH were female gender, odds ratio (OR) (95% confidence interval [CI]) 4.5 (2.8-7.3); obesity, OR 1.9 (1.1-3.3); age between 50 and 59 years, OR 2.4 (1.2-4.7); severe anxiety, OR 8.1 (3.6-18.1); RLS, 2.7 (1.2-5.6); and nightmares, 2.2 (1.3-3.7). Our study shows that NAH was highly prevalent in the population of Sao Paulo and suggests that this phenomenon has specific characteristics with specific risk factors: obesity, RLS and nightmares.


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The population dynamics of stray dogs is simulated to assess the effects of sterilization and euthanasia. From simulations representing less than 5 years, sterilization is less efficient than euthanasia to reduce the stray dog population, considering similar rates, but the total number of sterilized dogs is less than the total number of euthanized dogs per km(2) per year. Over 20 years, both strategies have similar efficiency. Beyond a certain rate of dog abandonment, both strategies are inefficient.


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Objective. This article discusses the relationship between apical limit of root canal filling and success on endodontic treatment of a mandibular molar. Study design. A mandibular right first molar with vital pulp was endodontically treated, and 3 years later periapical lesions on mesial and distal roots were detected. The canals were retreated and obturated to the same levels as in the previous treatment. Results. An 8-year radiographic follow-up showed repair of the periapical lesions on both roots. Conclusions. Results suggest that the apical limit of obturation seems to have no influence in the repair of periapical tissues in mandibular molars. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: e48-e50)


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To discover the developmental relationship between the auditory brainstem response (ABR) and the focal inferior colliculus (IC) response, 32 young tammar wallabies were used, by the application of simultaneous ABR and focal brainstem recordings, in response to acoustic clicks and tone bursts of seven frequencies. The ic or the tammar wallaby undergoes a rapid functional development from postnatal day (PND) 114 to 160. The earliest (PND 114) auditory evoked response was recorded from the rostral IC. With development, more caudal parts of the IC became functional until age about PND 127, when all parts of the IC were responsive to sound. Along a dorsoventral direction, the duration of the IC response decreased, the peak latency shortened, while the amplitude increased, reaching a maximum value at the central IC, then decreased. After PND 160, the best frequency (BF) of the ventral IC was the highest, with values between 12.5 and 16 kHz, the BF of the dorsal IC was the lowest, varying between 3.2 and 6.4 kHz, while the BF of the central IC was between 6.4 and 12.5 kHz. Between PND 114 and 125, the IC response did not have temporal correlation with the ABR. Between PND 140 and 160, only the early components of the responses from the ventral and central IC correlated with the P4 waves of the ABR. After PND 160, responses recorded from different depths of the IC had a temporal correlation with the ABR. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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A shortened version of the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM) developed to predict depression prone personalities was administered in a self-report questionnaire to a community-based sample of 3269 Australian twin pairs aged 18-28 years, along with Eysenck's EPQ and Cloninger's TPQ. The IPSM included four sub-scales: Separation Anxiety (SEP); Interpersonal Sensitivity (INT); Fragile Inner-Self (FIS); and Timidity (TIM). Univariate analysis revealed that individual differences in the IPSM sub-scale scores were best explained by additive genetic and specific environmental effects. Confirming previous research findings, familial aggregation for the EPQ and TPQ personality dimensions was entirely due to additive genetic effects. In the multivariate case, a model comprising additive genetic and specific environmental effects best explained the covariation between the latent factors for male and female twin pairs alike. The EPQ and TPQ dimensions accounted for moderate to large proportions of the genetic variance (40-76%) in the IPSM sub-scales, while most of the non-shared environment variance was unique to the IPSM sub-scales. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It has been suggested that older people are a rich potential source of volunteers, as prior literature has highlighted the benefits and rewards of volunteering in later life. This article examines differences between volunteers and nonvolunteers in a random sample of older people resident in Brisbane, Australia. Using the theory of planned behavior as a framework, the article focuses on the beliefs that distinguish those who volunteer from those who do not. Findings from the study allowed for an assessment of both the costs and benefits associated with volunteering; beliefs about the support of others, including the broader community, to volunteer; and beliefs about the barriers that might prevent volunteering. The implications of these finding's to a country with an aging population are discussed.


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Previous investigators have suggested that screening-related biases may explain associations between postmenopausal hormone use and breast cancer. To investigate these biases, we studied postmenopausal women in the Nurses' Health Study from 1988 to 1994. Hormone use is associated with increased subsequent screening. Among women not screened in the previous 2 years, the probability difference, comparing current hormone users with others, for having mammography in the following 2 years is 19.5%; among women previously screened, the difference is 4.9%. These differences persist after control for other factors. If the increase in screening is causal, screening by mammogram could be intermediate in the causal pathway to breast cancer diagnosis. To deal with this problem, we restrict attention to a subset of the cohort in which the effect of postmenopausal hormone use on screening is small (women previously screened). In this subset, the rate ratio comparing breast cancer rates among current postmenopausal hormone users with others is 1.28. In a sensitivity analysis, the bias could not by itself plausibly account for the associations in our data. Our data provide evidence of an association between postmenopausal hormone use and breast cancer that is not solely the product of a detection bias.


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The primary purpose of this experiment was to determine if left hand reaction time advantages in manual aiming result from a right hemisphere attentional advantage or an early right hemisphere role in movement preparation. Right-handed participants were required to either make rapid goal-directed movements to small targets or simply lift their hand upon target illumination. The amount of advance information about the target for a particular trial was manipulated by precuing a subset of potential targets prior to the reaction time interval. When participants were required to make aiming movements to targets in left space, the left hand enjoyed a reaction advantage that was not present for aiming in right space: or simple finger lifts. This advantage was independent of the amount or type of advance information provided by the precue. This finding supports the movement planning hypothesis. With respect to movement execution, participants completed their aiming movements more quickly when aiming with their right hand, particularly in right space. This right hand advantage in right space was due to the time required to decelerate the movement and to make feedback-based adjustments late in the movement trajectory. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The photochemical efficiency of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues of two reef-building corals in response to normal and excess irradiance at wafer temperatures < 30 C were investigated using pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, Dark-adapted F-v/F-m showed clear diurnal changes, decreasing to a low at solar noon and increasing in the afternoon. However, F-v/F-m also drifted downwards at night or in prolonged darkness, and increased rapidly during the early morning twilight. This parameter also increased when the oxygen concentration of the wafer holding the corals was increased. Such changes have not been described previously, and most probably reflect state transition's associated with PQ pool reduction via chlororespiration. These unusual characteristics may be a feature of an endosymbiotic environment, reflective of the well-documented night-time tissue hypoxia that occurs in corals. F-v/F-m decreased to 0.25 in response to full sunlight in shade-acclimated (shade) colonies of Stylophora pistillata, which is considerably lower than in light-acclimated (sun) colonies. In sun colonies, the reversible decrease in F-v/F-m was caused by a lowering of F-m and F-o suggesting photoprotection and no lasting damage. The decrease in F-v/F-m, however, was caused by a decrease in F-m and an increase in F-o in shade colonies suggesting photoinactivation and long-term cumulative photoinhibition. Shade colonies rapidly lost their symbiotic algae (bleached) during exposure to full sunlight. This study is consistent with the hypothesis that excess light leads to chronic damage of symbiotic dinoflagellates and their eventual removal from reef-building corals. It is significant that this can occur with high light conditions alone.