1000 resultados para maladie oculaire


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Metabolic acidosis is a prevalent complication in moderate and late stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is established that the correction of metabolic acidosis may improve metabolic bone disorders and protein degradation in the skeletal muscle, two characteristic complications of patients with advanced CKD. In the last 18 months, three randomized controlled trials have drawn the attention on a novel indication to correct metabolic acidosis in these patients, i.e., halting CKD progression. These data show that sodium bicarbonate, a cheap and easily manageable treatment, may delay the progression of CKD and the need of a renal replacement therapy such as dialysis or kidney transplantation.


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Celiac disease is a well-known entity in pediatrics and pediatric gastroenterology that is now also frequently encountered in the adult population. Apart from typical symptoms, celiac disease can present with a wide range of manifestations that are sometimes atypical, scarce or purely extraintestinal. Serologic and genetic testing are useful tools in case of low clinical probability in the early diagnostic algorithm. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy remains the mainstay to confirm the diagnosis especially in atypical clinical presentations. Complications are rare but can be severe. Although gluten-free diet often leads to complete recovery, compliance is not universal and alternative treatment strategies are under investigation.


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Leptospirosis is a rare disease in Switzerland. However its incidence is probably underestimated, due to its broad spectrum of presentations, including subclinical benign forms and the ictero-hemorragic form of the Weil's syndrome, whose mortality is high. We describe here a case of Weil's syndrome acquired in Switzerland with a favourable outcome under antibiotherapy. Even in the absence of any travel, the association of an acute renal insufficiency and jaundice with only moderate hepatic cytolysis should lead to the suspicion of leptospirosis. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease are discussed in the article.


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Decision to revascularize a patient with stable coronary artery disease should be based on the detection of myocardial ischemia. If this decision can be straightforward with significant stenosis or in non-significant stenosis, the decision with intermediate stenosis is far more difficult and require invasive measures of functional impact of coronary stenosis on maximal blood (flow fractional flow reserve=FFR). A recent computer based method has been developed and is able to measure FFR with data acquired during a standard coronary CT-scan (FFRcT). Two recent clinical studies (DeFACTO and DISCOVER-FLOW) show that diagnostic performance of FFRcT was associated with improved diagnostic accuracy versus standard coronary CT-scan for the detection of myocardial ischemia although FFRcT need further development.


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L'anisocorie est une anomalie pupillaire fréquemment rencontrée en pratique clinique. Elle peut être physiologique, s'inscrire dans le cadre d'une atteinte oculaire, d'une paralysie pharmacologique, ou encore dans le cadre d'une maladie neurologique. Le but de cet article est de fournir au lecteur une approche systématique de ce problème qui lui permettra de déterminer dans la majorité des cas le mécanisme aboutissant à cette anisocorie.


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neuropsychiatric disorder. During the course of PD, most patients develop at least one psychiatric syndrome. Depression is the most frequent disorder and affects nearly half of all patients. The use of an increasing number of new drugs, in particular the dopaminergic agents, puts these patients at risk of developing both delirium and psychosis. This article summarizes the different psychiatric syndromes seen in PD and gives an account of the various treatment possibilities.


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Venous thromboembolic (VTE) disease is frequent and questions regarding its treatment or prevention are numerous. This review is aimed at summarizing and pointing out the novelties on VTE treatment and prevention recently published in the Chest journal earlier this year (8th edition of ACCP guidelines). Generally, the aim of guidelines and of this review as well, is to offer guidance to practictioners in making the most appropriate choice for treating or preventing VTE. They are not intended for strict application and doctors will always have to decide individually case by case taking into account patients preference and the risk-benefit balance.


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Some chronic diseases--like renal failure, liver insufficiency, chronic lung disease, cardiac involvement, diabetes mellitus, asplenia--present limited defects of the immune system and/or a higher risk of infection; therefore, patients with such pathologies should get selective vaccinations. The efficacy of immunization decreases with disease progression; for this reason, these patients should be immunized as soon as possible. At the beginning of their disease, these patients do not need a specialized treatment and are followed by the general practitioner alone who is in charge of immunizing them as well as contact people of any immunocompromised patient. OFSP's regular vaccinations programme is recommended, as well as selective vaccinations against influenza, pneumococci and viral hepatitis, depending on the underlying chronic disease.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le rétinoblastome est la tumeur de l'oeil la plus fréquente chez l'enfant. Un diagnostic précoce est important pour sauver le globe oculaire et la survie du patient. Le but de notre étude est de déterminer l'évolution de l'intervalle diagnostique, c'est-à-dire le délai entre les premiers symptômes et la date du diagnostic officiel du rétinoblastome, sur une période de 40 ans en Suisse. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective faite sur 139 patients suisses traités pour rétinoblastome durant trois différentes périodes : (1) 1963-1983 ; (2) 1984-1993 ; et (3) 1994-2004. On compare certaines caractéristiques : le sexe du patient, la latéralité de la maladie, les premiers symptômes, leurs observateurs, l'intervalle diagnostique, l'âge au diagnostic, le stade de la maladie, l'histoire familiale. Résultats : 37 patients (26.6%) ont été traités dans la première période ; 44 (31.7%) dans la période 2 et 58 (41.7%) dans la période 3. L'intervalle diagnostique diminue de façon significative de 6.97 mois dans la période 1 à 3.58 dans la période 2 à 2.25 dans la période 3 pour le total des malades. Ceci reste significatif pour les rétinoblastomes unilatéraux. De plus, dans ce même groupe, on observe une diminution significative des stades avancés de la maladie, groupe E selon Murphree (61.5% dans la période 1 ; 46.7% dans la période 2 et 22.2 % dans la période 3). Lorsque la maladie est bilatérale, les mêmes observations se font de façon un peu moins marquée. Il n'y a aucun patient diagnostiqué au stade E de la maladie en présence d'une anamnèse familiale positive. Leucocorie (48.2%) et strabisme (20.1 %) sont les symptômes les plus fréquents durant les 3 périodes. Les seuls facteurs qui influencent significativement le risque d'avoir un stade E de la maladie sont la durée de l'intervalle diagnostic et la période de diagnostic. Conclusion : On constate un progrès dans le diagnostic du rétinoblastome en Suisse, surtout lors de maladie unilatérale. De même, des améliorations sont notées dans la maladie bilatérale mais de façon non significative. Il est donc important de mieux enseigner aux médecins à reconnaître les symptômes oculaires de la maladie et à référer les patients plus tôt aux spécialistes. Abstract : OBECTIVES : Retinoblastoma is the most frequent intraocular malignancy in children. Early diagnosis is essential for globe salvage and patient survival. The aim of our study was to determine how time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma has evolved over a 40-year period in Switzerland. METHOD AND PATIENTS : A retrospective study of 139 Swiss patients with retinoblastoma was performed comparing 3 periods: (1) 1963-1983; (2) 1984-1993; and (3) 1994-2004. Factors taken into account were gender, laterality of retínoblastoma, age at first symptoms, type and first observer of symptoms, time to diagnosis, age at diagnosis, disease stage, and family history. RESULTS : Thirty-seven patients (26.6%) were treated in period 1, 44 (31.7%) in period 2, and S8 (41.7%) in period 3.Overall, the diagnostic interval decreased in a significant way from 6.97 months in period 1 to 3.58 in period 2 and to 2.25 in period 3. When looking separately at unilateral and bilateral disease, the decrease oí the diagnostic interval remained statistically significant in unilateral retinoblastoma; there was also a significant reduction in the number of patients with advanced group E disease (Murphree classification) (61.5% in period 1, 46.7% in period 2, 22.2% in period 3). In bilateral disease, the same observations were made to a lesser extent. However, there were no cases with group E disease in 10 patients with positive family history. Leukornria (48.2%) and strabismus (20.1 %) were the 2 most frequent symptoms throughout the 3 periods. The only factors that statistically influenced the chances of having a diagnosis of group E disease were the diagnostic interval and period of diagnosis. Conclusion : Progress has been made in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Switzerland, notably in unilateral disease. Improvement to a lesser extent has also been observed in bilateral cases but without statistical significance. Greater effort is needed to teach physians-in-training to recognize the importance of ocular symptoms and refer patients earlier.