806 resultados para long-distance dispersal
Cobalt, nickel and strontium were introduced via flaps into leaf laminas or into the stem of maturing, intact winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. `Arina') grown under natural conditions in a field. Long-distance transport of these elements and the influence of the application date and of different application positions were investigated. The dry-matter accumulation in the grains was not markedly affected by the treatments as compared to untreated control plants. The phloem-immobile strontium served as a marker for the distribution of the xylem sap in the plants. After foliar application, nickel accumulated more rapidly and in higher quantities in the grains than cobalt. Therefore, nickel has a slightly better phloem mobility than cobalt. Regardless of the application date, a higher percentage of the two elements was transported from the flag leaf lamina than from the second or third lamina from the top to the grains. These results indicate that the leaf position is highly relevant for the transfer of the heavy metals investigated to the ear. Introduction into the stem led to a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains than introduction into one of the leaves. An earlier feeding date caused a higher accumulation of nickel and cobalt in the grains when introduced into the stem. In contrast, no major differences between earlier and later feeding dates were detected when the elements were introduced into the leaves. Losses of the applied elements were detected during maturation and can be explained by leakage in the rain.
High temperatures and relative humidity can compromise animal welfare on the farm level, but less is known about those changes during long distance transport of domestic animals to slaughter. Although upper temperature limits have been established to transport pigs in Europe, few indices include relative or absolute humidity maxima or mention appropriate enthalpy ranges.
Natural regeneration faces increasing difficulties in dry forests from the Mediterranean basin, including for normally well-regenerating species such as maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton). In this paper, we studied female fertility, seed dispersal and spread rates in P. pinaster from the Spanish Northern Plateau, where natural regeneration failure is a main concern for forest managers. For this purpose we periodically collected data from seed traps and trees located at two core locations across several years. We found significant variation in interannual cone production, with the best seed trees being the same across years. In addition, we found highly skewed distributions of female reproductive effort and large fertility differences across stands located few kilometres away. Annual seed dispersal kernels fitted lognormal or 2Dt models depending on the stand analysed, with median dispersal distances between 14 and 25 m. Kernels fitted for maximum dispersal periods showed an outstanding intraseasonal variation of median dispersal distances, from 10 to 54 m, in association to variable patterns of rainfall and maximum wind speed. The amount of seed produced appeared to be enough to guarantee the natural regeneration of the stands during the typical 20-year regeneration period. Colonisation simulations concluded that Mediterranean maritime pine has a notable dispersion capacity, which is strongly influenced by levels of fecundity and, especially, by the number and frequency of long-distance dispersal events. The latter play a key role in tree dispersion processes through enlarging the occupied area and fostering the invasion of abandoned crop land.
The study of the temperature gradients in cold stores and containers is a critical issue in the food industry for the quality assurance of products during transport and for minimising losses. This work presents an analysis of the temperatures during the refrigerated transport of 4,320 kg of blueberries in a reefer (set point temperature at ?1ºC) on a container ship from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Verona (Italy). The monitoring was performed by using semi-passive RFID loggers (TurboTag cards). The objective was to carry out a multi-distributed supervision using low-cost, wireless and autonomous sensors for the characterisation of the distribution and spatial gradients of temperatures during a long distance transport. Data analysis shows spatial (phase space) and temporal sequencing diagrams and reveals a significant heterogeneity of temperature at different locations in the container, which highlights the ineffectiveness of a temperature control system based on a single sensor, as is usually done.
Enhancers are defined by their ability to stimulate gene activity from remote sites and their requirement for promoter-proximal upstream activators to activate transcription. Here we demonstrate that recruitment of the p300/CBP-associated factor PCAF to a reporter gene is sufficient to stimulate promoter activity. The PCAF-mediated stimulation of transcription from either a distant or promoter-proximal position depends on the presence of an upstream activator (Sp1). These data suggest that acetyltransferase activity may be a primary component of enhancer function, and that recruitment of polymerase and enhancement of transcription are separable. Transcriptional activation by PCAF requires both its acetyltransferase activity and an additional activity within its N terminus. We also show that the simian virus 40 enhancer and PCAF itself are sufficient to counteract Mad-mediated repression. These results are compatible with recent models in which gene activity is regulated by the competition between deacetylase-mediated repression and enhancer-mediated recruitment of acetyltransferases.
The regulatory regions surrounding many genes may be large and difficult to study using standard transgenic approaches. Here we describe the use of bacterial artificial chromosome clones to rapidly survey hundreds of kilobases of DNA for potential regulatory sequences surrounding the mouse bone morphogenetic protein-5 (Bmp5) gene. Simple coinjection of large insert clones with lacZ reporter constructs recapitulates all of the sites of expression observed previously with numerous small constructs covering a large, complex regulatory region. The coinjection approach has made it possible to rapidly survey other regions of the Bmp5 gene for potential control elements, to confirm the location of several elements predicted from previous expression studies using regulatory mutations at the Bmp5 locus, to test whether Bmp5 control regions act similarly on endogenous and foreign promoters, and to show that Bmp5 control elements are capable of rescuing phenotypic effects of a Bmp5 deficiency. This rapid approach has identified new Bmp5 control regions responsible for controlling the development of specific anatomical structures in the vertebrate skeleton. A similar approach may be useful for studying complex control regions surrounding many other genes important in embryonic development and human disease.
The locus RTM1 is necessary for restriction of long-distance movement of tobacco etch virus in Arabidopsis thaliana without causing a hypersensitive response or inducing systemic acquired resistance. The RTM1 gene was isolated by map-based cloning. The deduced gene product is similar to the α-chain of the Artocarpus integrifolia lectin, jacalin, and to several proteins that contain multiple repeats of a jacalin-like sequence. These proteins comprise a family with members containing modular organizations of one or more jacalin repeat units and are implicated in defense against viruses, fungi, and insects.
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) coat protein is involved in systemic infection of host plants, and a specific mutation in this gene prevents the virus from moving into the upper uninoculated leaves. The coat protein also is required for different viral functions during early and late infection. To study the role of the coat protein in long-distance movement of AlMV independent of other vital functions during virus infection, we cloned the gene encoding the coat protein of AlMV into a tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-based vector Av. This vector is deficient in long-distance movement and is limited to locally inoculated leaves because of the lack of native TMV coat protein. Expression of AlMV coat protein, directed by the subgenomic promoter of TMV coat protein in Av, supported systemic infection with the chimeric virus in Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana tabacum MD609, and Spinacia oleracea. The host range of TMV was extended to include spinach as a permissive host. Here we report the alteration of a host range by incorporating genetic determinants from another virus.
All higher life forms critically depend on hormones being rhythmically released by the anterior pituitary. The proper functioning of this master gland is dynamically controlled by a complex set of regulatory mechanisms that ultimately determine the fine tuning of the excitable endocrine cells, all of them heterogeneously distributed throughout the gland. Here, we provide evidence for an intrapituitary communication system by which information is transferred via the network of nonendocrine folliculostellate (FS) cells. Local electrical stimulation of FS cells in acute pituitary slices triggered cytosolic calcium waves, which propagated to other FS cells by signaling through gap junctions. Calcium wave initiation was because of the membrane excitability of FS cells, hitherto classified as silent cells. FS cell coupling could relay information between opposite regions of the gland. Because FS cells respond to central and peripheral stimuli and dialogue with endocrine cells, the form of large-scale intrapituitary communication described here may provide an efficient mechanism that orchestrates anterior pituitary functioning in response to physiological needs.
Includes index.
The possibility of premigratory modulation in gastric digestive performance was investigated in a long-distance migrant, the eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis), in eastern Australia. The rate of intake in the curlews was limited by the rate of digestion but not by food availability. It was hypothesized that before migration, eastern curlews would meet the increased energy demand by increasing energy consumption. It was predicted that (1) an increase in the rate of intake and the corresponding rate of gastric throughput would occur or (2) the gastric digestive efficiency would increase between the mid-nonbreeding and premigratory periods. Neither crude intake rate (the rate of intake calculated including inactive pauses; 0.22 g DM [grams dry mass] or 3.09 kJ min(-1)) nor the rate of gastric throughput (0.15 g DM or 2.85 kJ min(-1)) changed over time. Gastric digestive efficiency did not improve between the periods (91%) nor did the estimated overall energy assimilation efficiency (63% and 58%, respectively). It was concluded that the crustacean-dominated diet of the birds is processed at its highest rate and efficiency throughout a season. It appears that without a qualitative shift in diet, no increase in intake rate is possible. Accepting these findings at their face value poses the question of how and over what time period the eastern curlews store the nutrients necessary for the ensuing long, northward nonstop flight.
Marathon running is growing in popularity, and many diabetic patients are participating in various marathon races all over the world each year. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and extent of glycemic excursions (hypo- and hyperglycemic) during a marathon run in patients with well-controlled diabetes mellitus using a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS). Five subjects with type 1 and one patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus were monitored with the Medtronic MiniMed CGMS during the 2002 Vienna City Marathon (n = 3) or the Fernwarme run (n = 3) long distance runs of 42.19/15.8 km. All six patients finished their course. The CGSM system was well tolerated in all patients over an average duration of 34 +/- 4.0 hours and it did not limit the patients' activities. The mean running time for the Vienna city marathon was 257 +/- 8 min (247 to 274 min) and for the Fernwarme run 134 +/- 118 min (113 to 150 min). A total of 1470 blood glucose measurements (mean 245 readings per subject) were performed. During and after the marathons frequent hypo and hyperglycemic episodes with and without clinical symptoms were measured. Our data confirm that the CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia during and after a long distance run. The system may also be helpful to improve our understanding about the individual changes of glucose during and after a marathon and may protect hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic periods in future races.
1. Management decisions regarding invasive plants often have to be made quickly and in the face of fragmentary knowledge of their population dynamics. However, recommendations are commonly made on the basis of only a restricted set of parameters. Without addressing uncertainty and variability in model parameters we risk ineffective management, resulting in wasted resources and an escalating problem if early chances to control spread are missed. 2. Using available data for Pinus nigra in ungrazed and grazed grassland and shrubland in New Zealand, we parameterized a stage-structured spread model to calculate invasion wave speed, population growth rate and their sensitivities and elasticities to population parameters. Uncertainty distributions of parameters were used with the model to generate confidence intervals (CI) about the model predictions. 3. Ungrazed grassland environments were most vulnerable to invasion and the highest elasticities and sensitivities of invasion speed were to long-distance dispersal parameters. However, there was overlap between the elasticity and sensitivity CI on juvenile survival, seedling establishment and long-distance dispersal parameters, indicating overlap in their effects on invasion speed. 4. While elasticity of invasion speed to long-distance dispersal was highest in shrubland environments, there was overlap with the CI of elasticity to juvenile survival. In shrubland invasion speed was most sensitive to the probability of establishment, especially when establishment was low. In the grazed environment elasticity and sensitivity of invasion speed to the severity of grazing were consistently highest. Management recommendations based on elasticities and sensitivities depend on the vulnerability of the habitat. 5. Synthesis and applications. Despite considerable uncertainty in demography and dispersal, robust management recommendations emerged from the model. Proportional or absolute reductions in long-distance dispersal, juvenile survival and seedling establishment parameters have the potential to reduce wave speed substantially. Plantations of wind-dispersed invasive conifers should not be sited on exposed sites vulnerable to long-distance dispersal events, and trees in these sites should be removed. Invasion speed can also be reduced by removing seedlings, establishing competitive shrubs and grazing. Incorporating uncertainty into the modelling process increases our confidence in the wide applicability of the management strategies recommended here.