976 resultados para log sorting
Particles moving on crystalline surfaces and driven by external forces or flow fields can acquire velocities along directions that deviate from that of the external force. This effect depends upon the characteristics of the particles, most notably particle size or particle index of refraction, and can therefore be (and has been) used to sort different particles. We introduce a simple model for particles subject to thermal fluctuations and moving in appropriate potential landscapes. Numerical results are compared to recent experiments on landscapes produced with holographic optical tweezers and microfabricated technology. Our approach clarifies the relevance of different parameters, the direction and magnitude of the external force, particle size, and temperature.
There has been a recent revolution in the ability to manipulate micrometer-sized objects on surfaces patterned by traps or obstacles of controllable configurations and shapes. One application of this technology is to separate particles driven across such a surface by an external force according to some particle characteristic such as size or index of refraction. The surface features cause the trajectories of particles driven across the surface to deviate from the direction of the force by an amount that depends on the particular characteristic, thus leading to sorting. While models of this behavior have provided a good understanding of these observations, the solutions have so far been primarily numerical. In this paper we provide analytic predictions for the dependence of the angle between the direction of motion and the external force on a number of model parameters for periodic as well as random surfaces. We test these predictions against exact numerical simulations.
Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem sobre a avaliação do acesso a periódicos eletrônicos disponibilizados na World Wide Web por meio da análise do arquivo de log de acesso. O arquivo de log de acesso da revista Informação & Sociedade: Estudos é processado e apresentado como um exemplo de aplicação do uso de uma ferramenta automatizada de análise para arquivo de iog de acesso. As características inerentes à análise do arquivo de log de acesso são apresentadas e discutidas.
The isolation of subsets of Ag-specific T cells for in vitro and in vivo studies by FACS is compromised by the fact that the soluble MHC-peptide complexes and Abs used for staining, especially when combined, induce unwanted T cell activation and eventually apoptosis. This is especially a problem for CD8+ CTL, which are susceptible to activation-dependent cell death. In this study, we show that reversible MHC-peptide complexes (tetramers) can be prepared by conjugating MHC-peptide monomers with desthiobiotin (DTB; also called dethiobiotin) and multimerization by reaction with fluorescent streptavidin. While in the cold these reagents are stable and allow good staining, they rapidly dissociate in monomers at elevated temperatures, especially in the presence of free biotin. FACS cloning of Melan-A (MART-1)-specific CTL from a melanoma-infiltrated lymph node with reversible HLA-A2 Melan-A26-35 multimers yielded over two times more clones than when using the conventional biotin-containing multimers. CTL clones obtained by means of reversible multimers killed Melan-A-positive tumor cells more efficiently as compared with clones obtained with the stable multimers. Among the CTL obtained with the reversible multimers, but much less among those obtained with the stable multimers, a high proportion of clones exhibited high functional and physical avidity and died upon incubation with soluble MHC-peptide complexes. Finally, we show that Fab' of an anti-CD8 Ab can be converted in reversible DTB streptavidin conjugates the same way. These DTB reagents efficiently and reversibly stained murine and human CTL without affecting their viability.
The Vertical Clearance Log is prepared for the purpose of providing vertical clearance restrictions by route on the primary road system. This report is used by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Motor Carrier Services to route oversize vehicles around structures with vertical restrictions too low for the cargo height. The source of the data is the Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) that is managed by the Office of Research & Analytics in the Performance & Technology Division. The data is collected by inspection crews and through the use of LiDAR technology to reflect changes to structures on the primary road system. This log is produced annually.
Ca(2+) import into the lumen of the trans-Golgi network (TGN) by the secretory pathway calcium ATPase1 (SPCA1) is required for the sorting of secretory cargo. How is Ca(2+) retained in the lumen of the Golgi, and what is its role in cargo sorting? We show here that a soluble, lumenal Golgi resident protein, Cab45, is required for SPCA1-dependent Ca(2+) import into the TGN; it binds secretory cargo in a Ca(2+)-dependent reaction and is required for its sorting at the TGN.
We propose robust estimators of the generalized log-gamma distribution and, more generally, of location-shape-scale families of distributions. A (weighted) Q tau estimator minimizes a tau scale of the differences between empirical and theoretical quantiles. It is n(1/2) consistent; unfortunately, it is not asymptotically normal and, therefore, inconvenient for inference. However, it is a convenient starting point for a one-step weighted likelihood estimator, where the weights are based on a disparity measure between the model density and a kernel density estimate. The one-step weighted likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal and fully efficient under the model. It is also highly robust under outlier contamination. Supplementary materials are available online.
The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.
[cat] El progrés tecnològic afecta a la jubilació anticipada a través de dues forces oposades. Per una banda, augmenta el salari real i, per tant, crea incentius per posposar la jubilació. Per altra banda, causa l’erosió de les habilitats dels treballadors, el qual augmenta la probabilitat de jubilació anticipada. En aquest article reexaminem l’efecte del progrés tecnològic en la jubilació anticipada tenint en compte que, al principi de la vida laboral, els individus es distribueixen en diferents sectors segons la seva habilitat. Obtenim dos resultats principals: 1) per petits (grans) canvis tecnològics, l’efecte salari (erosió) domina, i 2) els individus més capaços resisteixen millor l’efecte erosió.
G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability. Sorting nexin 27b (SNX27b), which reduces surface expression of GIRK channels through a PDZ domain interaction, contains a putative Ras-association (RA) domain with unknown function. Deleting the RA domain in SNX27b (SNX27b-DRA) prevents the down-regulation of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels. Similarly, a point mutation (K305A) in the RA domain disrupts regulation of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels and reduces H-Ras binding in vitro. Finally, the dominant-negative H-Ras (S17N) occludes the SNX27b-dependent decrease in surface expression of GIRK2c/GIRK3 channels. Thus, the presence of a functional RA domain and the interaction with Ras-like G proteins comprise a novel mechanism for modulating SNX27b control of GIRK channel surface expression and cellular excitability.
[cat] El progrés tecnològic afecta a la jubilació anticipada a través de dues forces oposades. Per una banda, augmenta el salari real i, per tant, crea incentius per posposar la jubilació. Per altra banda, causa l’erosió de les habilitats dels treballadors, el qual augmenta la probabilitat de jubilació anticipada. En aquest article reexaminem l’efecte del progrés tecnològic en la jubilació anticipada tenint en compte que, al principi de la vida laboral, els individus es distribueixen en diferents sectors segons la seva habilitat. Obtenim dos resultats principals: 1) per petits (grans) canvis tecnològics, l’efecte salari (erosió) domina, i 2) els individus més capaços resisteixen millor l’efecte erosió.