943 resultados para localizzazione, sito web, traduzione, aziende, design
Die Idee zu der vorliegenden Masterarbeit entstand nach meinem Praktikum bei dem Bologneser Unternehmen Meccanica Sarti, das im Bereich der metallmechanischen Industrie tätig ist. Ziel meiner Masterarbeit ist die Lokalisierung der Unternehmenswebsite ins Deutsche und die deutsche Übersetzung der Unternehmensbroschüre. Vor beiden Projekten wurde jeweils eine Terminologiearbeit durchgeführt. Die Masterarbeit ist in vier Kapitel untergliedert. Das erste Kapitel ist Meccanica Sarti gewidmet, einem Unternehmen, das sich auf die Fertigung und Bearbeitung feinmechanischer Bauteile für die Industrie spezialisiert hat. Das zweite Kapitel bietet eine theoretische Einführung in die Lokalisierung: Insbesondere werden die wichtigsten mit ihr verknüpften Konzepte (z.B. das Akronym GILT), ihre Geschichte und ihre Entwicklung erläutert. Das Kapitel enthält auch einen Überblick auf die den ÜbersetzerInnen während der Lokalisierung zur Verfügung stehenden elektronischen Hilfsmittel und die Auszeichnungs- bzw. Programmiersprachen, mit denen die Webseiten geschrieben sind. Im dritten Kapitel werden die Fachsprachen und die Terminologiearbeit thematisiert. Die Übersetzung eines Fachtextes ist nur dann möglich, wenn die ÜbersetzerInnen den Wortschatz des betreffenden Fachgebiets, d.h. die Terminologie, kennen. Nach einer Übersicht über die Merkmale der Fachsprachen und der Terminologie wird auf die von Meccanica Sarti benutzte Terminologie eingegangen. Im Rahmen der Masterarbeit wurde zunächst ein Korpus mit den vom Unternehmen zur Verfügung gestellten Dokumenten erstellt und mit dem Programm AntConc wurden die häufigsten keyword und n-gram ermittelt. Im Anschluss daran wurden mit SDL MultiTerm die einschlägigen terminologischen Eintrage erstellt. Das vierte Kapitel beinhaltet die Analyse der Website und der Broschüre und die Auseinandersetzung mit ihren sprachlichen bzw. grafischen Merkmalen. An die Analyse schließt sich eine Überlegung zu SDL Trados, dem benutzen CAT Tool, an. Das Kapitel enthält auch die Lokalisierung der Website und die Übersetzung der Broschüre, die beide ins Deutsche durchgeführt wurden. Abschließend werden die Übersetzungsstrategien, -verfahren, -probleme und -schwierigkeiten anhand der theoretischen Überlegungen am Anfang des Kapitels beschrieben.
Con il progetto si intende fornire testi funzionali a scopo turistico - promozionale che possono essere presentati ad un pubblico di madrelingua tedesca in una situazione reale e concreta. Tutte le traduzioni riguardano testi museali, il lavoro si limita alla mera traduzione dei testi, senza particolari sforzi nella localizzazione dei siti web che andrebbero oltre gli elementi testuali.
I contenuti e i servizi offerti dal Web hanno subito negli anni una costante e continua evoluzione, dovuti alla maggiore disponibilità di dispositivi in grado di navigarlo. Oggi i requisiti e le aspettative che gli utenti hanno nei confronti delle applicazioni Web sono sempre maggiori, desiderano un accesso ai contenuti sempre più rapido, interfacce semplici e facili da usare, oltre che reattive, e che tali contenuti siano accessibili da una vasta gamma di dispositivi che presentino sempre più funzionalità. Le aziende devono essere pronte a rispondere a queste esigenze e a fornire agli utenti finali la miglior esperienza possibile, rimanendo aggiornati sulle tecnologie per la creazione di applicazioni Web. Questo è ancora più importante per un'azienda possiede più prodotti, sviluppati da team diversi che usano tecnologie diverse. Per alcune aziende è importante che i propri prodotti, sebbene trattino tematiche differenti, si presentino con interfacce che rimandino al proprio marchio, non solo grazie al nome o al logo, quanto più nei componenti utilizzati per creare le interfacce. Succede così che i vari team devono progettare e sviluppare i componenti nella propria tecnologia, in modo che abbiano le stesse funzionalità, stesso stile e stesso comportamento in ogni situazione. Il più delle volte questo è difficile da realizzare e anche costoso da mantenere. Riuscire a centralizzare lo sviluppo di questi elementi in un unico punto aiuta l'azienda a mantenere bassi i costi di manutenzione e a rendere omogenea l'esperienza degli utenti tra i vari prodotti. Obiettivo del lavoro svolto è illustrare le potenzialità e l'utilità fornite dall'introduzione di una suite di componenti personalizzati, seguendo lo standard dei Web Component, all'interno dei prodotti forniti da una grande impresa. L'analisi si concentra sulll'esperienza di chi utilizza tali componenti all'interno dei propri progetti per creare l'interfaccia utente da presentare poi agli utenti finali.
This thesis has been written as a result of the Language Toolkit project, organised by the Department of Interpreting and Translation of Forlì in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna. The aim of the project is to facilitate the internationalisation of small and medium enterprises in Romagna by making available to them the skills acquired by the students of the Faculty of Specialized Translation, who in turn are given the opportunity to approach an authentic professional context. Specifically, this thesis is the outcome of the 300-hour internship envisaged by the project, 75 of which were carried out at Jopla S.r.l. SB. The task assigned to the student was the translation into French of the Jopla For You web app and the Jopla PRO mobile app. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter provides a general description of the Language Toolkit project and it focuses on the concept of translation into a non-native language. The second chapter outlines the theoretical context in which translation is set. Subsequently, the focus shifts to the topics of text, discourse, genre and textual typology, alongside a reflection on the applicability of these notions to web texts, and an analysis of the source text following Nord's model. The fourth chapter is dedicated to a description of the resources used in the preparation and translation phases. The fifth chapter describes the macro and micro strategies employed to carry out the translation. Furthermore, a comparative analysis between the human translation and the one provided by Google Translator is delivered. This analysis involves two methods: the first one follows the linguistic norms of the target language, while the second one relies on the error categorisation of the MQM model. Finally, the performance of Google Translate is investigated through the comparison of the results obtained from the MQM evaluation conducted in this thesis with the results obtained by Martellini (2021) in her analysis.
This paper presents a project consisting on the development of an Intelligent Tutoring System, for training and support concerning the development of electrical installation projects to be used by electrical engineers, technicians and students. One of the major goals of this project is to devise a teaching model based on Intelligent Tutoring techniques, considering not only academic knowledge but also other types of more empirical knowledge, able to achieve successfully the training of electrical installation design.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Bioinformatics
O presente relatório de estágio enquadra-se no método de avaliação final do Mestrado em Novos Media e Práticas Web, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e pretende abordar o trabalho desenvolvido por mim durante o estágio curricular realizado na agência de comunicação e publicidade Ogilvy. O estágio decorreu entre novembro de 2014 e fevereiro de 2015, durante o qual desempenhei o cargo de online producer e fui supervisionada por Sara Cabral Fonseca, diretora de projeto. Todos os trabalhos tiveram como objetivo principal o acompanhamento e conhecimento do processo ligado ao desenvolvimento de projetos digitais, desde o briefing até à programação e conteúdo. Os trabalhos compreenderam a realização de testes de usabilidade em deskop e mobile dos sites e aplicações desenvolvidos pelo departamento digital da empresa, e também o apoio na realização de tarefas ligadas à gestão de conteúdos de vários websites. Este relatório resulta de todo o trabalho concretizado e pretende efetuar uma contextualização teórica ligada à importância dos testes de usabilidade e do Responsive Web Design (RWD) na implementação de projetos digitais.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Audiovisuais e Multimédia)
A web service is a software system that provides a machine-processable interface to the other machines over the network using different Internet protocols. They are being increasingly used in the industry in order to automate different tasks and offer services to a wider audience. The REST architectural style aims at producing scalable and extensible web services using technologies that play well with the existing tools and infrastructure of the web. It provides a uniform set of operation that can be used to invoke a CRUD interface (create, retrieve, update and delete) of a web service. The stateless behavior of the service interface requires that every request to a resource is independent of the previous ones facilitating scalability. Automated systems, e.g., hotel reservation systems, provide advanced scenarios for stateful services that require a certain sequence of requests that must be followed in order to fulfill the service goals. Designing and developing such services for advanced scenarios with REST constraints require rigorous approaches that are capable of creating web services that can be trusted for their behavior. Systems that can be trusted for their behavior can be termed as dependable systems. This thesis presents an integrated design, analysis and validation approach that facilitates the service developer to create dependable and stateful REST web services. The main contribution of this thesis is that we provide a novel model-driven methodology to design behavioral REST web service interfaces and their compositions. The behavioral interfaces provide information on what methods can be invoked on a service and the pre- and post-conditions of these methods. The methodology uses Unified Modeling Language (UML), as the modeling language, which has a wide user base and has mature tools that are continuously evolving. We have used UML class diagram and UML state machine diagram with additional design constraints to provide resource and behavioral models, respectively, for designing REST web service interfaces. These service design models serve as a specification document and the information presented in them have manifold applications. The service design models also contain information about the time and domain requirements of the service that can help in requirement traceability which is an important part of our approach. Requirement traceability helps in capturing faults in the design models and other elements of software development environment by tracing back and forth the unfulfilled requirements of the service. The information about service actors is also included in the design models which is required for authenticating the service requests by authorized actors since not all types of users have access to all the resources. In addition, following our design approach, the service developer can ensure that the designed web service interfaces will be REST compliant. The second contribution of this thesis is consistency analysis of the behavioral REST interfaces. To overcome the inconsistency problem and design errors in our service models, we have used semantic technologies. The REST interfaces are represented in web ontology language, OWL2, that can be part of the semantic web. These interfaces are used with OWL 2 reasoners to check unsatisfiable concepts which result in implementations that fail. This work is fully automated thanks to the implemented translation tool and the existing OWL 2 reasoners. The third contribution of this thesis is the verification and validation of REST web services. We have used model checking techniques with UPPAAL model checker for this purpose. The timed automata of UML based service design models are generated with our transformation tool that are verified for their basic characteristics like deadlock freedom, liveness, reachability and safety. The implementation of a web service is tested using a black-box testing approach. Test cases are generated from the UPPAAL timed automata and using the online testing tool, UPPAAL TRON, the service implementation is validated at runtime against its specifications. Requirement traceability is also addressed in our validation approach with which we can see what service goals are met and trace back the unfulfilled service goals to detect the faults in the design models. A final contribution of the thesis is an implementation of behavioral REST interfaces and service monitors from the service design models. The partial code generation tool creates code skeletons of REST web services with method pre and post-conditions. The preconditions of methods constrain the user to invoke the stateful REST service under the right conditions and the post condition constraint the service developer to implement the right functionality. The details of the methods can be manually inserted by the developer as required. We do not target complete automation because we focus only on the interface aspects of the web service. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated with a pedagogical example of a hotel room booking service and a relatively complex worked example of holiday booking service taken from the industrial context. The former example presents a simple explanation of the approach and the later worked example shows how stateful and timed web services offering complex scenarios and involving other web services can be constructed using our approach.
Files related to two talks on Web Design History, Web Design Advertising and Promotion. Session 1 - 1 hour lecture on the history of design on the web (30 mins) and web advertising direct and viral (30mins). Session 2 - 1 hour lecture on using the web for promotion and marketing.
A collection of resources created for the Web Design Module. Please note that this link directs you to another share.
additional Labs created for web design module. Topics covered: HTML 5, Jquery and javascript debugging