999 resultados para loam soil
The retention and availability of water in the soil vary according to the soil characteristics and determine plant growth. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate water retention and availability in the soils of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, according to the textural class, soil class and lithology. The surface and subsurface horizons of 44 profiles were sampled in different regions of the State and different cover crops to determine field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water content, particle size, and organic matter content. Water retention and availability between the horizons were compared in a mixed model, considering the textural classes, the soil classes and lithology as fixed factors and profiles as random factors. It may be concluded that water retention is greater in silty or clayey soils and that the organic matter content is higher, especially in Humic Cambisols, Nitisols and Ferralsol developed from igneous or sedimentary rocks. Water availability is greater in loam-textured soils, with high organic matter content, especially in soils of humic character. It is lower in the sandy texture class, especially in Arenosols formed from recent alluvial deposits or in gravelly soils derived from granite. The greater water availability in the surface horizons, with more organic matter than in the subsurface layers, illustrates the importance of organic matter for water retention and availability.
The increase of organic acids in soils can reduce phosphorus sorption. The objective of the study was to evaluate the competitive sorption of P and citrate in clayey and sandy loam soils, using a stirred-flow system. Three experiments were performed with soil samples (0-20 cm layer) of clayey (RYL-cl) and sandy loam (RYL-sl) Red Yellow Latosols (Oxisols). In the first study, the treatments were arranged in a 2 × 5 factorial design, with two soil types and five combinations of phosphorus and citrate application (only P; P + citrate; and citrate applied 7, 22, 52 min before P); in the second, the treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design, corresponding to two soils and two forms of P and citrate application (only citrate and citrate + P); and in the third study, the treatments in a 2 × 2 × 6 factorial design consisted of two soils, two extractors (citrate and water) and six incubation times. In the RYL-cl and RYL-sl, P sorption was highest (44 and 25 % of P application, respectively), in the absence of citrate application. Under citrate application, P sorption was reduced in all treatments. The combined application of citrate and P reduced P sorption to 25.8 % of the initially applied P in RYL-cl and to 16.7 % in RYL-sl, in comparison to P without citrate. Citrate sorption in RYL-cl and RYL-sl was highest in the absence of P application, corresponding to 32.0 and 30.2 % of the citrate applied, respectively. With P application, citrate sorption was reduced to 26.4 and 19.7 % of the initially applied citrate in RYL-cl and RYL-sl, respectively. Phosphorus desorption was greater when citrate was used. Phosphorus desorption with citrate and water was higher in the beginning (until 24 h of incubation of P) in RYL-cl and RYL-sl, indicating a rapid initial phase, followed by a slow release phase. This suggests that according to the contact time of P with the soil colloids, the previously adsorbed P can be released to the soil solution in the presence of competing ligands such as citrate. In conclusion, a soil management with continuous input of organic acids is desirable, in view of their potential to compete for P sorption sites, especially in rather weathered soils.
The area under the no-tillage system (NT) has been increasing over the last few years. Some authors indicate that stabilization of soil physical properties is reached after some years under NT while other authors debate this. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the last crop in the rotation sequence (1st year: maize, 2nd year: soybean, 3rd year: wheat/soybean) on soil pore configuration and hydraulic properties in two different soils (site 1: loam, site 2: sandy loam) from the Argentinean Pampas region under long-term NT treatments in order to determine if stabilization of soil physical properties is reached apart from a specific time in the crop sequence. In addition, we compared two procedures for evaluating water-conducting macroporosities, and evaluated the efficiency of the pedotransfer function ROSETTA in estimating the parameters of the van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) model in these soils. Soil pore configuration and hydraulic properties were not stable and changed according to the crop sequence and the last crop grown in both sites. For both sites, saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0, water-conducting macroporosity, εma, and flow-weighted mean pore radius, R0ma, increased from the 1st to the 2nd year of the crop sequence, and this was attributed to the creation of water-conducting macropores by the maize roots. The VGM model adequately described the water retention curve (WRC) for these soils, but not the hydraulic conductivity (K) vs tension (h) curve. The ROSETTA function failed in the estimation of these parameters. In summary, mean values of K0 ranged from 0.74 to 3.88 cm h-1. In studies on NT effects on soil physical properties, the crop effect must be considered.
Inorganic phosphorus (Pi) usually controls the P availability in tropical soils, but the contribution of organic P (Po) should not be neglected, mainly in systems with low P input or management systems that promote organic matter accumulation. The aims of this study were to evaluate the changes in the Po fractions over time in soil fertilized and not fertilized with cattle manure and to correlate Po forms with available P extracted by anion exchange resin. The experiment was carried out under field conditions, in a sandy-clay loam Haplustox. The experimental design was a 2 × 9 randomized complete block factorial design, in which the first factor was manure application (20 t ha-1) or absence, and the second the soil sampling times (3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 49, 70, 91, and 112 days) after manure incorporation. Labile, moderately labile and non-labile Po fractions were determined in the soil material of each sampling. Manure fertilization increased the Po levels in the moderately labile and non-labile fractions and the total organic P, but did not affect the Po fraction proportions in relation to total organic P. On average, 5.1 % of total Po was in the labile, 44.4 % in the moderately labile and 50.5 % in the non-labile fractions. Available P (resin P) was more affected by the manure soluble Pi rather than by the labile Po forms. The labile and non-labile Po fractions varied randomly with no defined trend in relation to the samplings; for this reason, the data did not fit any mathematical model.
Two trials were performed in Balcarce, Argentina (37° 45' LS; 58° 18' LW) during 1993-94, to assess the effect of eight herbicides applied individually or in tank mixtures, on nodule number, nodule dry weight, seed yield and N percent in seed in soybean Asgrow 3205, inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum CB 1809. Individual herbicides and doses in kg ha-1 of a.i. were metribuzin (0.48), acetochlor (0.90), metolachlor (1), flumioxazin (0.075), trifluralin (0.96), imazaquin (0.20), imazethapyr (0.10) and chlorimuron ethyl (0.0125). The mixtures were metribuzin+acetochlor (0.48+0.9), flumioxazin+acetochlor (0.075+0.9), imazaquin+acetochlor (0.2+0.9), metribuzin+metolachlor (0.48+1.92), and flumioxazin+ metolachlor (0.075+1.92). A control treatment without herbicides was included. Both trials were laid out as randomized complete blocks with four replicates, on a loam illitic thermic petrocalcic Paleudoll, 5.7% organic matter (OM), 25% clay, 30.4 cmol kg-1 CEC. Nodules were sampled at V2 (second node), V6 (sixth node) and R5 (beginning seed) growth stages. Herbicides did not significantly affect the beginning of nodulation or nodule number and mass at R5, not either grain yield or N accumulation. This indicates lack of interference between soil interacting herbicides and N fixation in the high organic matter, loam soils of SE Buenos Aires province, even though a tendency in less number and dry weight of nodules was evident at the two latter growth stages.
The objective of this work was to determine the effects of seed priming and sulfur application on cell membrane characteristics, seedling emergence, chlorophyll content and grain yield of soybean (Glycine max) in saline soil. A complete-block design in 4x3 factorial arrangement with three replicates was used to test four types of seed priming (water, auxin, gibberellin and non-priming) and three levels of sulfate availability (0, 70 and 140 kg ha-1 K2SO4). The soil had a silty loam texture with an electrical conductivity of 3.61 ds m-1, a pH of 8.2 and a saturation percentage of about 46%. Seed priming had significant effects on mean emergence rate (MER), emergence percentage, relative water content (RWC) of leaves, relative chlorophyll content, time of maturity, shoot length and grain yield. The highest values for these variables were observed in the priming treatments, except for the time of maturity. Sulfur application had significant effects on MER, shoot length, RWC, membrane injury index and grain yield. Priming treatments provide greater emergence rates and grain yields and interact sinergicaly with sulfur rates.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of biochar made from Eucalyptus on soil fertility, and on the yield and development of upland rice. The experiment was performed during two years in a randomized block design with four replicates, in a sandy loam Dystric Plinthosol. Four doses of NPK 05-25-15, annually distributed in stripes (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1), and four doses of biochar (0, 8, 16 and 32 Mg ha-1), applied once in the first year - alone or with NPK - were evaluated. In the first year, biochar positively affected soil fertility [total organic carbon (TOC), Ca, P, Al, H+Al, and pH], at 0-10 cm soil depth, and it was the only factor with significant effect on yield. In the second year, the effect of biochar diminished or was overcome by the fertilizer. TOC moved down in the soil profile to the 0-20 cm depth, influencing K availability in this layer. In the second year, there was a significant interaction between biochar and the fertilizer on plant growth and biomass dry matter accumulation.
Emitter spacings of 0.3 to 0.6 m are commonly used for subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) of corn on the deep, silt loam soils of the U.S. Great Plains. Subsurface drip irrigation emitter spacings of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m were examined for the resulting differences in soil water redistribution, corn grain yield, yield components, seasonal water use, and water productivity in a 4‐year field study (2005 through 2008) at the Kansas State University Northwest Research‐Extension Center, Colby, Kansas. The results indicate that there is increased preferential water movement along the dripline (parallel) as compared to perpendicular to the dripline and that this phenomenon partially compensates for wider emitter spacings in terms of soil water redistribution. Corn yield and water productivity (WP) were not significantly affected by the emitter spacing with application of a full irrigation regime
Soil water availability is the main cause of reduced productivity, and the early development period most sensitive to water deficit. This study aimed to evaluate the drought resistance of the varieties of sugar-cane RB867515 and SP81-3250 during the early development using different levels of water deficit on four soil depths. The experiment was conducted at the Department of Biosystems at Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (ESALQ/USP) in a greenhouse in soil classified as Oxisol, sandy loam texture (Series "Sertãozinho"). Once exhausted the level of available water in the soil, the dry strength of the studied strains are relatively low. Water balance with values less than -13 mm cause a significant decrease in the final population of plants, regardless of the variety, and values below -35 mm, leads to the death of all plants.
The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical attributes alterations of a clay-loam textured soil and dry mass accumulation of maize submitted to application of cassava wastewater doses in three assessment periods. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse using a completely randomized experimental design in a factorial 5 × 3, with four replicates. The analyzed factors of research were doses of cassava wastewater (0; 12.6; 25.2; 50.4; 75.6 m3 ha-1) andassessment periods (20, 40 and 52 days after germination). The following parameters were determined: electric conductivity of soil saturation extract, pH in water, content of available P, content of exchangeable K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+of soil, dry mass of leaves and stem. The application of cassava wastewater on soil enables increase of pH, electric conductivity of saturation extract, contents of available P, contents of exchangeable K+ and Na+ and dry mass of leaves and stem. However, only pH and content of exchangeable K+ of soil, the electric conductivity of saturation extract and dry mass of leaves and stem are influenced by assessment period.
Emitter spacings of 0.3 to 0.6 m are commonly used for subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) of corn on the deep, silt loam soils of the U.S. Great Plains. Subsurface drip irrigation emitter spacings of 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m were examined for the resulting differences in soil water redistribution, corn grain yield, yield components, seasonal water use, and water productivity in a 4‐year field study (2005 through 2008) at the Kansas State University Northwest Research‐Extension Center, Colby, Kansas. The results indicate that there is increased preferential water movement along the dripline (parallel) as compared to perpendicular to the dripline and that this phenomenon partially compensates for wider emitter spacings in terms of soil water redistribution. Corn yield and water productivity (WP) were not significantly affected by the emitter spacing with application of a full irrigation regime
The uptake of arsenic (As) by plants from contaminated soils presents a health hazard that may affect the use of agricultural and former industrial land. Methods for limiting the hazard are desirable. A proposed remediation treatment comprises the precipitation of iron (Fe) oxides in the contaminated soil by adding ferrous sulfate and lime. The effects on As bioavailability were assessed using a range of vegetable crops grown in the field. Four UK locations were used, where soil was contaminated by As from different sources. At the most contaminated site, a clay loam containing a mean of 748 mg As kg(-1) soil, beetroot, calabrese, cauliflower, lettuce, potato, radish and spinach were grown. For all crops except spinach, ferrous sulfate treatment caused a significant reduction in the bioavailability of As in some part of the crop. Application of ferrous sulfate in solution, providing 0.2% Fe oxides in the soil (0-10 cm), reduced As uptake by a mean of 22%. Solid ferrous sulfate was applied to give concentrations of 0.5% and 1% Fe oxides: the 0.5% concentration reduced As uptake by a mean of 32% and the 1% concentration gave no significant additional benefit. On a sandy loam containing 65 mg As kg(-1) soil, there was tentative evidence that ferrous sulfate treatment up to 2% Fe oxides caused a significant reduction in lettuce As, but calabrese did not respond. At the other two sites, the effects of ferrous sulfate treatment were not significant, but the uptake of soil As was low in treated and untreated soils. Differences between sites in the bioavailable fraction of soil As may be related to the soil texture or the source of As. The highest bioavailability was found on the soil which had been contaminated by aerial deposition and had a high sand content. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A soil (sandy loam) column leaching study aimed to determine the extent of mobility and co-mobility of Cu, Ni, Zn and dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from a surface-application (equivalent to 50 t ds ha(-1)) of anaerobically-digested sewage sludge. Leaching of DOM through It the soil column was found to be almost un-retarded. Decidedly similar behaviour was exhibited by Ni suggesting that it migrated as organic complexes. Whilst Cu was also found to be leached, significant retardation was evident. However, the importance of DOM in promoting the mobility of both Cu and Ni was evidenced by their lack of mobility when added to the soil column as inorganic forms. The presence of DOM did not prevent Zn from becoming completely adsorbed by the soil solid phase. In relation to WHO drinking water guidelines, only Ni concentrations showed potential environmental significance. due to the relatively poor retention of Ni by the sludge solid phase. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Research into transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) diseases has become a high priority worldwide in recent years yet remarkably little is known about the behaviour of TSE infectivity in the environment. The resilience and stability of prion proteins could lead to soils becoming a potential reservoir of TSE infectivity as a result of contamination from activities such as infected carcass burial or the dispersion of effluents from slaughter houses, or by contamination of pastures by infected animals, (e.g. scrapie in sheep). Knowledge of the fate of prion proteins in soils, and associated physico-chemical conditions which favour migration, can be used to help prevent re-infection of animals through grazing, to protect watercourses and develop good management practices. In two consecutive experiments of 9 and 6 months, the migration of recombinant ovine PrP (recPrP) in soil columns was followed under contrasting levels of microbial activity (normal versus reduced), under varying regimes of soil water content and redox potential, and in two different soil types (loamy sand and clay loam). At each analysis time (1, 3, 6 or 9 months), in both soil types, full-length recPrP was detected in the original contaminated layer, indicating the resilience and stability of recPrP under varied soil conditions, even in the presence of active soil microbial populations. Evidence of protein migration was found in every soil column at the earliest analysis time (1 or 3 months), but was restricted to a maximum distance of 1 cm, indicative of limited initial mobility in soils followed by strong adsorption over the following days to weeks. The survival of recPrP in the soil over a period of at least 9 months was demonstrated. In this study, recPrP was used as an indicator for potential TSE infectivity, although infectivity tests should be carried out before conclusions can be drawn regarding the infection risk posed by prions in soil. However, it has been demonstrated that soil is likely to act as a significant barrier to the dispersion of contaminated material at storage or burial sites. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The location of extracellular enzymes within the soil architecture and their association with the various soil components affects their catalytic potential. A soil fractionation study was carried out to investigate: (a) the distribution of a range of hydrolytic enzymes involved in C, N and P transformations, (b) the effect of the location on their respective kinetics, (c) the effect of long-term N fertilizer management on enzyme distribution and kinetic parameters. Soil (silty clay loam) from grassland which had received 0 or 200 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) was fractionated, and four particle-size fractions (> 200, 200-63, 63-2 and 0. 1-2 mum) were obtained by a combination of wet-sieving and centrifugation, after low-energy ultrasonication. All fractions were assayed for four carbohydrases (beta-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosammidase, beta-glucosidase and beta-xylosidase), acid phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase using a microplate fluorimetric assay based on MUB-substrates. Enzyme kinetics (V-max and K-m) were estimated in three particle-size fractions and the unfractionated soil. The results showed that not all particle-size fractions were equally enzymatically active and that the distribution of enzymes between fractions depended on the enzyme. Carbohydrases predominated in the coarser fractions while phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase were predominant in the clay-size fraction. The Michaelis constant (K.) varied among fractions, indicating that the association of the same enzyme with different particle-size fractions affected its substrate affinity. The same values of Km were found in the same fractions from the soil under two contrasting fertilizer management regimes, indicating that the Michaelis constant was unaffected by soil changes caused by N fertilizer management. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.