942 resultados para lip movements
Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
Previously we have presented a model for generating human-like arm and hand movements on an unimanual anthropomorphic robot involved in human-robot collaboration tasks. The present paper aims to extend our model in order to address the generation of human-like bimanual movement sequences which are challenged by scenarios cluttered with obstacles. Movement planning involves large scale nonlinear constrained optimization problems which are solved using the IPOPT solver. Simulation studies show that the model generates feasible and realistic hand trajectories for action sequences involving the two hands. The computational costs involved in the planning allow for real-time human robot-interaction. A qualitative analysis reveals that the movements of the robot exhibit basic characteristics of human movements.
Involuntary rhythmic leg movements in childhood is an uncommon condition, the generators of which remain unknown. We report on a male 3 years of age with distinct features providing important clues concerning the location of one of these generators. At the age of 7 months, the previously healthy young male started with low frequency, rhythmic, and continuous (both during wakefulness and sleep) flexion/extension movements of the lower limbs. Movements interfered significantly with gait acquisition, and, despite normal cognitive development, he was able to walk only at age 2 years, 4 months. The neurologic examination revealed the absence of automatic stepping in the neonatal period, but was otherwise normal. A polygraphic electroencephalogram/electromyogram EEG/EMG) recording, at the age of 2 years, 9 months, revealed rhythmic and synchronous legs with EMG activity at 0.5 Hz. A more complete polygraphic recording at the age of 3 years, 10 months, showed a lower frequency (0.35 Hz) for the movements, which were time-locked with the respiratory cycle. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed an increased T2 signal in the upper medulla-lower pons regions. The generator of the rhythmic legs movements is postulated to be the respiratory center, connecting with the reticulospinal projecting neurons through an aberrant pathway.
This paper studies how shocks in the prices of Food, Energy and Financial Assets affect private consumption using a VAR Model. Then, the total effects are broken into direct and indirect effects, using the coefficients taken from the previous model. We use quarterly data for the Portuguese economy from the last 20 years. We found that energy prices and financial assets have a strong connection with consumption, suggesting that the economy may be too exposed to shocks in these markets.
Patients with unilateral cleft lip display characteristic nasal changes that are independent of the degree of deformity. Defenders of the intrinsic theory consider these deformities to be due to embryogenic alterations of the alar nasal cartilages. Those that propose the extrinsic theory defend the thesis that the deformity is due to disorganization of the perioral muscles deformed by the cleft. The purpose of this study is to contribute histological evidence to help clarify the issue. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Specimens of the lateral portion of both the healthy and the cleft side of the alar cartilages were obtained from 18 patients. These uniformly cut specimens were stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Samples from 2 patients were excluded due to imperfections. The same pathologist examined all the slides. He was unaware of the origins of the specimens; he counted the number of chondrocytes and quantified the cartilage matrixes. RESULTS: All data was analyzed statistically, and no significant statistical differences were apparent, either in the number of chondrocytes or the cartilage matrix between the healthy side and the cleft side. DISCUSSION: These results apparently support the group that defend the extrinsic theory; nevertheless, the doubt about the composition of the cartilage matrix remains, not only concerning the glycosaminoglycans that compose them, but also regarding elastin and collagen and its linkages that can cause different degrees of collagen consistency.
Os lipídeos exercem diversas funções biológicas, como constituintes de membranas, precursores de hormônios, e por seu alto conteúdo calórico, um eficiente composto para estoque de energia. Nos peixes, ao contrário dos mamíferos, os modelos de deposição lipídica são mais diversos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de lipídeo total no plasma e nos tecidos somático e reprodutivo do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, macho e fêmea, destacando alguns índices somáticos relacionados à dinâmica desse substrato. De outubro/97 a janeiro/99, foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, totalizando 174 animais. Após anestesia, retirou-se sangue heparinizado para dosagem do triacilglicerol plasmático. Cada peixe foi mensurado e fígado, gônadas e gordura visceral retirados e pesados para cálculo do IHS (índice hepatossomático) IGS (índice gonadossomático) e IGVS (índice gorduro-viscerossomático). Os maiores teores do lipídeo total ocorreram no músculo vermelho, com aproximadamente 18%, seguido pelo fígado e gônadas com valores médios de 16,5%. O músculo branco apresentou o menor teor com 2,3%. A análise de variância dos IHS e IGVS mostrou que ambos apresentaram efeito significativo para bimestre, com índices mais baixos em períodos de temperaturas mais altas, e não significativo para sexo e a interação sexo e bimestre. O matrinxã estoca lipídeos em vários tecidos corpóreos incluindo gordura mesentérica, fígado, músculos e gônadas.
When interacting with each other, people often synchronize spontaneously their movements, e.g. during pendulum swinging, chair rocking[5], walking [4][7], and when executing periodic forearm movements[3].Although the spatiotemporal information that establishes the coupling, leading to synchronization, might be provided by several perceptual systems, the systematic study of different sensory modalities contribution is widely neglected. Considering a) differences in the sensory dominance on the spatial and temporal dimension[5] , b) different cue combination and integration strategies [1][2], and c) that sensory information might provide different aspects of the same event, synchronization should be moderated by the type of sensory modality. Here, 9 naïve participants placed a bottle periodically between two target zones, 40 times, in 12 conditions while sitting in front of a confederate executing the same task. The participant could a) see and hear, b) see , c) hear the confederate, d) or audiovisual information about the movements of the confederate was absent. The couple started in 3 different relative positions (i.e., in-phase, anti-phase, out of phase). A retro-reflective marker was attached to the top of the bottles. Bottle displacement was captured by a motion capture system. We analyzed the variability of the continuous relative phase reflecting the degree of synchronization. Results indicate the emergence of spontaneous synchronization, an increase with bimodal information, and an influence of the initial phase relation on the particular synchronization pattern. Results have theoretical implication for studying cue combination in interpersonal coordination and are consistent with coupled oscillator models.
In previous work we have presented a model capable of generating human-like movements for a dual arm-hand robot involved in human-robot cooperative tasks. However, the focus was on the generation of reach-to-grasp and reach-to-regrasp bimanual movements and no synchrony in timing was taken into account. In this paper we extend the previous model in order to accomplish bimanual manipulation tasks by synchronously moving both arms and hands of an anthropomorphic robotic system. Specifically, the new extended model has been designed for two different tasks with different degrees of difficulty. Numerical results were obtained by the implementation of the IPOPT solver embedded in our MATLAB simulator.
Previously we have presented a model for generating human-like arm and hand movements on an unimanual anthropomorphic robot involved in human-robot collaboration tasks. The present paper aims to extend our model in order to address the generation of human-like bimanual movement sequences which are challenged by scenarios cluttered with obstacles. Movement planning involves large scale nonlinear constrained optimization problems which are solved using the IPOPT solver. Simulation studies show that the model generates feasible and realistic hand trajectories for action sequences involving the two hands. The computational costs involved in the planning allow for real-time human robot-interaction. A qualitative analysis reveals that the movements of the robot exhibit basic characteristics of human movements.
OBJECTIVE: Compare pattern of exploratory eye movements during visual scanning of the Rorschach and TAT test cards in people with schizophrenia and controls. METHOD: 10 participants with schizophrenia and 10 controls matched by age, schooling and intellectual level participated in the study. Severity of symptoms was evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Test cards were divided into three groups: TAT cards with scenes content, TAT cards with interaction content (TAT-faces), and Rorschach cards with abstract images. Eye movements were analyzed for: total number, duration and location of fixation; and length of saccadic movements. RESULTS: Different pattern of eye movement was found, with schizophrenia participants showing lower number of fixations but longer fixation duration in Rorschach cards and TAT-faces. The biggest difference was observed in Rorschach, followed by TAT-faces and TAT-scene cards. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest alteration in visual exploration mechanisms possibly related to integration of abstract visual information.
2d ed.rev.