894 resultados para light gauge cold-formed steel frame structures


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In this work, we discuss the procedures adopted for the design of built-up columns (laced and battened columns). Built-up columns are widely used in steel construction generally when the compression forces are relatively low and the column buckling lengths are large. They are commonly used in industrial buildings, for example, as posts for cladding, or as columns supporting a crane girder. Unlike columns with full section, in the case of built-up columns, it is necessary to evaluate the shear stiffness. In fact, the shear strength leads to a significant reduction of the critical load. In the context of this work, the components of the columns (chords, diagonals, posts, etc.) are formed by cold-formed members. In order to systematize and rationalize the verification of the built-up columns, this work aim to develop a computer program based on the standards NBR 14762, NBR 6355 and Eurocode 3, basically the considerations of the part EN 1993-1-1


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This paper presents an alternative coupling strategy between the Boundary Element Method (BEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) in order to create a computational code for the analysis of geometrical nonlinear 2D frames coupled to layered soils. The soil is modeled via BEM, considering multiple inclusions and internal load lines, through an alternative formulation to eliminate traction variables on subregions interfaces. A total Lagrangean formulation based on positions is adopted for the consideration of the geometric nonlinear behavior of frame structures with exact kinematics. The numerical coupling is performed by an algebraic strategy that extracts and condenses the equivalent soil's stiffness matrix and contact forces to be introduced into the frame structures hessian matrix and internal force vector, respectively. The formulation covers the analysis of shallow foundation structures and piles in any direction. Furthermore, the piles can pass through different layers. Numerical examples are shown in order to illustrate and confirm the accuracy and applicability of the proposed technique.


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In Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE), evaluating the seismic performance (or seismic risk) of a structure at a designed site has gained major attention, especially in the past decade. One of the objectives in PBEE is to quantify the seismic reliability of a structure (due to the future random earthquakes) at a site. For that purpose, Probabilistic Seismic Demand Analysis (PSDA) is utilized as a tool to estimate the Mean Annual Frequency (MAF) of exceeding a specified value of a structural Engineering Demand Parameter (EDP). This dissertation focuses mainly on applying an average of a certain number of spectral acceleration ordinates in a certain interval of periods, Sa,avg (T1,…,Tn), as scalar ground motion Intensity Measure (IM) when assessing the seismic performance of inelastic structures. Since the interval of periods where computing Sa,avg is related to the more or less influence of higher vibration modes on the inelastic response, it is appropriate to speak about improved IMs. The results using these improved IMs are compared with a conventional elastic-based scalar IMs (e.g., pseudo spectral acceleration, Sa ( T(¹)), or peak ground acceleration, PGA) and the advanced inelastic-based scalar IM (i.e., inelastic spectral displacement, Sdi). The advantages of applying improved IMs are: (i ) "computability" of the seismic hazard according to traditional Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), because ground motion prediction models are already available for Sa (Ti), and hence it is possibile to employ existing models to assess hazard in terms of Sa,avg, and (ii ) "efficiency" or smaller variability of structural response, which was minimized to assess the optimal range to compute Sa,avg. More work is needed to assess also "sufficiency" and "scaling robustness" desirable properties, which are disregarded in this dissertation. However, for ordinary records (i.e., with no pulse like effects), using the improved IMs is found to be more accurate than using the elastic- and inelastic-based IMs. For structural demands that are dominated by the first mode of vibration, using Sa,avg can be negligible relative to the conventionally-used Sa (T(¹)) and the advanced Sdi. For structural demands with sign.cant higher-mode contribution, an improved scalar IM that incorporates higher modes needs to be utilized. In order to fully understand the influence of the IM on the seismis risk, a simplified closed-form expression for the probability of exceeding a limit state capacity was chosen as a reliability measure under seismic excitations and implemented for Reinforced Concrete (RC) frame structures. This closed-form expression is partuclarly useful for seismic assessment and design of structures, taking into account the uncertainty in the generic variables, structural "demand" and "capacity" as well as the uncertainty in seismic excitations. The assumed framework employs nonlinear Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) procedures in order to estimate variability in the response of the structure (demand) to seismic excitations, conditioned to IM. The estimation of the seismic risk using the simplified closed-form expression is affected by IM, because the final seismic risk is not constant, but with the same order of magnitude. Possible reasons concern the non-linear model assumed, or the insufficiency of the selected IM. Since it is impossibile to state what is the "real" probability of exceeding a limit state looking the total risk, the only way is represented by the optimization of the desirable properties of an IM.


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This thesis reports a study on the seismic response of two-dimensional squat elements and their effect on the behavior of building structures. Part A is devoted to the study of unreinforced masonry infills, while part B is focused on reinforced concrete sandwich walls. Part A begins with a comprehensive review of modelling techniques and code provisions for infilled frame structures. Then state-of-the practice techniques are applied for a real case to test the ability of actual modeling techniques to reproduce observed behaviors. The first developments towards a seismic-resistant masonry infill system are presented. Preliminary design recommendations for the seismic design of the seismic-resistant masonry infill are finally provided. Part B is focused on the seismic behavior of a specific reinforced concrete sandwich panel system. First, the results of in-plane psuudostatic cyclic tests are described. Refinements to the conventional modified compression field theory are introduced in order to better simulate the monotonic envelope of the cyclic response. The refinements deal with the constitutive model for the shotcrete in tension and the embedded bars. Then the hysteretic response of the panels is studied according to a continuum damage model. Damage state limits are identified. Design recommendations for the seismic design of the studied reinforced concrete sandwich walls are finally provided.


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Seismic assessment and seismic strengthening are the key issues need to be figured out during the process of protection and reusing of historical buildings. In this thesis the seismic behaviors of the hinged steel structure, a typical structure of historical buildings, i.e. hinged steel frames in Shanghai, China, were studied based on experimental investigations and theoretic analysis. How the non-structural members worked with the steel frames was analyzed thoroughly. Firstly, two 1/4 scale hinged steel frames were constructed based on the structural system of Bund 18, a historical building in Shanghai: M1 model without infill walls, M2 model with infill walls, and tested under the horizontal cyclic loads to investigate their seismic behavior. The Shaking Table Test and its results indicated that the seismic behavior of the hinged steel frames could be improved significantly with the help of non-structural members, i.e., surrounding elements outside the hinged steel frames and infilled walls. To specify, the columns are covered with bricks, they consist of I shape formed steel sections and steel plates, which are clenched together. The steel beams are connected to the steel column by steel angle, thus the structure should be considered as a hinged frame. And the infilled wall acted as a compression diagonal strut to withstand the horizontal load, therefore, the seismic capacity and stiffness of the hinged steel frames with infilled walls could be estimated by using the equivalent compression diagonal strut model. A SAP model has been constructed with the objective to perform a dynamic nonlinear analysis. The obtained results were compared with the results obtained from Shaking Table Test. The Test Results have validated that the influence of infill walls on seismic behavior can be estimated by using the equivalent diagonal strut model.


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Los alimentos son sistemas complejos, formados por diversas estructuras a diferentes escalas: macroscópica y microscópica. Muchas propiedades de los alimentos, que son importantes para su procesamiento, calidad y tratamiento postcosecha, están relacionados con su microestructura. La presente tesis doctoral propone una metodología completa para la determinación de la estructura de alimentos desde un punto de vista multi-escala, basándose en métodos de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear (NMR). Las técnicas de NMR son no invasivas y no destructivas y permiten el estudio tanto de macro- como de microestructura. Se han utilizado distintos procedimientos de NMR dependiendo del nivel que se desea estudiar. Para el nivel macroestructural, la Imagen de Resonancia Magnética (MRI) ha resultado ser muy útil para la caracterización de alimentos. Para el estudio microestructural, la MRI requiere altos tiempos de adquisición, lo que hace muy difícil la transferencia de esta técnica a aplicaciones en industria. Por tanto, la optimización de procedimientos de NMR basados en secuencias relaxometría 2D T1/T2 ha resultado ser una estrategia primordial en esta tesis. Estos protocolos de NMR se han implementado satisfactoriamente por primera vez en alto campo magnético. Se ha caracterizado la microestructura de productos alimentarios enteros por primera vez utilizando este tipo de protocolos. Como muestras, se han utilizado dos tipos de productos: modelos de alimentos y alimentos reales (manzanas). Además, como primer paso para su posterior implementación en la industria agroalimentaria, se ha mejorado una línea transportadora, especialmente diseñada para trabajar bajo condiciones de NMR en trabajos anteriores del grupo LPF-TAGRALIA. Se han estudiado y seleccionado las secuencias más rápidas y óptimas para la detección de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y roturas internas. La corrección de las imágenes en movimiento se realiza en tiempo real. Asimismo, se han utilizado protocolos de visión artificial para la clasificación automática de manzanas potencialmente afectadas por vitrescencia. El presente documento está dividido en diferentes capítulos: el Capítulo 2 explica los antecedentes de la presente tesis y el marco del proyecto en el que se ha desarrollado. El Capítulo 3 recoge el estado del arte. El Capítulo 4 establece los objetivos de esta tesis doctoral. Los resultados se dividen en cinco sub-secciones (dentro del Capítulo 5) que corresponden con los trabajos publicados bien en revistas revisadas por pares, bien en congresos internacionales o bien como capítulos de libros revisados por pares. La Sección 5.1. es un estudio del desarrollo de la vitrescencia en manzanas mediante MRI y lo relaciona con la posición de la fruta dentro de la copa del árbol. La Sección 5.2 presenta un trabajo sobre macro- y microestructura en modelos de alimentos. La Sección 5.3 es un artículo en revisión en una revista revisada por pares, en el que se hace un estudio microestrcutural no destructivo mediante relaxometría 2D T1/T2. la Sección 5.4, hace una comparación entre manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia mediante dos técnicas: tomografía de rayos X e MRI, en manzana. Por último, en la Sección 5.5 se muestra un trabajo en el que se hace un estudio de secuencias de MRI en línea para la evaluación de calidad interna en manzanas. Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen una discusión y conclusiones (Capítulo 6 y 7 respectivamente) de todos los capítulos de esta tesis doctoral. Finalmente, se han añadido tres apéndices: el primero con una introducción de los principios básicos de resonancia magnética nuclear (NMR) y en los otros dos, se presentan sendos estudios sobre el efecto de las fibras en la rehidratación de cereales de desayuno extrusionados, mediante diversas técnicas. Ambos trabajos se presentaron en un congreso internacional. Los resultados más relevantes de la presente tesis doctoral, se pueden dividir en tres grandes bloques: resultados sobre macroestructura, resultados sobre microestructura y resultados sobre MRI en línea. Resultados sobre macroestructura: - La imagen de resonancia magnética (MRI) se aplicó satisfactoriamente para la caracterización de macroestructura. En particular, la reconstrucción 3D de imágenes de resonancia magnética permitió identificar y caracterizar dos tipos distintos de vitrescencia en manzanas: central y radial, que se caracterizan por el porcentaje de daño y la conectividad (número de Euler). - La MRI proveía un mejor contraste para manzanas afectadas por vitrescencia que las imágenes de tomografía de rayos X (X-Ray CT), como se pudo verificar en muestras idénticas de manzana. Además, el tiempo de adquisición de la tomografía de rayos X fue alrededor de 12 veces mayor (25 minutos) que la adquisición de las imágenes de resonancia magnética (2 minutos 2 segundos). Resultados sobre microestructura: - Para el estudio de microestructura (nivel subcelular) se utilizaron con éxito secuencias de relaxometría 2D T1/T2. Estas secuencias se usaron por primera vez en alto campo y sobre piezas de alimento completo, convirtiéndose en una forma no destructiva de llevar a cabo estudios de microestructura. - El uso de MRI junto con relaxometría 2D T1/T2 permite realizar estudios multiescala en alimentos de forma no destructiva. Resultados sobre MRI en línea: - El uso de imagen de resonancia magnética en línea fue factible para la identificación de dos tipos de desórdenes internos en manzanas: vitrescencia y podredumbre interna. Las secuencias de imagen tipo FLASH resultaron adecuadas para la identificación en línea de vitrescencia en manzanas. Se realizó sin selección de corte, debido a que la vitrescencia puede desarrollarse en cualquier punto del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisición, de modo que se llegaron a adquirir 1.3 frutos por segundos (758 ms por fruto). Las secuencias de imagen tipo UFLARE fueron adecuadas para la detección en línea de la podredumbre interna en manzanas. En este caso, se utilizó selección de corte, ya que se trata de un desorden que se suele localizar en la parte central del volumen de la manzana. Se consiguió reducir el tiempo de adquisicón hasta 0.67 frutos por segundo (1475 ms por fruto). En ambos casos (FLASH y UFLARE) fueron necesarios algoritmos para la corrección del movimiento de las imágenes en tiempo real. ABSTRACT Food is a complex system formed by several structures at different scales: macroscopic and microscopic. Many properties of foods that are relevant to process engineering or quality and postharvest treatments are related to their microstructure. This Ph.D Thesis proposes a complete methodology for food structure determination, in a multiscale way, based on the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon since NMR techniques are non-invasive and non-destructive, and allow both, macro- and micro-structure study. Different NMR procedures are used depending on the structure level under study. For the macrostructure level, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed its usefulness for food characterization. For microstructure insight, MRI required high acquisition times, which is a hindrance for transference to industry applications. Therefore, optimization of NMR procedures based on T1/T2 relaxometry sequences was a key strategy in this Thesis. These NMR relaxometry protocols, are successfully implemented in high magnetic field. Microstructure of entire food products have been characterized for the first time using these protocols. Two different types of food products have been studied: food models and actual food (apples). Furthermore, as a first step for the food industry implementation, a grading line system, specially designed for working under NMR conditions in previous works of the LPF-TAGRALIA group, is improved. The study and selection of the most suitable rapid sequence to detect two different types of disorders in apples (watercore and internal breakdown) is performed and the real time image motion correction is applied. In addition, artificial vision protocols for the automatic classification of apples potentially affected by watercore are applied. This document is divided into seven different chapters: Chapter 2 explains the thesis background and the framework of the project in which it has been worked. Chapter 3 comprises the state of the art. Chapter 4 establishes de objectives of this Ph.D thesis. The results are divided into five different sections (in Chapter 5) that correspond to published peered reviewed works. Section 5.1 assesses the watercore development in apples with MRI and studies the effect of fruit location in the canopy. Section 5.2 is an MRI and 2D relaxometry study for macro- and microstructure assessment in food models. Section 5.3 is a non-destructive microstructural study using 2D T1/T2 relaxometry on watercore affected apples. Section 5.4 makes a comparison of X-ray CT and MRI on watercore disorder of different apple cultivars. Section 5.5, that is a study of online MRI sequences for the evaluation of apple internal quality. The subsequent chapters offer a general discussion and conclusions (Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 respectively) of all the works performed in the frame of this Ph.D thesis (two peer reviewed journals, one book chapter and one international congress).Finally, three appendices are included in which an introduction to NMR principles is offered and two published proceedings regarding the effect of fiber on the rehydration of extruded breakfast cereal are displayed. The most relevant results can be summarized into three sections: results on macrostructure, results on microstructure and results on on-line MRI. Results on macrostructure: - MRI was successfully used for macrostructure characterization. Indeed, 3D reconstruction of MRI in apples allows to identify two different types of watercore (radial and block), which are characterized by the percentage of damage and the connectivity (Euler number). - MRI provides better contrast for watercore than X-Ray CT as verified on identical samples. Furthermore, X-Ray CT images acquisition time was around 12 times higher (25 minutes) than MRI acquisition time (2 minutes 2 seconds). Results on microstructure: - 2D T1/T2 relaxometry were successfully applied for microstructure (subcellular level) characterization. 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences have been applied for the first time on high field for entire food pieces, being a non-destructive way to achieve microstructure study. - The use of MRI together with 2D T1/T2 relaxometry sequences allows a non-destructive multiscale study of food. Results on on-line MRI: - The use of on-line MRI was successful for the identification of two different internal disorders in apples: watercore and internal breakdown. FLASH imaging was a suitable technique for the on-line detection of watercore disorder in apples, with no slice selection, since watercore is a physiological disorder that may be developed anywhere in the apple volume. 1.3 fruits were imaged per second (768 ms per fruit). UFLARE imaging is a suitable sequence for the on-line detection of internal breakdown disorder in apples. Slice selection was used, as internal breakdown is usually located in the central slice of the apple volume. 0.67 fruits were imaged per second (1475 ms per fruit). In both cases (FLASH and UFLARE) motion correction was performed in real time, during the acquisition of the images.


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Reciprocal frame structures, formed by a set of self-supported elements in a closed circuit, have long been used since antiquity to cover large spans with small elements. The roof structure of the Euskalduna conference centre and concert hall extension in Bilbao, covering an irregu- lar geometry of 3000 m2 with a maximum span of 45 m, presented an interesting opportunity to revisit the concept and to apply these classical systems. Furthermore, its analysis and develop- ment led to an interesting discussion on reciprocal frames. They showed great sensitivity of these systems to the local modification of a particular element, establishment of irregular load paths, mobilisation of almost the entire sys- tem when locally applying a punctual load and, finally, its large deformability. Besides, reciprocal frames present particular construction complexities and possibilities due to the moderate length of the structural elements, the predominance of shear-only connec- tions and the necessity of the entire system to be completely erected to guarantee its stability. Euskalduna extension, completed in 2012, is one of the largest and a very par- ticular case of irregular reciprocal frame structures built in the world. It shows the formal possibilities and potentiality of reciprocal frames to respond to free and irregular geometries.


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Passive energy dissipation devices are increasingly implemented in frame structures to improve their performance under seismic loading. Most guidelines for designing this type of system retain the requirements applicable to frames without dampers, and this hinders taking full advantage of the benefits of implementing dampers. Further, assessing the extent of damage suffered by the frame and by the dampers for different levels of seismic hazard is of paramount importance in the framework of performance-based design. This paper presents an experimental investigation whose objectives are to provide empirical data on the response of reinforced concrete (RC) frames equipped with hysteretic dampers (dynamic response and damage) and to evaluate the need for the frame to form a strong column-weak beam mechanism and dissipate large amounts of plastic strain energy. To this end, shake-table tests were conducted on a 2/5-scale RC frame with hysteretic dampers. The frame was designed only for gravitational loads. The dampers provided lateral strength and stiffness, respectively, three and 12 times greater than those of the frame. The test structure was subjected to a sequence of seismic simulations that represented different levels of seismic hazard. The RC frame showed a performance level of "immediate occupancy", with maximum rotation demands below 20% of the ultimate capacity. The dampers dissipated most of the energy input by the earthquake. It is shown that combining hysteretic dampers with flexible reinforced concrete frames leads to structures with improved seismic performance and that requirements of conventional RC frames (without dampers) can be relieved.


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"Program to reduce the earthquake hazards of steel moment frame structures"--Cover.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Revised December 8, 1937."


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Detection of a fatigue crack in a welded frame structure is studied in this paper using coupled response measurements. Similarity to real engineering structures is maintained in the fabrication of the test frame with hollow section chords and branch members. The fatigue crack was created by a special reciprocating mechanism that generates cyclic stress on a beam member of the structure. The methodology of coupled response measurements is first demonstrated on a single hollow section beam by analytical simulation and experimental validation. The issues of using this approach for fatigue crack detection in real structures are then examined. Finally, the experimental results of the frame under different scenarioes are presented. The existence of the crack is clearly observable from the FRF plots. It is suggested that this approach offers the potential to detect cracks in welded frame structures and is a useful tool for routine maintenance work and health assessment.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of detecting and locating damage in large frame structures where visual inspection would be difficult or impossible. This method is based on a vibration technique for non-destructively assessing the integrity of structures by using measurements of changes in the natural frequencies. Such measurements can be made at a single point in the structure. The method requires that initially a comprehensive theoretical vibration analysis of the structure is undertaken and from it predictions are made of changes in dynamic characteristics that will occur if each member of the structure is damaged in turn. The natural frequencies of the undamaged structure are measured, and then routinely remeasured at intervals . If a change in the natural frequencies is detected a statistical method. is used to make the best match between the measured changes in frequency and the family of theoretical predictions. This predicts the most likely damage site. The theoretical analysis was based on the finite element method. Many structures were extensively studied and a computer model was used to simulate the effect of the extent and location of the damage on natural frequencies. Only one such analysis is required for each structure to be investigated. The experimental study was conducted on small structures In the laboratory. Frequency changes were found from inertance measurements on various plane and space frames. The computational requirements of the location analysis are small and a desk-top micro computer was used. Results of this work showed that the method was successful in detecting and locating damage in the test structures.


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We study existence, stability, and dynamics of linear and nonlinear stationary modes propagating in radially symmetric multicore waveguides with balanced gain and loss. We demonstrate that, in general, the system can be reduced to an effective PT-symmetric dimer with asymmetric coupling. In the linear case, we find that there exist two modes with real propagation constants before an onset of the PT-symmetry breaking while other modes have always the propagation constants with nonzero imaginary parts. This leads to a stable (unstable) propagation of the modes when gain is localized in the core (ring) of the waveguiding structure. In the case of nonlinear response, we show that an interplay between nonlinearity, gain, and loss induces a high degree of instability, with only small windows in the parameter space where quasistable propagation is observed. We propose a novel stabilization mechanism based on a periodic modulation of both gain and loss along the propagation direction that allows bounded light propagation in the multicore waveguiding structures.