955 resultados para light extraction efficiency


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The proposed simplified Integrated Sugar Production Process (ISPP) using membrane technology would allow the sugar industry to produce new product streams and higher quality mill sugar with increased sugar extraction efficiency. Membrane filtration technology has proven to be a technically sound process to increase sugar quality. However commercial viability has been uncertain partly because the benefits to crystallisation and sugar quality have not outweighed the increased processing cost. This simplified ISPP produces additional value-added liquid streams to make the membrane fractionation process more financially viable and improve the profitability of sugar manufacture. An experimental study used pilot scale membrane fractionation of clarified mill juice confirmed the technical feasibility of separating inorganic salt and antioxidant rich fractions from cane juice. The paper presents details on the compositions of the liquid streams along with their potential uses, values and challenges in getting these products out to market. This paper was presented at the 2010 Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists annual conference.


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This work develops methods to account for shoot structure in models of coniferous canopy radiative transfer. Shoot structure, as it varies along the light gradient inside canopy, affects the efficiency of light interception per unit needle area, foliage biomass, or foliage nitrogen. The clumping of needles in the shoot volume also causes a notable amount of multiple scattering of light within coniferous shoots. The effect of shoot structure on light interception is treated in the context of canopy level photosynthesis and resource use models, and the phenomenon of within-shoot multiple scattering in the context of physical canopy reflectance models for remote sensing purposes. Light interception. A method for estimating the amount of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by a conifer shoot is presented. The method combines modelling of the directional distribution of radiation above canopy, fish-eye photographs taken at shoot locations to measure canopy gap fraction, and geometrical measurements of shoot orientation and structure. Data on light availability, shoot and needle structure and nitrogen content has been collected from canopies of Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Shoot structure acclimated to light gradient inside canopy so that more shaded shoots have better light interception efficiency. Light interception efficiency of shoots varied about two-fold per needle area, about four-fold per needle dry mass, and about five-fold per nitrogen content. Comparison of fertilized and control stands of Norway spruce indicated that light interception efficiency is not greatly affected by fertilization. Light scattering. Structure of coniferous shoots gives rise to multiple scattering of light between the needles of the shoot. Using geometric models of shoots, multiple scattering was studied by photon tracing simulations. Based on simulation results, the dependence of the scattering coefficient of shoot from the scattering coefficient of needles is shown to follow a simple one-parameter model. The single parameter, termed the recollision probability, describes the level of clumping of the needles in the shoot, is wavelength independent, and can be connected to previously used clumping indices. By using the recollision probability to correct for the within-shoot multiple scattering, canopy radiative transfer models which have used leaves as basic elements can use shoots as basic elements, and thus be applied for coniferous forests. Preliminary testing of this approach seems to explain, at least partially, why coniferous forests appear darker than broadleaved forests in satellite data.


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Strategies for efficient start-up of a continuous process for biooxidation of refractory gold ore and concentrate obtained from Hutti, Gold Mines Limited (HGML), India are discussed in this work. The biooxidation of the concentrate at high pulp density (10%) with wild strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans isolated from HGML mines is characterized by significant lag phase (20 days) and incomplete oxidation (35%) even after prolonged operation (60 days). Two strategies, biooxidation with concentrate adapted cells and a step leaching strategy, in which the pulp density is progressively increased from 2% to 10% were considered and the latter resulted in efficient biooxidation of concentrate. Conversion of such a process from batch to continuous operation is shown to result in complete biooxidation of the concentrate and gold extraction efficiency in excess of 90%. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The detection efficiency of a gaseous photomultiplier depends on the photocathode quantum efficiency and the extraction efficiency of photoelectrons into the gas. In this paper we have studied the performance of an UV photon detector with P10 gas in which the extraction efficiency can reach values near to those in vacuum operated devices. Simulations have been done to compare the percentage of photoelectrons backscattered in P10 gas as well as in the widely used neon-based gas mixture. The performance study has been carried out using a single stage thick gas electron multiplier (THGEM). The electron pulses and electron spectrum are recorded under various operating conditions. Secondary effects prevailing in UV photon detectors like photon feedback are discussed and its effect on the electron spectrum under different operating conditions is analyzed. (C) 2014 Chinese Laser Press


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A modified simplified rate equation (RE) model of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL), which is adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant, is presented for performance analyses of a COIL. By using the Voigt profile function and the gain-equal-loss approximation, a gain expression has been deduced from the rate equations of upper and lower level laser species. This gain expression is adapted to the conditions of very low gas pressure up to quite high pressure and can deal with the condition of lasing frequency being not equal to the central one of spectral profile. The expressions of output power and extraction efficiency in a flowing COIL can be obtained by solving the coupling equations of the deduced gain expression and the energy equation which expresses the complete transformation of the energy stored in singlet delta state oxygen into laser energy. By using these expressions, the RotoCOIL experiment is simulated, and obtained results agree well with experiment data. Effects of various adjustable parameters on the performances of COIL are also presented.


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A modified simplified rate equation (RE) model of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL), which is adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant, is presented for performance analyses of a COIL. By using the Voigt profile function and the gain-equal-loss approximation, a gain expression has been deduced from the rate equations of upper and lower level laser species. This gain expression is adapted to the conditions of very low gas pressure up to quite high pressure and can deal with the condition of lasing frequency being not equal to the central one of spectral profile. The expressions of output power and extraction efficiency in a flowing COIL can be obtained by solving the coupling equations of the deduced gain expression and the energy equation which expresses the complete transformation of the energy stored in singlet delta state oxygen into laser energy. By using these expressions, the RotoCOIL experiment is simulated, and obtained results agree well with experiment data. Effects of various adjustable parameters on the performances of COIL are also presented.


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The suppressing effect of laser extraction on the non-radiation transition process is taken into account when the heat model of gain media is developed. Based on the developed heat model, the heat generation in the operating LD side-pumped Nd: YAG ceramic lasers is quantified through using the normalized heating parameter, which can be deduced from the experimental results of the slope efficiency and the absorbed pumping power of the gain media. The main factors which influence on the heat generation are investigated by studying the normalized heating parameter, and the results show that the changes of the laser extraction efficiency, the beam overlap efficiency and the Nd3+ concentration will result in obvious variations of the normalized heating parameter. In this work, the laser extraction efficiency increases to 0.905 by the optimization of the transmission of the output coupling, and the normalized heating parameter decrease to 0.474, correspondingly.


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本文研究了富贵草对模拟光斑的光合响应、银杉对光的适应性以及大叶黄杨叶片内部光能利用梯度三个方面的问题。 1)研制了用于林内光环境调查和研究的光量子计组件。 关键词:光量子计,A/D板 2)以亚热带常绿阔叶林下一种常见的灌木富贵草为研究对象,利用气体交换和叶绿素荧光技术研究了其对模拟光斑的光合响应。在同样辐射通量(非光抑制)的情况下,光合诱导过程中光斑可以提高富贵草对光斑的利用能力(光斑诱导的碳同化量可高出对照48%)。叶绿素荧光测量结果表明:1)光斑与光斑之间的暗期发生了qN弛豫过程;2)暗期之后的光期光化学能量转换效率提高。强光光斑簇可以诱导富贵草光抑制的产生,但程度较连续光低。 关键词:模拟光斑, 叶绿素荧光, 光诱导过程 3)用高效液相色谱(HPLC)和77K低温荧光发射光谱技术来研究快速诱导组分发生的时间内光斑所导致NPQ (qN)降低的生理原因。在非光抑制条件下,光斑造成的NPQ (qN)降低的生理原因包括叶黄素循环的变化及LHCIIs聚集态的变化;此外低温荧光数据还显示光斑导致的PSII/PSI荧光产量比率要高于连续光,说明光斑导致植物对于光的利用增加。以上结果说明模拟光斑诱导了富贵草内囊体膜较低水平的能态。 关键词:模拟光斑,叶黄素,聚集态 4)用气体交换等技术测定了部分银杉幼树的生理生态指标,用鱼眼镜头测定了所测叶片的林冠开度(OP)。研究了沿林冠开度梯度的银杉幼树对光的适应性。银杉幼树在林窗边缘表现出较好的适应性,包括高的ISG(综合地上部分茎生长),高的HG(当年生树高生长速率),较高的LMA(单位叶片面积干物质重),较高的Pns(单位叶片干物质水平的净光合速率),高的单位叶片的碳同化速率,较高的截获光的单位叶片的叶面积等等,可以初步确定银杉属于Gap树种:在所测定的范围内(0. 00139%-0. 0109%)TN(土壤总氮量)明显不如OP对银杉幼树生长的影响大;综合的生态可塑性指标必须考虑具体的实验地情况、选取合适的形态学和生理学的因子、并结合多个相似生长环境下的树种来进行考虑。 关键词:林冠开度,生理生态指标,生态可塑性 5)分析了湖南八面山的银杉的某些光合特性,并比较了极郁闭( OP<4%)情况下银杉当年生叶片与大树顶端枝条(OP>30%)当年生叶片之间光合特性上的差异。极郁闭情况下银杉叶片生长出现黄化现象,但银杉幼苗又不耐强光。银杉幼苗一天的光合动态变化表明,银杉最大光合速率在早晨8:00左右,当光照超过光饱和点时,净光合速率迅速下降,其后略有回升,呈不太典型的双峰模式。气孔关闭与净光合速率的下降有密切的关系。早晨8:00到11:00间叶黄素循环运转,对光合系统起到一定保护作用。 关键词: 银杉,色素分析,光合作用 6)采用一种新方法来测量大叶黄杨叶片内部的绝对光能利用效率梯度的曲线。该方法基于光声光谱的深度分析(Depth-Analysis)理论,并结合了光纤微探测器的叶片光梯度测量结果。日本小檗(Berberis thunbergii DC.)叶片的光声光谱扫描显示了深度分析的精确性。实验结果表明:叶片内部利用光能效率最低处在栅栏组织和海棉组织之间(入射光能的0.026%-660nm红光);越靠近叶片的上表皮和下表皮,趋势显示叶片组织利用光能效率有上升的趋势(分别为0.092%,0.036%)。因此,不同叶肉组织绝对光能利用效率是不同的,该实验结果直接证实了Han &Vogelmann 1999b所提出的假设。 关键词: PA深度分析 叶片内部的光梯度 光化学损失 光吸收梯度


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We investigate two-photon excited fluorescence from CdSe quantum dots with a center-emitting wavelength of 655 nm on SiN photonic crystals. We find that two-photon excited fluorescence is enhanced by more than 1 order of magnitude in the vertical direction when a photonic crystal is used compared to the fluorescence spectra in the absence of photonic crystals. The spectrum of two-photon excited fluorescence from quantum dots on SiN photonic crystal is observed to shift to blue compared to that from quantum dots on SiN without photonic crystals. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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The coupling of surface plasmons to the photonic modes in hexagonal textured metallic microcavity was studied. The modified photonic modes enable efficient coupling with the luminescence source in the microcavity. Hexagonal photonic crystal lattice has higher folding symmetry providing more channels for surface plasmon coupling in different in-plane directions, i.e., more isotropic light extraction profile than one-or two-dimensional gratings. Results show that strong coupling between surface plasmon modes and the waveguide mode in the microcavity has led to angle-selective enhanced light extraction and it was as much as 12 times more light extracted compare to planar microcavity. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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干旱胁迫是全球范围内影响植物生存、生长和分布的重要环境因子。岷江上游干旱河谷区,由于生态环境的脆弱性和长期人类活动的干扰和过度利用,导致植被严重退化,水土流失加剧,山地灾害频繁,干旱化和荒漠化趋势明显。这种趋势若不能遏制,将严重阻碍区域社会经济的快速协调发展,并且威胁成都平原地区的发展和长江中下游地区的生态安全。因而开展干旱河谷生态恢复研究成为解决这些问题的关键。水分匮乏是限制干旱河谷生态恢复的关键因子,在全球气候变化的背景下,干旱胁迫在区域尺度上可能会更加严重,并使干旱河谷的生态环境更加恶化。因此,深入研究干旱河谷乡土植物对干旱胁迫的响应和适应机理,具有非常重要的理论和实践意义。 本论文以岷江上游干旱河谷的三种乡土豆科灌木,白刺花(Sophora davidii)、小马鞍羊蹄甲(Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla)和小雀花(Campylotropics polyantha)理论和实践意义。为研究对象,在人工控制条件下设计了4-5个连续性干旱胁迫处理,系统地研究了灌木幼苗的生长、生物量积累和水分利用效率(WUE)、形态结构和生理过程等对干旱胁迫的反应,揭示了幼苗的干旱适应能力及种间差异。主要研究结论如下: 1) 灌木生长和繁殖对干旱胁迫的反应 在干旱胁迫下,幼苗生长速率显著减小,叶片衰老和脱落比率增大,这些变化随着胁迫强度的增加具有累积效应。叶片比茎对干旱胁迫的反应更敏感。在严重干旱胁迫下,幼苗的有性繁殖被限制,但在中等程度干旱胁迫下,幼苗的有性繁殖能力被提高。 2) 灌木生物量积累及其分配和WUE对干旱胁迫的反应 在干旱胁迫下,灌木各器官的生物量都显著减小,但是生物量的分配侧重于地下部分,使得根茎比在干旱条件下增大。幼苗的耗水量(WU)随着干旱胁迫的增加而显著减少。白刺花和小马鞍羊蹄甲WUE在干旱胁迫下降低;小雀花的WUE在中等干旱胁迫下升高。 3) 灌木叶片结构特征对干旱胁迫反应 白刺花叶片具有较为典型的旱生型结构,而小马鞍羊蹄甲和小雀花则为中生型结构。在1至2年的干旱胁迫下,灌木叶片结构组成未发生本质性的改变,主要是细胞大小的变化。在中等和严重干旱胁迫下,叶肉组织厚度明显减小;并且气孔和表皮细胞面积也显著减小,气孔和表皮细胞密度显著增大;叶肉细胞层数、P/S值、表皮厚度等无显著变化。 4) 灌木对干旱胁迫的生理响应 气体交换参数和叶片相对含水量(RWC)在中等干旱胁迫下发生了明显的改变,而叶绿素荧光参数和光合色素含量在严重干旱胁迫下才发生显著变化。在干旱胁迫下,净光合作用速率(Pn)、气孔导度(gs)和RWC呈下降趋势,而叶片温度(Tl)呈增加趋势,蒸腾速率(Tr)的变化不明显。除了日最大Pn减小以外,干旱胁迫对气体交换参数的日变化无显著影响,但是对光合-光响应曲线有显著的影响,使有效光合时间缩短。在严重干旱胁迫下光系统受到损害而代谢减弱,PSⅡ中心的内禀光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、量子产量(Yield)、光化学淬灭参数(qP)显著降低,而非光化学淬灭参数(NPQ)明显增加。气孔限制和非气孔限制对Pn的影响与干旱胁迫强度有关。在中度胁迫下,气孔限制起主导作用,在严重胁迫下非气孔限制起主导作用,40% FC水分条件可能是灌木由气孔限制向非气孔限制的转折点。 5) 灌木对干旱胁迫的适应能力及其种间差异 三种灌木对干旱胁迫具有较好的适应能力,即使在20% FC,幼苗未因干旱胁迫III而死亡;80% FC适宜于幼苗生长。白刺花生长速率慢,耗水量较少,具有较强的耐旱和耐贫瘠能力,并具有干旱忍受机制,能够在较干旱的环境中定居和生长。小马鞍羊蹄甲和小雀花,生长快,水分消耗量较大,尤其是小雀花,对干旱胁迫的忍受能力较弱,具有干旱回避机制,因而适宜于在较为湿润的生境中生长。综合分析表明,生长速率较慢的物种抗旱能力较强,其更适宜于作为干旱地区植被恢复物种。 Drought is often a key factor limiting plant establishment, growth and distribution inmany regions of the world. The harsh environmental conditions and long-termanthropogenic disturbance had resulted in habitat destruction in the dry valley ofMinjiang river, southwest China. Recently, it tended to be more severe on the vegetationdegradation, soil erosion and water loss, natural disaster, as well as desertification, whichimpact on regional booming economy and harmonious development, and would be verydangerous to the environmental security in the middle and lower reaches of Yangzi River.Therefore, ecological restoration in the dry valley is one of the vital tasks in China. Waterdeficit is known to affect adversely vegetation restoration in this place. Moreover, in thecontext of climate change, an increased frequency of drought stress might occur at aregional scale in the dry valleys of Minjiang River. The selection of appropriate plantingspecies for vegetation restoration in regard to regional conditions is an important issue atpresent and in further. The research on responses of indigenous species to drought stresscould provide insights into the improvement of the vegetation restoration in the dry valleys of Minjiang River. In this paper, the responses of three indigenous leguminous shrubs, Sophora davidii,Bauhinia faberi var. microphylla and Campylotropics polyantha, to various soil watersupplies were studied in order to assess drought tolerance of seedlings, and to compare interspecific differences in seedlings’ responses to drought stress. The results were as follows: 1 Growth and reproduction of shrubs in response to drought stress Seedling growth reduced significantly while leaf senescence accelerated underdrought stress, the cumulative responses to prolonged drought were found. The capacityfor reproduction was limited by severe drought stress, and improved by moderate droughtstress. Leaf responses were more sensitive than shoot to various water supplies. 2 WUE, biomass production and its partitioning of shrubs in response to drought stress Drought stress reduced significantly the total dry mass and their components ofseedlings, and altered more biomass allocation to root system, showing higher R/S ratiounder drought. Water use (WU) and water-use efficiency (WUE) of both S. davidii and B.faberi var. microphylla declined strongly with drought stress. The WU C. polyantha ofalso declined with drought stress, but WUE improved under moderate drought stress. 3 Anatomical characteristics and ultrastructures of leaves in response to drought stress There were xeromorphic for S. davidii leaves and mesomorphic for B. faberi var.microphylla and C. polyantha at the all water supplies. The foundational changes in leafstructures were not found with drought stress. However, mesophyll thickness, the areas ofstomatal and epidermis reduced slightly while the densities of stomatal and epidermisincreased under severe drought stress. Variations in these parameters could mainly be duoto cell size. Other structures did not displayed significant changes with drought stress. 4 Physiological responses of shrubs to drought stress The gas exchange parameters and leaf relative water content (RWC) were affectedby moderate stress, while chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll content were onlyaffected by severe stress. Drought stress decreased net photosynthesis rate (Pn), stomatalconductance, light-use efficiency and RWC, and increased leaf temperature. Therespiration rates (Tr) were kept within a narrower range than Pn, resulting in aprogressively increased instantaneous water use effiecency (WUEi) under drought stress.Moreover, drought stress also affected the response curve of Pn to RAR, there was adepression light saturation point (Lsat) and maximum Pn (Pnmax) for moderate andsevere stressed seedling. However, diurnal changes of gas exchange parameters did notdiffer among water supplies although maximum daily Pn declined under severe stress.VISevere stress reduced Fv/Fm, Yield and qP while increased NPQ and chlorophyll content.Photosynthetic activity decreased during drought stress period due to stomatal andnon-stomatal limitations. The relative contribution of these limitations was associatedwith the severity of stress. The limitation to Pn was caused mainly by stomatal limitationunder moderate drought stress, and by the predominance of non-stomatal limitation undersevere stress. In this case, 40% FC water supply may be a non-stomatal limitation 5 Interspecific differences in drought tolerance of shrubs Three shrubs exhibited good performance throughout the experiment process, evenif at 20% FC treatment there were no any seedlings died, 80% FC water supply wassuitable for their establishment and growth. S. davidii minimized their water loss byreducing total leaf area and growth rate, as well as maintained higher RWC and Pncompared to the other two species under drought stress, thus they might be more tolerantto the drought stress than the other two species. On the contrary, it was found that C.polyantha and B. faberi var. microphylla had higher water loss because of their stomatalconductance and higher leaf area ratios. They reduced water loss with shedding theirleaves and changing leaf orientation under drought stress. Based on their responses, thestudied species could be categorized into two: (1) S. davidii with a tolerance mechanismin response to drought stress; (2) C. polyantha and B. faberi var. microphylla withdrought avoidance mechanism. These results indicated that slow-growing shrub speciesare better adapted to drought stress than intermediate or fast-growing species in present orpredicted drought conditions. Therefore, selecting rapid-growing species might leavethese seedlings relatively at a risk of extreme drought.


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“Dissolved” (< 0.4 μm filtered) and “total dissolvable” (unfiltered) trace element samples were collected using “clean” sampling techniques from four vertical profiles in the eastern Atlantic Ocean on the first IOC Trace Metals Baseline expedition. The analytical results obtained by 9 participating laboratories for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Se on samples from station 4 in the northeast Atlantic have been evaluated with respect to accuracy and precision (intercomparability). The data variability among the reporting laboratories was expressed as 2 × SD for a given element and depth, and was comparable to the 95% confidence interval reported for the NASS seawater reference standards (representing analytical variability only). The discrepancies between reporting laboratories appear to be due to inaccuracies in standardization (analytical calibration), blank correction, and/or extraction efficiency corrections.Several of the sampling bottles used at this station were not adequately pre-cleaned (anomalous Pb results). The sample filtration process did not appear to have been a source of contamination for either dissolved or particulate trace elements. The trace metal profiles agree in general with previously reported profiles from the Atlantic Ocean. We conclude that the sampling and analytical methods we have employed for this effort, while still in need of improvement, are sufficient for obtaining accurate concentration data on most trace metals in the major water masses of the oceans, and to enable some evaluation of the biogeochemical cycling of the metals.


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Spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation net primary production (NPP) in China was studied using three light-use efficiency models (CASA, GLOPEM and GEOLUE) and two mechanistic ecological process models (CEVSA, GEOPRO). Based on spatial and temporal analysis (e.g. monthly, seasonally and annually) of simulated results from ecological process mechanism models of CASA, GLOPEM and CEVSA, the following conclusions could be made: (1) during the last 20 years, NPP change in China followed closely the seasonal change of climate affected by monsoon with an overall trend of increasing; (2) simulated average seasonal NPP was: 0.571 +/- 0.2 GtC in spring, 1.573 +/- 0.4 GtC in summer, 0.6 +/- 0.2 GtC in autumn, and 0.12 +/- 0.1 GtC in winter. Average annual NPP in China was 2.864 +/- 1 GtC. All the five models were able to simulate seasonal and spatial features of biomass for different ecological types in China. This paper provides a baseline for China's total biomass production. It also offers a means of estimating the NPP change due to afforestation, reforestation, conservation and other human activities and could aid people in using for-mentioned carbon sinks to fulfill China's commitment of reducing greenhouse gases.