849 resultados para lifestyle factors
Background Recreational use of 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy, MDMA) is increasing worldwide. Its use by pregnant women causes concern due to potentially harmful effects on the developing fetus. MDMA, an indirect monoaminergic agonist and reuptake inhibitor, affects the serotonin and dopamine systems. Preclinical studies of fetal exposure demonstrate effects on learning, motor behavior, and memory. In the first human studies, we found prenatal MDMA exposure related to poorer motor development in the first year of life. In the present study we assessed the effects of prenatal exposure to MDMA on the trajectory of child development through 2 years of age. We hypothesized that exposure would be associated with poorer mental and motor outcomes. Materials and Methods The DAISY (Drugs and Infancy Study, 2003–2008) employed a prospective longitudinal cohort design to assess recreational drug use during pregnancy and child outcomes in the United Kingdom. Examiners masked to drug exposures followed infants from birth to 4, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. MDMA, cocaine, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, and other drugs were quantified through a standardized clinical interview. The Bayley Scales (III) of Mental (MDI) and Motor (PDI) Development and the Behavior Rating Scales (BRS) were primary outcome measures. Statistical analyses included a repeated measures mixed model approach controlling for multiple confounders. Results Participants were pregnant women volunteers, primarily white, of middle class socioeconomic status, average IQ, with some college education, in stable partner relationships. Of 96 women enrolled, children of 93 had at least one follow-up assessment and 81 (87%) had ≥ two assessments. Heavier MDMA exposure (M = 1.3 ± 1.4 tablets per week) predicted lower PDI (p < .002), and poorer BRS motor quality from 4 to 24 months of age, but did not affect MDI, orientation, or emotional regulation. Children with heavier exposure were twice as likely to demonstrate poorer motor quality as lighter and non-exposed children (O.R. = 2.2, 95%, CI = 1.02–4.70, p < .05). Discussion Infants whose mothers reported heavier MDMA use during pregnancy had motor delays from 4 months to two years of age that were not attributable to other drug or lifestyle factors. Women of child bearing age should be cautioned about the use of MDMA and MDMA-exposed infants should be screened for motor delays and possible intervention.
Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Genética), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015
Background: A glycoproteomic study has previously shown cadherin-5 (CDH5) to be a serological marker of metastatic breast cancer when both protein levels and glycosylation status were assessed. In this study we aimed to further validate the utility of CDH5 as a biomarker for breast cancer progression. Methods: A nested case–control study of serum samples from breast cancer patients, of which n=52 had developed a distant metastatic recurrence within 5 years post-diagnosis and n=60 had remained recurrence-free. ELISAs were used to quantify patient serum CDH5 levels and assess glycosylation by Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA) binding. Clinicopathological, treatment and lifestyle factors associated with metastasis and elevated biomarker levels were identified. Results: Elevated CDH5 levels (P=0.028) and ratios of CDH5:HPA binding (P=0.007) distinguished patients with metastatic disease from those that remained metastasis-free. Multivariate analysis showed that the association between CDH5:HPA ratio and the formation of distant metastases was driven by patients with oestrogen receptor (ER+) positive cancer with vascular invasion (VI+). Conclusions: CDH5 levels and the CDH5 glycosylation represent biomarker tests that distinguish patients with metastatic breast cancer from those that remain metastasis-free. The test reached optimal sensitivity and specificity in ER-positive cancers with vascular invasion.
RESUMO - Introdução: A despesa em saúde aumentou consideravelmente nas últimas décadas na maioria dos países industrializados. Por outro lado, os indicadores de saúde melhoraram. A evidência empírica sobre a relação entre as despesas em saúde e a saúde das populações tem sido inconclusiva. Este estudo aborda a relação entre as despesas em saúde e a saúde das populações através de dados agregados para 34 países para o período 1980-2010. Metodologia: Utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson para avaliar a correlação entre as variáveis explicativas e os indicadores de saúde. Procedeuse ainda à realização de uma regressão multivariada com dados em painel para cada indicador de saúde utilizado como variável dependente: esperança de vida à nascença e aos 65 anos para mulheres e homens, anos de vida potencialmente perdidos para mulheres e homens e mortalidade infantil. A principal variável explicativa utilizada foi a despesa em saúde, mas consideraram-se também vários fatores de confundimento, nomeadamente a riqueza, fatores estilo de vida, e oferta de cuidados. Resultados: A despesa per capita tem impacto nos indicadores de saúde mas ao adicionarmos a variável PIB per capita deixa de ser estatisticamente significativa. Outros fatores têm um impacto significativo para quase todos os indicadores de saúde utilizados: consumo de álcool e tabaco, gordura, o número de médicos e a imunização, confirmando vários resultados da literatura. Conclusão: Os resultados vão ao encontro de alguns estudos que afirmam o impacto marginal das despesas em saúde e do progresso da medicina nos resultados em saúde desde os anos 80 nos países industrializados.
RESUMO: A estrutura demográfica portuguesa é marcada por baixas taxas de natalidade e mortalidade, onde a população idosa representa uma fatia cada vez mais representativa, fruto de uma maior longevidade. A incidência do cancro, na sua generalidade, é maior precisamente nessa classe etária. A par de outras doenças igualmente lesivas (e.g. cardiovasculares, degenerativas) cuja incidência aumenta com a idade, o cancro merece relevo. Estudos epidemiológicos apresentam o cancro como líder mundial na mortalidade. Em países desenvolvidos, o seu peso representa 25% do número total de óbitos, percentagem essa que mais que duplica noutros países. A obesidade, a baixa ingestão de frutas e vegetais, o sedentarismo, o consumo de tabaco e a ingestão de álcool, configuram-se como cinco dos fatores de risco presentes em 30% das mortes diagnosticadas por cancro. A nível mundial e, em particular no Sul de Portugal, os cancros do estômago, recto e cólon apresentam elevadas taxas de incidência e de mortalidade. Do ponto de vista estritamente económico, o cancro é a doença que mais recursos consome enquanto que do ponto de vista físico e psicológico é uma doença que não limita o seu raio de ação ao doente. O cancro é, portanto, uma doença sempre atual e cada vez mais presente, pois reflete os hábitos e o ambiente de uma sociedade, não obstante as características intrínsecas a cada indivíduo. A adoção de metodologia estatística aplicada à modelação de dados oncológicos é, sobretudo, valiosa e pertinente quando a informação é oriunda de Registos de Cancro de Base Populacional (RCBP). A pertinência é justificada pelo fato destes registos permitirem aferir numa população específica, o risco desta sofrer e/ou vir a sofrer de uma dada neoplasia. O peso que as neoplasias do estômago, cólon e recto assumem foi um dos elementos que motivou o presente estudo que tem por objetivo analisar tendências, projeções, sobrevivências relativas e a distribuição espacial destas neoplasias. Foram considerados neste estudo todos os casos diagnosticados no período 1998-2006, pelo RCBP da região sul de Portugal (ROR-Sul). O estudo descritivo inicial das taxas de incidência e da tendência em cada uma das referidas neoplasias teve como base uma única variável temporal - o ano de diagnóstico - também designada por período. Todavia, uma metodologia que contemple apenas uma única variável temporal é limitativa. No cancro, para além do período, a idade à data do diagnóstico e a coorte de nascimento, são variáveis temporais que poderão prestar um contributo adicional na caracterização das taxas de incidência. A relevância assumida por estas variáveis temporais justificou a sua inclusão numaclasse de modelos designada por modelos Idade-Período-Coorte (Age-Period-Cohort models - APC), utilizada na modelação das taxas de incidência para as neoplasias em estudo. Os referidos modelos permitem ultrapassar o problema de relações não lineares e/ou de mudanças súbitas na tendência linear das taxas. Nos modelos APC foram consideradas a abordagem clássica e a abordagem com recurso a funções suavizadoras. A modelação das taxas foi estratificada por sexo. Foram ainda estudados os respectivos submodelos (apenas com uma ou duas variáveis temporais). Conhecido o comportamento das taxas de incidência, uma questão subsequente prende-se com a sua projeção em períodos futuros. Porém, o efeito de mudanças estruturais na população, ao qual Portugal não é alheio, altera substancialmente o número esperado de casos futuros com cancro. Estimativas da incidência de cancro a nível mundial obtidas a partir de projeções demográficas apontam para um aumento de 25% dos casos de cancro nas próximas duas décadas. Embora a projeção da incidência esteja associada a alguma incerteza, as projeções auxiliam no planeamento de políticas de saúde para a afetação de recursos e permitem a avaliação de cenários e de intervenções que tenham como objetivo a redução do impacto do cancro. O desconhecimento de projeções da taxa de incidência destas neoplasias na área abrangida pelo ROR-Sul, levou à utilização de modelos de projeção que diferem entre si quanto à sua estrutura, linearidade (ou não) dos seus coeficientes e comportamento das taxas na série histórica de dados (e.g. crescente, decrescente ou estável). Os referidos modelos pautaram-se por duas abordagens: (i)modelos lineares no que concerne ao tempo e (ii) extrapolação de efeitos temporais identificados pelos modelos APC para períodos futuros. Foi feita a projeção das taxas de incidência para os anos de 2007 a 2010 tendo em conta o género, idade e neoplasia. É ainda apresentada uma estimativa do impacto económico destas neoplasias no período de projeção. Uma questão pertinente e habitual no contexto clínico e a que o presente estudo pretende dar resposta, reside em saber qual a contribuição da neoplasia em si para a sobrevivência do doente. Nesse sentido, a mortalidade por causa específica é habitualmente utilizada para estimar a mortalidade atribuível apenas ao cancro em estudo. Porém, existem muitas situações em que a causa de morte é desconhecida e, mesmo que esta informação esteja disponível através dos certificados de óbito, não é fácil distinguir os casos em que a principal causa de morte é devida ao cancro. A sobrevivência relativa surge como uma medida objetiva que não necessita do conhecimento da causa específica da morte para o seu cálculo e dar-nos-á uma estimativa da probabilidade de sobrevivência caso o cancro em análise, num cenário hipotético, seja a única causa de morte. Desconhecida a principal causa de morte nos casos diagnosticados com cancro no registo ROR-Sul, foi determinada a sobrevivência relativa para cada uma das neoplasias em estudo, para um período de follow-up de 5 anos, tendo em conta o sexo, a idade e cada uma das regiões que constituem o registo. Foi adotada uma análise por período e as abordagens convencional e por modelos. No epílogo deste estudo, é analisada a influência da variabilidade espaço-temporal nas taxas de incidência. O longo período de latência das doenças oncológicas, a dificuldade em identificar mudanças súbitas no comportamento das taxas, populações com dimensão e riscos reduzidos, são alguns dos elementos que dificultam a análise da variação temporal das taxas. Nalguns casos, estas variações podem ser reflexo de flutuações aleatórias. O efeito da componente temporal aferida pelos modelos APC dá-nos um retrato incompleto da incidência do cancro. A etiologia desta doença, quando conhecida, está associada com alguma frequência a fatores de risco tais como condições socioeconómicas, hábitos alimentares e estilo de vida, atividade profissional, localização geográfica e componente genética. O “contributo”, dos fatores de risco é, por vezes, determinante e não deve ser ignorado. Surge, assim, a necessidade em complementar o estudo temporal das taxas com uma abordagem de cariz espacial. Assim, procurar-se-á aferir se as variações nas taxas de incidência observadas entre os concelhos inseridos na área do registo ROR-Sul poderiam ser explicadas quer pela variabilidade temporal e geográfica quer por fatores socioeconómicos ou, ainda, pelos desiguais estilos de vida. Foram utilizados os Modelos Bayesianos Hierárquicos Espaço-Temporais com o objetivo de identificar tendências espaço-temporais nas taxas de incidência bem como quantificar alguns fatores de risco ajustados à influência simultânea da região e do tempo. Os resultados obtidos pela implementação de todas estas metodologias considera-se ser uma mais valia para o conhecimento destas neoplasias em Portugal.------------ABSTRACT: mortality rates, with the elderly being an increasingly representative sector of the population, mainly due to greater longevity. The incidence of cancer, in general, is greater precisely in that age group. Alongside with other equally damaging diseases (e.g. cardiovascular,degenerative), whose incidence rates increases with age, cancer is of special note. In epidemiological studies, cancer is the global leader in mortality. In developed countries its weight represents 25% of the total number of deaths, with this percentage being doubled in other countries. Obesity, a reduce consumption of fruit and vegetables, physical inactivity, smoking and alcohol consumption, are the five risk factors present in 30% of deaths due to cancer. Globally, and in particular in the South of Portugal, the stomach, rectum and colon cancer have high incidence and mortality rates. From a strictly economic perspective, cancer is the disease that consumes more resources, while from a physical and psychological point of view, it is a disease that is not limited to the patient. Cancer is therefore na up to date disease and one of increased importance, since it reflects the habits and the environment of a society, regardless the intrinsic characteristics of each individual. The adoption of statistical methodology applied to cancer data modelling is especially valuable and relevant when the information comes from population-based cancer registries (PBCR). In such cases, these registries allow for the assessment of the risk and the suffering associated to a given neoplasm in a specific population. The weight that stomach, colon and rectum cancers assume in Portugal was one of the motivations of the present study, that focus on analyzing trends, projections, relative survival and spatial distribution of these neoplasms. The data considered in this study, are all cases diagnosed between 1998 and 2006, by the PBCR of Portugal, ROR-Sul.Only year of diagnosis, also called period, was the only time variable considered in the initial descriptive analysis of the incidence rates and trends for each of the three neoplasms considered. However, a methodology that only considers one single time variable will probably fall short on the conclusions that could be drawn from the data under study. In cancer, apart from the variable period, the age at diagnosis and the birth cohort are also temporal variables and may provide an additional contribution to the characterization of the incidence. The relevance assumed by these temporal variables justified its inclusion in a class of models called Age-Period-Cohort models (APC). This class of models was used for the analysis of the incidence rates of the three cancers under study. APC models allow to model nonlinearity and/or sudden changes in linear relationships of rate trends. Two approaches of APC models were considered: the classical and the one using smoothing functions. The models were stratified by gender and, when justified, further studies explored other sub-models where only one or two temporal variables were considered. After the analysis of the incidence rates, a subsequent goal is related to their projections in future periods. Although the effect of structural changes in the population, of which Portugal is not oblivious, may substantially change the expected number of future cancer cases, the results of these projections could help planning health policies with the proper allocation of resources, allowing for the evaluation of scenarios and interventions that aim to reduce the impact of cancer in a population. Worth noting that cancer incidence worldwide obtained from demographic projections point out to an increase of 25% of cancer cases in the next two decades. The lack of projections of incidence rates of the three cancers under study in the area covered by ROR-Sul, led us to use a variety of forecasting models that differ in the nature and structure. For example, linearity or nonlinearity in their coefficients and the trend of the incidence rates in historical data series (e.g. increasing, decreasing or stable).The models followed two approaches: (i) linear models regarding time and (ii) extrapolation of temporal effects identified by the APC models for future periods. The study provide incidence rates projections and the numbers of newly diagnosed cases for the year, 2007 to 2010, taking into account gender, age and the type of cancer. In addition, an estimate of the economic impact of these neoplasms is presented for the projection period considered. This research also try to address a relevant and common clinical question in these type of studies, regarding the contribution of the type of cancer to the patient survival. In such studies, the primary cause of death is commonly used to estimate the mortality specifically due to the cancer. However, there are many situations in which the cause of death is unknown, or, even if this information is available through the death certificates, it is not easy to distinguish the cases where the primary cause of death is the cancer. With this in mind, the relative survival is an alternative measure that does not need the knowledge of the specific cause of death to be calculated. This estimate will represent the survival probability in the hypothetical scenario of a certain cancer be the only cause of death. For the patients with unknown cause of death that were diagnosed with cancer in the ROR-Sul, the relative survival was calculated for each of the cancers under study, for a follow-up period of 5 years, considering gender, age and each one of the regions that are part the registry. A period analysis was undertaken, considering both the conventional and the model approaches. In final part of this study, we analyzed the influence of space-time variability in the incidence rates. The long latency period of oncologic diseases, the difficulty in identifying subtle changes in the rates behavior, populations of reduced size and low risk are some of the elements that can be a challenge in the analysis of temporal variations in rates, that, in some cases, can reflect simple random fluctuations. The effect of the temporal component measured by the APC models gives an incomplete picture of the cancer incidence. The etiology of this disease, when known, is frequently associated to risk factors such as socioeconomic conditions, eating habits and lifestyle, occupation, geographic location and genetic component. The "contribution"of such risk factors is sometimes decisive in the evolution of the disease and should not be ignored. Therefore, there was the need to consider an additional approach in this study, one of spatial nature, addressing the fact that changes in incidence rates observed in the ROR-Sul area, could be explained either by temporal and geographical variability or by unequal socio-economic or lifestyle factors. Thus, Bayesian hierarchical space-time models were used with the purpose of identifying space-time trends in incidence rates together with the the analysis of the effect of the risk factors considered in the study. The results obtained and the implementation of all these methodologies are considered to be an added value to the knowledge of these neoplasms in Portugal.
Whole-grain foods are touted for multiple health benefits, including enhancing insulin sensitivity and reducing type 2 diabetes risk. Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with fasting glucose and insulin concentrations in individuals free of diabetes. We tested the hypothesis that whole-grain food intake and genetic variation interact to influence concentrations of fasting glucose and insulin. Via meta-analysis of data from 14 cohorts comprising ∼ 48,000 participants of European descent, we studied interactions of whole-grain intake with loci previously associated in GWAS with fasting glucose (16 loci) and/or insulin (2 loci) concentrations. For tests of interaction, we considered a P value <0.0028 (0.05 of 18 tests) as statistically significant. Greater whole-grain food intake was associated with lower fasting glucose and insulin concentrations independent of demographics, other dietary and lifestyle factors, and BMI (β [95% CI] per 1-serving-greater whole-grain intake: -0.009 mmol/l glucose [-0.013 to -0.005], P < 0.0001 and -0.011 pmol/l [ln] insulin [-0.015 to -0.007], P = 0.0003). No interactions met our multiple testing-adjusted statistical significance threshold. The strongest SNP interaction with whole-grain intake was rs780094 (GCKR) for fasting insulin (P = 0.006), where greater whole-grain intake was associated with a smaller reduction in fasting insulin concentrations in those with the insulin-raising allele. Our results support the favorable association of whole-grain intake with fasting glucose and insulin and suggest a potential interaction between variation in GCKR and whole-grain intake in influencing fasting insulin concentrations.
Allostatic load (AL) is a marker of physiological dysregulation which reflects exposure to chronic stress. High AL has been related to poorer health outcomes including mortality. We examine here the association of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors with AL. Additionally, we investigate the extent to which AL is genetically determined. We included 803 participants (52% women, mean age 48±16years) from a population and family-based Swiss study. We computed an AL index aggregating 14 markers from cardiovascular, metabolic, lipidic, oxidative, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and inflammatory homeostatic axes. Education and occupational position were used as indicators of socioeconomic status. Marital status, stress, alcohol intake, smoking, dietary patterns and physical activity were considered as lifestyle factors. Heritability of AL was estimated by maximum likelihood. Women with a low occupational position had higher AL (low vs. high OR=3.99, 95%CI [1.22;13.05]), while the opposite was observed for men (middle vs. high OR=0.48, 95%CI [0.23;0.99]). Education tended to be inversely associated with AL in both sexes(low vs. high OR=3.54, 95%CI [1.69;7.4]/OR=1.59, 95%CI [0.88;2.90] in women/men). Heavy drinking men as well as women abstaining from alcohol had higher AL than moderate drinkers. Physical activity was protective against AL while high salt intake was related to increased AL risk. The heritability of AL was estimated to be 29.5% ±7.9%. Our results suggest that generalized physiological dysregulation, as measured by AL, is determined by both environmental and genetic factors. The genetic contribution to AL remains modest when compared to the environmental component, which explains approximately 70% of the phenotypic variance.
ABSTRACT Introduction The purpose of this study was to assess specific osteoporosis-related health behaviours and physiological outcomes including daily calcium intake, physical activity levels, bone strength, as assessed by quantitative ultrasound, and bone turnover among women between the ages of 18 and 25. Respective differences on relevant study variables, based on dietary restraint and oral contraceptive use were also examined. Methods One hundred women (20.6 ± 0.2 years of age) volunteered to participate in the study. Informed written consent was obtained by all subjects prior to participation. The study and all related procedures were approved by the Brock University Research Ethics Board. Body mass, height, relative body fat, as well as chest, waist and hip circumferences were measured using standard procedures. The 10-item restrained eating subscale of the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used to assess dietary restraint (van Strien et al., 1986). Daily calcium intake was assessed by the Rapid Assessment Method (RAM) (Hertzler & Frary 1994). Weekly physical activity was documented by the 4-item Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (Godin & Shephard 1985). Bone strength was determined from the speed of sound (SOS) as measured by QUS (Sunlight 7000S). SOS measurements (m/s) were taken of the dominant and non-dominant sides of the distal one third of the radius and the mid-shaft of the tibia. Resting blood samples were collected from all subjects between 9am and 12pm, in order to evaluate the impact of lifestyle factors on biochemical markers of bone turnover. Blood was collected during the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle (approximately days 1-5) for all subjects. Samples were centrifliged and the serum or plasma was aliquoted into separate tubes and stored at -80°C until analysis. The bone formation markers measured were Osteocalcin (OC), bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and 25-OH vitamin D. The bone resorption markers measured were the carboxy (CTx) and amino (NTx) terminal telopeptides of type-I collagen crosslinks. All markers were assessed by ELISA. Subjects were divided into high (HDR) and low dietary restrainers (LDR) based on the median DEBQ score, and also into users (BC) and non-users (nBC) of oral contraceptives. A series of multiple one way ANOVA's were then conducted to identify differences between each set of groups for all relevant variables. A two-way ANOVA analysis was used to explore significant interactions between dietary restraint and use of oral contraceptives while a univariate follow-up analysis was also performed when appropriate. Pearson Product Moment Correlations were used to determine relationships among study variables. Results HDR had significantly higher BMI, %BF and circumference measures but lower daily calcium intake than LDR. There were no significant differences in physical activity levels between HDR and LDR. No significant differences were found between BC and nBC in body composition, calcium intake and physical activity. HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores than LDR in both the dominant and non-dominant sites. The post-hoc analysis showed that within the non-birth control group, the HDR had significantly lower tibial SOS scores of bone strength when compared to the LDR but Aere were no significant differences found between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. HDR had significantly lower levels of OC than LDR and the BC group had lower levels of BAP than the nBC group. Consistently, the follow-up analysis revealed that within those not on birth control, subjects who were classified as HDR had significantly (f*<0.05) lower levels of OC when compared with LDR but no significant differences were observed in bone turnover between the two dietary restraint groups for those currently on birth control. Physical activity was not correlated with SOS scores and bone turnover markers possibly due to the low physical activity variability in this group of women. Conclusion This is the first study to examine the effects of dietary restraint on bone strength and turnover among this population of women. The most important finding of this study was that bone strength and turnover are negatively influenced by dietary restraint independent of relative body fat. In general, the results of the present thesis suggest that dietary restraint, oral contraceptive use, as well as low daily calcium intake and low physical activity levels were widespread behaviours among this population of college-aged women. The young women who were using dietary restraint as a strategy to lose weight, and thus were in the HDR group, despite their higher relative body fat and weight, had lower scores of bone strength and lower levels of markers of bone turnover compared to the low dietary restrainers. Additionally, bone turnover seemed to be negatively affected by oral contraceptives, while bone strength, as assessed by QUS, seemed unaffected by their use in this population of young women. Physical activity (weekly energy expenditure), on the other hand, was not associated with either bone strength or bone tiimover possibly due to the low variability of this variable in this population of young Canadian women.
Background: Previous work examining differences in hypertension across ethnic groups employ race as the principal variable. While differences in hypertension have been identified across racial groups, there is great variation between ethnic groups amongst racial groupings that could mask differences in hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. In light of Canada's ethnic diversity, research aimed at identifying specific groups that are at a health disadvantage is essential for understanding the health of the overall population. In addition, this research would be beneficial for creating programs and policies aimed at reducing or eliminating these disparities. Since CVD is the leading cause of mortality in Canada and hypertension is one of the most significant and modifiable risk factors for CVD, it is important to move past crude classifications based on race and examine ethnic group differences. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between ethnicity and hypertension in Canada, while employing more narrow classifications for ethnicity than previous studies. In addition, because ethnicity has been shown to be representative of an individual's social experience, this study also aims to investigate whether this relationship can be explained by one or all of the following variable: socioeconomic status, physical activity, body mass index, smoking status, daily alcohol consumption or acculturation. Methods. This study used the 2004 Canadian Community Health Survey, cycle 2.1 to compare 29 different ethnic groups in Canada on whether they had high blood pressure that had been diagnosed by a health professional. Associations were examined using logistic regression. Subsequent logistic regression analyses included socioeconomic status, physical activity, body mass index, smoking status, daily alcohol consumption and acculturation to test for the effect of each of these variables on the relationship between ethnicity and hypertension. Results. Ukrainians, Chinese, Portuguese, South Asians, Aboriginals, Blacks, Filipinos and South East Asians were found to have significantly higher odds of having high blood pressure than Canadians (OR's = 1.50, 1.56, 2.72, 1.38, 1.36, 1.66, 2.21 & 2.24 respectively, p<.001). In addition, the only significant mediating effects were between SES and Aboriginals as well as obesity and Aboriginals. None of the other independent variables accounted for >10% of the risk experienced by the ethnic groups that were significantly associated with hypertension. Interpretation: The odds of having high blood pressure in Canada varies considerably across ethnic groups within racial groups indicating previous research is not specific enough to inform policy and program development. Because this study was not able to explain this relationship using the sociodemographic and lifestyle factors mentioned above, future research should be done to determine what places certain ethnic groups at a greater risk in order to tailor interventions aimed at reducing high blood pressure that are suited to the specific needs of each cultural group.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the level of education that Canadian women have and their use of breast self-examination (BSE). The secondary objective of this study was to do some exploratory research to measure how the demographic characteristics of these women, and the behaviours that they chose to participate in, might be associated to their use of BSE. This exploratory research was done to gain a better understanding of what kinds of lifestyle and behavioural factors are associated with the use of BSE, and how these factors impact on the relationship that education has on women's use of BSE. The data for the women in the sample were taken from the 1990 Population Health Survey, conducted by Statistics Canada. This survey included questions related to both the demographic characteristics of this population, and their behavioural choices in regards to various healthy lifestyle factors. Education was found to be significantly related to the use of BSE. Many of the demographic variables (age, income, marital status and language) were also found to be significantly related to the use of BSE. The behavioural variables (tobacco use, alcohol use) did not reflect such a strong relationship.
Le cancer du sein est une maladie multifactorielle, plusieurs facteurs socio-économiques, alimentaires ainsi que le style de vie ayant été incriminés dans son développement. Une mutation germinale sur un des gènes BRCA1 ou BRCA2 serait responsable d’une augmentation du risque de développer un cancer du sein de 50 à 80% chez les femmes porteuses d’une mutation sur BRCA1 ou BRCA2 par comparaison aux non- porteuses. Plusieurs études rapportant l’existence d’une association entre la fréquence des cancers du sein sporadiques, les habitudes alimentaires et le style de vie des femmes atteintes, ceci, nous a amené à nous interroger sur le rôle que pourrait jouer ces mêmes facteurs chez les femmes porteuses d’une mutation sur BRCA1 ou BRCA2. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons effectué une étude cas-témoin. Nos quarante-quatre cas sont porteuses d’une mutation germinale parmi 6 des 14 mutations fondatrices sur BRCA1 et BRCA2 les plus fréquentes dans la population Canadienne Française. Elles sont issues d’une cohorte de plus de 1000 femmes Canadiennes Françaises atteintes de cancers du sein recrutées depuis 1994 et testées pour ces 6 mutations. Les témoins sont recrutés parmi des femmes de la population Canadienne Française, également porteuses d’une de ces six mutations fondatrices de BRCA1 ou BRCA2, mais indemnes de cancers. Quinze d’entre elles ont été recrutées dans les familles des cas de l’étude initiale. Vingt-neuf ont été recrutées à la clinique des cancers familiaux du CHUM, nous permettant ainsi de totaliser 44 témoins. Deux questionnaires ont été administrés aux cas et aux témoins. Le premier, dit Questionnaire de base, a servi à recenser les informations sociodémographiques et le style de vie, couvrant ainsi les deux années précédant la découverte du cancer du sein pour les cas et les deux années précédant la découverte de la mutation pour les témoins. Le deuxième questionnaire, Questionnaire de nutrition, a permis de colliger les informations sur les habitudes alimentaires durant la même période de recueil de données. Une association positive et significative entre le risque de cancer du sein et le niveau d’éducation a été observé parmi les sujets de niveau universitaire (>14 années d’étude) comparés aux sujets n’ayant pas dépassé le niveau d’études secondaires (<11 années d’études) [OR= 7,82; IC95% : (1,99-30,69); p=0,003]. Nous avons mis en évidence que le risque de cancer du sein augmentait lorsque les sujets atteignaient leur poids maximum à un âge avancé > 48 ans [OR = 4,27 ; IC 95% : (0,82-22,25)]. Nous avons montré que le risque du cancer du sein diminuait pour une durée d’allaitement supérieure à 7 mois par comparaison aux femmes n’ayant jamais allaité [OR= 0,35; IC 95% : (0,12-1,06)] mais cette association est non significative. Les porteuses qui pratiquent plus de 22,45 Met-h-sem d’activité physique modérée, comparativement à celles qui pratiquent moins de 11,45 Met-h-sem voient leur risque de cancer du sein diminué de 72% [OR=0,28- IC 95% : (0,08-0,95); p=0,04]. Celles qui pratiquent plus de 31,95 Met-h-sem d’activité physique totale comparativement à celles qui pratiquent moins de 16,40 Met-h-sem voient leur risque de cancer du sein réduit de 79 % [OR=0,21; IC 95% : (0,06-0,75); p= 0,02]. L’analyse des macro et micronutriments et des groupes alimentaires a démontré qu’une consommation de plus de 23,20 g/j d’acide gras monoinsaturés est responsable d’une augmentation du risque de cancer du sein de 6 fois par comparaison à une consommation inférieure à 17,08 g/j [OR=6,00; IC 95% : (0,97-37,02); p=0,05]. Une consommation de plus de 221,79 µg/j de vitamine K réduit le risque du cancer du sein de 83 % par comparaison à une consommation inférieure à 143,57 µg/j [OR= 0,17; IC95% : (0,05-0,61) ; p=0,007]. La consommation de fruits est associée à une réduction du risque de cancer du sein de 73% chez les porteuses de mutations qui en consomment plus de 563,31 g/j comparée à celles qui en consomment moins de 356,18 g/j [OR= 0,27; IC 95% : (0,07-1,01) ; p=0,05]. Nos résultats confortent l’hypothèse selon laquelle le style de vie et les habitudes alimentaires jouent un rôle dans le développement du cancer du sein chez les Canadiennes Françaises porteuses de mutations d’une des 6 mutations fondatrices de BRCA1 ou 2 étudiées. En effet, un niveau d’éducation élevé, un gain de poids sont associés à un risque élevé de développer un cancer du sein. De plus la pratique de l’allaitement et d’une activité physique modérée sont associées à une réduction de ce risque. Nous montrons aussi que la consommation d’acides gras monoinsaturés est responsable d’une augmentation du risque de ce cancer et que la consommation de vitamine K et de fruits permet de réduire ce risque. Nos résultats ouvrent une nouvelle voie de recherche par rapport au rôle de certains nutriments dans le développement du cancer du sein chez les porteuses de mutation d’un des gènes BRCA. Cette voie pourrait également être explorée chez les non porteuses.
Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet « Pôle francophone africain sur le Double Fardeau Nutritionnel » (DFN) du laboratoire TRANSNUT, centre collaborateur OMS sur la transition nutritionnelle du Département de Nutrition de l’Université de Montréal, en collaboration avec ses partenaires au Burkina Faso, à savoir l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS) et l’Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP). Elle est l’une des premières à s’intéresser au double fardeau de la malnutrition en Afrique francophone. Cette étude avait pour objectif de démontrer l’existence du double fardeau de la malnutrition parmi les adultes de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso, d’en donner l’ampleur et d’identifier ses liens avec les facteurs du mode de vie. Plus spécifiquement, elle visait à décrire les carences nutritionnelles, les facteurs de risque cardiométabolique (FRCM), et la typologie du double fardeau de la malnutrition; examiner les caractéristiques du mode de vie des adultes et leurs liens avec le double fardeau de la malnutrition selon les conditions économique, et enfin d’examiner l’association entre inflammation subclinique, les carences nutritionnelles et les FRCM selon les facteurs du mode de vie. Ces objectifs faisaient suite à nos principales hypothèses qui stipulaient que : parmi les adultes de Ouagadougou, le phénotype de double fardeau de la malnutrition le plus fréquemment observé est l’association de surpoids/obésité avec une ou plusieurs carences nutritionnelles, surtout chez les femmes, puis qu’une alimentation de piètre qualité, en lien avec de mauvaises conditions socioéconomiques et de vie est associée tant aux FRCM qu’aux carences nutritionnelles, contribuant ainsi au double fardeau de malnutrition, et enfin qu’un état d’inflammation subclinique joue un rôle de médiateur entre le mode de vie et aussi bien les carences nutritionnelles que les FRCM. Afin de répondre à ces objectifs, une étude transversale descriptive et analytique a été conduite auprès d’un échantillon aléatoire de 330 adultes âgés de 25 à 60 ans recrutés au sein de l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou, situé à la partie nord de la ville. Cet échantillon a été subdivisé en terciles du score de possessions matérielles, proxy du statut socioéconomique, avec 110 personnes respectivement dans chaque strate de niveau socioéconomique bas, moyen et élevé. Chaque participant a fourni des données sociodémographiques, anthropométriques, cliniques et comportementales; il a aussi fourni un échantillon de sang. Les principales variables de l’étude étaient les suivantes : l’âge, les conditions socioéconomiques (insécurité alimentaire, éducation et proxy du revenu), le mode de vie (les apports alimentaires et la qualité de l’alimentation, l’activité physique, la consommation d’alcool et de tabac, la perception de l’image corporelle, le stress psychosocial); l’inflammation subclinique; les FRCM [surpoids/obésité, tension artérielle élevée (TAE) ou hypertension artérielle (HTA), hyperglycémie, dyslipidémie et insulino-résistance]; les carences nutritionnelles (maigreur, anémie, carence en fer et en vitamine A). Des phénotypes de double fardeau de la malnutrition ont été identifiés en combinant FRCM et carences nutritionnelles. Les résultats ont montré une prévalence élevée de surpoids/obésité, d’obésité abdominale, d’hypertension artérielle, d’hyperglycémie, de résistance à l’insuline et du taux de lipoprotéine de haute densité (HDL-C) bas, respectivement de 24,2 %, 12,5 %, 21,9 %, 22,3 %, 25,1 % et 30,0 %. En utilisant les seuils plus sensibles de la Fédération Internationale du Diabète (FID), l’obésité abdominale, la tension artérielle élevée (TAE), l’hyperglycémie était respectivement de 23,5 %; 36,1 % et 34,5 %. Des carences nutritionnelles étaient également présentes, l’anémie, la carence en fer et en vitamine A, ainsi que la maigreur atteignant respectivement 25,5 %, 15,4 %, 12,7 % et 9,7 % de la population étudiée. Les femmes étaient significativement plus touchées que les hommes autant par les FRCM que par les carences nutritionnelles. Le double fardeau de la malnutrition touchait 23,5 % des personnes et même 25,8 % avec les seuils de la FID pour l’obésité abdominale, la TAE, et l’hyperglycémie. Les deux principaux phénotypes observés étaient : l’association de « surpoids/obésité avec au moins une carence en micronutriment », touchant 7,8 % (11,8 % ♀ vs. 3,4 % ♂) des personnes et l’association d’au moins un FRCM autre que le surpoids/obésité avec au moins une carence en micronutriment, qui touchait 9.0 % (12,4 % ♀ vs. 5,4 % ♂) des personnes. La prévalence de ces phénotypes était plus élevée en utilisant les seuils de la FID plutôt que les seuils de l’OMS. Près de 72,9 % des personnes ou 81,2 % (seuils de la FID) avaient au moins un FRCM. Nous avons identifié à partir de l’analyse typologique, deux schémas alimentaires; « urbain » et « traditionnel », dans cette étude. Les carences nutritionnelles étaient davantage associées au schéma alimentaire « traditionnel », alors que les FRCM se retrouvaient dans les deux schémas alimentaires. Le schéma « urbain » regroupait significativement plus d’hommes et de personnes de niveau socioéconomique élevé, alors que les personnes de niveau socioéconomique bas et les femmes étaient proportionnellement plus nombreuses dans le schéma « traditionnel ». Le temps dévolu aux activités sédentaires était significativement plus important que celui consacré aux activités d’intensité modérée à vigoureuse. L’activité physique était inversement associée à l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC), au tour de taille (TT), à la masse grasse corporelle, à la tension artérielle systolique (TAS) et diastolique (TAD), à la triglycéridémie et au taux de lipoprotéine de faible densité (LDL-C). L’IMC et le TT augmentaient en outre avec le temps de sédentarité. Ainsi, le double fardeau de malnutrition était associé au statut socioéconomique bas, au sexe féminin et à la sédentarité. Nous avons aussi trouvé que 39,4 % des personnes avaient une inflammation subclinique qui était associée de façon indépendante et positive à la ferritinémie, à l’IMC, au TT et à la masse grasse corporelle, et négativement au HDL-C. L’exploration du stress psychosocial et de l’image corporelle a révélé une association entre le stress psychosocial, l’HTA et une perception positive de l’embonpoint. Les personnes ayant peut-être accusé un retard de croissance à l’enfance (d’après l’indice de Cormic) étaient significativement plus touchées par le surpoids/obésité, l’obésité abdominale et la résistance à l’insuline. Ces résultats nous ont permis d’atteindre nos objectifs, mais aussi de vérifier nos hypothèses de recherche. Comme on peut le constater, les FRCM sont une réalité à Ouagadougou, qui se compliquent par leur coexistence avec des carences en micronutriments dont la prévalence est tout aussi importante. Une transition nutritionnelle est en cours dans cette ville et contribue au bouleversement des comportements alimentaires et du style de vie favorisant l’émergence de ce double fardeau, dans un contexte où le passé nutritionnel de la population offre des conditions idéales pour un niveau de risque particulièrement élevé pour ces FRCM. Cependant, l’évolution de cette prévalence pourrait être inversée ou tout au moins ralentie si des actions étaient entreprises dès maintenant.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer incidence worldwide. Lifestyle factors, especially dietary intake, affect the risk of CRC development. Suitable risk biomarkers are required in order to assess the effect that specific dietary components have on CRC risk. The relationship between dietary intake and indicators of fecal water activity has been assessed using cell and animal models as well as human studies. This review summarizes the literature on fecal water and dietary components with a view to establishing further the potential role of fecal water as a source of CRC risk biomarkers. The literature indicates that fecal water activity markers are affected by specific dietary components linked with CRC risk: red meat, saturated fats, bile acids, and fatty acids are associated with an increase in fecal water toxicity, while the converse appears to be true for calcium, probiotics, and prebiotics. However, it must be acknowledged that the study of fecal water is still in its infancy and a number of issues need to be addressed before its usefulness can be truly gauged.
Objective: To investigate determinants of the acceptability of isoflavone products among postmenopausal women with regard to social and lifestyle factors, dietary habits, health concerns, food beliefs, menopausal symptoms and therapies, and to elucidate preferences for specific products. Methods: A consumer survey was conducted among postmenopausal women in four European countries (Germany, Denmark, Italy and the UK), including a total of 465 respondents. Results: The declared acceptability of isoflavones was highest in Germany (80%), followed by Italy (75%), the UK (59%) and Denmark (55%; p < 0.001). Among other factors, prior information about isoflavones (odds ratio (OR) 2.64, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.54-4.51, p < 0.001) and belief that foods can be used to treat medical conditions (OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.17-4.05, p=0.014) were the strongest predictors of potential acceptability. The preferred forms in which isoflavones might be taken differed markedly between countries. Conclusions: Information about the health effects of isoflavones and health-diet links should be considered the most important factors in attempts to influence the potential acceptability of isoflavone products. Foods enriched with isoflavones need to be developed with regard to specific cultural demands in order to assure consumer acceptance on the marketplace.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Phytoestrogens are estradiol-like natural compounds found in plants that have been associated with protective effects against chronic diseases, including some cancers, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to estimate the dietary intake of phytoestrogens, identify their food sources and their association with lifestyle factors in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Single 24-hour dietary recalls were collected from 36 037 individuals from 10 European countries, aged 35–74 years using a standardized computerized interview programe (EPIC-Soft). An ad hoc food composition database on phytoestrogens (isoflavones, lignans, coumestans, enterolignans and equol) was compiled using data from available databases, in order to obtain and describe phytoestrogen intakes and their food sources across 27 redefined EPIC centres. RESULTS: Mean total phytoestrogen intake was the highest in the UK health-conscious group (24.9 mg/day in men and 21.1 mg/day in women) whereas lowest in Greece (1.3 mg/day) in men and Spain-Granada (1.0 mg/day) in women. Northern European countries had higher intakes than southern countries. The main phytoestrogen contributors were isoflavones in both UK centres and lignans in the other EPIC cohorts. Age, body mass index, educational level, smoking status and physical activity were related to increased intakes of lignans, enterolignans and equol, but not to total phytoestrogen, isoflavone or coumestan intakes. In the UK cohorts, the major food sources of phytoestrogens were soy products. In the other EPIC cohorts the dietary sources were more distributed, among fruits, vegetables, soy products, cereal products, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. CONCLUSIONS: There was a high variability in the dietary intake of total and phytoestrogen subclasses and their food sources across European regions.