988 resultados para level sets


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Static detection of polymorphic malware variants plays an important role to improve system security. Control flow has shown to be an effective characteristic that represents polymorphic malware instances. In our research, we propose a similarity search of malware using novel distance metrics of malware signatures. We describe a malware signature by the set of control flow graphs the malware contains. We propose two approaches and use the first to perform pre-filtering. Firstly, we use a distance metric based on the distance between feature vectors. The feature vector is a decomposition of the set of graphs into either fixed size k-sub graphs, or q-gram strings of the high-level source after decompilation. We also propose a more effective but less computationally efficient distance metric based on the minimum matching distance. The minimum matching distance uses the string edit distances between programs' decompiled flow graphs, and the linear sum assignment problem to construct a minimum sum weight matching between two sets of graphs. We implement the distance metrics in a complete malware variant detection system. The evaluation shows that our approach is highly effective in terms of a limited false positive rate and our system detects more malware variants when compared to the detection rates of other algorithms.


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This paper is devoted to empirical investigation of novel multi-level ensemble meta classifiers for the detection and monitoring of progression of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, CAN, in diabetes patients. Our experiments relied on an extensive database and concentrated on ensembles of ensembles, or multi-level meta classifiers, for the classification of cardiac autonomic neuropathy progression. First, we carried out a thorough investigation comparing the performance of various base classifiers for several known sets of the most essential features in this database and determined that Random Forest significantly and consistently outperforms all other base classifiers in this new application. Second, we used feature selection and ranking implemented in Random Forest. It was able to identify a new set of features, which has turned out better than all other sets considered for this large and well-known database previously. Random Forest remained the very best classier for the new set of features too. Third, we investigated meta classifiers and new multi-level meta classifiers based on Random Forest, which have improved its performance. The results obtained show that novel multi-level meta classifiers achieved further improvement and obtained new outcomes that are significantly better compared with the outcomes published in the literature previously for cardiac autonomic neuropathy.


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The approach called generator coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is used in the selection of Gaussian basis set [25s18p for O ((3)p), 31s21p14d for Mn (S-6), and 33s22p16d9f for Pr ((4)J)] for atoms. The role of the weight functions in the assessment of the numerical integration range of the GCHF equations is shown. These basis sets are contracted to (25s18p/9s5p), (31s21p14d/9s6p4d), and (33s22pl6d9f118sl2p5d3f) by segmented contraction scheme of Dunning and they are utilized in calculations of Restricted-Open-HF (ROHF) Total and Orbital energies of the (MnO+1)-Mn-3 and (PrO+1)-Pr-1 fragments, to evaluate their quality in molecular studies. The addition of one d polarization function in the contracted (9s5p) basis set for O(P-3) atom and their application with the contracted (9s6p4d), (18s21p5d3f) basis sets for Mn (S-6) and Pr-Pr ((4)j) atoms lead to the electronic structure study of PrMnO3. The dipole moment, the total energy, and total atomic charges properties were calculated and were carried out at ROHF level with the [PrMnO3](2) fragment. The calculated values show that PrMnO3 does not present piezoelectric properties. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is applied to generate extended (20s14p), (30s19p13d), and (31s23p18d) Gaussian basis sets for the 0, Mn, and La atoms, respectively. The role of the weight functions (WFs) in the assessment of the numerical integration range of the GCHF equations is shown. These basis sets are then contracted to [5s3p] and [11s6p6d] for 0 and Mn atoms, respectively, and [17s11p7d] for La atom by a standard procedure. For quality evaluation of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished calculations of total and orbital energies in the Hartree-Fock-Roothaan (HFR) method for (MnO1+)-Mn-5 and (LaO1+)-La-1 fragments. The results obtained with the contracted basis sets are compared with values obtained with the extended basis sets. The addition of one d polarization function in the contracted basis set for 0 atom and its utilization with the contracted basis sets for Mn and La atoms leads to the calculations of dipole moment and total atomic charges of perovskite (LaMnO3). The calculations were performed at the HFR level with the crystal [LaMnO3](2) fragment in space group C-2v the values of dipole moment, total energy, and total atomic charges showed that it is reasonable to believe that LaMnO3 presents behaviour of piezoelectric material. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The scheme named generator coordinate Hartree-Fock method (GCHF) is used to build (22s14p) and (33s22p16d9f) gaussian basis sets to S ((3)P) and Pt ((3)D) atoms, respectively. Theses basis sets are contracted to [13s10p] and [19s13p9d5f] through of Dunning's segmented contraction scheme and are enriched with d and g polarization functions, [13s10p1d] and [19s13p9d5flg]. Finally, the [19s13p9d5f1g] basis Set to Pt ((3)D) was supplemented with s and d diffuse functions, [20s13p10d5flg], and used in combination with [13s10p1d] to study the effects of adsorption of S ((3)D) atom on a pt ((3)D) atom belonged to infinite Pt (200) surface. Atom-atom overlap population, bond order, and infrared spectrum of [pt(_)S](2 -) were calculated properties and were carried out at Hartree-Fock-Roothaan level. The results indicate that the process of adsorption of S ((3)P) on pt ((3)D) in the infinite Pt (200) surface is mainly caused by a strong contribution of sigma between the 3p(z) orbital of S ((3)P) and the 6s orbital of pt ((3)D). (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is employed to design 16s, 16s10p, 24s17p13d, 25s17p13d, and 26s17p Gaussian basis sets for the H ((2)S), O ((3)P), O(2-) ((1)S), Cr(3+) ((4)F), Cr(4+) ((3)F), and Cr(6+) ((1)S) atomic species. These basis sets are then contracted to (4s) for H ((2)S), (6s4p) for O ((3)P), and O(2-) ((1)S), (986p3d) for Cr(3+) ((4)F), (10s8p3d) for Cr(4+) ((3)F), and (13s7p) for Cr(6+) (1S) by a standard procedure. For evaluation of the quality of those basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished studies of total and orbital (HOMO and HOMO-1) energies at the HF-Roothaan level for the molecular species of our interest. The results obtained with the contracted basis sets are compared to the values obtained with our extended basis sets and to the standard 6-311G basis set from literature. Finally, the contracted basis sets are enriched with polarization function and then utilized in the theoretical interpretation of IR-spectrum of hexaaquachromium (III) ion, [Cr(H(2)O)(6)](3+), tetraoxochromium (IV) ion, [CrO(4)](4-), and tetraoxochromium (VI) ion, [CrO(4)](2-). The respective theoretical harmonic frequencies and IR-intensities were computed at the density functional theory (DFT) level. In the DFT calculations we employed the Becke's 1988 functional using the LYP correlation functional. The comparison between the results obtained and the corresponding experimental values indicates a very good description of the IR-spectra of the molecular ions studied, and that the GCHF method is still a legitimate alternative for selection of Gaussian basis sets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gaussian basis sets were developed with the Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method for the atoms from H (14s), O (23s16p), and Al (29sl9p) in the ground state. These basis sets were then contracted to 3s (12,1,1), 5s3p (18,2,1,1,1/14,1,1), and 7s5p (20,3,2,1,1,1,1/14,2,1,1,1) for H, O and Al atoms, respectively, by a standard procedure. The quality of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations was evaluated through studies of the total and orbital (epsilon(HOMO) and epsilon(HOMO-1)) energies at the HF level for the hexaaquaaluminum(III) ion, [AI(H(2)O)(6)](3+). For the O atom, the 5s3p was supplemented with d polarization function and it was used in combination with 3s, and 7s5p for H and Al atoms was used to the theoretical interpretation of the Infrared (IR) spectrum of hexaaquaaluminum(III) ion. The calculations of the IR-spectrum were also performed at the HF level and it showed that the basis sets obtained with the aid of GCHF method lead to the selection of useful contracted Gaussian basis sets for the theoretical study of vibrational property of ionic specie of our interest. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Generator Coordinate Hartree-Fock (GCHF) method is employed to generate uncontracted 15s and 18s11p gaussian basis sets for the H, C and O atoms, respectively. These basis sets are then contracted to 3s and 4s H atom and 6s5p, for C and O atoms by a standard procedure. For quality evaluation of contracted basis sets in molecular calculations, we have accomplished calculations of total and orbital energies in the Hartree-Fock-Roothaaii (HFR) approach for CH, C(2) and CO molecules. The results obtained with the uncontracted basis sets are compared with values obtained with the standard D95, 6-311G basis sets and with values reported in the literature. The 4s and 6s5p basis sets are enriched with polarization and diffuse functions for atoms of the parent neutral systems and of the enolates anions (cycloheptanone enolate, 2,5-dimethyleyelopentanone enolate, 4-heptanone enolate, and di-isopropyl ketone enolate) from the literature, in order to assess their performance in ab initio molecular calculations, and applied for calculations of electron affinities of the enolates. The calculations were performed at the DFT (BLYP and B3LYP) and HF levels and compared with the corresponding experimental values and with those obtained by using other 6-3 1 + +G((*)) and 6-311 + +G((*)) basis sets from literature. For the enolates studied, the differences between the electron affinities obtained with GCHF basis sets, at the B3LYP level, and the experimental values are -0.001, -0,014, -0.001, and -0.001 eV. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To identify preliminary core sets of outcome variables for disease activity and damage assessment in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Methods. Two questionnaire surveys were mailed to 267 physicians from 46 different countries asking each member to select and rank the response variables used when assessing clinical response in patients with JSLE or JDM. Next, 40 paediatric rheumatologists from 34 countries met and, using the nominal group technique, selected the domains to be included in the disease activity and damage core sets for JSLE and JDM. Results. A total of 41 response variables for JSLE and 37 response variables for JDM were selected and ranked through the questionnaire surveys. In the consensus conference, domains selected for both JSLE and JDM activity or damage core sets included the physician and parent/patient subjective assessments and a global score tool. Domains specific for JSLE activity were the immunological tests and the kidney function parameters. Concerning JDM, functional ability and muscle strength assessments were indicated for both activity and damage core sets, whereas serum muscle enzymes were included only in the activity core set. A specific paediatric domain called 'growth and development' was introduced in the disease damage core set for both diseases and the evaluation of health-related quality of life was advised in order to capture the influence of the disease on the patient lifestyle. Conclusions. We developed preliminary core sets of measures for disease activity and damage assessment in JSLE and JDM. The prospective validation of the core sets is in progress.


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The present paper proposes a new hybrid multi-population genetic algorithm (HMPGA) as an approach to solve the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging. This method combines a multi-population based metaheuristic using fix-and-optimize heuristic and mathematical programming techniques. A total of four test sets from the MULTILSB (Multi-Item Lot-Sizing with Backlogging) library are solved and the results are compared with those reached by two other methods recently published. The results have shown that HMPGA had a better performance for most of the test sets solved, specially when longer computing time is given. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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The global attractor of a gradient-like semigroup has a Morse decomposition. Associated to this Morse decomposition there is a Lyapunov function (differentiable along solutions)-defined on the whole phase space- which proves relevant information on the structure of the attractor. In this paper we prove the continuity of these Lyapunov functions under perturbation. On the other hand, the attractor of a gradient-like semigroup also has an energy level decomposition which is again a Morse decomposition but with a total order between any two components. We claim that, from a dynamical point of view, this is the optimal decomposition of a global attractor; that is, if we start from the finest Morse decomposition, the energy level decomposition is the coarsest Morse decomposition that still produces a Lyapunov function which gives the same information about the structure of the attractor. We also establish sufficient conditions which ensure the stability of this kind of decomposition under perturbation. In particular, if connections between different isolated invariant sets inside the attractor remain under perturbation, we show the continuity of the energy level Morse decomposition. The class of Morse-Smale systems illustrates our results.


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With fossils found worldwide, Crocodyliformes stands as one of the best documented vertebrates over the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The multiple phylogenetic hypotheses of relationship proposed for the group allow plenty of space for contentious results, partially due to the small overlapping of taxa and disagreeing homology statements among studies. We present two supertrees of Crocodyliformes, based on different protocols of source tree selection, summarising phylogenetic data for the group into a 'synthetic consensus'. The consensus of the most parsimonious trees, containing 184 terminal taxa, has a remarkably well-resolved branching structure, which may serve as a framework for further macroevolutionary studies. In addition, the IterPCR script was for the first time used in the supertree context to build a reduced consensus tree with the pruning of unstable taxa.


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This article gives an overview over the methods used in the low--level analysis of gene expression data generated using DNA microarrays. This type of experiment allows to determine relative levels of nucleic acid abundance in a set of tissues or cell populations for thousands of transcripts or loci simultaneously. Careful statistical design and analysis are essential to improve the efficiency and reliability of microarray experiments throughout the data acquisition and analysis process. This includes the design of probes, the experimental design, the image analysis of microarray scanned images, the normalization of fluorescence intensities, the assessment of the quality of microarray data and incorporation of quality information in subsequent analyses, the combination of information across arrays and across sets of experiments, the discovery and recognition of patterns in expression at the single gene and multiple gene levels, and the assessment of significance of these findings, considering the fact that there is a lot of noise and thus random features in the data. For all of these components, access to a flexible and efficient statistical computing environment is an essential aspect.


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This communication research gives an insight to University Education in Peru and a brief review of the main European documents that deal with the European Higher Education Framework, highlighting the principles upon which it is based, as well as the strategic objectives that it sets forth and the tools to achieve them. The purpose of this process is to adapt our university education management in Peru to the EEES, seeking to identify the limitations and constraints faced with regard to the keys of European convergence and the means or instruments that we have in order to attain convergence in Peru.


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Managing large medical image collections is an increasingly demanding important issue in many hospitals and other medical settings. A huge amount of this information is daily generated, which requires robust and agile systems. In this paper we present a distributed multi-agent system capable of managing very large medical image datasets. In this approach, agents extract low-level information from images and store them in a data structure implemented in a relational database. The data structure can also store semantic information related to images and particular regions. A distinctive aspect of our work is that a single image can be divided so that the resultant sub-images can be stored and managed separately by different agents to improve performance in data accessing and processing. The system also offers the possibility of applying some region-based operations and filters on images, facilitating image classification. These operations can be performed directly on data structures in the database.