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Bronwyn Fredericks on Let's Talk with Tiga Bayles. Let's Talk is on 9.00am - 10.00am Monday to Friday on 98.9fm. This interview in one hour in length.


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OBJECTIVE: : Acute traumatic coagulopathy occurs early in hemorrhagic trauma and is a major contributor to mortality and morbidity. Our aim was to examine the effect of small-volume 7.5% NaCl adenocaine (adenosine and lidocaine, adenocaine) and Mg on hypotensive resuscitation and coagulopathy in the rat model of severe hemorrhagic shock. DESIGN: : Prospective randomized laboratory investigation. SUBJECTS: : A total of 68 male Sprague Dawley Rats. INTERVENTION: : Post-hemorrhagic shock treatment for acute traumatic coagulopathy. MEASUREMENTS AND METHODS: : Nonheparinized male Sprague-Dawley rats (300-450 g, n = 68) were randomly assigned to either: 1) untreated; 2) 7.5% NaCl; 3) 7.5% NaCl adenocaine; 4) 7.5% NaCl Mg; or 5) 7.5% NaCl adenocaine/Mg. Hemorrhagic shock was induced by phlebotomy to mean arterial pressure of 35-40 mm Hg for 20 mins (~40% blood loss), and animals were left in shock for 60 mins. Bolus (0.3 mL) was injected into the femoral vein and hemodynamics monitored. Blood was collected in Na citrate (3.2%) tubes, centrifuged, and the plasma snap frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -80°C. Coagulation was assessed using activated partial thromboplastin times and prothrombin times. RESULTS: : Small-volume 7.5% NaCl adenocaine and 7.5% NaCl adenocaine/Mg were the only two groups that gradually increased mean arterial pressure 1.6-fold from 38-39 mm Hg to 52 and 64 mm Hg, respectively, at 60 mins (p < .05). Baseline plasma activated partial thromboplastin time was 17 ± 0.5 secs and increased to 63 ± 21 secs after bleeding time, and 217 ± 32 secs after 60-min shock. At 60-min resuscitation, activated partial thromboplastin time values for untreated, 7.5% NaCl, 7.5% NaCl/Mg, and 7.5% NaCl adenocaine rats were 269 ± 31 secs, 262 ± 38 secs, 150 ± 43 secs, and 244 ± 38 secs, respectively. In contrast, activated partial thromboplastin time for 7.5% NaCl adenocaine/Mg was 24 ± 2 secs (p < .05). Baseline prothrombin time was 28 ± 0.8 secs (n = 8) and followed a similar pattern of correction. CONCLUSIONS: : Plasma activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time increased over 10-fold during the bleed and shock periods prior to resuscitation, and a small-volume (~1 mL/kg) IV bolus of 7.5% NaCl AL/Mg was the only treatment group that raised mean arterial pressure into the permissive range and returned activated partial thromboplastin time and prothrombin time clotting times to baseline at 60 mins.


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In the structure of the hydrated quinolinium salt of ferron (8-hydroxy-7-iodoquinoline-5-sulfonic acid), C9H7N+ C9H5INO4S- . 0.8H2O, the quinolinium cation is fully disordered over two sites (occupancy factors 0.63 and 0.37) lying essentially within a common plane and with the ferron anions form pi-pi-associated stacks down the b axis (minimum ring centroid separation = 3.462(6)Ang.]. The cations and anions are linked into chains extending along c through hydroxyl O-H...O and quinolinium N-H...O hydrogen bonds to sulfonate O-atom acceptors which are also involved in water O-H...O hydrogen-bonding interactions down b giving a two-dimensional network structure.


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The adequacy of the UV Index (UVI), a simple measure of ambient solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, has been questioned on the basis of recent scientific data on the importance of vitamin D for human health, the mutagenic capacity of radiation in the UVA wavelength, and limitations in the behavioral impact of the UVI as a public awareness tool. A working group convened by ICNIRP and WHO met to assess whether modifications of the UVI were warranted and to discuss ways of improving its effectiveness as a guide to healthy sun-protective behavior. A UV Index greater than 3 was confirmed as indicating ambient UV levels at which harmful sun exposure and sunburns could occur and hence as the threshold for promoting preventive messages. There is currently insufficient evidence about the quantitative relationship of sun exposure, vitamin D, and human health to include vitamin D considerations in sun protection recommendations. The role of UVA in sunlight-induced dermal immunosuppression and DNA damage was acknowledged, but the contribution of UVA to skin carcinogenesis could not be quantified precisely. As ambient UVA and UVB levels mostly vary in parallel in real life situations, any minor modification of the UVI weighting function with respect to UVA-induced skin cancer would not be expected to have a significant impact on the UV Index. Though it has been shown that the UV Index can raise awareness of the risk of UV radiation to some extent, the UVI does not appear to change attitudes to sun protection or behavior in the way it is presently used. Changes in the UVI itself were not warranted based on these findings, but rather research testing health behavior models, including the roles of self-efficacy and self-affirmation in relation to intention to use sun protection among different susceptible groups, should be carried out to develop more successful strategies toward improving sun protection behavior. Health Phys. 103(3):301-306; 2012


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The structure of the borate mineral sakhaite Ca12Mg4(BO3)7(CO3)4Cl(OH)2·H2O, a borate–carbonate of calcium and magnesium has been assessed using vibrational spectroscopy. Assignment of bands is undertaken by comparison with the data from other published results. Intense Raman band at 1134 cm−1 with a shoulder at 1123 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric stretching mode. The Raman spectrum displays bands at 1479, 1524 and 1560 cm−1 which are assigned to the antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The observation of multiple carbonate stretching bands supports the concept that the carbonate units are non-equivalent. The Raman band at 968 cm−1 with a shoulder at 950 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of trigonal boron. Raman bands at 627 and 651 cm−1 are assigned to the out-of-plane bending modes of trigonal and tetrahedral boron. Raman spectroscopy coupled with infrared spectroscopy enables the molecular structure of the mineral sakhaite to be assessed.


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Smartphones get increasingly popular where more and more smartphone platforms emerge. Special attention was gained by the open source platform Android which was presented by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA) hosting members like Google, Motorola, and HTC. Android uses a Linux kernel and a stripped-down userland with a custom Java VM set on top. The resulting system joins the advantages of both environments, while third-parties are intended to develop only Java applications at the moment. In this work, we present the benefit of using native applications in Android. Android includes a fully functional Linux, and using it for heavy computational tasks when developing applications can bring in substantional performance increase. We present how to develop native applications and software components, as well as how to let Linux applications and components communicate with Java programs. Additionally, we present performance measurements of native and Java applications executing identical tasks. The results show that native C applications can be up to 30 times as fast as an identical algorithm running in Dalvik VM. Java applications can become a speed-up of up to 10 times if utilizing JNI.


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An engaging narrative is maintained throughout this edited collection of articles that address the issue of militarism in international relations. The book seamlessly integrates historical and contemporary perspectives on militarism with theory and relevant international case studies, resulting in a very informative read. The work is comprised of three parts. Part 1 deals with the theorisation of militarism and includes chapters by Anna Stavrianakis and Jan Selby, Martin Shaw, Simon Dalby, and Nicola Short. It covers a range of topics relating to historical and contemporary theories of militarism, geopolitical threat construction, political economy, and the US military’s ‘cultural turn’.


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In McIntosh & Anor as Trustees of the Estate of Camm (A Bankrupt) v Linke Nominees Pty Ltd & Anor [2008] QCA 410 the Queensland Court of Appeal considered the extent of the court’s power under r 7(1) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (“UCPR”) to extend time, and in particular whether the rule applied so as to permit extension of the period specified under rule 667 for varying or setting aside an order. The case also provides an illustration of circumstances in which the court might be expected to depart from the general principle that a successful litigant is entitled to the costs of the litigation.


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We support Shane and Venkataraman’s (2000) basic idea of an “entrepreneurship nexus” where characteristics of the actor as well as those of the “opportunity” they work on influence action and outcomes in the creation of new economic activities. However, a review of the literature reveals that minimal progress has been made on the core issues pertaining to the nexus idea. We argue that this is rooted in fundamental and insurmountable problems with the “opportunity” construct itself, and demonstrate the state of confusion in the literature caused by inconsistent use of the construct within and across works and authors. As an alternative, we suggest the admittedly subjective notion of New Venture as a more workable alternative. We provide a comprehensive definition and explanation of this construct, and take steps towards improved conceptualization and operationalization of its subdimensions. With some further work on these conceptualizations and operationalizations it will be possible to implement a comprehensive research program that can finally deliver on the promise outlined by Shane and Venkataraman (2000).


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A significant proportion of research in the field of human-computer interaction has been devoted to game design. Yet, a multitude of good ideas and enthusiastic game design initiatives exist, where the games never see the light of day. Unfortunately, the causes of these failures remain often unexplored and unpublished. The challenges faced by researchers and practitioners are particularly complex when designing games for special target groups, such as children, or for a serious purpose. The HCI community would benefit from a discussion on these issues in order to avoid researchers and practitioners to repeat mistakes. We want to learn from projects that started with a promising idea, but failed or faced severe challenges. This workshop will be the first at CHI focusing on 'failed game projects'. In particular, workshop participants are encouraged to discuss issues that typically received little attention in publications and hereby contribute to the discussion on failures in the design, development and evaluation of games for and or with children. As a result, the community will benefit from these insights and lessons-learned, which will enhance the design of future (serious) games with/for children.


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Internationally, vocational education and training (VET) is challenged by increasing skills shortages in certain industries and rapidly changing skill requirements. Rigid and centralised state bureaucracies have proven inadequate to adapt to these challenges. Increasingly, partnerships between schools and industry have been established as a potential strategy to address local labour market demand and to provide school to work transition programs. Drawing on experiences in Australia, this paper reports on a case study of government-let partnerships between schools and industry. The Queensland Gateway schools initiative currently involves over 120 schools. The study aimed to understand how partnerships were constructed in this initiative. Selected partnerships were analysed in terms of the following principles of public-private partnerships – efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and beneficiaries. Although there are some benefits of partnership activities reported by both school and industry stakeholders, little evidence was found that the above underlying principles had been addressed to a significant extent in the Gateway school initiative. Further, these partnerships are often tenuously facilitated by individuals who have limited infrastructure or strategic support. Implications are that project stakeholders have not sufficiently accommodated theoretical perspectives on implementation and management of partnerships. Similar initiatives may be improved if stakeholders are cognisant of the underlying principles supporting successful public-private partnerships.


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Background and Objectives Obesity and some dietary related diseases are emerging health problems among Chinese immigrants and their children in developed countries. These health problems are closely linked to eating habits, which are established in the early years of life. Young children’s eating habits are likely to persist into later childhood and youth. Family environment and parental feeding practices have a strong effect on young children’s eating habits. Little information is available on the early feeding practices of Chinese mothers in Australia. The aim of this study was to understand the dietary beliefs, feeding attitudes and practices of Chinese mothers with young children who were recent immigrants to Australia. Methods Using a sequential explanatory design, this mixed methods study consisted of two distinct phases. Phase 1 (quantitative): 254 Chinese immigrant mothers of children aged 12 to 59 months completed a cross-sectional survey. The psychometric properties and factor structure of a Chinese version of the Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ, by Birch et al. 2001) were assessed and used to measure specific maternal feeding attitudes and controlling feeding practices. Other questions were developed from the literature and used to explore maternal traditional dietary beliefs and feeding practices related to their beliefs, perceptions of picky eating in children and a range of socioeconomic and acculturation factors. Phase 2 (qualitative): 21 mothers took part in a follow-up telephone interview to assist in explaining and interpreting some significant findings obtained in the first phase. Results Chinese mothers held strong traditional dietary beliefs and fed their children according to these beliefs. However, children’s consumption of non-core foods was high. Both traditional Chinese and Australian style foods were consumed by their children. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the original 7-factor model of the CFQ provided an acceptable fit to the data with minor modification. However, an alternative model with eight constructs in which two items related to using food rewards were separated from the original restriction construct, not only provided an acceptable fit to the data, but also improved the conceptual clarity of the constructs. The latter model included 24 items loading onto the following eight constructs: restriction, pressure to eat, monitoring, use of food rewards, perceived responsibility, perception of own weight, perception of child’s weight, and concern about child becoming overweight. The internal consistency of the constructs was acceptable or desirable (Cronbach’s α = .60 - .93). Mothers reported low levels of concern about their child overeating or becoming overweight, but high levels of controlling feeding practices: restriction, monitoring, pressure to eat and use of food rewards. More than one quarter of mothers misinterpreted their child’s weight status (based on mothers’ self-reported data). In addition, mothers’ controlling feeding practices independently predicted half of the variance and explained 16% of the variance in child weight status: pressuring the child to eat was negatively associated with child weight status (β = -0.30, p < .01) and using food rewards was positively associated with child weight status (β = 0.20, p < .05) after adjusting for maternal and child covariates. Monitoring and restriction were not associated with child weight status. Mothers’ perceptions of their child’s weight were positively associated with child weight status (β = 0.33, p < .01). Moreover, mothers reported that they mostly decided what (65%) and how much (80%) food their child ate. Mothers who decided what food their child ate were more likely to monitor (β = -0.17, p < .05) and restrict (β = -0.17, p < .05) their child’s food consumption. Mothers who let their child decide how much food their child ate were less likely to pressure their child to eat (β = -0.38, p < .01) and use food rewards (β = -0.24, p < .01). Mothers’ perceptions of picky eating behaviour were positively associated with their use of pressure (β = 0.21, p < .01) and negatively associated with monitoring (β = -0.16, p < .05) and perceptions of their child’s weight status (β = -0.13, p < .05). Qualitative data showed that pressuring to eat, monitoring and restriction of the child’s food consumption were common practices among these mothers. However, mothers stated that their motivation for monitoring and restricting was to ensure the child’s general health. Mothers’ understandings of picky eating behaviour in their children were consistent with the literature and they reported multiple feeding strategies to deal with it. Conclusion Chinese immigrant mothers demonstrated strong traditional dietary beliefs, a low level of concern for child weight, misperceptions of child weight status, and a high overall level of control in child feeding in this study. The Chinese version of the CFQ, which consists of eight constructs and distinguishes between the constructs using food rewards and restriction, is an appropriate instrument to assess feeding attitudes and controlling feeding practices among Chinese immigrant mothers of young children in Australia. Mothers’ feeding attitudes and practices were associated with children’s weight status and mothers’ perceptions of picky eating behaviour in children after adjusting for a range of socio-demographic maternal and child characteristics. Monitoring and restriction of children’s food consumption according to food selection may be positive feeding practices, whereas pressuring to eat and using food rewards appeared to be negative feeding practices in this study. In addition, the results suggest that these young children have high exposure to energy-dense, nutrient-poor food. There is a need to develop and implement nutrition interventions to improve maternal feeding practices and the dietary quality among children of Chinese immigrant mothers in Australia.