968 resultados para left coronary artery
Stable coronary artery disease is the most common clinical manifestation of ischaemic heart disease and a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Myocardial revascularisation is a mainstay in the treatment of symptomatic patients or those with ischaemia-producing coronary lesions, and reduces ischaemia to a greater extent than medical treatment. Documentation of ischaemia and plaque burden is fundamental in the risk stratification of patients with stable coronary artery disease, and several invasive and non-invasive techniques are available (eg, fractional flow reserve or intravascular ultrasound) or being validated (eg, instantaneous wave-free ratio and optical coherence tomography). The use of new-generation drug-eluting stents and arterial conduits greatly improve clinical outcome in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). PCI is feasible, safe, and effective in many patients with stable coronary artery disease who remain symptomatic despite medical treatment. In patients with multivessel and left main coronary artery disease, the decision between PCI or CABG is guided by the local Heart Team (team of different cardiovascular specialists, including non-invasive and invasive cardiologists, and cardiac surgeons), who carefully judge the possible benefits and risks inherent to PCI and CABG. In specific subsets, such as patients with diabetes and advanced, multivessel coronary artery disease, CABG remains the standard of care in view of improved protection against recurrent ischaemic adverse events.
BACKGROUND The choice of imaging techniques in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) varies between countries, regions, and hospitals. This prospective, multicenter, comparative effectiveness study was designed to assess the relative accuracy of commonly used imaging techniques for identifying patients with significant CAD. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 475 patients with stable chest pain and intermediate likelihood of CAD underwent coronary computed tomographic angiography and stress myocardial perfusion imaging by single photon emission computed tomography or positron emission tomography, and ventricular wall motion imaging by stress echocardiography or cardiac magnetic resonance. If ≥1 test was abnormal, patients underwent invasive coronary angiography. Significant CAD was defined by invasive coronary angiography as >50% stenosis of the left main stem, >70% stenosis in a major coronary vessel, or 30% to 70% stenosis with fractional flow reserve ≤0.8. Significant CAD was present in 29% of patients. In a patient-based analysis, coronary computed tomographic angiography had the highest diagnostic accuracy, the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve being 0.91 (95% confidence interval, 0.88-0.94), sensitivity being 91%, and specificity being 92%. Myocardial perfusion imaging had good diagnostic accuracy (area under the curve, 0.74; confidence interval, 0.69-0.78), sensitivity 74%, and specificity 73%. Wall motion imaging had similar accuracy (area under the curve, 0.70; confidence interval, 0.65-0.75) but lower sensitivity (49%, P<0.001) and higher specificity (92%, P<0.001). The diagnostic accuracy of myocardial perfusion imaging and wall motion imaging were lower than that of coronary computed tomographic angiography (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS In a multicenter European population of patients with stable chest pain and low prevalence of CAD, coronary computed tomographic angiography is more accurate than noninvasive functional testing for detecting significant CAD defined invasively. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT00979199.
BACKGROUND Current guidelines limit the use of high oxygen tension after return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest, focusing on neurological outcome and mortality. Little is known about the impact of hyperoxia on the ischemic heart. Oxygen is frequently administered and is generally expected to be beneficial. This study seeks to assess the effects of hyperoxia on myocardia oxygenation in the presence of severe coronary artery stenosis in swine. METHODS AND RESULTS In 22 healthy pigs, we surgically attached a magnetic resonance compatible flow probe to the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In 11 pigs, a hydraulic occluder was inflated distal to the flow probe. After increasing PaO2 to >300 mm Hg, LAD flow decreased in all animals. In 8 stenosed animals with a mean fractional flow reserve of 0.64±0.02, hyperoxia resulted in a significant decrease of myocardial signal intensity in oxygenation-sensitive cardiovascular magnetic resonance images of the midapical segments of the LAD territory. This was not seen in remote myocardium or in the other 8 healthy animals. The decreased signal intensity was accompanied by a decrease in circumferential strain in the same segments. Furthermore, ejection fraction, cardiac output, and oxygen extraction ratio declined in these animals. Changing PaCO2 levels did not have a significant effect on any of the parameters; however, hypercapnia seemed to nonsignificantly attenuate the hyperoxia-induced changes. CONCLUSIONS Ventilation-induced hyperoxia may decrease myocardial oxygenation and lead to ischemia in myocardium subject to severe coronary artery stenosis.
The central nervous system (CNS) effects of mental stress in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) are unexplored. The present study used positron emission tomography (PET) to measure brain correlates of mental stress induced by an arithmetic serial subtraction task in CAD and healthy subjects. Mental stress resulted in hyperactivation in CAD patients compared with healthy subjects in several brain areas including the left parietal cortex [angular gyrus/parallel sulcus (area 39)], left anterior cingulate (area 32), right visual association cortex (area 18), left fusiform gyrus, and cerebellum. These same regions were activated within the CAD patient group during mental stress versus control conditions. In the group of healthy subjects, activation was significant only in the left inferior frontal gyrus during mental stress compared with counting control. Decreases in blood flow also were produced by mental stress in CAD versus healthy subjects in right thalamus (lateral dorsal, lateral posterior), right superior frontal gyrus (areas 32, 24, and 10), and right middle temporal gyrus (area 21) (in the region of the auditory association cortex). Of particular interest, a subgroup of CAD patients that developed painless myocardial ischemia during mental stress had hyperactivation in the left hippocampus and inferior parietal lobule (area 40), left middle (area 10) and superior frontal gyrus (area 8), temporal pole, and visual association cortex (area 18), and a concomitant decrease in activation observed in the anterior cingulate bilaterally, right middle and superior frontal gyri, and right visual association cortex (area 18) compared with CAD patients without myocardial ischemia. These findings demonstrate an exaggerated cerebral cortical response and exaggerated asymmetry to mental stress in individuals with CAD.
Background-Although assessment of myocardial perfusion by myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) is feasible, its incremental benefit to stress echocardiography is not well defined. We examined whether the addition of MCE to combined dipyridamole-exercise echocardiography (DExE) provides incremental benefit for evaluation of coronary artery disease (CAD). Methods and Results-MCE was combined with DExE in 85 patients, 70 of whom were undergoing quantitative coronary angiography and 15 patients with a low probability of CAD. MCE was acquired by low-mechanical-index imaging in 3 apical views after acquisition of standard resting and poststress images. Wall motion, left ventricular opacification, and MCE components of the study were interpreted sequentially, blinded to other data. Significant (>50%) stenoses were present in 43 patients and involved 69 coronary territories. The addition of qualitative MCE improved sensitivity for the detection of CAD (91% versus 74%, P=0.02) and accurate recognition of disease extent (87% versus 65% of territories, P=0.003), with a nonsignificant reduction in specificity. Conclusions-The addition of low-mechanical-index MCE to standard imaging during DExE improves detection of CAD and enables a more accurate determination of disease extent.
Impaired coronary flow reserve is widely reported in diabetes mellitus (DM) but its effect on myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) is unclear. We sought to identify whether DM influences the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative assessment of coronary artery disease (CAD) using MCE in 83 patients who underwent coronary angiography (60 men, 27 with DM; 56 +/- 11 years;). Destruction replenishment imaging was performed at rest and after combined dipyridamole-exercise stress testing. Ischemia was identified by the development of new wall motion abnormalities, qualitative MCE (new perfusion defects apparent 1 second after flash during hyperemia), and quantitative MCE (myocardial blood flow reserve < 2.0 in the anterior circulation). Qualitative and quantitative assessment of perfusion was feasible in 100% and 92% of patients, respectively. Significant left anterior descending coronary stenosis (> 50% by quantitative angiography) was present in 28 patients (including 8 with DM); 55 patients had no CAD (including 19 with DM). The myocardial blood flow reserve was reduced in patients with coronary stenosis compared with those with no CAD (1.6 +/- 1.1 vs 3.8 +/- 2.5, p < 0.001). Among patients with no CAD, those with DM had an impaired flow reserve compared with control patients without DM (2.4 +/- 1.0 vs 4.5 +/- 2.8, p = 0.003). In conclusion, DM significantly influenced the quantitative, but not the qualitative, assessment of MCE, with a marked reduction in specificity in patients with DM. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coronary artery fistulae (CAF) are a rare entity describing abnormal communication between a coronary artery and cardiac chamber or a large intrathoracic vessel and are seldom described in the literature[1]. These fistulae can be either congenital or acquired. Often incidental in finding, CAFs can have serious clinical sequelae, and should be duly reported and discussed with the cardiac team. More than 50% of patients with CAFs may be asymptomatic; 34% may report chest pain; 13% may have symptoms of heart failure, and a minority of 2% may suffer from endocarditis and arrhythmias[2]. The largest series to our knowledge was reported by the Cleveland Clinic, which found 225 patients with incidental CAF out of 126,595 coronary catheterizations (incidence of 0.18%), performed during a span of 28 years [3]. Multiple CAFs are an even rarer entity and only a handful of cases have been reported in the literature to date. Few cases of double CAFs have been reported that describe two different feeder coronary arteries giving rise to separate drainage sites[3]. In our report, however, we describe a new entity: a single-feeder coronary vessel communicated with two drainage sites. Our case is curiously unique, in which we report a single artery, originating from the right coronary artery (RCA) with double drainage sites – one to the left pulmonary artery and the second to the left bronchial artery.
Introdution: The transcatheter aortic valve implantation in the treatment of high-risk symptomatic aortic stenosis has increased the number of implants every year. The learning curve for transcatheter aortic valve implantation has improved since the last 12 years, allowing access alternatives. The aim of this study is to approach the implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through transaortic via associated with off-pump cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in a 67-year-old man, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension and kidney transplant. Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery was performed and the valve in the aortic position was released successfully. There were no complications in the intraoperative and postoperative period. Gradient reduction, effective orifice increasing of the prosthesis and absence of valvular regurgitation after implantation were observed by transesophageal echocardiography. Procedural success demonstrates that implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through the ascending aorta associated with coronary artery bypass surgery without CPB is a new option for these patients.
to compare the general and specific health-related quality of life (HRQoL) between the Intervention (IG) and Control (CG) groups of coronary artery disease patients after the implementation of Action Planning and Coping Planning strategies for medication adherence and to verify the relationship between adherence and HRQoL. this was a controlled and randomized study. the sample (n=115) was randomized into two groups, IG (n=59) and CG (n=56). Measures of medication adherence and general and specific HRQoL were obtained in the baseline and after two months of monitoring. the findings showed that the combination of intervention strategies - Action Planning and Coping Planning for medication adherence did not affect the HRQoL of coronary artery disease patients in outpatient monitoring.
Background: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is among the main causes of death in developed countries, and diet and lifestyle can influence CAD incidence. Objective: To evaluate the association of coronary artery disease risk score with dietary, anthropometric and biochemical components in adults clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Methods: 362 adults (96 men, 266 women, 53.9 +/- 9.4 years) fulfilled the inclusion criteria by presenting all the required data. The Framingham score was calculated and the IV Brazilian Guideline on Dyslipidemia and Prevention of Atherosclerosis was adopted for classification of the CAD risks. Anthropometric assessments included waist circumference (WC), body fat and calculated BMI (kg/m(2)) and muscle-mass index (MMI kg/m(2)). Dietary intake was estimated through 24 h dietary recall. Fasting blood was used for biochemical analysis. Metabolic Syndrome (MS) was diagnosed using NCEP-ATPIII (2001) criteria. Logistic regression was used to determine the odds of CAD risks according to the altered components of MS, dietary, anthropometric, and biochemical components. Results: For a sample with a BMI 28.5 +/- 5.0 kg/m(2) the association with lower risk (<10% CAD) were lower age (<60 years old), and plasma values of uric acid. The presence of MS within low, intermediary, and high CAD risk categories was 30.8%, 55.5%, and 69.8%, respectively. The independent risk factors associated with CAD risk score was MS and uric acid, and the protective factors were recommended intake of saturated fat and fiber and muscle mass index. Conclusion: Recommended intake of saturated fat and dietary fiber, together with proper muscle mass, are inversely associated with CAD risk score. On the other hand, the presence of MS and high plasma uric acid are associated with CAD risk score.
Background: TCF7L2 polymorphisms have been consistently associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus in different populations and type 2 diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, especially coronary artery disease. This study aimed to evaluate the association between TCF7L2 polymorphism rs7903146 and coronary artery disease in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Methods and Results: two populations were studied in order to assess severity of coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events incidence. Eight-hundred and eighty nine subjects who were referred for cardiac catheterization for coronary artery disease diagnosis were cross-sectionally evaluated for coronary lesions (atherosclerotic burden) and 559 subjects from the MASS-II Trial were prospectively followed-up for 5 years and assessed for major cardiovascular events incidence. As expected, rs7903146 T allele was associated with diabetes. Although diabetic patients had a higher prevalence of coronary lesions, no association between TCF7L2 genotype and coronary lesions was found in this subgroup. However, non-diabetic individuals carrying the T allele were associated with a significantly higher frequency of coronary lesions than non-diabetic non-carriers of the risk allele (adjusted OR = 2.32 95% CI 1.27-4.24, p = 0.006). Moreover, presence of multi-vessel coronary artery disease was also associated with the CT or TT genotypes in non-diabetics. Similarly, from the prospective sample analysis, non-diabetics carrying the CT/TT genotypes had significantly more composite cardiovascular end-points events than CC carriers (p = 0.049), mainly due to an increased incidence of death (p = 0.004). Conclusions: rs7903146 T allele is associated with diabetes and, in non-diabetic individuals, with a higher prevalence and severity of coronary artery disease and cardiovascular events. name of registry site (see list below), registration number, trial registration URL in brackets.
Objective: To determine whether information from genetic risk variants for diabetes is associated with cardiovascular events incidence. Methods: From the about 30 known genes associated with diabetes, we genotyped single-nucleotide polymorphisms at the 10 loci most associated with type-2 diabetes in 425 subjects from the MASS-II Study, a randomized study in patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease. The combined genetic information was evaluated by number of risk alleles for diabetes. Performance of genetic models relative to major cardiovascular events incidence was analyzed through Kaplan-Meier curve comparison and Cox Hazard Models and the discriminatory ability of models was assessed for cardiovascular events by calculating the area under the ROC curve. Results: Genetic information was able to predict 5-year incidence of major cardiovascular events and overall-mortality in non-diabetic individuals, even after adjustment for potential confounders including fasting glycemia. Non-diabetic individuals with high genetic risk had a similar incidence of events then diabetic individuals (cumulative hazard of 33.0 versus 35.1% of diabetic subjects). The addition of combined genetic information to clinical predictors significantly improved the AUC for cardiovascular events incidence (AUC = 0.641 versus 0.610). Conclusions: Combined information of genetic variants for diabetes risk is associated to major cardiovascular events incidence, including overall mortality, in non-diabetic individuals with coronary artery disease.
Few studies have prospectively addressed the effects of exercise in the inflammatory activity of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We sought to evaluate the consequences of an acute bout of exercise on inflammatory markers and BNP in untrained CAD patients before and after randomization to a training program. 34 CAD patients underwent a 50-min acute exercise session on a cycle-ergometer at 65% peak oxygen uptake before and after blood sampling. They were then randomized to a 4-month chronic exercise program (15 patients) or general lifestyle recommendations (19 patients), undergoing a new acute session of exercise after that. In the overall population, acute exercise caused a significant increase in C-reactive protein [CRP; 1.79 (4.49) vs. 1.94 (4.89) mg/L, P < 0.001], monokine induced by interferon-gamma [Mig; 351 (324) vs. 373 (330) pg/mL, P = 0.027] and vascular adhesion molecule-1 [VCAM-1; 226 (82) vs. 252 (110) pg/mL, P = 0.02]. After 4-months, in exercise-trained patients, there was a significant decrease in the inflammatory response provoked by the acute exercise compared to patients in the control group reflected by a significant decrease in the differences between rest and post-exercise levels of CRP [-0.29 (0.84) mg/L vs. -0.11 (0.21) mg/L, P = 0.05]. Resting BNP was also significantly lower in exercise-trained patients when compared to untrained controls [15.6 (16.2) vs. 9.7 (11.4) pg/mL, P = 0.04 and 19.2 (27.8) vs. 23.2 (27.5) pg/mL, P = 0.76; respectively]. Chronic exercise training might partially reverse the inflammatory response caused by acute exercise in CAD patients. These results suggest that regular exercise is an important nonpharmacological strategy to the improvement in inflammation in CAD patients.
This study assessed the quality of life (QoL) of 124 people with coronary artery disease who had coronary artery bypass surgery in a hospital in Brazil, by using the Modified Flanagan`s QoL instrument as the outcome measure. In addition, we studied the association between QoL and demographic, clinical, and perceived health status (using SF-36 Health Survey) measures. The mean for the Modified Flanagan`s QoL was high (M = 84.8, SD = 13.6) when compared to similar studies in the United States. In a linear regression analysis, the SF-36 subscales of vitality, and general and mental health were statistically significant (p < .01 for all), after adjusting for other demographic and clinical variables. Increasing values of those SF-36 subscales corresponded to increasing Modified Flanagan`s QoL. Despite the limitations of the study, this result suggests that future clinical interventions aimed to improve QoL in this population could focus on the patient`s psychological conditions after the surgery.
The exchange of lipids with cells and other lipoproteins is a crucial process in HDL metabolism and for HDL antiatherogenic function. Here, we tested a practical method to quantify the simultaneous transfer to HDL of phospholipids, free-cholesterol, esterified cholesterol and triacylglycerols and to verify the lipid transfer in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) or undergoing statin treatment. Twenty-eight control subjects without CAD, 27 with CAD and 25 CAD patients under simvastatin treatment were studied. Plasma samples were incubated with a donor nanoemulsion prepared by ultrasonication of the constituent lipids and labeled with radioactive lipids; % lipids transferred to HDL were quantified in the HDL-containing supernatant after chemical precipitation of non-HDL fractions and the nanoemulsion. The assay was precise and reproducible. Increase of temperature (4-37 A degrees C), of incubation period (5 min to 2 h), of HDL-cholesterol concentration (33-244 mg/dL) and of mass of nanoemulsion lipids (0.075-0.3 mg/mu L) resulted in increased lipid transfer from the nanoemulsion to HDL. In contrast, increasing pH (6.5-8.5) and albumin concentration (3.5-7.0 g/dL) did not affect lipid transfer. There was no difference between CAD and control non-CAD with regard to the lipid transfer, but statin treatment reduced the transfer to HDL of all four lipids. The test herein described is a valid and practical tool for exploring an important aspect of HDL metabolism.