994 resultados para laser chemistry


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The use of strong-field (i.e. intensities in excess of 10(13) Wcm(-2)) few-cycle ultrafast (durations of 10 femtoseconds or less) laser pulses to create, manipulate and image vibrational wavepackets is investigated. Quasi-classical modelling of the initial superposition through tunnel ionization, wavepacket modification by nonadiabatically altering the nuclear environment via the transition dipole and the Stark effect, and measuring the control outcome by fragmenting the molecule is detailed. The influence of the laser intensity on strong-field ultrafast wavepacket control is discussed in detail: by modifying the distribution of laser intensities imaged, we show that focal conditions can be created that give preference to this three-pulse technique above processes induced by the pulses alone. An experimental demonstration is presented, and the nuclear dynamics inferred by the quasi-classical model discussed. Finally, we present the results of a systematic investigation of a dual-control pulse scheme, indicating that single vibrational states should be observable with high fidelity, and the populated state defined by varying the arrival time of the two control pulses. The relevance of such strong-field coherent control methods to the manipulation of electron localization and attosecond science is discussed.


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Laser induced acoustic desorption (LIAD) has been used for the first time to study the parent ion production and fragmentation mechanisms of a biological molecule in an intense femtosecond (fs) laser field. The photoacoustic shock wave generated in the analyte substrate (thin Ta foil) has been simulated using the hydrodynamic HYADES code, and the full LIAD process has been experimentally characterised as a function of the desorption UV-laser pulse parameters. Observed neutral plumes of densities > 10(9) cm(-3) which are free from solvent or matrix contamination demonstrate the suitability and potential of the source for studying ultrafast dynamics in the gas phase using fs laser pulses. Results obtained with phenylalanine show that through manipulation of fundamental femtosecond laser parameters (such as pulse length, intensity and wavelength), energy deposition within the molecule can be controlled to allow enhancement of parent ion production or generation of characteristic fragmentation patterns. In particular by reducing the pulse length to a timescale equivalent to the fastest vibrational periods in the molecule, we demonstrate how fragmentation of the molecule can be minimised whilst maintaining a high ionisation efficiency.


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The application of the shape memory alloy NiTi in micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMSs) is extensive nowadays. In MEMS, complex while precise motion control is always vital. This makes the degradation of the functional properties of NiTi during cycling loading such as the appearance of residual strain become a serious problem to study, in particular for laser micro-welded NiTi in real applications. Although many experimental efforts have been put to study the mechanical properties of laser welded NiTi, surprisingly, up to the best of our understanding, there has not been attempts to quantitatively model the laser-welded NiTi under mechanical cycling in spite of the accurate prediction required in applications and the large number of constitutive models to quantify the thermo-mechanical behavior of shape memory alloys. As the first attempt to fill the gap, we employ a recent constitutive model, which describes the localized SIMT in NiTi under cyclic deformation; with suitable modifications to model the mechanical behavior of the laser welded NiTi under cyclic tension. The simulation of the model on a range of tensile cyclic deformation is consistent with the results of a series of experiments. From this, we conclude that the plastic deformation localized in the welded regions (WZ and HAZs) of the NiTi weldment can explain most of the extra amount of residual strain appearing in welded NiTi compared to the bare one. Meanwhile, contrary to common belief, we find that the ability of the weldment to memorize its transformation history, sometimes known as ‘return point memory’, still remains unchanged basically though the effective working limit of this ability reduces to within 6% deformation.


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Laser welding is an important process for fabricating complex components involving NiTi shape memory
alloy. As welding is a thermal process, the amount of heat input and the rate of cooling have significant
impact on the microstructure and hence the resultant characteristics of NiTi. In this study, the effect of
laser welding and post-weld-annealing from 573 K to 1173 K on the thermal phase transformation behaviors,
tensile deformation and micro-hardness characteristics of the laser-welded NiTi thin foils were investigated.
It was found that the as-welded sample exhibited inferior super-elasticity compared to the base
material, and the super-elasticity could be partially restored by annealing at 573 K. On the other hand,
annealing of the weldment above the recrystallization temperature would lower the super-elasticity.


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In this study, the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of laser-welded NiTi wires in Hanks’ solution at 37.5 °C was studied by the slow strain-rate test (SSRT) at open-circuit potential and at different applied anodic potentials. The weldment shows high susceptibility to SCC when the applied potential is near to the pitting potential of the heat-affected zone (HAZ). The pits formed in the HAZ become sites of crack initiation when stress is applied, and cracks propagate in an intergranular mode under the combined effect of corrosion and stress. In contrast, the base-metal is immune to SCC under similar conditions. The increase in susceptibility to SCC in the weldment could be attributed to the poor corrosion resistance in the coarse-grained HAZ.


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Laser accelerated proton beams have been proposed to be used in different research fields. A great interest has risen for the potential replacement of conventional accelerating machines with laser-based accelerators, and in particular for the development of new concepts of more compact and cheaper hadrontherapy centers. In this context the ELIMED (ELI MEDical applications) research project has been launched by INFN-LNS and ASCR-FZU researchers within the pan-European ELI-Beamlines facility framework. The ELIMED project aims to demonstrate the potential clinical applicability of optically accelerated proton beams and to realize a laser-accelerated ion transport beamline for multi-disciplinary user applications. In this framework the eye melanoma, as for instance the uveal melanoma normally treated with 62 MeV proton beams produced by standard accelerators, will be considered as a model system to demonstrate the potential clinical use of laser-driven protons in hadrontherapy, especially because of the limited constraints in terms of proton energy and irradiation geometry for this particular tumour treatment. Several challenges, starting from laser-target interaction and beam transport development up to dosimetry and radiobiology, need to be overcome in order to reach the ELIMED final goals. A crucial role will be played by the final design and realization of a transport beamline capable to provide ion beams with proper characteristics in terms of energy spectrum and angular distribution which will allow performing dosimetric tests and biological cell irradiation. A first prototype of the transport beamline has been already designed and other transport elements are under construction in order to perform a first experimental test with the TARANIS laser system by the end of 2013. A wide international collaboration among specialists of different disciplines like Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Medicine and medical doctors coming from Europe, Japan, and the US is growing up around the ELIMED project with the aim to work on the conceptual design, technical and experimental realization of this core beamline of the ELI Beamlines facility. © 2013 SPIE.


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In this study, the environmentally induced cracking behaviour of the NiTi weldment with and without post-weld heat-treatment (PWHT) in Hanks’ solution at 37.5 °C at OCP were studied by tensile and cyclic slow-strain-rate tests (SSRT), and compared with those tested in oil (an inert environment). Our previous results in the tensile and cyclic SSRT showed that the weldment without PWHT showed high susceptibility to the hydrogen cracking, as evidenced by the degradation of tensile and super-elastic properties when testing in Hanks' solution. The weldment after PWHT was much less susceptible to hydrogen attack in Hanks' solution as no obvious degradation in the tensile and super-elastic properties was observed, and only a very small amount of micro-cracks were found in the fracture surface. The susceptibility to hydrogen cracking of the NiTi weldment could be alleviated by applying PWHT at the optimized temperature of 350 °C after laser welding.


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The use of Raman and anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy to investigate the effect of exposure to high power laser radiation on the crystalline phases of TiO2 has been investigated. Measurement of the changes, over several time integrals, in the Raman and anti-stokes Raman of TiO2 spectra with exposure to laser radiation is reported. Raman and anti-stokes Raman provide detail on both the structure and the kinetic process of changes in crystalline phases in the titania material. The effect of laser exposure resulted in the generation of increasing amounts of the rutile crystalline phase from the anatase crystalline phase during exposure. The Raman spectra displayed bands at 144 cm-1 (A1g), 197 cm-1 (Eg), 398 cm-1 (B1g), 515 cm-1 (A1g), and 640 cm-1 (Eg) assigned to anatase which were replaced by bands at 143 cm-1 (B1g), 235 cm-1 (2 phonon process), 448 cm-1 (Eg) and 612 cm-1 (A1g) which were assigned to rutile. This indicated that laser irradiation of TiO2 changes the crystalline phase from anatase to rutile. Raman and anti-stokes Raman are highly sensitive to the crystalline forms of TiO2 and allow characterisation of the effect of laser irradiation upon TiO2. This technique would also be applicable as an in situ method for monitoring changes during the laser irradiation process


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TiO2 photocatalysis is a promising technology for the destruction of organic pollutants in both waste and potable waters with the mineralisation of a wide range of compounds having been reported. TiO 2 has many advantages over other semiconductors, it is highly photoreactive, cheap, non-toxic, chemically and biologically inert, and photostable. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 has been shown to depend upon many criteria including the ratio of anatase/rutile crystal phase, particle size and oxidation state. This paper reports the use of optical surface second harmonic generation (SSHG) to monitor modifications in TiO 2 powder induced following laser treatment. SSHG is a non-contact, non-destructive technique, which is highly sensitive to both surface chemical and physical changes. Results show that three different SSH intensities were observable as the TiO2 samples were irradiated with the laser light. These regions were related to changes in chemical characteristics and particle size of the TiO2 powder


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La structuration laser femtoseconde de verres d’oxydes est aujourd’hui un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion. L’interaction laser-matière est de plus en plus utilisée pour sa facilité de mise en œuvre et les nombreuses applications qui découlent de la fabrication des composants photoniques, déjà utilisés dans l’industrie des hautes technologies. En effet, un faisceau d’impulsions ultracourtes focalisé dans un matériau transparent atteint une intensité suffisante pour modifier la matière en trois dimensions sur des échelles micro et nanométriques. Cependant, l’interaction laser-matière à ces régimes d’intensité n’est pas encore complètement maîtrisée, et les matériaux employés ne sont pas entièrement adaptés aux nouvelles applications photoniques. Par ce travail de thèse, nous nous efforçons donc d’apporter des réponses à ces interrogations. Le mémoire est articulé autour de deux grands volets. Le premier aborde la question de l’interaction de surface de verres avec de telles impulsions lumineuses qui mènent à l’auto-organisation périodique de la matière structurée. L’influence du dopage en ions photosensibles et des paramètres d’irradiation est étudiée afin d’appuyer et de conforter le modèle d’incubation pour la formation de nanoréseaux de surface. À travers une approche innovante, nous avons réussi à apporter un contrôle de ces structures nanométriques périodiques pour de futures applications. Le second volet traite de cristallisation localisée en volume induite en grande partie par l’interaction laser-matière. Plusieurs matrices vitreuses, avec différents dopages en sel d’argent, ont été étudiées pour comprendre les mécanismes de précipitation de nanoparticules d’argent. Ce travail démontre le lien entre la physicochimie de la matrice vitreuse et le caractère hors équilibre thermodynamique de l’interaction qui influence les conditions de nucléation et de croissance de ces nano-objets. Tous ces résultats sont confrontés à des modélisations de la réponse optique du plasmon de surface des nanoparticules métalliques. Les nombreuses perspectives de ce travail ouvrent sur de nouvelles approches quant à la caractérisation, aux applications et à la compréhension de l’interaction laser femtoseconde pour l’inscription directe de briques photoniques dans des matrices vitreuses.


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Highly transparent, luminescent and biocompatible ZnO quantum dots were prepared in water, methanol, and ethanol using liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation technique without using any surfactant. Transmission electron microscopy analysis confirmed the formation of good crystalline ZnO quantum dots with a uniform size distribution of 7 nm. The emission wavelength could be varied by varying the native defect chemistry of ZnO quantum dots and the laser fluence. Highly luminescent nontoxic ZnO quantum dots have exciting application potential as florescent probes in biomedical applications.


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The discovery of the Photoacoustic (PA) effect was a remarkable achievement and was relegated to the scientific footnotes of the nineteenth century. However, after the advent of lasers and sophisticated electronics this effect was rediscovered and it has established itself as an important research and analytical tool in numerous areas, including physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Quite recently, this phenomenon has made its impact in the field of laser technology for applications such as the developments of highly efficient active media for lasers, high quality optics and sensitive laser power monitoring devices. This thesis presents the work carried out by the author in this field during the past few years at the Department of Physics in Cochin University of Science and Technology. The studies discussed here are mostly based on the development of a sensitive PA laser power meter and its various applications using different laser systems available in the laboratory. This includes the development of a current regulated CW C0 laser and its application in material processing. The thesis contains seven chapters which by and large are self contained with separate abstracts and references. The first chapter which is divided into two parts presents an introduction to the PA effect and its present status. Part A reviews the basic theory of laser and gives a sum mary of various lasers and their applications. Part B presents a brief description of PA effect and its suitability as a spectroscopic tool followed by its applications to various branches of science and technology.


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The real-time dynamics of multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of molecules Na_2 and Na_3 has been studied in molecular beam experiments employing ion and electron spectroscopy together with femtosecond pump-probe techniques. Experiments with Na_2 and Na_3 reveal unexpected features of the dynamics of the absorption of several photons as seen in the one- and three-dimensional vibrational wave packet motion in different potential surfaces and in high laser fields: In Na_2 a second major resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) process is observed, involving the excitation of two electrons and subsequent electronic autoionization. The possibility of controlling a reaction by controlling the duration of propagation of a wave packet on an electronically-excited surface is demonstrated. In high laser fields, the contributions from direct photoionization and from the second REMPI process to the total ion yield change, due to different populations in the electronic states participating in the multiphoton ionization (MPI) processes. In addition, a vibrational wave packet motion in the electronic ground state is induced through stimulated emission pumping by the pump laser. The 4^1 \summe^+_g shelf state of Na_2 is given as an example for performing frequency spectroscopy of highlying electronic states in the time domain. Pure wave packet effects, such as the spreading and the revival of a vibrational wave packet, are investigated. The three-dimensional wave packet motion in the Na_3 reflects the normal modes in the X and B states, and shows in addition the pseudorotational motion in the B state in real time.