903 resultados para introductory programming, learning to program, programming pedagogy, collaborative learning, pair-programming


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The well-known difficulties students exhibit when learning to program are often characterised as either difficulties in understanding the problem to be solved or difficulties in devising and coding a computational solution. It would therefore be helpful to understand which of these gives students the greatest trouble. Unit testing is a mainstay of large-scale software development and maintenance. A unit test suite serves not only for acceptance testing, but is also a form of requirements specification, as exemplified by agile programming methodologies in which the tests are developed before the corresponding program code. In order to better understand students’ conceptual difficulties with programming, we conducted a series of experiments in which students were required to write both unit tests and program code for non-trivial problems. Their code and tests were then assessed separately for correctness and ‘coverage’, respectively. The results allowed us to directly compare students’ abilities to characterise a computational problem, as a unit test suite, and develop a corresponding solution, as executable code. Since understanding a problem is a pre-requisite to solving it, we expected students’ unit testing skills to be a strong predictor of their ability to successfully implement the corresponding program. Instead, however, we found that students’testing abilities lag well behind their coding skills.


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Teaching introductory programming has challenged educators through the years. Although Intelligent Tutoring Systems that teach programming have been developed to try to reduce the problem, none have been developed to teach web programming. This paper describes the design and evaluation of the PHP Intelligent Tutoring System (PHP ITS) which addresses this problem. The evaluation process showed that students who used the PHP ITS showed a significant improvement in test scores


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This paper considers the emergence and ongoing development of an embedded, studentnegotiated work placement model of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in the engineering and built environment disciplines at an Australian metropolitan university. The characteristics of the model and a continuous improvement strategy are provided. The model is characterised by large student cohorts independently sourcing and negotiating relevant work placements and completing at least one, mandatory credit-bearing WIL unit. Through ongoing analyses and evaluation of the model more experiential and collaborative learning approaches have been adopted. This has included the creation of blended learning spaces using technology. The paper focuses on the five year journey travelled by the teaching team as they embarked on ways to improve curriculum, pedagogy, administrative processes and assessment - effectively relocating much of their interaction with students online. The insights derived from this rich, single case study should be of interest to others considering alternative ways of responding to increasing student enrolments in WIL and the impact of blended learning in this context.


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Recent research from within a neo-Piagetian perspective proposes that novice programmers pass through the sensorimotor and preoperational stages before being able to reason at the concrete operational stage. However, academics traditionally teach and assess introductory programming as if students commence at the concrete operational stage. In this paper, we present results from a series of think aloud sessions with a single student, known by the pseudonym “Donald”. We conducted the sessions mainly over one semester, with an additional session three semesters later. Donald first manifested predominately sensorimotor reasoning, followed by preoperational reasoning, and finally concrete operational reasoning. This longitudinal think aloud study of Donald is the first direct observational evidence of a novice programmer progressing through the neo-Piagetian stages.


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Programming is a subject that many beginning students find difficult. The PHP Intelligent Tutoring System (PHP ITS) has been designed with the aim of making it easier for novices to learn the PHP language in order to develop dynamic web pages. Programming requires practice. This makes it necessary to include practical exercises in any ITS that supports students learning to program. The PHP ITS works by providing exercises for students to solve and then providing feedback based on their solutions. The major challenge here is to be able to identify many semantically equivalent solutions to a single exercise. The PHP ITS achieves this by using theories of Artificial Intelligence (AI) including first-order predicate logic and classical and hierarchical planning to model the subject matter taught by the system. This paper highlights the approach taken by the PHP ITS to analyse students’ programs that include a number of program constructs that are used by beginners of web development. The PHP ITS was built using this model and evaluated in a unit at the Queensland University of Technology. The results showed that it was capable of correctly analysing over 96 % of the solutions to exercises supplied by students.


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Purpose Performance heterogeneity between collaborative infrastructure projects is typically examined by considering procurement systems and their governance mechanisms at static points in time. The literature neglects to consider the impact of dynamic learning capability, which is thought to reconfigure governance mechanisms over time in response to evolving market conditions. This conceptual paper proposes a new model to show how continuous joint learning of participant organisations improves project performance. Design/methodology/approach There are two stages of conceptual development. In the first stage, the management literature is analysed to explain the Standard Model of dynamic learning capability that emphasises three learning phases for organisations. This Standard Model is extended to derive a novel Circular Model of dynamic learning capability that shows a new feedback loop between performance and learning. In the second stage, the construction management literature is consulted, adding project lifecycle, stakeholder diversity and three organisational levels to the analysis, to arrive at the Collaborative Model of dynamic learning capability. Findings The Collaborative Model should enable construction organisations to successfully adapt and perform under changing market conditions. The complexity of learning cycles results in capabilities that are imperfectly imitable between organisations, explaining performance heterogeneity on projects. Originality/value The Collaborative Model provides a theoretically substantiated description of project performance, driven by the evolution of procurement systems and governance mechanisms. The Model’s empirical value will be tested in future research.


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The powerful influence of peers on fellow students’ learning engagement and their ability to foster self-efficacy is well recognised. A positive learner mindset can be fostered through establishment of guided meaningful relationships formed between peers. Recognising the value of peer connections in shaping the student learning experience, peer programs have been widely adopted by universities as a mechanism to facilitate these connections. While potentially beneficial, a lack of knowledge and inexperience by program implementers can lead to program outcomes being compromised. To mitigate this risk, QUT has established university wide systems and benchmarks for enacting peer programs. These measures aim to promote program implementation integrity by supporting and developing the knowledge and capabilities of peer leaders and program coordinators. This paper describes a range of measures that have been instigated to optimise the quality of programs and ensure outcomes are mutually constructive and beneficial for all stakeholders.


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The involvement of teachers in any process which seeks to enhance classroom pedagogy is vital. In this area, professional development (PD) for teachers can be effective in developing and broadening classroom practices, but the process takes time. Teachers need time to reflect on their practice and be confident in implementing new programs and strategies by taking risks and employing different approaches in their pedagogy. There are various ways of initiating professional development which also take into account time for reflection. One is by the use of professional development to improve knowledge and skills. Another way is by teachers observing the practice of their colleagues before reflecting and modifying their own practice. This study discusses the findings of a case study where two different PD programs in a single secondary school were implemented with the assistance of two University Lecturers. The study revealed that although there were positive reflections on the development of knowledge and skills from the PD, factors such as collegiality and time and infrastructure constraints impacted the teachers involved in both the Reflective Practice and the technology PD programs. The school was part of the Brisbane Catholic Education Office (BCE) in Queensland, Australia and the researchers were both Senior Lecturers at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.


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Collaborative approaches in leadership and management are increasingly acknowledged to play a key role in successful institutions in the learning and skills sector (LSS) (Ofsted, 2004). Such approaches may be important in bridging the potential 'distance' (psychological, cultural, interactional and geographical) (Collinson, 2005) that may exist between 'leaders' and 'followers', fostering more democratic communal solidarity. This paper reports on a 2006-07 research project funded by the Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) that aimed to collect and analyse data on 'collaborative leadership' (CL) in the learning and skills sector. The project investigated collaborative leadership and its potential for benefiting staff through trust and knowledge-sharing in communities of practice (CoPs). The project forms part of longer-term educational research investigating leadership in a collaborative inquiry process (Jameson et al., 2006). The research examined the potential for CL to benefit institutions, analysing respondents' understanding of and resistance to collaborative practices. Quantitative and qualitative data from senior managers and lecturers was analysed using electronic data in SPSS and Tropes Zoom. The project aimed to recommend systems and practices for more inclusive, diverse leadership (Lumby et al., 2005). Collaborative leadership has increasingly gained international prominence as emphasis shifted towards team leadership beyond zero-sum 'leadership'/ 'followership' polarities into more mature conceptions of shared leadership spaces, within which synergistic leadership spaces can be mediated. The relevance of collaboration within the LSS has been highlighted following a spate of recent government-driven policy developments in FE. The promotion of CL addresses concerns about the apparent 'remoteness' of some senior managers, and the 'neo-management' control of professionals which can increase 'distance' between leaders and 'followers' and may de-professionalise staff in an already disempowered sector. Positive benefit from 'collaborative advantage' tends to be assumed in idealistic interpretations of CL, but potential 'collaborative inertia' may be problematic in a sector characterised by rapid top-down policy changes and continuous external audit and surveillance. Constant pressure for achievement against goals leaves little time for democratic group negotiations, despite the desires of leaders to create a more collaborative ethos. Yet prior models of intentional communities of practice potentially offer promise for CL practice to improve group performance despite multiple constraints. The CAMEL CoP model (JISC infoNet, 2006) was linked to the project, providing one practical way of implementing CL within situated professional networks.The project found that a good understanding of CL was demonstrated by most respondents, who thought it could enable staff to share power and work in partnership to build trust and conjoin skills, abilities and experience to achieve common goals for the good of the sector. However, although most respondents expressed agreement with the concept and ideals of CL, many thought this was currently an idealistically democratic, unachievable pipe dream in the LSS. Many respondents expressed concerns with the 'audit culture' and authoritarian management structures in FE. While there was a strong desire to see greater levels of implementation of CL, and 'collaborative advantage' from the 'knowledge sharing benefit potential' of team leadership, respondents also strongly advised against the pitfalls of 'collaborative inertia'. A 'distance' between senior leadership views and those of staff lower down the hierarchy regarding aspects of leadership performance in the sector was reported. Finally, the project found that more research is needed to investigate CL and develop innovative methods of practical implementation within autonomous communities of professional practice.


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For students learning JavaScript programming, this exercise sets out a fairly complete template for a DHTML implementation of Life. Students have to program the missing sections of code and attempt the extra features described. Only I have the password to unlock the solution!


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[Es]El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la introducción del usuario al mundo de la robótica, explicando para ello, desde un punto de vista práctico, los conceptos teóricos relacionados con la cinemática de mecanismos espaciales, específicamente la de los robots serie. Para lograr este objetivo se ha creado una metodología de aprendizaje, basada en tres ejercicios, que explica los comandos principales de RobotStudio; software de programación necesario para el control virtual de robots de la marca ABB, robot disponible en la escuela. Junto con esto, se desarrollan los conceptos necesarios para la realización de tareas básicas dentro del ámbito de la robótica. Mediante la implantación de esta metodología se pretende dotar al usuario de los conceptos esenciales para programar robots serie dentro de un ámbito virtual, otorgándole la posibilidad de conectarlo posteriormente a un robot real, obteniendo resultados prácticos y visibles.


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There is a growing interest of the Computer Science education community for including testing concepts on introductory programming courses. Aiming at contributing to this issue, we introduce POPT, a Problem-Oriented Programming and Testing approach for Introductory Programming Courses. POPT main goal is to improve the traditional method of teaching introductory programming that concentrates mainly on implementation and neglects testing. POPT extends POP (Problem Oriented Programing) methodology proposed on the PhD Thesis of Andrea Mendonça (UFCG). In both methodologies POPT and POP, students skills in dealing with ill-defined problems must be developed since the first programming courses. In POPT however, students are stimulated to clarify ill-defined problem specifications, guided by de definition of test cases (in a table-like manner). This paper presents POPT, and TestBoot a tool developed to support the methodology. In order to evaluate the approach a case study and a controlled experiment (which adopted the Latin Square design) were performed. In an Introductory Programming course of Computer Science and Software Engineering Graduation Programs at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study results have shown that, when compared to a Blind Testing approach, POPT stimulates the implementation of programs of better external quality the first program version submitted by POPT students passed in twice the number of test cases (professor-defined ones) when compared to non-POPT students. Moreover, POPT students submitted fewer program versions and spent more time to submit the first version to the automatic evaluation system, which lead us to think that POPT students are stimulated to think better about the solution they are implementing. The controlled experiment confirmed the influence of the proposed methodology on the quality of the code developed by POPT students


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Learning to program or master a programming language is not an easy task, and the base of process should by study Logic Programming, beginning to learning through the development of pseudocodes, algorithms and flowcharts, for, techniques that facilitate the construction and understanding of what you want to accomplish, to that is subsequently developed or elaborated a program. Reflecting on the learning of Logic Programming, this article presents information about software SCRATCH in relation to logic (pseudocodes), and how it provides support to the understanding of student learning in this course.


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Informatik- und insbesondere Programmierunterricht sind heute ein wichtiger Bestandteil der schulischen Ausbildung. Vereinfachte Entwicklungsumgebungen, die auf die Abstraktion typischer Programmierkonzepte in Form von grafischen Bausteinen setzen, unterstützen diesen Trend. Zusätzliche Attraktivität wird durch die Verwendung exotischer Laufzeitumgebungen (z. B. Roboter) geschaffen. Die in diesem Paper vorgestellte Plattform “ScratchDrone” führt ergänzend zu diesen Angeboten eine moderne Flugdrohne als innovative Laufzeitumgebung für Scratch-Programme ein. Die Programmierung kann dabei dank modularer Systemarchitektur auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen erfolgen, abhängig vom Lernfortschritt der Schüler. Kombiniert mit einem mehrstufigen didaktischen Modell, der Herausforderung der Bewegung im 3D-Raum sowie der natürlichen menschlichen Faszination für das Fliegen wird so eine hohe Lernmotivation bei jungen Programmieranfängern erreicht.