955 resultados para intravitreous injection


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New chlorpromazine selective electrodes with a tubular arrangement and no internal reference solution are proposed. Selective membranes are of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) with the tetraphenylborate•chlorpromazine (TPB•CPZ) ion-exchanger dissolved in o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (oNPOE). Analytical features of the electrodes were evaluated on a single-channel flow assembly having 500 µl injection volumes and flow-rates of 4.5 ml min−1. For a carrier solution of 3.3×10−3Min sodium sulphate, Nernstian responsewas observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−5 to 1.0×10−2 M. Average slopes were about 59mVdecade−1 and squared correlation coefficients were >0.9984. Slight hiper-Nernstian behaviour was observed in buffer solutions of 4.4 pH; average slopes were of 62.06mVdecade−1. The electrode displayed a good selectivity for CPZ, with respect to, several foreign inorganic and organic species. The selective electrodes were successfully applied to the analysis of pure solutions and pharmaceutical preparations. Proposed method allows the analysis of 84 samples h−1, producing wastewaters of low toxicity. The proposed method offers the advantage of simplicity, accuracy, applicability to coloured and turbid samples, and automation feasibility.


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Bread is consumed worldwide by man, thus contributing to the regular ingestion of certain inorganic species such as chloride. It controls the blood pressure if associated to a sodium intake and may increase the incidence of stomach ulcer. Its routine control should thus be established by means of quick and low cost procedures. This work reports a double- channel flow injection analysis (FIA) system with a new chloride sensor for the analysis of bread. All solutions are prepared in water and necessary ionic strength adjustments are made on-line. The body of the indicating electrode is made from a silver needle of 0.8 mm i.d. with an external layer of silver chloride. These devices were constructed with different lengths. Electrodes of 1.0 to 3.0 cm presented better analytical performance. The calibration curves under optimum conditions displayed Nernstian behaviour, with average slopes of 56 mV decade-1, with sampling rates of 60 samples h-1. The method was applied to analyze several kinds of bread, namely pão de trigo, pão integral, pão de centeio, pão de mistura, broa de milho, pão sem sal, pão meio sal, pão-de-leite, and pão de água. The accuracy and precision of the potentiometric method were ascertained by comparison to a spectrophotometric method of continuous segmented flow. These methods were validated against ion-chromatography procedures.


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On-chip debug (OCD) features are frequently available in modern microprocessors. Their contribution to shorten the time-to-market justifies the industry investment in this area, where a number of competing or complementary proposals are available or under development, e.g. NEXUS, CJTAG, IJTAG. The controllability and observability features provided by OCD infrastructures provide a valuable toolbox that can be used well beyond the debugging arena, improving the return on investment rate by diluting its cost across a wider spectrum of application areas. This paper discusses the use of OCD features for validating fault tolerant architectures, and in particular the efficiency of various fault injection methods provided by enhanced OCD infrastructures. The reference data for our comparative study was captured on a workbench comprising the 32-bit Freescale MPC-565 microprocessor, an iSYSTEM IC3000 debugger (iTracePro version) and the Winidea 2005 debugging package. All enhanced OCD infrastructures were implemented in VHDL and the results were obtained by simulation within the same fault injection environment. The focus of this paper is on the comparative analysis of the experimental results obtained for various OCD configurations and debugging scenarios.


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In the injection moulding of polypropylene reinforced with hard glass fibres, die materials are commonly subjected to severe abrasive wear. In order to improve its wear resistance, an unbalanced magnetron sputtering PVD compositional monolayered coating has been produced. The film was composed by a nanostructured TiB2 monolayer. Microstructure characterization and thickness evaluation were conducted by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Film topography and roughness were accessed by SEM and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The phase analyse was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), using Cu Kalpha radiation. Scratch tests were conducted in order to study the film adhesion to the substrate. Load-Displacement curves (nanoindentation analysis) allowed measuring the film hardness and Young's modulus. A ball-cratering tribometer was used to determine the micro-abrasion laboratorial wear resistance, under different tests conditions, using SiC particles in distilled water slurry. At the end of these tests, the worn surfaces were analyzed by SEM and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) in order to compare these results with some other coatings already tested in the same conditions. To test the practical wear resistance, 135000 injection cycles were done in a plastic injection industrial mould. Coated samples were put on the plastic feed canal, after a turbulent zone. In these tests, a 30% (wt) glass fibres reinforced polypropylene was used. Worn sample surfaces were analyzed by SEM after 45.000 and 90.000 cycles. Image analyses were made in order to evaluate the damage increases and to observe the wear mechanisms involved.


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Abrasion by glass fibers during injection molding of fiber reinforced plastics raises new challenges to the wear performance of the molds. In the last few decades, a large number of PVD and CVD coatings have been developed with the aim of minimizing abrasion problems. In this work, two different coatings were tested in order to increase the wear resistance of the surface of a mold used for glass fiber reinforced plastics: TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC. TiAlSiN was deposited as a graded monolayer coating while CrN/CrCN/DLC was a nanostructured coating consisting of three distinct layers. Both coatings were produced by PVD unbalanced magnetron sputtering and were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), micro hardness (MH) and scratch test analysis. Coating morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Wear resistance was characterized through industrial tests with coated samples and an uncoated reference sample inserted in a feed channel of a plastic injection mold working with 30 wt.% glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. Results after 45,000 injection cycles indicate that the wear resistance of the mold was increased by a factor of 25 and 58, by the TiAlSiN and CrN/CrCN/DLC coatings, respectively, over the uncoated mold steel.


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Dependability is a critical factor in computer systems, requiring high quality validation & verification procedures in the development stage. At the same time, digital devices are getting smaller and access to their internal signals and registers is increasingly complex, requiring innovative debugging methodologies. To address this issue, most recent microprocessors include an on-chip debug (OCD) infrastructure to facilitate common debugging operations. This paper proposes an enhanced OCD infrastructure with the objective of supporting the verification of fault-tolerant mechanisms through fault injection campaigns. This upgraded on-chip debug and fault injection (OCD-FI) infrastructure provides an efficient fault injection mechanism with improved capabilities and dynamic behavior. Preliminary results show that this solution provides flexibility in terms of fault triggering and allows high speed real-time fault injection in memory elements


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of dependable systems. When targeting real time microprocessor based systems the process becomes significantly more complex. This paper proposes two complementary solutions to improve real time fault injection campaign execution, both in terms of performance and capabilities. The methodology is based on the use of the on-chip debug mechanisms present in modern electronic devices. The main objective is the injection of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented and compared in terms of performance gain and logic overhead.


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As electronic devices get smaller and more complex, dependability assurance is becoming fundamental for many mission critical computer based systems. This paper presents a case study on the possibility of using the on-chip debug infrastructures present in most current microprocessors to execute real time fault injection campaigns. The proposed methodology is based on a debugger customized for fault injection and designed for maximum flexibility, and consists of injecting bit-flip type faults on memory elements without modifying or halting the target application. The debugger design is easily portable and applicable to different architectures, providing a flexible and efficient mechanism for verifying and validating fault tolerant components.


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The rapid increase in the use of microprocessor-based systems in critical areas, where failures imply risks to human lives, to the environment or to expensive equipment, significantly increased the need for dependable systems, able to detect, tolerate and eventually correct faults. The verification and validation of such systems is frequently performed via fault injection, using various forms and techniques. However, as electronic devices get smaller and more complex, controllability and observability issues, and sometimes real time constraints, make it harder to apply most conventional fault injection techniques. This paper proposes a fault injection environment and a scalable methodology to assist the execution of real-time fault injection campaigns, providing enhanced performance and capabilities. Our proposed solutions are based on the use of common and customized on-chip debug (OCD) mechanisms, present in many modern electronic devices, with the main objective of enabling the insertion of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented starting from basic Components Off-The-Shelf (COTS) microprocessors, equipped with real-time OCD infrastructures, to improved solutions based on modified interfaces, and dedicated OCD circuitry that enhance fault injection capabilities and performance. All methodologies and configurations were evaluated and compared concerning performance gain and silicon overhead.


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of the fault tolerant features of microprocessors. This paper proposes the modification of a common on-chip debugging (OCD) infrastructure to add fault injection capabilities and improve performance. The proposed solution imposes a very low logic overhead and provides a flexible and efficient mechanism for the execution of fault injection campaigns, being applicable to different target system architectures.


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Sulfadiazine is an antibiotic of the sulfonamide group and is used as a veterinary drug in fish farming. Monitoring it in the tanks is fundamental to control the applied doses and avoid environmental dissemination. Pursuing this goal, we included a novel potentiometric design in a flow-injection assembly. The electrode body was a stainless steel needle veterinary syringe of 0.8-mm inner diameter. A selective membrane of PVC acted as a sensory surface. Its composition, the length of the electrode, and other flow variables were optimized. The best performance was obtained for sensors of 1.5-cm length and a membrane composition of 33% PVC, 66% onitrophenyloctyl ether, 1% ion exchanger, and a small amount of a cationic additive. It exhibited Nernstian slopes of 61.0 mV decade-1 down to 1.0×10-5 mol L-1, with a limit of detection of 3.1×10-6 mol L-1 in flowing media. All necessary pH/ionic strength adjustments were performed online by merging the sample plug with a buffer carrier of 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, pH 4.9. The sensor exhibited the advantages of a fast response time (less than 15 s), long operational lifetime (60 days), and good selectivity for chloride, nitrite, acetate, tartrate, citrate, and ascorbate. The flow setup was successfully applied to the analysis of aquaculture waters. The analytical results were validated against those obtained with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry procedures. The sampling rate was about 84 samples per hour and recoveries ranged from 95.9 to 106.9%.


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The manifestations caused by Africanized bee stings depend on the sensitivity of the victim and the toxicity of the venom. Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated cardiac changes and acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in the kidney of rats inoculated with Africanized bee venom (ABV). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) over a period of 24 h after intravenous injection of ABV in awake rats. A significant reduction in basal HR as well as in basal MAP occurred immediately after ABV injection in the experimental animals. HR was back to basal level 2 min after ABV injection and remained normal during the time course of the experiment, while MAP returned to basal level 10 min later and remained at this level for the next 5 h. However, MAP presented again a significant reduction by the 7th and 8th h and returned to the basal level by the 24th h. The fall in MAP may contribute to the pathogenesis of ATN observed. The fall in MAP probably is due to several factors, in addition to the cardiac changes already demonstrated, it is possible that the components of the venom themselves or even substances released in the organism play some role in vascular beds.


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One of the biggest challenges for humanity is global warming and consequently, climate changes. Even though there has been increasing public awareness and investments from numerous countries concerning renewable energies, fossil fuels are and will continue to be in the near future, the main source of energy. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is believed to be a serious measure to mitigate CO2 concentration. CCS briefly consists of capturing CO2 from the atmosphere or stationary emission sources and transporting and storing it via mineral carbonation, in oceans or geological media. The latter is referred to as carbon capture and geological storage (CCGS) and is considered to be the most promising of all solutions. Generally it consists of a storage (e.g. depleted oil reservoirs and deep saline aquifers) and sealing (commonly termed caprock in the oil industry) formations. The present study concerns the injection of CO2 into deep aquifers and regardless injection conditions, temperature gradients between carbon dioxide and the storage formation are likely to occur. Should the CO2 temperature be lower than the storage formation, a contractive behaviour of the reservoir and caprock is expected. The latter can result in the opening of new paths or re-opening of fractures, favouring leakage and compromising the CCGS project. During CO2 injection, coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical phenomena occur, which due to their complexity, hamper the assessment of each relative influence. For this purpose, several analyses were carried out in order to evaluate their influences but focusing on the thermal contractive behaviour. It was finally concluded that depending on mechanical and thermal properties of the pair aquifer-seal, the sealing caprock can undergo significant decreases in effective stress.


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PURPOSE: The objective was to describe the results of the injection of immotile spermatozoa with flexible tails when only immotile spermatozoa are present in the semen sample. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the procedure results for 10 couples who participated in our intracytoplasmic sperm injection program. The sperm tail was considered flexible when it moved up and down independently of the head movement, and it was considered inflexible when the movement occurred together (tail plus head). The fertilization and pregnancy rate were analyzed. RESULTS: The normal fertilization rate (presence of 2 pronuclei) was 30.3% (40/132), and the abnormal fertilization rate (presence of less than or more than 2 pronuclei) was 6.81% (9/132). A total of 52 embryos were obtained with 9 transfer procedures performed (pregnancy rate: 11.12%). CONCLUSIONS: The sperm tail flexibility test (STFT) is an easy and cost-effective way for selecting viable immotile spermatozoa and can be used as an alternative method for determining the viability of spermatozoa. This test seems to be a simple and risk-free method when compared to the swelling test.


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Due to the fact that different injection molding conditions tailor the mechanical response of the thermoplastic material, such effect must be considered earlier in the product development process. The existing approaches implemented in different commercial software solutions are very limited in their capabilities to estimate the influence of processing conditions on the mechanical properties. Thus, the accuracy of predictive simulations could be improved. In this study, we demonstrate how to establish straightforward processing-impact property relationships of talc-filled injection-molded polypropylene disc-shaped parts by assessing the thermomechanical environment (TME). To investigate the relationship between impact properties and the key operative variables (flow rate, melt and mold temperature, and holding pressure), the design of experiments approach was applied to systematically vary the TME of molded samples. The TME is characterized on computer flow simulation outputsanddefined bytwo thermomechanical indices (TMI): the cooling index (CI; associated to the core features) and the thermo-stress index (TSI; related to the skin features). The TMI methodology coupled to an integrated simulation program has been developed as a tool to predict the impact response. The dynamic impact properties (peak force, peak energy, and puncture energy) were evaluated using instrumented falling weight impact tests and were all found to be similarly affected by the imposed TME. The most important molding parameters affecting the impact properties were found to be the processing temperatures (melt andmold). CI revealed greater importance for the impact response than TSI. The developed integrative tool provided truthful predictions for the envisaged impact properties.