929 resultados para interest on judgment for damages for personal injuries


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Statement of Debentures lodged in the Bank of Upper Canada for Safe Keeping and for Collection the Interest on them every 6 months, on the 8th of February and the 8th of August every year (handwritten), 1848, 1850.


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Statement of Debentures lodged in the Bank of Upper Canada for Safe Keeping and for Collection the Interest on them every 6 months, on the 8th of February and the 8th of August every year (handwritten). [This is a more detailed copy of the above item], 1848, 1850.


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Suite à une recension des écrits sur les soins d’hygiène des personnes atteintes de démence de type Alzheimer (DTA), force est de constater la rareté, voire l’absence de recherches sur la question des soins d’hygiène (SH) dispensés à domicile par les conjointes. Pourtant, la conjointe à domicile est confrontée aux mêmes difficultés que les intervenants des établissements de santé et doit ainsi faire face aux comportements, parfois difficiles de la personne atteinte. Dans la pratique, les infirmières questionnent peu les difficultés rencontrées par les aidantes au moment des soins d’hygiène, ce qui permet difficilement de prendre conscience de leurs sentiments d’isolement et de détresse et de les réduire, le cas échéant. Pour pallier cette lacune, la présente recherche vise à comprendre l’expérience que vivent des conjointes d’hommes atteints de DTA lorsqu’elles leur dispensent des SH à domicile. Un second objectif vise à identifier les dimensions qui sont associées à cette expérience. Une approche de recherche qualitative est utilisée. Les participantes ont été recrutées par l’entremise des Sociétés Alzheimer de Laval et des Laurentides. La stratégie de collecte des données a impliqué la réalisation de deux entrevues individuelles, face à face, de même que l’administration d’un court questionnaire portant sur les aspects sociodémographiques. La démarche retenue pour l’analyse de l’ensemble de données est inspirée de l’approche proposée par Miles et Huberman (2003). Les résultats permettent d’abord de mettre en évidence des profils de conjointes qui, tout en étant variables, présentent certaines similarités. Eu égard aux SH, toutes ont à consacrer des efforts soutenus, quotidiens et intenses. Elles doivent faire montre de patience et compter sur des capacités personnelles les amenant à ressentir des sentiments positifs malgré les situations difficiles. Les résultats montrent par ailleurs que la dispensation des SH provoque aussi des sentiments négatifs associés au fardeau que ces soins impliquent. Les conjointes mettent toutefois en œuvre une variété de stratégies d’adaptation au stress telles la résolution de problème, la recherche de soutien social et le recadrage. Cinq ensembles de dimensions personnelles et contextuelles sont associés à l’expérience des aidantes : 1) En ce qui a trait aux caractéristiques personnelles des conjointes, l’avancement en âge et l’état de santé physique ou psychologique influencent négativement l’expérience lors des SH. Par contre, les ressources personnelles intrinsèques (acceptation de la réalité, capacité de trouver un sens à l’évènement, habileté à improviser et sens de l’humour) sont utilisées de manière naturelle ou acquise; 2) Les caractéristiques personnelles du conjoint (année du diagnostic, pertes d’autonomie et troubles de comportement) affectent négativement l’expérience vécue; 3) La relation conjugale présente un intérêt important puisqu’il apparaît qu’une relation conjugale pré-diagnostic positive semble favoriser des sentiments positifs chez la conjointe en ce qui a trait aux SH; 4) Les dimensions familiales ont un impact favorable, étant donné le soutien psychologique reçu de la famille; 5) Les dimensions macro-environnementales, incluant l’aide reçue du réseau informel plus large de même que du réseau formel, ainsi que les divers aménagements matériels de l’environnement physique du couple, ressortent enfin comme ayant un impact positif. Au terme de l’analyse des résultats, l’auteure est en mesure de proposer une synthèse de l’expérience des conjointes. La discussion aborde quatre enjeux qui se dégagent des résultats observés : impacts des difficultés rencontrées lors des SH dans la décision d’hébergement, réticence des aidantes à faire appel aux ressources du réseau formel pour obtenir de l’aide eu égard aux SH, importance des ressources personnelles des aidantes et potentiel de l’approche relationnelle humaine (human caring) pour faire face aux défis que pose la dispensation des SH.


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This thesis Entitled Studies on Quasinormal modes and Late-time tails black hole spacetimes. In this thesis, the signature of these new theories are probed on the evolution of field perturbations on the black hole spacetimes in the theory. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to black holes and its perturbation formalism. Various concepts in the area covered by the thesis are also elucidated in this chapter. Chapter 2 describes the evolution of massive, charged scalar field perturbations around a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole surrounded by a static and spherically symmetric quintessence. Chapter 3 comprises the evolution of massless scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational fields around spherically symmetric black hole whose asymptotes are defined by the quintessence, with special interest on the late-time behavior. Chapter 4 examines the evolution of Dirac field around a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence. Detailed numerical simulations are done to analyze the nature of field on different surfaces of constant radius . Chapter 5is dedicated to the study of the evolution of massless fields around the black hole geometry in the HL gravity.


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Discusses the difference between how a student might project themself in social software and on a web page. Also discusses some of the risks of on-line presence.


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El benestar psicològic, entès com la vessant psicològica que forma part del concepte més ampli de qualitat de vida, constitueix un àmbit d'estudi en expansió. Tot i tenir un passat més breu en comparació amb d'altres constructes psicosocials, cada vegada investigadors de les més diverses disciplines s'afegeixen a la llista d'estudiosos que fan del benestar psicològic un dels seus objectes d'investigació. Amb tot, l'estudi del benestar psicològic en l'adolescència constitueix probablement un dels àmbits en els quals la necessitat de seguir avançant es fa més evident. El seu estudi en subjectes adolescents té, a més, un doble interès. Per una part, els canvis i transicions que nois i noies experimenten durant l'adolescència comporten amb freqüència que sigui un període estressant per a molts d'ells/es, amb implicacions importants per al seu benestar psicològic. Aprofundir en el seu coneixement durant aquest període té un interès més enllà de l'estrictament científic i permet el disseny de programes de prevenció més ajustats a les problemàtiques que els/les adolescents puguin estar experimentant. L'exploració dels elements del benestar psicològic constitueix una de les estratègies d'aproximació al seu estudi. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han seleccionat alguns dels elements que de la literatura científica es desprèn que tenen una connexió més estreta amb el benestar psicològic i que són la satisfacció amb la vida globalment i amb àmbits específics de la vida, l'autoestima, el suport social percebut, la percepció de control i els valors. Tot i que existeix un consens elevat en considerar que l'exploració d'aquests elements és de primera necessitat de cares a aprofundir en l'estructura del benestar psicològic, generalment han estat estudiats de forma separada, malgrat no falten intents d'integració teòrica. Les limitacions més importants que presenta l'estudi del benestar psicològic i el dels seus elements en l'actualitat són bàsicament de caràcter epistemològic i fan referència a la dificultat de trobar visions comunes (tant a nivell de definicions com de teories explicatives) compartides per una majoria d'investigadors socials. Aquestes limitacions justifiquen l'interès per dirigir l'atenció vers un altre tipus d'explicacions del benestar psicològic, qualitativament diferents a les disponibles, que no es refugiïn ni en reduccionismes ni en explicacions causals rígides. Les teories de la complexitat suposen una alternativa productiva en aquest sentit ja que aquelles característiques a través de les quals la complexitat ve donada (borrositat de límits, punts de catàstrofe, dimensions fractals, processos caòtics i no lineals), són, en definitiva, les mateixes propietats que caracteritzen als fenòmens psicosocials. I això inclou el de benestar psicològic. Les dades de les que disposem, obtingudes mitjançant un estudi transversal, impedeixen fer una aproximació al benestar psicològic des de totes les propietats de la complexitat esmentades a excepció de la característica de la no linealitat. L'objectiu general de la tesi ha estat el de construir un model de benestar psicològic a partir de les dades obtingudes que permetés: 1) Evidenciar relacions entre variables que fins aquests moments no han pogut ser massa explorades, 2) Contemplar aquestes relacions més enllà de la seva unidireccionalitat, i 3) Entendre el benestar psicològic en l'adolescència des d'un punt de vista més integrador i holista i, consegüentment, oferir una manera més comprehensiva d'aproximar-se a aquest fenomen. Aquesta tesi ha de ser entesa com un primer pas, fonamentalment metodològic, per l'elaboració futura de conceptualizacions sobre el benestar psicològic en l'adolescència que es basin en els principis que ens aporten les ciències de la complexitat. Malgrat els resultats obtinguts no estan absents de limitacions, obren noves perspectives d'anàlisi del benestar psicològic en l'adolescència.


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This is an in-depth case study using a grounded theory approach to explore managers’ views of ABC as part of the control system in an insurance company. Relevant issues are allowed to emerge from the data rather than imposing a theoretical framework upon them. Hypotheses are derived rather than confirmed. Issues emerging from this case study include: the relevance of ABC to managers, increased cost awareness coupled with the problem of taking qualitative factors into account, and the existence of different perceptions of managers within the same department. One hypothesis is how an understanding of ABC can affect job satisfaction by influencing the impact of ABC on managers’ actions. In this case study process and non-process managers had different levels of understanding and use of ABC information. A second hypothesis is that how managers view ABC information depends on whether they adopt a personal or an organisational perspective.


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The question posed by Theme 4 of this workshop is indeed a very broad one and would demand a thorough research on the topics involved. I am afraid I did not have the proper time to think it over and I would not be able to provide a wide ranging answer to this question. Thus, I will be selective and I will present the following issues that need to be addressed to support Brazilian development: i) competition among banks; ii) high rate of interest on liquidity; iii) approval by the Congress of a Complementary Law to regulate the financial sector as required by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution; iv) exploitation of workers through the governance of the Job Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) and iv) state-owned versus government owned enterprises.


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The world tendency is the increase of the productivity and the production of pieces more and more sophisticated, with high degree of geometric and dimensional tolerances, with good surface finish and low cost. Rectification is responsible for the final finish in the machining process of a material. However, damages generated in this production phase affect all the resources used in the previous processes. Great part of the problems happennig in the rectification process is due to the enormous temperature generated in this activity because of the machining conditions. The dive speed, which is directly related to the productivity, is considered responsible for the damages that occur during rectification, limiting its values to those that do not cause such damages. In this work, through the variation of the dive speed in the process of cylindrical grinding of type ABNT D6 steel, rationalizing the application of two cutting fluids and using a CBN (cubic boron nitrate) abrasive wheel with vitrified blond, the influence of the dive speed on the surface damages of hardened steels was evaluated. The results allowed to say that the dive speed, associated to an efficient cooling and lubrication, didn't provoke thermal damages (including heated zones, cracks and tension stresses) to the material. Residual stresses and the roughness of rectified materials presented a correlation with the machining conditions. The work concluded that it is possible to increase the productivity without provoking damages in the rectified components.


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Mechanical strength of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibres and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) matrix composites were studied with particular interest on the effects of oxygen and argon plasma treated fibres. PET. fibres were treated in a radio frequency plasma reactor using argon or oxygen for different treatment times to increase the interface adhesion. Fibre volume fraction was measured through digital image analysis. Elastic moduli resulted between 3 GPa for untreated to 6 GPa for treated composites. Tensile tests on PET fibres showed that plasma treatment caused a decrease in average tensile strength compared to untreated fibres. Fracture analysis confirmed the increase in interfacial adhesion due to plasma treatment. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ankle sprains represent the most common injuries in sports and basketball. In this sense, the use of ankle bracing and strength capacity analysis of the ankle evertor and invertor muscles, have been suggested as preventive measures and important tools for identifying risk factors associated with ankle sprains. However, questions still persist as to effect of the use ankle bracing on biomechanical variables related to the stability of the ankle. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the effect of the use of ankle bracing on peak torque (PT) of ankle evertor and invertor muscles and on eccentric evertor/concentric invertor torque ratio (EVEECC/INVCON), during the basketball match-play simulation. Ten healthy college basketball players, without mechanics or functional ankle instability performed a laboratory-based protocol representative of work rates observed during basketball match-play, in two different situations, with and without use of ankle bracing. The test was composed of a succession of intermittent physical effort equally distributed in four periods of 10 minutes each, considering the mechanical and physiological demands of a basketball match-play. Prior to the start of the trial (Evaluation 1) and after 2° (Evaluation 2) and 4° (Evaluation 3) periods, the subjects performed five maximal isokinetic concentric and eccentric contractions of ankle invertor and evertor muscles, separated by two minutes rest, at 60 °/s and 120 °/s. After testing for normality of data distribution with the Shapiro-Wilk test, was used the ANOVA repeated measures for two factors and post-hoc Bonferroni test for comparison of variables between assessments. Was adopted p < 0.05. There was no significant difference for PT and EVEECC/INVCON torque ratio between assessments. There was a decrease in PT EVEECC at 60º/s and 120º/s for the ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of motor practice on visual judgments of apertures for wheelchair locomotion and the visual control of wheelchair locomotion in wheelchair users who had no prior experience. Sixteen young adults, divided into motor practice and control groups, visually judged varying apertures as passable or impassable under walking, pre-practice, and post-practice conditions. The motor practice group underwent additional motor practice in 10 blocks of five trials each, moving the wheelchair through different apertures. The relative perceptual boundary was determined based on judgment data and kinematic variables that were calculated from videos of the motor practice trials. The participants overestimated the space needed under the walking condition and underestimated it under the wheelchair conditions, independent of group. The accuracy of judgments improved from the pre-practice to post-practice condition in both groups. During motor practice, the participants adaptively modulated wheelchair locomotion, adjusting it to the apertures available. The present findings from a priori visual judgments of space and the continuous judgments that are necessary for wheelchair approach and passage through apertures appear to support the dissociation between processes of perception and action.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La costruzione di un modello efficiente di corporate governance deve offrire una disciplina adeguata dei doveri contabili. Ciò nonostante, gli ordinamenti giuridici configurano i doveri di contabilità in modo incompleto, giacché l’inadempimento di questi non comporta una sanzione diretta per il soggetto inadempiente. Come informazione sulla situazione economica e finanziaria della società, esiste un interesse pubblico nella contabilità, e questa può servire come base di giudizio a soggetti interni ed esterni all’impresa, nell’adozione delle sue scelte. Disporre di un’informazione falsa o inesatta al riguardo può comportare un danno ingiustificato alla società stessa, ai soci o ai terzi, che potranno esercitare le azioni precise per il risarcimento del danno cagionato. Per evitare la produzione di questi danni, da una prospettiva preventiva, la corporate governance delle società di capitali può prevedere dei meccanismi di controllo che riducano il rischio di offrire un’informazione sbagliata. Questi controlli potranno essere esercitati da soggetti interni o esterni (revisori legali) alla struttura della società, ed avranno una configurazione diversa a seconda che le società adottino una struttura monistica o dualistica di governance. Questo ci colloca di fronte ad una eventuale situazione di concorrenza delle colpe, giacché i diversi soggetti che intervengono nel processo d’elaborazione dell’informazione contabile versano la sua attuazione sullo stesso documento: il bilancio. Risulta dunque cruciale determinare il contributo effettivo di ciascuno per analizzare il suo grado di responsabilità nella produzione del danno.