993 resultados para inmunofluorescent antibody test


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A doença de Chagas causada pelo T. cruzi é transmitida, principalmente, por insetos vetores e está distribuída na Argentina, no Chile, na Venezuela e no Brasil. O cão, além de ser um importante reservatório, também é vítima da doença e a única espécie capaz de desenvolver manifestações clínicas iguais a do homem. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo descrever as alterações clínicas encontradas em quatro cães infectados naturalmente pelo T. cruzi e alertar para a possibilidade de que a ocorrência dessa enfermidade em cães de Mato Grosso do Sul possa estar sendo subestimada. Os animais foram selecionados a partir de exames sorológicos de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), ensaio imunossorvente ligado à enzima (ELISA) e immunoblotting com antígeno secretado e excretado da forma tripomastigota do T. cruzi (TESA-blot) e submetidos a xenodiagnóstico, exame físico, radiografia torácica, eletrocardiografia, ecocardiografia e bioquímica sérica. As alterações encontradas foram aumento de ventrículo direito, presença de arritmias do tipo bloqueio átrio ventricular, sinus arrest e bloqueio de ramo direito, além de disfunção sistólica e diastólica. Três animais apresentaram hiperproteinemia e as dosagens das enzimas CK e CK-MB revelaram valores indicativos de uma miocardite ativa. Esses são os primeiros casos descritos de cães com evidências consistentes de infecção natural pelo T. cruzi em Mato Grosso do Sul e ressalta-se o alerta aos médicos veterinários para a importância clínica e o papel dessa espécie como reservatório da doença.


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Descreve-se o isolamento e a identificação do vírus rábico em morcegos insetívoros Molossus ater, no Estado de São Paulo, nos municípios de Araçatuba, Penápolis e São José do Rio Preto. A maioria dos exemplares foi capturada ainda com vida, não havendo, porém, contato com pessoas ou animais. O diagnóstico foi realizado pelas provas de imunofluorescência direta e inoculação intracerebral em camundongos.


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OBJETIVO: Os relatos sobre a ocorrência de raiva em morcegos no Brasil são esporádicos e isolados. Assim, o objetivo do estudo foi descrever a detecção do vírus da raiva em morcegos do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 7.393 morcegos provenientes de 235 municípios do norte e noroeste do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1997 a 2002 e identificados por meio de características morfológicas e morfométricas. Para a detecção do antígeno viral foi utilizada a técnica de imunofluorescência direta e o isolamento do vírus foi realizado por inoculação em camundongos. RESULTADOS: Das amostras examinadas, 1,3% foram positivas para raiva, com variação de 0,2% em 1997 a 1,6% em 2001. Foram encontrados 98 morcegos com o vírus, 87 deles em área urbana. O vírus da raiva foi detectado pela imunofluorescência direta em 77 do total de amostras positivas, enquanto 92 produziram doença em camundongos inoculados e o período de incubação variou entre 4-23 dias. em 43 municípios foi encontrado pelo menos um morcego positivo. Entre as espécies analisadas o vírus da raiva foi detectado com maior freqüência (33,7%) em Artibeus lituratus. Os vespertilionideos do gênero Eptesicus e Myotis totalizaram 24,5% dos morcegos positivos e as espécies do gênero Molossus (Molossus molossus e Molossus rufus), 14,3%. A distribuição do vírus da raiva foi semelhante entre fêmeas (33; 48,5%) e machos (35; 51,5%). CONCLUSÕES: Morcegos positivos para raiva foram encontrados em situações que colocam em risco tanto a população humana como animais de estimação, exigindo medidas voltadas para o manejo destas espécies e de educação da população.


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Comparamos os métodos de Imunofluorescência Indireta (IFI), Imunodifusão Radial Dupla e Aglutinação, para a pesquisa de anticorpos em soros, na tripanossomíase experimental por Trypanosoma evansi, em cobaias. Foram obtidas 20 amostras de soro correspondentes às 4 primeiras semanas de infecção. A IFI foi positiva em apenas 6 animais, com títulos variando de 1:4 a 1:16. Os títulos mais altos foram observados na 3ª semana pós-infecção. Anticorpos aglutinantes foram observados a partir da 1ª semana pós-infecção e, após a 2ª semana, todos os animais apresentaram reação de aglutinação positiva, com títulos variando de 1:8.000 a 1:250.000. O tratamento dos soros com 2-Mercapto-etanol inibiu a reação de aglutinação, sugerindo ser IgM a principal classe dos anticorpos presentes no soro dos animais infectados. Não se constatou a presença de anticorpos precipitantes durante todo o curso da infecção.


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The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of antibodies against T gondii and N. caninum in captive maned wolves from Brazil, considering that little information is available at the literature about infections by these parasites in this wild animal. Serum samples were obtained from 59 maned wolves originated from six zoos and from one ecological reserve of the southeastern and midwestern regions of Brazil. To detect IgG antibodies against T gondii, an ELISA protocol was used and the results were expressed as ELISA reactivity indexes (131). Serology for N. caninum was carried out by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and cut-off titers were established at 1:25 dilution. From the total of the analyzed samples, 44 (74.6%) were seropositive for T gondii and only 5 (8.5%) for N. caninum. Seropositivity for T gondii ranged from 0 to 100% in the seven different origin locals, with rates over 50% among the six zoos, whereas no positivity was found in the samples from ecological reserve. For N. caninum, seroprevalence varied from 0 to 50% in the different locals, with the highest rates also detected in zoos. Seroprevalence for T gondii was strongly related with age, with rates significantly higher among adult wolves (91.7%) when compared to newborn or young animals. Seropositive samples for N. caninum were found predominantly in adult wolves. For both parasites, seroprevalence did not show a significant distinction in relation to gender. Although seroprevalence for T gondii was significantly higher when compared to N. caninum in the Brazilian captive maned wolves tested, these findings reflect the great exposure of this species to T gondii and, in lower extension, to N. caninum. Also, the present study demonstrated for the first time the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in wild life from South America. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) is an important natural host for Neospora caninum. Serologic responses to N. caninum were studied in experimentally and naturally infected water buffaloes in Brazil. Antibodies were assayed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) using a cut off value of 1:25. Six buffaloes were each inoculated subcutaneously with 5 x 106 live culture-derived tachyzoites of the cattle Illinois strain of N. caninum, and two calves were kept as uninoculated controls. Post-inoculation (p.i.) blood samples were collected weekly for 8 weeks and then monthly until 1 year p.i. All inoculated buffaloes developed IFAT titers of 1:100 or more between 7 and 11 days p.i. and the titers remained elevated until 7 weeks p.i. Antibody titers peaked to 1:1600 in 1, 1:800 in 3 and 1:400 in 2, usually by 3 weeks p.i. Antibody titers declined to 1:25 or 1:50 in all the six buffaloes by 12 months p.i. IFAT titers to N. caninum remained at an undetectable level (< 1:25) in both control uninoculated buffaloes. To follow the dynamics of N. caninum antibodies, sera from 29 buffaloes and their calves were collected for 1 year and assayed for N. caninum antibodies; 23 of 29 calves were seropositive (IFAT of 1:100 or more) at 1-2 day of age. of these 23 calves, 17 remained seropositive during the study, while six became seronegative at four (two calves), six (one calf) seven (two calves) and eight (one calf) months of age. These findings suggest a high rate of neonatal transmission of N. caninum in buffaloes. Published by Elsevier B.V.


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This paper reports the detection of bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BoHV-5) by a specific nested PCR assay. Samples were collected from the central nervous system (CNS) of cattle from Minas Gerais and São Paulo States, Brazil. All animals died presenting neurological symptoms. Nineteen frozen CNS samples analyzed had been previously tested by fluorescence antibody test for rabies virus and showed negative results. Three paraffin-embedded brain tissue samples were examined by histopatology and the observed alterations suggested nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. BoHV-5 was detected in five (22.7%) among 22 tested samples. The occurrence of BoHV-5 infection is reported in the Southeast region of Brazil, indicating that epidemiological studies should be carried out.


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The occurrence of antibodies to Neospora caninum and Toxoplasmagondii was determined in 400 domestic cats (Siamese, Persian, and undetermined breeds) from the Municipality of Aracatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, through the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). of the 400 cats, 100 were seropositive to T. gondii (25%, titer >= 64) and 98 to N. caninum (24.5%, titer >= 16). The rate of seropositive cats for T. gondii was correlated with age (chi(2)=35.7; p < 0.001), with a higher number of infected animals at older ages. of the 219 cats younger than 1-year-old, 13.2% were seropositive for T. gondii, while 39.2% were positive in the 181 older animals. The presence of N. caninum was also correlated with age (divided by(2)=8.8; p < 0.01), with 18.7% (41/219) and 31.5% (57/181) of positive animals at ages below and above 12-month, respectively. An association between the occurrences of both protozoa in the felines was also observed (chi(2)=19.6; p < 0.001).


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Diagnosis of Neospora caninum infection in dogs is based on serological assays such as the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). This study evaluated two serological tests (IFAT and ELISA) for the detection of IgG antibodies to N. caninum in 300 serum samples of dogs through the optimization of cut off titers by using the two-graph receiveroperating characteristic (TG-ROC) curve. In addition, the identification of major cross-reactive antigens with Toxoplasma gondii was investigated by inhibition ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) assays. IFAT and ELISA results showed 74% agreement, with a good negative concordance (P-neg=0.83), but a poor positive concordance (P-pos=0.42). The great majority (86%) of sera with positive concordant results (IFAT+/ELISA+) recognized at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens, particularly the 29-32 and 35-37 kDa bands. Optimization of cut off titers in IFAT and ELISA was performed considering the reactivity to at least two out of three N. caninum immunodominant antigens as infection markers, obtaining a titer of 50 for IFAT and 200 for ELISA. Seropositivity to N. caninuin was significantly associated with T gondii-seropositive samples, particularly in ELISA (55.4%). Inhibition ELISA curves for N. caninum showed a partial heterologous inhibition, indicating some degree of cross-reactivity between N. caninum and T gondii antigens. Inhibition IB assays showed a moderate heterologous inhibition for N. caninum antigens above 45-50 kDa. These results indicate that ELISA should be used critically when crude tachyzoite antigen preparations are employed, due to possible cross-reactivity with other related parasites as T gondii. Also, the cut off dilution of 1:50 in IFAT showed to be the most appropriated for N. caninum serology in dogs. Therefore, we suggest that N. caninum immunodominant antigens, specially the 17 and 29-32 kDa proteins, should be selected markers in serological assays for canine neosporosis. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Considering that little is known about the epidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in humans, particularly in populations with high Toxoplasma gondii infection rates, the present study aimed to investigate the presence of antibodies to N. caninum in T. gondii-seropositive and -seronegative individuals. A total of 256 serum samples divided into four groups (61 samples from human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]-positive patients, 50 samples from patients with neurological disorders, 91 samples from newborns, and 54 samples from healthy subjects) were assessed for N. caninum and T. gondii serologies by indirect fluorescent-antibody test, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and immunoblotting (IB). Immunoglobulin G antibodies to N. caninum were predominantly detected in HIV-infected patients (38%) and patients with neurological disorders (18%), while newborns and healthy subjects showed lower seropositivity rates (5% and 6%, respectively). Seropositivity to N. caninum was significantly associated with seropositivity to T. gondii in both HIV-infected patients and patients with neurological disorders. Seroreactivity to N. caninum was confirmed by IB, with positive sera predominantly recognizing the 29-kDa antigen of N. caninum. The results of this study indicate the presence of N. caninum infection or exposure in humans, particularly in HIV-infected patients or patients with neurological disorders, who could have opportunistic and concurrent infections with T. gondii. These findings may bring a new concern for the unstable clinical health of HIV-infected patients and the actual role of N. caninum infection in immunocompromised patients.


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The serological profile of 300 mongrel dogs of various ages and gender were investigated. Animals were captured in the streets and afterwards directed to a private kennel in Avare city (SP) to search for leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and neosporosis. Blood samples were obtained from jugular or cephalic vein for the obtention of sera. The microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was used to leptospirosis. MAT detect the prevalence of 9.3%. The most frequent reactant serovars were Bratislava (35.7%), Cynopteri (17.9%), Autumnalis (14.3%), and Copenhageni (10.7%), besides 7.1% to others serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, and Hardjo. The modified agglutination test used for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis showed 26% of positive animals, with titers varying from 16 to 256, with 16 in 3.3%, 64 in 13.7%, and 256 in 9% of the samples. To canine neosporosis, it was used the indirect fluorescent antibody test, and two animals (0.7%) demonstrated antibodies with titers 25 and 100. The results show the participation of the animals in the epidemiological chain of the researched diseases.


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The objective of this study was to compare the different methods of detecting Toxoplasma gondii in sheep tissue, tested serologically positive by the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Brain, diaphragm, and blood samples were collected from 522 sheep slaughtered at the São Manuel abattoir, São Paulo State, Brazil. Brain and diaphragm samples from IFAT seropositive animals were digested by both trypsin and pepsin and then injected into mice. Part of the digested samples was used to prepare slides for Giemsa staining and in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Tissue fragments were fixed in formalin and examined using hematoxilin-eosin (HE). Forty of the sheep (7.7%) were IFAT positive. T. gondii was isolated in 23 (59.0%) of the 39 mice with pepsin-digested brain samples and in 27 (69.0%) of the 39 with trypsin-digested brain samples. Injection of diaphragm samples led to T. gondii isolation in 26 (66.7%) of the 39 pepsin-digested samples and 21 (53.8%) of the 39 trypsin-digested samples. Cytological and hystopathological examination of both brains and diaphragms was negative in all examined sheep. PCR was positive in 7 (17.9%) of the trypsin and 2 (5.1%) of the pepsin-digested samples, while 9 (23.1%) of the trypsin and 3 (7.7%) of the pepsin-digested samples showed T. gondii DNA. T. gondii isolation rate in mice (n = 34; 85.0%) was significantly higher than detection by PCR (n = 15; 37.5%). © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A comparative study was made regarding the clinical and hematological alterations caused by isolates of Babesia bigemina from southeastern, northeastern and northern Brazil in experimentally infected Nelore calves. Eighteen calves between 7 and 9 months of age, without antibodies against Babesia sp and raised free from ticks, were used. Three animals were previously inoculated with 2.0×109 parasitic erythrocytes (PE) for each stabilate. The other 15 calves were subdivided into three groups, with five animals each, that were subinoculated with 1.0×1010 PE of the respective isolates. The clinical and hematological alterations were evaluated by the determination of parasitaemia, haemogram, plasmatic fibrinogen, reticulocyte count, descriptive analysis of the bone marrow and erythrocytic osmotic fragility, for 30 days, totalizing seven moments of observation. The follow-up of the immunological response by the indirect fluorescent antibody test was carried out daily until the 10th day after inoculation (DAI) and after that, on the 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th DAI. A mild clinical manifestation of the disease was observed. The laboratory findings revealed low levels of parasitaemia; decrease of the erythrogram values; absence of reticulocytes, initial decrease in the total count of leukocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes with a posterior elevation of the number of these cells; hypercellularity of the erythrocytic series and decrease of the myeloid: erythroid relation which was more accentuated between the 8th and 12th DAI, and an increase of the erythrocytic osmotic fragility in the groups inoculated with the Southeast and Northeast isolates. None of the three isolates of B. bigemina gave rise to the clinical characteristic form of the disease, although they induced an humoral immune response.


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Four hundred forty-two serum samples were collected from dairy goats in seven regions of São Paulo State. These were tested for Toxoplasma gondii antibodies using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. Sixty-four (14,5%) serologically positive animals were found from all these goat farms studied.


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Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a coccidian protozoan of worldwide distribution. The seroprevalence in canine population can be an alternative for measuring T. gondii urban spreading. A total of 780 blood samples from dogs were collected, during the yearly anti-rabies campaign, carried out by the Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry (FMVZ), São Paulo State University, UNESP, together with the county health authorities, in August 1999. Using Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test (IFAT) for detecting antibodies anti-T. gondii in the sera samples, we observed that 258 dogs (33.1%) were positive. The associations between the serological results and the epidemiological variables were studied. Statistically significant differences were not found regarding sex (32.2% male and 34.3% female reactors). Dogs without a defined breed showed seropositivity statistically higher than the pedigreed group. The occurrence of infection was considered higher with age.