966 resultados para initial public offering (IPO)


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Due to increasing demands for new infrastructure and an aim to reduce initial public investment, Australian government agencies are increasingly using public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a form of delivery for infrastructure projects. Environmentally, there is growing pressure for the building industry in general to become more sustainable. Moreover, as the built environment continues to grow each year, the performance of buildings as a whole will need to continually improve purely for national energy consumption to remain stable. Based on a systematic and extensive review on relevant literature, this paper has identified the key attributes that will influence the environmental sustainability of infrastructure completed through a PPP. The key attributes are grouped into five groups defined by whom or what has the majority of control over the attribute. Meanwhile, the key attributes are explored and their influence on environmental sustainability justified. This paper was able to not only identify significant factors involved in creating environmental sustainability in infrastructure PPPs, but also trends of the key attributes. It has been found that (1) the longevity of the contract in a PPP project allows greater innovation into environmental sustainability than traditional methods of procurement, (2) innovation is a requirement for the improving upon environmental performance in the built environment, (3) improvements to environmental sustainability relies upon a positive relationship between economic and environmental benefits, and (4) the key attributes for PPP projects are decided upon relatively early in the contract. Due to space limit, detailed discussion on each of the identified attributes is not provided in this paper. Nonetheless, further research direction is discussed.


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Este trabalho objetiva verificar a existência de “Market Timing” no mercado acionário brasileiro. Os nossos estudos foram divididos em três análises distintas. Primeiro verificamos a presença de “market-timing” nos IPOs e posteriormente expandimos para as ofertas subseqüentes de ações (OSAs). Por último verificamos a persistência dos efeitos do “Market Timing” sobre a estrutura de capital das empresas. Os resultados dos nossos estudos mostram que as empresas brasileiras tendem a emitir mais capital quando o mercado está aquecido. Essas emissões acontecem através de IPOs e de OSAs e alteram a estrutura de capital dessas empresas. Com o passar do tempo essa alteração na estrutura de capital tende a diminuir.


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O mercado brasileiro de ofertas públicas iniciais a partir de 2004 passou por um reaquecimento. O período até 2008, segundo a Agência Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Industrial – ABDI (2009) foi marcado pela aceleração das saídas de investidores em Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC) via mercado de ações. Esses fundos são bem ativos nas empresas investidas e buscam ter acesso e influenciar as decisões dos administradores, exigem um volume grande de informações gerenciais, se preocupam com a profissionalização da gestão da empresa além de impor práticas de governança e transparência. Por serem investidores ativos espera-se que as empresas que tiveram participação desses veículos de investimento no momento anterior a abertura do capital apresentem retornos melhores do que outras sem essa participação. Assim objetivo desse estudo é verificar se há evidencias de que a presença de fundos de private equitiy ou venture capital no capital social da empresa antes de seu lançamento afeta o desempenho de longo prazo de suas ações, no presente estudo estabelecido como até 3 anos. Foi utilizada a metodologia de estudo de eventos para a investigação dos retornos de uma amostra de 126 IPOs ocorridos entre 2004 e 2011 no Brasil. A metodologia empregada tem como base o trabalho de Ritter (1991) com as recomendações de Khotari e Warner (2006), Ahern (2009) e Mackinlay (1997). Para o cálculo dos retronos anormais acumulados, ou cummulative abnormal returns – CAR utilizou-se o retorno ajustado pelo mercado, ou Market Adjusted Returns Equaly Wheighted, MAREW, utilizando como benchmark o Ibovespa e tendo como base um portifólio com pesos iguais. Verificou-se que há um retorno anormal médio de 3,47% no dia do lançamento que com o passar do tempo o retorno se torna negativo, sendo -15,27% no final do primeiro ano, -37,32% no final do segundo ano e chegando a -36,20% no final do terceiro ano. Para verificar o que influencia o CAR no longo prazo, foram relizadas regressões para os períodos de 1, 6, 12, 24 e 36 com as variáveis de controle Tamanho da Empresa, Tamanho da Oferta, Proporção da Oferta Primária, Idade, Quantidade de Investidores e Underprice para medir qual a influência de um fundo de Private Equity no retorno excedente acumulado das ações. A presença de um fundo de Private Equity ou Venture Capital se mostrou significativa apenas depois de seis meses do lançamento.


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This paper examines the relevance of market timing as a motive for initial public offerings (IPOs) by comparing IPOs of firms that are members of Japanese keiretsu industrial groups with IPOs of independent Japanese firms. We argue that Japanese keiretsu-linked IPOs form a favorable sample to find evidence of the market timing motive. Instead, the data provide strong evidence for a restructuring motive and little evidence for market timing. We find that long run returns to keiretsu and independent IPOs are not negative, contrary to U.S. evidence, and are indistinguishable from each other; initial returns to keiretsu-linked IPOs are significantly higher than to independent firms; and a significant number of keiretsu IPO firms adjust their linkages with the group following the IPO, with both increases and decreases.


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It is well documented the positive impact of the Private Equity and Venture Capital (PE/VC) industry on the creation and development of highly successful innovative companies in a few countries, mainly in the United States. PE/VC firms provide not only capital to startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that usually have financing gap, especially in emerging markets, but also strategic resources that enable these enterprises to commercialize innovation. As consequence, government incentive and nurture of local PE/VC industries would be expected in emerging economies due to innovation‟s importance to economic growth. This paper aims to identify if the Brazilian government has supported local PE/VC industry throughout the years in order to foster favorable conditions to creating and developing successful innovative businesses. It also analyzes Brazil‟s main public policies towards PE/VC and if they encompass all the three stages of its cycle – fundraising, investing and exiting. I conducted an empirical research which collected primary data from a sample of 127 PE/VC firms (90% of the population) operating in Brazil as of June, 2008. All firms answered a webbased questionnaire that collected quantitative data regarding their investment vehicles, portfolio companies, investments and exits. I compared the data obtained from the survey with the main local governmental PE/VC support programs. First, I confirmed the hypothesis that the Brazilian government has been using the PE/VC industry as a public policy towards entrepreneurship and innovation. Second, I identified that although PE/VC public policies in Brazil are mostly concentrated in fundraising phase, they have been able to positively impact the whole cycle. Third, it became clear that the Brazilian government became more concerned about Seed and Venture Capital (VC) Early stages due to their importance to the entire PE/VC value chain. As consequence, I conclude that those public policies have been very important to build a dynamic and strong local PE/VC industry, whose committed capital grew 50% per year between 2005 and 2008 to achieve US$27 billion, which invested US$ 11 billion, which employs 1,400 professionals (75% with postgraduate degrees) and maintains 482 portfolio companies, mostly SMEs. In addition, PE/VCbacked companies represented one third of the Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) that occurred in Brazil between 2004 and 2008 (approximately US$15 billion).


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There is much literature developing theories when and where earnings management occurs. Among the several possible motives driving earnings management behaviour in firms, this thesis focuses on motives that aim to influence the valuation of the firm. Earnings management that makes the firm look better than it really is may result in disappointment for the single investor and potentially leads to a welfare loss in society when the resource allocation is distorted. A more specific knowledge of the occurrence of earnings management supposedly increases the awareness of the investor and thus leads to better investments and increased welfare. This thesis contributes to the literature by increasing the knowledge as to where and when earnings management is likely to occur. More specifically, essay 1 adds to existing research connecting earnings management to IPOs and increases the knowledge in arguing that the tendency to manage earnings differs between the IPOs. Evidence is found that entrepreneur owned IPOs are more likely to be earnings managers than the institutionally owned ones. Essay 2 considers the reliability of quarterly earnings reports that precedes insider selling binges. The essay contributes by suggesting that earnings management is likely to occur before high insider selling. Essay 3 examines the widely studied phenomenon of income smoothing and investigates if income smoothing can be explained with proxies for information asymmetry. The essay argues that smoothing is more pervasive in private and smaller firms.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de LLM en droit"


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The present study shows the results of an international comparative research carried out in four Portuguese-speaking countries: Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Portugal. The purpose is, firstly, to find these countries cultural profile according to Hofstede/ Minkov dimensions as well as to measure the citizens` level of trust in institutions and, secondly, to analyze the relation between cultural values and level of trust. A bibliographic and theoretical review has been made on the main theoretical references about trust as far as its multiple forms and dimensions are concerned. Then, a scale of confidence in institutions has been drawn. An extensive analysis has been carried out, using qualitative and quantitative methods, including factorial analysis and simple linear regression. The results provide relevant information on what makes the four target countries very alike and on what differentiates them the most. In Portugal, a tendency towards a growing trust in institutions of public offering has been registered, whereas in the African countries, citizens tend to trust institutions of private offering more. All the institutions connected with the judicial and political sphere of society have been negatively qualified by the respondents in all countries, in a relatively similar way.


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This study examines the long-run performance of initial public offerings on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM). The results show that the 3-year equally weighted cumulative adjusted returns average −16.5%. The magnitude of this underperformance is consistent with most reported studies in different developed and emerging markets. Based on multivariate regression models, firms with small issues and higher ex ante financial strength seem on average to experience greater long-run underperformance, supporting the divergence of opinion and overreaction hypotheses. On the other hand, Mauritian firms do not on average time their offerings to lower cost of capital and as such, there seems to be limited support for the windows of opportunity hypothesis.


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This paper analyses whether the owners of companies seeking to list will leave less money on the table if underwriters are employed to price and market the issue. Our findings indicate that limited liability and Industrial company initial public offerings (IPOs) that have used underwriters have left
more money on the table than those not employing underwriters. Not only is there a direct cost in employing an underwriter but this study suggests there might also be an indirect cost. We also find that a positive forecast earnings per share yield may be useful in reducing the amount of money left on the table.


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This paper follows Ling and Ryngaert (1997) and Brounen and Eichholtz (2001) who investigate the underpricing of REIT initial public offerings (lPOs) in the United States and Europe respectively. This study adds to the international literature by investigating Australian property trusts. It reports a variety of descriptive statistics on 37 Australian property trust IPOs from 1994 to 1999. What it also contributes is the finding that some IPOs have extremely low volumes of shares traded on the first day so the simple use of a closing price at the end of the first day to determine underpricing returns (without reference to the volume of trading) may not always be the optimum method of calculating these returns.


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This paper follows How (2000) who examined 130 Australian mining and energy initial public offerings (IPOs) from 1979 to 1990 to report an average 107.18 % underpricing return by those IPOs. This study updates that report by investigating 127 Australian mining and energy IPOs from 1994 to 2001 to find a substantially lower 17.93 % average first day return. These updated findings have implications for both new companies seeking to float and also for the subscribers wishing to invest in these new listings.


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This study investigates 40 Japanese REIT IPOs during 2001 to 2006 and finds evidence that higher final offer prices are reflected in higher underpricing levels by such IPOs. There is also some evidence that the engagement of one of the big three Japanese underwriting firms suggests less money is left on the table. Economies of scale in underwriting fees for Japanese REIT IPOs are also found. Specifically, the percentage underwriting fees decrease with higher amounts of equity capital sought but the percentage fee decreases at a diminishing rate.


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Dimovski (2010) finds that the time from prospectus registration to listing is significantly positively related to the amount of underpricing amongst 45 Australian Real Estate Investment Trust (A-REIT) initial public offerings (IPOs) from 2002 to 2008. This makes the understanding of the time from prospectus registration to listing for A-REITs an important matter. This study analyses 82 A-REIT IPOs from 1994 to 2008 using a Cox proportional hazard model to analyse the duration from prospectus date to listing date. The study finds that A-REIT IPOs issued after 2000 listed more quickly, as did those A-REITs that were underwritten and also those that sought to raise larger amounts of equity capital. Those that proposed higher debt to assets ratios in their prospectuses listed more slowly. When the data is partitioned into 1994 to 1999 and 2002 to 2008 groupings, earlier A-REIT IPOs listed more quickly if they were larger while in the more recent group, those that had higher debt to asset ratios took longer to fill their subscriptions.