969 resultados para information system discontinuance


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Farmers living in rural villages of Sri Lanka do not have proper access to information to make informed decisions about their livelihoods and as a result they face constant hardships in their lives. They use mobile phones to communicate but these are not currently connected to the Internet. We are investigating how to provide personalized information to farmers with the aim of empowering them to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions. In this paper we propose an empowerment model that has been designed to achieve their goals which have been identified using a scenario-based approach. The model examines several empowerment processes and supporting tools that would help them to achieve their goals with the hope that they would have an increased sense of control, self-efficacy, knowledge and competency. This empowerment model is applied to the development of a mobile based information system that is being developed by an international collaborative research group to address the issues of the farmers.


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A Feral Information Systems (FIS) is any technological artefact (e.g. spreadsheets) that end users employ instead of the mandated Enterprise System (ES). ES proponents suggest that the installation of an ES will boost productivity. However, Production Possibility Frontier theory provides insights as to why the introduction of an ES may instead suppress an end user's productivity. Structuration Theory offers insights that explain how certain end users may have access to powerful resources. Rather than submitting to the ES, the end user can employ FIS to block or circumvent aspects of the ES. Further, the concept of life chances helps explain why individuals may or may not develop the core skills required to construct an alternate to the ES, the FIS. In relation to the ES usage, an end user may adopt one of four Modes of Operation, namely: Submit, Dismiss, Hidden, or Defiant.


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Previous studies on residential energy end use behavior reported significant reduction in energy end use of 7% to 24% when feedback is used to modify behavior in an energy efficient manner. However, most feedback systems investigated in previous studies have not benefited from advanced information systems (IS). IS can shape energy efficiency behavior by providing real-time feedback on energy consumption, cost and environmental impact. Such systems represent a new and less-researched subfield of energy informatics. This paper provides a conceptual framework for showing the potential use of IS to modify residential energy use behavior towards better energy efficiency. The framework builds on research in residential energy end use, in particular energy end use behavioral model. It provides conceptual inputs for a blue-print to develop a residential energy management information system (REMIS) and also highlights the use of new information and communications technologies (ICT) that had not been widely used, setting the grounds for further research in this area.


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Australian Museums Online (AMOL) was the earliest attempt to make Australia’s distributed cultural collections accessible from a single online resource. Despite early successes, significant achievements and the considerable value it offered certain groups, the project ran into operational difficulties and was eventually discontinued. By using Actor-Network Theory and analysing the global and local actor-networks, it is revealed that although the project originated from large, state museums, buy-in was restricted to individuals, rather than institutions and the most significant value was for smaller, regional institutions. Furthermore, although the global networks that governed the project could translate their visions through the local production networks, because the network’s underlying weaknesses were never addressed, over time this destablised the global networks. This case study offers advice for projects attempting to consolidate data sources from disparate sources, and highlights the importance of individual actors in championing the project.


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 The presence of a wide areal extent of small-sized village reservoirs offers a considerable potential for the development of culture-based fisheries (CBFs) in Sri Lanka. To this end, this study uses geographical information systems (GISs) and remote sensing (RS) techniques to determine the morphometric and biological characteristics most useful for classifying non-perennial reservoirs for CBF development and for assessing the influence of catchment land-use patterns on potential CBF yields. The reservoir shorelines at full water supply level were mapped with a Global Positioning System to determine shoreline length and reservoir areal extent. The ratio of shoreline length to reservoir extent, which was reported to be a powerful predictor variable of CBF yields, could be reliably quantified using RS techniques. The areal extent of reservoirs, quantified with RS techniques (RS extent), was used to estimate the ratio of forest cover plus scrubland cover to RS extent and was found to be significantly related to the CBF yield (R2 = 0.400; P < 0.05). The results of this study indicated that morphometric characteristics and catchment land-use patterns, which might be viewed as indices of biological productivity, can be quantified using RS and GIS techniques. © 2014 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Este documento constitui uma dissertação de mestrado, requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. O tema da pesquisa é o relacionamento existente entre as características técnicas de um projeto de sistema de informação e apoio à decisão e os comportamentos dos usuários no seu uso. O objetivo é desenvolver e apresentar um modelo conceitual de EIS (“Enterprise Information Systems”), a partir da literatura, das tendências tecnológicas e de estudos de caso, que identifique características para comportamentos proativos dos usuários na recuperação de informações. Adotou-se o conceito de comportamento proativo na recuperação de informações como a combinação das categorias exploração de dados e busca focada. Entre os principais resultados, pode-se destacar a definição de categorias relacionadas com as características dos sistemas - flexibilidade, integração e apresentação - e de categorias relacionadas com os comportamentos dos usuários na recuperação de informações - exploração de dados e busca focada, bem como a apresentação de um modelo conceitual para sistemas EIS. Pode-se destacar também a exploração de novas técnicas para análise qualitativa de dados, realizada com o objetivo de buscar uma maior preservação do contexto nos estudos de caso.


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Este trabalho tem o objetivo de desenvolver e avaliar um Protótipo de um EIS (Executive Information System) que integre os níveis hierárquicos operacional, tático e estratégico, a fim de suprir e dar suporte, quanto a informações, a uma das Pró- Reitorias da Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS. Quer-se demonstrar não só a importância mas também a contribuição da integração, através do acesso e compartilhamento das informações, dos níveis hierárquicos, proporcionada pelo Protótipo, para a obtenção da eficiência e eficácia das atividades desenvolvidas na Pró-Reitoria em estudo. Através de revisão bibliográfica e de levantamentos efetuados por meio de questionários, elaborou-se o Protótipo EIS -UCS, o qual posteriormente foi avaliado através de dois protocolos, aplicados em momentos distintos, e também através da grade de análise do modelo conceitual de EIS. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o cumprimento do objetivo de desenvolver e avaliar o protótipo EIS-UCS. Os resultados apresentam o obtido em relação ao processo, ao sistema, ao conteúdo, a integração dos níveis hierárquicos e o aprendizado da organização e do pesquisador. Concluiu-se que o Protótipo EIS-UCS integra, através do acesso e compartilhamento das informações, os níveis hierárquicos e também supre e dá suporte, quanto ao nível de informações à Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Relações Universitárias da Universidade de Caxias do Sul.


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A study was taken in a 1566 ha watershed situated in the Capivara River basin, municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. This environment is fragile and can be subjected to different forms of negative impacts, among them soil erosion by water. The main objective of the research was to develop a methodology for the assessment of soil erosion fragility at the various different watershed positions, using the geographic information system ILWIS version 3.3 for Windows. An impact model was created to generate the soil's erosion fragility plan, based on four indicators of fragility to water erosion: land use and cover, slope, percentage of soil fine sand and accumulated water flow. Thematic plans were generated in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. First, all the variables, except land use and cover, were described by continuous numerical plans in a raster structure. The land use and cover plan was also represented by numerical values associated with the weights attributed to each class, starting from a pairwise comparison matrix and using the analytical hierarchy process. A final field check was done to record evidence of erosive processes in the areas indicated as presenting the highest levels of fragility, i.e., sites with steep slopes, high percentage of soil fine sand, tendency to accumulate surface water flow, and sites of pastureland. The methodology used in the environmental problems diagnosis of the study area can be employed at places with similar relief, soil and climatic conditions.


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Pode-se afirmar que a evolução tecnológica (desenvolvimento de novos instrumentos de medição como, softwares, satélites e computadores, bem como, o barateamento das mídias de armazenamento) permite às Organizações produzirem e adquirirem grande quantidade de dados em curto espaço de tempo. Devido ao volume de dados, Organizações de pesquisa se tornam potencialmente vulneráveis aos impactos da explosão de informações. Uma solução adotada por algumas Organizações é a utilização de ferramentas de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação, recuperação e análise dos dados. No âmbito científico, essas ferramentas são desenvolvidas para armazenar diferentes padrões de metadados (dados sobre dados). Durante o processo de desenvolvimento destas ferramentas, destaca-se a adoção de padrões como a Linguagem Unificada de Modelagem (UML, do Inglês Unified Modeling Language), cujos diagramas auxiliam na modelagem de diferentes aspectos do software. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma ferramenta de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação dos dados das Organizações por meio de metadados e destacar o processo de modelagem de software, por meio da UML. Será abordado o Padrão de Metadados Digitais Geoespaciais, amplamente utilizado na catalogação de dados por Organizações científicas de todo mundo, e os diagramas dinâmicos e estáticos da UML como casos de uso, sequências e classes. O desenvolvimento das ferramentas de sistemas de informação pode ser uma forma de promover a organização e a divulgação de dados científicos. No entanto, o processo de modelagem requer especial atenção para o desenvolvimento de interfaces que estimularão o uso das ferramentas de sistemas de informação.


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The computational program called GIS_EM (Geographic Information System for Environmental Monitoring), a software devised to manage geographic information for monitoring soil, surface, and ground water, developed for use in the Health, Safety, and Environment Division of Paulinia Refinery is presented. This program enables registering and management of alphanumeric information pertaining to specific themes such as drilling performed for sample collection and for installation of monitoring wells, geophysical and other tests, results of chemical analyses of soil, surface, and groundwater, as well as reference values providing orientation for soil and water quality, such as EPA, Dutch List, etc. Management of such themes is performed by means of alphanumeric search tools, with specific filters and, in the case of spatial search, through the selection of spatial elements (themes) in map view. Documents existing in digital form, such as reports, photos, maps, may be registered and managed in the network environment. As the system centralizes information generated upon environmental investigations, it expedites access to and search of documents produced and stored in the network environment, minimizing search time and the need to file printed documents. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase (Cincinnati, OH 10/30/2005-11/4/2005).


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Cancer is the second main cause of death in Brazil, and according to statistics disclosed by INCA - National Cancer Institute 466,730 new cases of the disease are forecast for 2008. The storage and analysis of tumour tissues of various types and patients' clinical data, genetic profiles, characteristics of diseases and epidemiological data may provide more precise diagnoses, providing more effective treatments with higher chances for the cure of cancer. In this paper we present a Web system with a client-server architecture, which manages a relational database containing all information relating to the tumour tissue and their location in freezers, patients, medical forms, physicians, users, and others. Furthermore, it is also discussed the software engineering used to developing the system.