927 resultados para industrial waste mutagenicity
La production de biodiésel par des microalgues est intéressante à plusieurs niveaux. Dans le premier chapitre, un éventail de pour et contres concernant l’utilisation de microalgues pour la production de biocarburant sont ici révisés. La culture d’algues peut s'effectuer en utilisant des terres non-arables, de l’eau non-potable et des nutriments de base. De plus, la biomasse produite par les algues est considérablement plus importante que celle de plantes vasculaires. Plusieurs espèces on le contenu lipidique en forme de triacylglycérols (TAGs), qui peut correspondre jusqu'à 30% - 40% du poids sec de la biomasse. Ces proportions sont considérablement plus élevées que celui des huiles contenues dans les graines actuellement utilisées pour le biodiésel de première génération. Par contre, une production pratique et peu couteuse de biocarburant par des microalgues requiert de surpasser plusieurs obstacles. Ceci inclut le développement de systèmes de culture efficace à faible coût, de techniques de récupération requérant peu d’énergie, et de méthodes d’extraction et de conversion de l’huile non-dommageables pour l’environnement et peu couteuses. Le deuxième chapitre explore l'une des questions importantes soulevées dans le premier chapitre: la sélection d'une souche pour la culture. Une collection de souches de microalgues d'eau douce indigène au Québec a été établi et examiné au niveau de la diversité physiologique. Cette collection est composée de cent souches, que apparaissaient très hétérogènes en terme de croissance lorsque mises en culture à 10±2 °C ou 22±2 °C sur un effluent secondaire d’une usine municipale de traitement des eaux usées (EU), défini comme milieu Bold's Basal Medium (BBM). Des diagrammes de dispersion ont été utilisés pour étudier la diversité physiologique au sein de la collection, montrant plusieurs résultats intéressants. Il y avait une dispersion appréciable dans les taux de croissance selon les différents types de milieux et indépendamment de la température. De manière intéressante, en considérant que tous les isolats avaient initialement été enrichis sur milieu BBM, la distribution était plutôt symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, suggérant que l’enrichissement sur BBM n’a pas semblé biaiser la croissance des souches sur ce milieu par rapport aux EU. Également, considérant que les isolats avaient d’abord été enrichis à 22°C, il est assez surprenant que la distribution de taux de croissance spécifiques soit aussi symétrique autour de la ligne d’iso-croissance, avec grossièrement des nombres égaux d’isolats de part et d’autre. Ainsi, l’enrichissement à 22°C ne semble pas biaiser les cellules vers une croissance à cette température plutôt que vers 10°C. Les diagrammes de dispersion obtenus lorsque le pourcentage en lipides de cultures sur BBM ont été comparées à des cultures ayant poussé sur EU soit à 10°C ou 22°C rendent évident que la production de lipides est favorisée par la culture sur EU aux deux températures, et que la production lipidique ne semble pas particulièrement plus favorisée par l’une ou l’autre de ces températures. Lorsque la collection a été examinée pour y déceler des différences avec le site d’échantillonnage, une analyse statistique a montré grossièrement que le même degré de diversité physiologique était retrouvé dans les échantillons des deux différents sites. Le troisième chapitre a poursuivi l'évaluation de la culture d'algues au Québec. L’utilisation de déchets industriels riches en nutriments minéraux et en sources de carbone pour augmenter la biomasse finale en microalgues et le produit lipidique à faible coût est une stratégie importante pour rendre viable la technologie des biocarburants par les algues. Par l’utilisation de souches de la collection de microalgues de l’Université de Montréal, ce rapport montre pour la première fois que des souches de microalgues peuvent pousser en présence de xylose, la source de carbone majoritairement retrouvée dans les eaux usées provenant des usines de pâte et papier, avec une hausse du taux de croissance de 2,8 fois par rapport à la croissance photoautotrophe, atteignant jusqu’à µ=1,1/jour. En présence de glycérol, les taux de croissance atteignaient des valeurs aussi élevées que µ=1,52/jour. La production lipidique augmentait jusqu’à 370% en présence de glycérol et 180% avec le xylose pour la souche LB1H10, démontrant que cette souche est appropriée pour le développement ultérieur de biocarburants en culture mixotrophe. L'ajout de xylose en cultures d'algues a montré certains effets inattendus. Le quatrième chapitre de ce travail a porté à comprendre ces effets sur la croissance des microalgues et la production de lipides. Quatre souches sauvages indigènes ont été obersvées quotidiennement, avant et après l’ajout de xylose, par cytométrie en flux. Avec quelques souches de Chlorella, l’ajout de xylose induisait une hausse rapide de l’accumulation de lipide (jusqu’à 3,3 fois) pendant les premières six à douze heures. Aux temps subséquents, les cellules montraient une diminution du contenu en chlorophylle, de leur taille et de leur nombre. Par contre, l’unique membre de la famille des Scenedesmaceae avait la capacité de profiter de la présence de cette source de carbone sous culture mixotrophe ou hétérotrophe sans effet négatif apparent. Ces résultats suggèrent que le xylose puisse être utilisé avant la récolte afin de stimuler l’augmentation du contenu lipidique de la culture d’algues, soit en système de culture continu ou à deux étapes, permettant la biorestauration des eaux usées provenant de l’industrie des pâtes et papiers. Le cinquième chapitre aborde une autre déché industriel important: le dioxyde de carbone et les gaz à effet de serre. Plus de la moitié du dioxyde de carbone qui est émis dans l'atmosphère chaque jour est dégagé par un processus stationnaire, soit pour la production d’électricité ou pour la fabrication industrielle. La libération de CO2 par ces sources pourrait être atténuée grâce à la biorestauration avec microalgues, une matière première putative pour les biocarburants. Néanmoins, toutes les cheminées dégagent un gaz différent, et la sélection des souches d'algues est vitale. Ainsi, ce travail propose l'utilisation d’un état de site particulier pour la bioprospection de souches d'algues pour être utilisé dans le processus de biorestauration. Les résultats montrent que l'utilisation d'un processus d'enrichissement simple lors de l'étape d'isolement peut sélectionner des souches qui étaient en moyenne 43,2% mieux performantes dans la production de biomasse que les souches isolées par des méthodes traditionnelles. Les souches isolées dans ce travail étaient capables d'assimiler le dioxyde de carbone à un taux supérieur à la moyenne, comparées à des résultats récents de la littérature.
The study entitled standardization of optimum conditions for the production of glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin. Shellfish processing industries around the world turn out a significant quantity of head and shell as industrial waste. The waste must be removed immediately to prevent the contamination to the processing environment. The technique that are available for their disposal include ocean dumping, incineration or disposal of landfill sites. In this thesis the techniques and methods are used to process glucosamine hydrochloride from crustacean processing waste. Chitin is a nitrogenous polysaccharide, which is white, hard, inelastic, found in outer skeleton of insects, crabs, shrimp and lobsters and in the internal structures of other invertebrates. Glucosamine can be considered as a nutraceutical product by virtue of its properties. It is important for healthy skin, and plays a major role in the healing of surgical incisions and skin wounds. Deproteinisation of shrimp shell had significant effect on quality of chitin. Demineralization is also influences chitin quality. Solvents used for glucosamine hydrochloride affects the final yield and purity.
The study revealed stress and localized impact of industrial waste on the biota, predominance of stress tolerant species and low diversity in the vicinity of the effluent discharge point. These studies on impact of environmental parameters on the distribution of macrobenthos thus indicate the quantum of endurance warranted by the infauna to tide over the wide range of environmental stress. Low diversity and lower number of benthic fauna near discharge site can be attributed to the stress caused by cumulative toxic effects of effluents. The results of the physico-chemical parameters highlight the effects of pollution. The results of the study indicated the changes due to the large-scale movements of the estuarine water under the influence of tide, monsoon and land runoff coupled with its heterogenous nature owing to the effluent discharge from the industries
This work addresses the production of lightweight concrete building elements, such as plates, prefabricated slabs for pre-molded and panels of fencing, presenting a singular concrete: the Lightweight Concrete, with special properties such low density and good strength, by means of the joint use of industrial waste of thermosetting unsaturated polyesters and biodegradable foaming agent, named Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. This study covered various features of the materials used in the composition of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete, using a planning of factorial design 23, aiming at studying of the strength, production, dosage processes, characterization of mechanical properties and microstructural analysis of the transition zone between the light artificial aggregate and the matrix of cement. The results of the mechanical strength tests were analyzed using a computational statistics tool (Statistica software) to understand the behavior and obtain the ideal quantity of each material used in the formula of the Polymeric Lightweight Concrete. The definition of the ideal formula has the purpose of obtaining a material with the lowest possible dry density and resistance to compression in accordance with NBR 12.646/92 (≥ 2.5 MPa after 28 days). In the microstructural characterization by scanning electron microscopy it was observed an influence of the materials in the process of cement hydration, showing good interaction between the wrinkled face of the residue of unsaturated polyesters thermosetting and putty and, consequently, the final strength. The attaining of an ideal formula, given the Brazilian standards, the experimental results obtained in the characterization and comparison of these results with conventional materials, confirmed that the developed Polymeric Lightweight Concrete is suitable for the production of building elements that are advantageous for construction
The environmental impacts, caused by the solid residues generation, are an often quoted concern nowadays. Some of these residues, which are originated from different human activities, can be fully reused, reducing the effects of the poor waste management on the environment. During the salt production process, the first formed crystals are discarded as industrial waste. This is mainly made of gypsum that is a calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). The gypsum in question may go through a calcination process due to the plaster (CaSO4.0,5H2O) production and then the application on the cement industry. Considering the necessity of development and application for these industrial wastes, this paper aims to analyze the plaster, called Salgesso, from the gypsum that was generated during the salt production, and its use viability on the civil construction industry in order to create environmental and economical benefits. For characterization, the following experiments were performed: X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), thermal analysis (TG/DTG) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDS. The following tests were also performed to obtain the mechanical characteristics: Thinness Modulus, Unit Mass, Setting Time and Compressive Resistance. Three commercial plasters used on civil construction were taken as references. All of these tests were performed according to the current standards. It was noticed that although there were some conflicting findings between the salt and commercial plasters in all of the studied properties, the Salgesso has its values within the standard limits. However, there is the possibility to improve them by doing a more effective calcination process. Three commercial plasters, used in construction, were used as reference material. All tests were performed according to standards in force. It was observed that although some tests present conflicting findings between the salt and gypsum plasters commercial properties in all of the studied Salgesso have values within the limits imposed by the standard, but can be improved simply by calcination process more effective
The production of waste from urban and industrial activities is one of the factors of environmental contamination and has aroused attention of the scientific community, in the sense of its reuse. On the other hand, the city of Salvador/Ba, with approximately 262 channels, responsible for storm water runoff, produces every year, by the intervention of cleaning and clearing channels, a significant volume of sediments (dredged mud), and thus an appropriate methodology for their final destination. This study aims to assess the influence of incorporation of these tailings in arrays of clay for production of interlocked block ceramic, also known as ceramic paver. All the raw materials from the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS) were characterized by x-ray fluorescence, x-ray diffraction, thermal analysis (TG and TDA), particle size analysis and dilatometry. With the use of statistical experimental planning technique, ternary diagram was defined in the study region and the analyzed formulations. The specimens were prepared with dimensions of 60x20x5mm³, by uniaxial pressing of 30 MPa and after sintering at temperatures of 900°, 1000º and 1100ºC the technological properties were evaluated: linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent specifies mass, flexural rupture and module. For the uniaxial compression strength used cylindrical probe body with Ø 50 mm. The standard mass (MP) was prepared with 90% by weight of clay and 10% by weight of Channel sediment (SCP), not being verified significant variations in the properties of the final product. With the incorporation of 10% by weight of manganese residue (PFM) and 10% by weight of the Ceramic waste (RCB) in the mass default, in addition to adjusting the plasticity due to less waste clay content, provided increased linear firing shrinkage, due the significant concentration of K2O, forming liquid phase at low temperature, contributing to decreased porosity and mechanical resistance, being 92,5 MPa maximum compressive strength verified. After extract test leachate and soluble, the piece containing 10% of the PFM, was classified as non-hazardous and inert material according to NBR10004/04 ABNT. The results showed the feasibility on using waste, SCP, RCB and PFM clay mass, at temperatures above 900ºC, paver ceramic production, according to the specifications of the technical standards, so that to exceed the 10% of the PFM, it becomes imperative to conduct studies of environmental impacts
In the present work it was developed originals alternatives of enveronmentally safe and economically viable destination of thermoset plastic residue from a button factory, which at presnte stores such residue tempor and in a way that is inconvenient to the atmosphere, a waiting safe solutions. As the residue is not recycleab and its burning leberates strongly aggressive gases, safe alternatives were researched. Inicially, ghe residue in incineration was performed in cement ovens with precise control ofe emission of gases, but it was proved inviable due to its low calorific power, as well as the liberation of free lead in the ashes. An original and feasible option was the residue confinemente in soil-ciment blocks, lohich resulted in blocks highly resistant to simple compression with structural block, and also a significant increase in thermal resistence. Was got up other options of original and important composites as: making of blocks for pré-moulded flagstone, internal coating of walls with plaster being obtained good texture results, replenish of ceramic blocks and blocks with cement, also implying in increase of thermal resistance. Besides these original and scientific contributions, the it was technologically contribution of defreadation with suggestions of the material using torch of thermal plasm; for this was projected, built, characterized and tested a torch to it shapes it being obtained exciting results for the development of this technology come back for ending destruction from all the types of inconvenient garbage to the atmosphere
Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da farinha de resíduos da indústria de filetagem de tilápias (FR) como fonte de proteína e de minerais em rações práticas na alimentação de alevinos de tilápia do Nilo. Foram utilizados 120 alevinos de tilápias do Nilo com peso e comprimento iniciais de 0,58 ± 0,05 g e 3,49 ± 0,09 cm, respectivamente, distribuídos em 24 aquários com capacidade para 30 L, em um delineamento inteiramente casualisado, com quatro tratamentos e seis repetições. Os peixes foram alimentados com rações contendo 30% de proteína digestível e 3.000 kcal de energia digestível/kg, de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos: CO - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, sem suplementação de fósforo; FB - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, com fosfato bicálcico; FB + FR - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, suplementada com fosfato bicálcico (50%) e farinha de resíduos (50%); FT - ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, suplementada com farinha de resíduos. Ao final do experimento, os melhores resultados de desempenho foram observados nos animais que receberam suplementação de P. Quanto às características de carcaça, os animais que receberam a ração CO apresentaram maior teor de gordura corporal e menores teores de cinzas, Ca e P. A FR pode ser utilizada em rações para alevinos de tilápia do Nilo como fonte de P, sem prejuízos no desempenho e na composição corporal.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The standardization of the bovine skin thickness in the leather industry generates a residue known as wet-blue . At the end of twentieth century, the brazilian industry discarded about 131 thousand tons of this residue in nature, provoking a great environmental liability. In this paper is presented the analyses of the termophysical properties, thermal and volumetric expansion performance of a composite of vegetable resin of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) with load of industrial residue of leather "wet-blue", for application as thermal isolation material of warm surfaces. There were considered four percentile levels of residue load in the proportions in mass of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15%, added to the expansible resin of castor oil plant in two configurations: sawed leather and crushed leather in a smaller particle (powder) by grinding in a mill of balls. Twenty-one proof bodies were produced for termophysical properties analysis (three for each configuration) and four proof bodies for rehearsals of thermal acting. Analyses of thermal acting were done in test cameras. The results of the rehearsals were compared to those obtained considering the castor oil plant foam without residue addition. A small reduction of the thermal conductivity of the composite was observed in the proportion of 10% of leather residue in both configurations. Regarding thermal conductivity, calorific capacity and diffusivity, it was verified that the proposed composite showed very close values to the commercial insulating materials (glass wool, rock wool, EPS). It was still demonstrated the technical viability of the use of composite as insulating thermal for systems of low potency. The composite presented larger volumetric expansion with 15% of sawed residue of leather.
The petroleum industry, in consequence of an intense activity of exploration and production, is responsible by great part of the generation of residues, which are considered toxic and pollutants to the environment. Among these, the oil sludge is found produced during the production, transportation and refine phases. This work had the purpose to develop a process to recovery the oil present in oil sludge, in order to use the recovered oil as fuel or return it to the refining plant. From the preliminary tests, were identified the most important independent variables, like: temperature, contact time, solvents and acid volumes. Initially, a series of parameters to characterize the oil sludge was determined to characterize its. A special extractor was projected to work with oily waste. Two experimental designs were applied: fractional factorial and Doehlert. The tests were carried out in batch process to the conditions of the experimental designs applied. The efficiency obtained in the oil extraction process was 70%, in average. Oil sludge is composed of 36,2% of oil, 16,8% of ash, 40% of water and 7% of volatile constituents. However, the statistical analysis showed that the quadratic model was not well fitted to the process with a relative low determination coefficient (60,6%). This occurred due to the complexity of the oil sludge. To obtain a model able to represent the experiments, the mathematical model was used, the so called artificial neural networks (RNA), which was generated, initially, with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 neurons in the hidden layer, 64 experimental results and 10000 presentations (interactions). Lesser dispersions were verified between the experimental and calculated values using 4 neurons, regarding the proportion of experimental points and estimated parameters. The analysis of the average deviations of the test divided by the respective training showed up that 2150 presentations resulted in the best value parameters. For the new model, the determination coefficient was 87,5%, which is quite satisfactory for the studied system
This work aims to use a different hydrodynamic condition applied to a new design of mixer-settler on treating wastewater produced by petroleum industry, called MDIF (Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases/ Mixer-Settler based on Phase Inversion MSPI). The use of this different hydrodynamic behaviour is possible due to vertical disposition of the device and the principle of Phase Inversion that controls the MDIF, providing the generation (creation) of a cascade of drops, into an organic layer, that works as micro-decanters, thus making possible the formation of a bed of non-coalesced drops, called Bed Formation . The use of this new hydrodynamics condition allows to increase the residence time of the oil carrier drops, into an organic layer, and the device can treat a greater volume of wastewater. In view of to get this condition it is necessary to operate at high throughput (58,6 m3.m-2.h-1). By results, the condition of Bed Formation is the best one to be used when MSPI operates with throughput up to 58,6 m3.m-2.h-1. The results using the condition of Bed Formation show that increasing the height of the bed of non-coalesced drops and/or decreasing the volumetric ratio (O/A) an increase of the separation efficiency is detected
During the process of the salt production, the first the salt crystals formed are disposed of as industrial waste. This waste is formed basically by gypsum, composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O), known as carago cru or malacacheta . After be submitted the process of calcination to produce gypsum (CaSO4.0,5H2O), can be made possible its application in cement industry. This work aims to optimize the time and temperature for the process of calcination of the gypsum (carago) for get beta plaster according to the specifications of the norms of civil construction. The experiments involved the chemical and mineralogical characterization of the gypsum (carago) from the crystallizers, and of the plaster that is produced in the salt industry located in Mossoró, through the following techniques: x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS. For optimization of time and temperature of the process of calcination was used the planning three factorial with levels with response surfaces of compressive mechanical tests and setting time, according norms NBR-13207: Plasters for civil construction and x-ray diffraction of plasters (carago) beta obtained in calcination. The STATISTICA software 7.0 was used for the calculations to relate the experimental data for a statistical model. The process for optimization of calcination of gypsum (carago) occurred in the temperature range from 120° C to 160° C and the time in the range of 90 to 210 minutes in the oven at atmospheric pressure, it was found that with the increase of values of temperature of 160° C and time calcination of 210 minutes to get the results of tests of resistance to compression with values above 10 MPa which conform to the standard required (> 8.40) and that the X-ray diffractograms the predominance of the phase of hemidrato beta, getting a beta plaster of good quality and which is in accordance with the norms in force, giving a by-product of the salt industry employability in civil construction
In order to cooperate in minimizing the problems of the current and growing volume of waste, this work aim at the production of panels made from industrial waste -thermoplastic (polypropylene; polyethylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) reinforced with agro-industrial waste - peach palm waste (shells and sheaths). The properties of the panels like density, thickness swelling, water absorption and moisture content were evaluated using the ASTM D1037; EN 317; and ANSI A208.1 standards regarding particle boards. Good results were obtained with formulations of 100% plastic waste; 70% waste plastics and 30% peach palm waste; and 60% waste plastics and 40% peach palm waste.