964 resultados para increase knowledge
OBJECTIVE: The significance of pretransplant, donor-specific antibodies on long-term patient outcomes is a subject of debate. This study evaluated the impact and the presence or absence of donor-specific antibodies after kidney transplantation on short-and long-term graft outcomes. METHODS: We analyzed the frequency and dynamics of pretransplant donor-specific antibodies following renal transplantation from a randomized trial that was conducted from 2002 to 2004 and correlated these findings with patient outcomes through 2009. Transplants were performed against a complement-dependent T-and B-negative crossmatch. Pre- and posttransplant sera were available from 94 of the 118 patients (80%). Antibodies were detected using a solid-phase (Luminex (R)), single-bead assay, and all tests were performed simultaneously. RESULTS: Sixteen patients exhibited pretransplant donor-specific antibodies, but only 3 of these patients (19%) developed antibody-mediated rejection and 2 of them experienced early graft losses. Excluding these 2 losses, 6 of 14 patients exhibited donor-specific antibodies at the final follow-up exam, whereas 8 of these patients (57%) exhibited complete clearance of the donor-specific antibodies. Five other patients developed "de novo'' posttransplant donor-specific antibodies. Death-censored graft survival was similar in patients with pretransplant donor-specific and non-donor-specific antibodies after a mean follow-up period of 70 months. CONCLUSION: Pretransplant donor-specific antibodies with a negative complement-dependent cytotoxicity crossmatch are associated with a risk for the development of antibody-mediated rejection, although survival rates are similar when patients transpose the first months after receiving the graft. Our data also suggest that early posttransplant donor-specific antibody monitoring should increase knowledge of antibody dynamics and their impact on long-term graft outcome.
CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL FACTORS INFLUENCING LEAD AND COPPER CONTAMINATION IN DRINKING WATER: APPROACH FOR A CASE STUDY IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirao Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.
In spite of the high prevalence and negative impact of depression, little is known about its pathophysiology. Basic research on depression needs new animal models in order to increase knowledge of the disease and search for new therapies. The work presented here aims to provide a neurobiologically validated model for investigating the relationships among sickness behavior, antidepressants treatment, and social dominance behavior. For this purpose, dominant individuals from dyads of male Swiss mice were treated with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce social hierarchy destabilization. Two groups were treated with the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine prior to LPS administration. In these groups, antidepressant treatment prevented the occurrence of social destabilization. These results indicate that this model could be useful in providing new insights into the understanding of the brain systems involved in depression.
OBJETIVO: Identificar modelos de intervenções psicoeducacionais e os seus efeitos em cuidadores de idosos com demência. MÉTODOS: Levantamento de estudos publicados entre janeiro de 2000 e abril de 2012 nas bases de dados PubMed, Web of Knowledge, Lilacs e SciELO, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave "psychoeducational and caregiver", "cuidador e demência e psicoeducação" e "cuidador e intervenção". Apenas os artigos que denominavam a intervenção estudada como psicoeducação fazem parte do presente estudo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 27 artigos com relatos acerca do impacto de intervenções psicoeducacionais em cuidadores de idosos com demência. Os resultados mais prevalentes desses estudos são: melhora do bem-estar dos cuidadores (37% dos estudos); aumento do uso de estratégias de enfrentamento (30%); diminuição de pensamentos disfuncionais (30%); aumento do conhecimento sobre os serviços disponíveis (19%); melhora da autoeficácia (15%); e aumento de habilidades para o cuidado (11%). A abordagem psicoeducacional descrita nos estudos é do âmbito informativo, cognitivo-comportamental, com técnicas de gerenciamento de estresse e de emoções; técnicas de resolução de problemas e apoio emocional. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção psicoeducacional contribui significativamente para a melhora do bem-estar do cuidador, contudo ainda é necessária uma padronização dessa abordagem, em termos de estrutura, duração e conteúdos ministrados, para que haja evidências mais precisas do efeito desse tipo de intervenção.
Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirão Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.
The rationale behind this piece of research is to study the movement of people from Bologna city centre to its outskirts and to find out what type of people are subject to move and the reasons for this: are they forced into or do they choose to do so? The present study will also consider how people commute from home to the city centre and the effect this has on them. For the purpose of this work, attention will be drawn to the possibility of these outer areas to develop in such a way that people will no longer need to commute to the city in order to recreate the advantages this offers to them (e.g. shops, job opportunities, ext). The theoretical framework this doctorial work is based upon concerns historical, urbanist, sociological and demographic approaches, along with the fact that the hegemony of the city centre has been benefiting has decreased. Historical centres and the central poles of metropolitan systems have lost their functional and symbolic relevance. More specifically, the Bologna Area is undergoing two tendencies: the first one is a process of residential decentralization from the capital town, capable of involving a plurality of social groups, which caused an enrichment of the social composition of "suburban" population. The second process is a partial substitution of the population in the city centre with new groups: this not only occurred with directional groups, but it has also interested new parts of the “service worker” class and members of metropolitan underclass, causing, consequentially, a growing complexity in central areas of the metropolitan system. The need to increase knowledge of Bologna territory has become more and more relevant, since the 70’s, when a series of important environmental transformations favoured a research interest that did not exclusively stopped within the city centre boarders, but rather encouraged the exploration of Bologna outer/suburban areas. Finally, in the urban/suburban discourse, this piece of research has highlighted how the search for a better quality of life (financial reasons, larger spaces, possibility to buy/rent for a better price, environmental issues) determines the choice to leave the centre of the city in favour of outer areas. The tendency that this doctorial work has brought to surface is the need to match a more manageable standard of living to the proximity to the city, despite the fact that this results in the stress caused to commuting and the lack of those cultural and entertaining facilities offered by the city. The new suburban inhabitants do not regret leaving the city, but, at the same time, do not feel emotionally attached to the new location at a community level: what they seem to look for is a more comfortable environment where to live in.
Background. The increasing prevalence of overweight among youth in the United States, and the parallel rise in related medical comorbidities has led to a growing need for efficient weight-management interventions. Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Choosing Health and Sensible Exercise (C.H.A.S.E.) childhood obesity prevention program on Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity and dietary behaviors. Methods. This study utilized de-identified data collected during the fall 2006 session of the C.H.A.S.E. program. A total of 65 students at Woodview Elementary School and Deepwater Elementary School participated in this intervention. The C.H.A.S.E. program is a 10-week obesity prevention program that focuses on nutrition and physical activity education. Collection of height and weight data, and a health behavior survey was conducted during the first and last week of the intervention. Paired t-tests were used to determine statistically significant differences between pre- and post-intervention measurements. One-way analysis of variance was used to adjust for potential confounders, such as gender, age, BMI category ("normal weight", "at risk overweight", or "overweight"), and self-reported weight loss goals. Data were analyzed using STATA, v. 9.2. Results. A significant decrease in mean BMI (p< 0.05) was found after the 10-week intervention. While the results were statistically significant for the group as a whole, changes in BMI were not significant when stratified by age, sex, or ethnicity. The mean overall scores for the behavior survey did not change significantly pre- and post-intervention; however, significant differences were found in the dietary intention scale, indicating that students were more likely to intend to make healthier food choices (p<0.05). No statistically significant decreases in BMI were found when stratified for baseline BMI-for-age percentiles or baseline weight loss efforts (p>0.05). Conclusion. The results of this evaluation provide information that will be useful in planning and implementing an effective childhood obesity intervention in the future. Changes in the self-reported dietary intentions and BMI show that the C.H.A.S.E. program is capable of modifying food choice selection and decreasing BMI. Results from the behavior questionnaire indicate that students in the intervention program were making changes in a positive direction. Future implementation of the C.H.A.S.E. program, as well as other childhood obesity interventions, may want to consider incorporating additional strategies to increase knowledge and other behavioral constructs associated with decreased BMI. In addition, obesity prevention programs may want to increase parental involvement and increase the dose or intensity of the intervention. ^
Epilepsy is a very complex disease which can have a variety of etiologies, co-morbidities, and a long list of psychosocial factors4. Clinical management of epilepsy patients typically includes serological tests, EEG's, and imaging studies to determine the single best antiepileptic drug (AED). Self-management is a vital component of achieving optimal health when living with a chronic disease. For patients with epilepsy self-management includes any necessary actions to control seizures and cope with any subsequent effects of the condition9; including aspects of treatment, seizure, and lifestyle. The use of computer-based applications can allow for more effective use of clinic visits and ultimately enhance the patient-provider relationship through focused discussion of determinants affecting self-management. ^ The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review on informatics application in epilepsy self-management in an effort to describe current evidence for informatics applications and decision support as an adjunct to successful clinical management of epilepsy. Each publication was analyzed for the type of study design utilized. ^ A total of 68 publications were included and categorized by the study design used, development stage, and clinical domain. Descriptive study designs comprised of three-fourths of the publications and indicate an underwhelming use of prospective studies. The vast majority of prospective studies also focused on clinician use to increase knowledge in treating patients with epilepsy. ^ Due to the chronic nature of epilepsy and the difficulty that both clinicians and patients can experience in managing epilepsy, more prospective studies are needed to evaluate applications that can effectively increase management activities. Within the last two decades of epilepsy research, management studies have employed the use of biomedical informatics applications. While the use of computer applications to manage epilepsy has increased, more progress is needed.^
Purpose: This study translated and adapted the It's Your Game, Keep It Real study currently being implemented with middle school youth in Southeast Texas for a middle school population in rural western Honduras. The study tested the effects of a sexual health education program focused on human immunodeficiency virus, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy prevention. We hypothesized that the number of adolescents in the intervention group who initiate sexual activity will reduce in comparison to the control group and there will be an increase consistent condom use in sexually active adolescents in the intervention group. ^ Methods: The target population included Spanish-speaking Hispanic middle school students from a small, semi-urban city in western Honduras. One school was randomly selected to receive the intervention and one to the comparison condition. The intervention curriculum consisted of 10 seventh-grade lessons that included individual and group classroom-based activities and personal journaling. Follow-up surveys were completed three months after the last lesson with 146 students (79.3% of the defined cohort). ^ Results: In the comparison condition, 21.4% of students initiated sex by the post-test follow-up three months after the intervention compared to 7.8% in the intervention condition. ^ Conclusions: A multi-component, curriculum-based program that is theory driven and culturally relevant can increase knowledge about STIs and HIV, increase self-confidence amongst middle school students, and develop communication skills amongst friends and partners. Further research must be conducted to assess delay in sexual initiation and the generalizability of these results.^
Cognitive rehabilitation aims to remediate or alleviate the cognitive deficits appearing after an episode of acquired brain injury (ABI). The purpose of this work is to describe the telerehabilitation platform called Guttmann Neuropersonal Trainer (GNPT) which provides new strategies for cognitive rehabilitation, improving efficiency and access to treatments, and to increase knowledge generation from the process. A cognitive rehabilitation process has been modeled to design and develop the system, which allows neuropsychologists to configure and schedule rehabilitation sessions, consisting of set of personalized computerized cognitive exercises grounded on neuroscience and plasticity principles. It provides remote continuous monitoring of patient's performance, by an asynchronous communication strategy. An automatic knowledge extraction method has been used to implement a decision support system, improving treatment customization. GNPT has been implemented in 27 rehabilitation centers and in 83 patients' homes, facilitating the access to the treatment. In total, 1660 patients have been treated. Usability and cost analysis methodologies have been applied to measure the efficiency in real clinical environments. The usability evaluation reveals a system usability score higher than 70 for all target users. The cost efficiency study results show a relation of 1-20 compared to face-to-face rehabilitation. GNPT enables brain-damaged patients to continue and further extend rehabilitation beyond the hospital, improving the efficiency of the rehabilitation process. It allows customized therapeutic plans, providing information to further development of clinical practice guidelines.
Background: sulla base delle evidenze emerse dalle rassegne sistematiche in materia (Johnstone, 1994; Cohen et al.,1998; Robson et al., 2012; Burke et al., 2006; Ricci et al., 2015) si è ipotizzato che la formazione alla salute e sicurezza sul lavoro sia maggiormente efficace quando non è presentata come obbligatoria e venga articolata su più livelli di apprendimento, attraverso metodologie adeguate per ogni livello, con docenti che abbiano caratteristiche corrispondenti allo specifico obiettivo di apprendimento e la cui durata sia parametrata all’obiettivo stesso. Obiettivo di questa ricerca è valutare se esista e quanto sia intensa la relazione causale tra la formazione alla sicurezza sul lavoro e i suoi effetti sul miglioramento delle conoscenze, degli atteggiamenti, dei comportamenti, degli esiti per la salute, del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione. Metodo: la variabile indipendente è costituita dell’intervento formativo erogato, articolato in tre condizioni: formazione obbligatoria, formazione non obbligatoria, gruppo di controllo: sono stati posti a confronto due interventi di pari durata (16 settimane, per 10h complessive), realizzati con identiche modalità (step1 audio-visivo; step2 affiancamento su lavoro da parte del preposto; step3 discussione di auto-casi), ma differenziati rispetto all’essere presentati uno come formazione obbligatoria, l’altro come non obbligatoria. I due gruppi sono anche stati confrontati con un gruppo di controllo per il quale la formazione è prevista successivamente. I partecipanti sono stati assegnati in modo casuale al gruppo con obbligo formativo, senza obbligo formativo, di controllo. Sono stati presi come indicatori (variabili dipendenti) per valutare l’effetto della formazione: I livello – conoscenze: riconoscimento o produzione di un maggior numero di risposte corrette. II livello – atteggiamenti e credenze: maggiore propensione a mettere in atto comportamenti auto ed etero protettivi. III livello – comportamenti: comportamenti osservati più adeguati per la tutela della salute propria e altrui. IV livello – salute: maggior grado di benessere bio-psico-sociale auto-riferito. Le misure di esito consistono nella variazione tra la rilevazione iniziale e ogni rilevazione successiva, sulla base delle diverse misure registrate per ognuno dei quattro livelli dell’intervento formativo. Lo stesso confronto del tempo è stato realizzato per le misure del clima di sicurezza aziendale, del controllo comportamentale percepito dai lavoratori, delle condizioni operative e procedure interne, oltre l’eventuale effetto di moderazione determinato da caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti e dal gradimento della formazione, quest’ultimo misurato solo immediatamente al termine dell’intervento. Risultati: le condizioni di intervento non differiscono in termini di efficacia, la formazione determina infatti gli stessi risultati per i partecipanti del gruppo obbligo formativo e di quello non obbligo, con una significativa differenza post-intervento rispetto al gruppo di controllo. La formazione ha un effetto forte nel miglioramento delle conoscenze che solo parzialmente decade nel tempo, ma comunque mantenendo un livello maggiore rispetto ai valori iniziali. In relazione al miglioramento di atteggiamenti e comportamenti sicuri nel lavoro al Videoterminale, l’effetto della formazione è modesto: per gli atteggiamenti si registra solo un miglioramento verso l’applicazione delle procedure come utili realmente e non come mero adempimento, ma tale effetto decade entro quattro mesi riportando i partecipanti su valori iniziali; i comportamenti invece migliorano nel tempo, ma con deboli differenze tra partecipanti alla formazione e gruppo di controllo, tuttavia tale miglioramento non decade in seguito. Non si registrano invece effetti della formazione nella direzione attesa in termini di esiti per la salute, per il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e come maggior controllo comportamentale percepito, non risultano nemmeno dati evidenti di moderazione degli effetti dovuti a caratteristiche socio-demografiche dei partecipanti. Inoltre emerge che il gradimento per la formazione è correlato con migliori atteggiamenti (strumento audio-visivo), il miglioramento del clima di sicurezza e un maggior controllo comportamentale percepito (studio di auto-casi), ovvero gli step che hanno visto l’intervento di formatori qualificati. Infine, la formazione ha determinato migliori condizioni operative e l’adeguamento delle procedure interne. Conclusioni: la presente ricerca ci consente di affermare che la formazione erogata è stata efficace, oltre che molto gradita dai partecipanti, in particolare quando il formatore è qualificato per questa attività (step1 e 3). L’apprendimento prodotto è tanto più stabile nel tempo quanto più i contenuti sono in stretta relazione con l’esperienza lavorativa quotidiana dei partecipanti, mentre negli altri casi il decremento degli effetti è alquanto rapido, di conseguenza ribadiamo la necessità di erogare la formazione con continuità nel tempo. E’ risultato comunque modesto l’effetto della formazione per migliorare gli atteggiamenti e i comportamenti nel lavoro al VDT, ma, al di là di alcuni limiti metodologici, sono obiettivi ambiziosi che richiedono più tempo di quanto abbiamo potuto disporre in questa occasione e il cui conseguimento risente molto delle prassi reali adottate nel contesto lavorativo dopo il termine della formazione. Le evidenze finora prodotte non hanno poi chiarito in modo definitivo se attraverso la formazione si possano determinare effetti significativi nel miglioramento di esiti per la salute, anche eventualmente attraverso interventi di supporto individuale. Inoltre l’assenza di differenze significative negli effetti tra i partecipanti assegnati alla condizione di obbligo e quelli di non obbligo, eccezion fatta in direzione opposta alle attese per la misura del danno da lavoro, suggeriscono che nell’erogare la formazione, occorre sottolineare in misura molto rilevante l’importanza dell’intervento che viene realizzato, anche qualora esistesse una prescrizione normativa cogente. Infine, la ricerca ci ha fornito anche indicazioni metodologiche e misure valide che invitano ad estendere questa formazione, e la sua valutazione di efficacia, a diversi comparti economici e svariate mansioni. Nel fare questo è possibile fare riferimento, e testare nuovamente, un modello che indica la corretta percezione del rischio (conoscenza) come fattore necessario, ma non sufficiente per ottenere, con la mediazione di atteggiamenti favorevoli allo specifico comportamento, azioni sicure, attraverso le quali si rinforza l’atteggiamento e migliorano le conoscenze. La formazione, per raggiungere i propri obiettivi, deve tuttavia agire anche sui meccanismi di conformismo sociale favorevoli alla safety, questi originano da conoscenze e azioni sicure e reciprocamente le rinforzano.
No país existem inúmeras estruturas e obras civis que estão em operação a dezenas de anos e necessitam de monitoramento periódico devido a sua importância. Por este motivo, a dissertação apresenta um caso de um túnel antigo com problema de queda de bloco e visa instigar novas pesquisas e aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Foram realizadas inspeções em campo em alguns túneis não revestidos da Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM), bem como os ensaios em laboratório e in situ realizados nas amostras e no maciço rochoso para caracterizar o problema. Para o estudo foi escolhido o túnel Monte Seco Linha 1 e Linha 2 nos quais foram realizadas sondagens rotativas inclinadas e orientadas próximas ao eixo para investigação dos planos de descontinuidade. Os conceitos da Teoria dos Blocos-Chave foram aplicados às famílias de descontinuidades encontradas nos Túneis Monte Seco L1 e L2 para identificar os possíveis blocos instáveis formados pelas escavações. Para obtenção dos parâmetros geotécnicos de resistência e deformabilidade foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial instrumentados com strain gages. A resistência a tração foi obtida através de Ensaio de Compressão Diametral (ECD). No ensaio de campo foi utilizado o Martelo de Schmidt para avaliação da rocha in situ. Através da análise dos dados foi possível distinguir setores cuja ocorrência de queda de blocos são maiores e a classe do maciço rochoso de acordo com a proposta de Bieniawski.
A avaliação vocal é realizada predominantemente por meio da avaliação perceptivoauditiva, sendo dependente de conhecimentos teóricos prévios e de treinamento prático e dinâmico. Entretanto, ainda são escassas as iniciativas educacionais que se utilizam das novas tecnologias para o ensino da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz. A utilização de estratégias com novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação, hoje tão presentes e familiarizadas no meio universitário, apresentam o intuito de facilitar e otimizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Desta forma, este estudo teve o propósito de elaborar e avaliar um curso a distância em um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sobre essa temática. Elaborou-se um curso a distância sobre a avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz organizado em quatro módulos principais: 1. Noções básicas de anatomia e fisiologia da fonação; 2. Ouvindo vozes; 3. Avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz e 4. Aplicabilidade da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz, além de um adicional com vídeos sobre curiosidades e sugestão de material complementar para estudo. O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) também apresentou diversas ferramentas educacionais como textos, imagens ilustrativas, videoaulas, vídeos, arquivos de áudio, atividades práticas individuais, fóruns, além de recursos de interatividade entre alunos e tutora. Este material foi antecipadamente avaliado por três especialistas que avaliaram o material positivamente como uma inovadora e importante ferramenta educacional que poderá ser utilizada na formação de estudantes na área de voz. Foram convidados a participar do curso a distância, 133 alunos do 1o ao 4o ano de um curso de graduação em Fonoaudiologia de uma Universidade do interior paulista. Concordaram em participar 33 estudantes e desses, nove concluíram o curso. Os alunos responderam a avaliações de conteúdo nos momentos pré e pós-curso, de forma presencial e a avaliações de cada módulo, realizadas por meio de questões específicas e atividades práticas, no próprio site. Ao término do curso os alunos também responderam a uma avaliação motivacional do AVA. Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante na média de acertos nas provas pré e pós-curso dos alunos, nas questões teóricas (p= 0,031), nas práticas (p=0,000) e no total (p=0,002), demonstrando que o material elaborado foi capaz de aumentar o conhecimento dos estudantes a respeito de seu tema. O AVA apresentou alto índice de satisfação motivacional e foi avaliado por todos os participantes como um curso impressionante, de acordo com o instrumento de avaliação motivacional utilizado. Conclui-se que foi possível elaborar um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA), em formato de curso a distância, sobre a temática da avaliação perceptivoauditiva da voz e que o material elaborado apresenta um importante potencial de ensino e aprendizagem sobre esse tema.
Introducción: Las esferas vaginales también son conocidas como bolas chinas, bolas vaginales, bolas del amor, bolas de geisha, Rin no tama, bolas Ben Wa. Ayudan a fortalecer el suelo pélvico. Estas producen una microvibración al moverse la bola del interior, favoreciendo la musculatura del suelo pélvico y aumentando el riego sanguíneo a nivel de la pelvis. Hay esferas de diferente peso, par su indicación el suelo pélvico debe estar tónico. Objetivo: Revisar la literatura sobre la efectividad de las esferas vaginales e incrementar los conocimientos de los profesionales sobre este tipo de tratamiento propioceptivo, que resulta eficaz para muchas mujeres por su fácil utilización. Metodología: Búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos: Cochrane Plus, Medline, Gerion, Scielo, Cuiden, Biblioteca de Salud Reproductiva de la OMS y google académico. Resultados: Las esferas vaginales son eficaces en el tratamiento de la incontinencia urinaria y fecal y para el entrenamiento del suelo pélvico. La incontinencia urinaria es un problema frecuente y molesto, que puede llegar a interferir en el trabajo, en la vida social y sexual. Hay necesidad de más ensayos para evaluar los métodos y protocolos de entrenamiento adecuados para la prevención de la incontinencia, del prolapso y de la disfunción sexual. Conclusión: Se ha evidenciado que las esferas vaginales son eficaces en el tratamiento de mujeres con incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo e igualmente efectivas, en el entrenamiento muscular del suelo pélvico.
This paper describes the first 4-year period (2012–2015) of implementation of the Portuguese National Programme for the Promotion of Healthy Eating (PNPAS). PNPAS was approved in 2012 and emerged as a preventive programme for noncommunicable diseases, aiming to improve the nutritional status of the population; it represents the first national strategy in Portugal for the promotion of healthy eating. To accomplish its mission, and taking into account its overall principles, PNPAS has five main goals: (i) to increase knowledge about the food intake of the Portuguese population and about its determinants and consequences; (ii) to modify the availability of certain foods (high in sugar, salt and fat), in schools, workplaces and public spaces; (iii) to inform and empower the population for the purchase, preparation and storage of healthy food, especially the most vulnerable groups; (iv) to identify and promote crosssectoral actions that encourage the consumption of foods of good nutritional quality in an articulate and integrated way with other sectors, namely agriculture, sport, environment, education, social security and local authorities; and (v) to improve the qualifications and conduct of the different professionals who, owing to their roles, may influence nutritional knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. The design of PNPAS followed the latest strategic lines suggested by WHO and the European Commission, proposing a crosssectoral mix of interventions to ensure physical and economic access to healthy eating by creating healthy environments and empowering individuals and communities. Several actions were implemented at different levels during the first 4-year period of implementation of PNPAS; two were especially relevant. The first concerned the empowerment of citizens regarding healthy eating, where the most important aspect was introduction of a digital strategy through development of a website and a blog dedicated to healthy eating. The second concerned the development of documents for health care and other professionals, including several guidelines in new areas, such as anthropometric measures and intervention in preobesity. Process and output indicators were defined to monitor and evaluate the programme. Among those considered as output indicators were the evaluation of childhood obesity, salt consumption and intake of breakfast by school-aged children.